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Immortal Dreams

Page 8

by Chrissy Peebles

  Both of the lycans disappear, leaving us behind in the darkness without a threat.

  "What the hell just happened?" Frankie gushes as he rises up to see the bodies of the dark users lying around like limp, drained rag dolls.

  "Believe it or not, night stalkers and lycans just saved our lives."

  "Night stalkers and lycans took down a flock of dark users to help us?" he asks in disbelief.

  I look around, understanding his shock. I watched it happen with my own eyes and I'm still struggling to find it true.

  "Yeah. These dark users were apparently fairly new to their abilities, so they died easier."

  "Those had to be some badass mother fuckers to do all this even if they were new to the change," he murmurs to continue our very whispered conversation.

  I step over the bodies of the men and women shriveled up, their eyes glazed over with death's glare.

  "That's creepy," Frankie shivers out.

  "What's creepy is watching the dark ones of our kind trying to tear us apart and then watching our heroes be night stalkers and lycans."

  Frankie shakes his head, still reeling from the absurdity of it all, and we continue to trek through the woods, not risking getting still again.

  "How about casting an awake spell?" I whisper. "I'd prefer to have a little backup the next time they attack."

  "Good idea," he mumbles before he starts chanting under his breath.

  "There it is," he whispers as we stare through the thick brush at the black tree in front of us.

  My clothes are filthy, my hair is a tangled mess, and we've been on foot for two days - no sleep since the attack - for this?

  "How is this supposed to help us find Mom?"

  "Like the Tree of Gaya - the root of the light - this is the tree of Tartarus, the root of the dark. If Calypso is close by, this will lead us there," he whispers, careful not to draw any unwanted ears our way.

  Suddenly, a white hawk zooms down from the sky, barreling toward us as it screeches in protest.

  "Get down, Alyssa! Changer!" Frankie yells.

  I squeal and duck, but the hawk doesn't attack. Instead, it disappears behind the tree. I pull my hands up, ready to go on the offense, when I'm startled from behind.

  "Don't use that tree. You'll awaken a thousand souls and yet you'll only have a riddle for what you need to know," a smooth voice says, and my eyes fall on his face in disbelief.

  "Thad?" I gasp.

  His lips thin, and then he nods while tossing a pair of pants beside the tree. I look over my shoulder to see an a guy pulling them on, his bare body making me blush, and then I whip my head back around.

  "I'll tear you apart if you try to touch us," Frankie threatens.

  "If I wanted to harm her, I would have already done so. I moved in next door to keep an eye on her once I found out she was living in a town full of night stalkers."

  I tilt my head, still stunned into near silence.

  "Why? You're a-"

  "A vicious killer with a taste for blood?" he laughs out. "Not exactly. Just because I'm a changer, it doesn't make me a killer. I've only killed when necessary, never for a meal. They have blood banks these days. I happen to own a few. Before then, I learned when to stop before I killed someone."

  His smug tone doesn't match the sweet boy next door I thought he was, but at the same time, he just got a hell of a lot sexier.

  Stupid bad boy complex.

  "Changers don't stop, they kill for fun," Frankie objects, his eyes narrowing in scrutiny.

  "It's amazing you say that, considering the same was once said about witches and warlocks. You think you're the only ones who've evolved?"

  Three girls and two more guys walk up to join him, all of them hiding their secret. Then one girl's eyes glow blue, making me sick.

  "Night stalker," I shiver out.

  "She's not going to hurt you. She's here to help," Thad says as he walks toward me. "Your mom isn't here - never was. But someone wanted the council to think she was."

  "And we're just supposed to take you at your word?" Frankie scoffs.

  "No, but a thousand souls really are tied to that tree. That's what the dark ones used to bless it. If you use your white magic on it, you'll release more hell on earth than Pandora's box ever thought about, and you'll have nothing in return."

  "Where is she?" I interrupt, holding Frankie back when he starts to do something foolish.

  Thad keeps a wary eye on Frankie for a moment before answering me.

  "That, I don't know. I do know you're not going to find her this way, but I'll help you find her the right way."

  I glance at the dark tree that seems to be taunting me right now, a silent plea for me to free the mayhem begging to wreak havoc, whispering its desires to me. I cut away before I get too entranced by the fucked up chaos living inside of it.

  "How did you know?" I ask, suspicion oozing from my tone.

  "About your mother's disappearance or the fact you're a witch?"


  He cracks his neck to the side, and then looks around before speaking.

  "I'm here as a servant to... Drackus. If I can't help you, he'll get involved. No one from either side wants that," he almost whispers, making the others lower their eyes.

  "My father?" I gasp.

  Frankie takes a step back once he hears the name that has struck fear in so many for so long. Thad nods.

  "Believe it or not, he's been keeping tabs on you since you were a child. He sent me to watch after you after he learned you had branched out on your own."

  I'd be touched if my father wasn't a psychotic asshole with too much power for any one person to hold.

  "Where do you suggest we start?"

  "I suggest you let me take over the legwork from here. I didn't mean to get this involved, but now that I am, it's time to let us seek her out. I'll call you if I find anything."

  He turns to walk off with his entourage, but I race to get in front of him.

  "Hell no. She's my mother, and I want to be there."

  He gives me a look filled with condescension, and I refrain from using my magic on his alpha ass.

  “Alyssa, you're looking at old world relics and falling into obvious traps. You can't expect me to let you come. You have no idea the things your father would do to me if anything happens to you."

  "Nothing will happen. Please. She's my mom. She's all I've got," I whimper, and his eyes soften, his arrogance slowly subsiding and fading into sympathy.

  "I'm really, really going to regret this, but... fine."

  Without thinking, I throw my arms around his neck and he staggers back lightly from the unexpected hug. Tears stroll down as the last couple of days full of exhaustion and overwhelming fear catch up with me.

  I'm hugging a changer. So fucking stupid.

  "Thank you," I murmur through my tears.

  He sighs as he gently returns the embrace, and the he pulls free to walk over beside a tree. I gasp as he turns into a hawk, slipping out of his clothes, and then he shifts into an enormous white wolf in front of my eyes.

  "You're gonna want to hold on tight," a guy says as he lifts me to be on top of the wolf - on top of Thad rather.

  "Alyssa, I don't like this," Frankie murmurs hesitantly while looking around at the new assembly that certainly out numbers our sad little duo.

  "It's better than going at this alone," I counter, while straddling the beast more comfortably.

  I've never seen a wolf smile until now, and my mind flashes back to Kane calling him a wolf. He'd flip the hell out if he knew how literal that was.

  "Can you keep up?" one of the guys teases to Frankie.

  He looks at me, his eyes rolling. "Now that I'm not walking human style, yes."

  Before I know it, Thad is racing through the woods with me strapped to his back. I lean over, making sure my head doesn't get taken off by any stray limbs and to avoid the bugs slapping my face as well.

  Changers and night stalkers. I wonder who the
lycans are.

  Chapter Eight

  "So, you'll be staying here," Thad murmurs while motioning to the shady motel in front of us. "I smelled night stalkers in the woods following our trail. They never found us, but they seemed pretty determined to catch up. You'll be safe here until I find out what they're after."

  "You can smell them?" I murmur in disbelief.

  He shrugs, though it's a poor attempt at not looking cocky.

  "When they're using their speed and I'm in changed form, I can. If I know their scent, I can follow them any time, much like a lycan's ability."

  "How did you stay in form so long with me on you?" I muse curiously. "Witches have a sour affect on changers."

  He seems agitated with me but a hint of excitement sparks as well as he continues to play teacher.

  "Again, old world rules. Things have changed. Your mom taught you a lot, but she didn't stay up to date. Your dad warned me of that. He said you'd be a little naïve and too trusting."

  I should feel insulted, but I'm too tired to lash out. I just want a shower and a bed right now more than anything.

  "Should I trust you?" I ask, arching an eyebrow, realizing that's a really stupid question. I repeat, I'm tired. No one thinks clearly when they've been awake for as long as I have.

  "No, but then again, you don't really have a choice," he says while taking a step too close to me. "You shouldn't trust anyone right now."

  I take a step back, but he just comes closer until his body has mine pinned against the wall, a daring grin forming on his lush lips.

  "So, that guy the other morning... your boyfriend?" he asks while brushing away a wild blond strip of my tousled hair from my face.

  Surely he's not trying to seduce me right now. Not looking like this.

  "No," I answer, swallowing hard. "But maybe one day."

  "So you like him?" he says while bending down, but before I can answer, his lips are pressed against mine, almost bruising them with his ferociously devouring kiss.

  Everything on me heats up, but then Kane's face flashes through my mind, reminding me I want him to be my first. I sure as hell don't want a changer to be my first.

  "Thad, I-"

  He pulls back, his menacing smirk spreading, and then he shrugs.

  "I'm sure your dad would probably skin me for that. I'll see you in a day or so. For now, just lie low. I'll call you if anything pops up." He turns to Frankie, who has just walked in and is fuming after witnessing the accidental kiss, and says, "You coming with us or staying here?"

  He looks from me to Thad several times, but his shoulders finally drop.

  "I suppose I have to come with you to make sure you're really here to help."

  Thad smirks, and then he turns back to me before strolling his thumb over my lower lip.

  "I'll see you soon. Next time, I won't hold back."

  He walks away, leaving me shaken and feeling like a fool. I wipe the stupefied look off my face and head inside, ready to wash away the terrible last few days. My phone buzzes, and I look at it curiously until I see it's Kane.

  "Hey," I murmur softly while turning on the bath.

  "Alyssa, thank God. I've been worried to damn death. Where are you?" he breathlessly releases with relief.

  I walk over to the window and peer out at the sign.

  "Motel Lassier in Higdon, Canada. Don't ask. It's been a rough few days. It's good to hear your voice though."

  And I mean that more than he realizes. After Thad's advance, I really miss my human. I felt gross before, but after kissing a changer... I just feel dirty.

  "You have no idea how good it is to hear your voice. Are you okay? You mentioned going into the woods, and then I never heard back. Did you find your mom?"

  I hold back my truly miserable emotion, and then I murmur, "No. We never found the cabin her friend told us about. I'm okay though."

  "Did you run into any problems?"


  "We had something a little... odd happen, but you'd think I was crazy," I murmur, not really able to completely lie to him the way I probably need to.

  I almost want to tell him who I am and what I'm meant to become, but I'd scar him for life and take away his naïve bliss. It'd be selfish and illegal to tell him the truth.

  "Try me," he says with sincere curiosity.

  "It's crazy. Anyway, we're still tracking down my mom. Frankie and I met up with some... colleagues of his, and now I've been tossed in this motel to wait until they get back with info."

  "They left you alone?"

  He curses loudly, his anger spilling over. It makes me smile to hear his protective tone, a warming feeling spreading over my weary body.

  "Yeah, but I'll be okay. I live alone, you know."

  I expect a small chuckle, but I get silence.

  "You there?" I ask, wondering if we've been disconnected.

  "I can't believe he just ran off and left you alone," he murmurs while offering a few more spewed profanities.

  "Well, I'm glad to have a minute to myself. I'm exhausted, I smell like days in the woods, and I look like hell. I'm going to take a long, hot bath, and then I'm going to get a full night of sleep. Believe me when I say I need sleep."

  He sighs and then murmurs, "I'm sure you do. Call me later, okay?"

  I smile bigger, feeling the butterflies attacking my stomach.

  "You really care, don't you?" I ask, feeling my cheeks sting from the ridiculous smile I'm wearing.

  "Very much. Does that mean you'll call me?"

  His flirty tone, makes me wish he was here.

  "Yeah. I'll call. Talk to you later."

  "Bye, Alyssa."

  I smile while hanging up, and then I head back to the bathtub that is eagerly awaiting my disgusting, tragically ragged body.

  The water heats my skin almost too much, and I sigh in content as it rises to be up to my neck when I become fully submerged. I need this so, so badly.

  I wake up to a pounding at the door, and I shiver as the water I'm in reminds me it has turned to nearly ice.

  "Shit, hold on. I'm coming," I yell out.

  Leaping out of the tub, I wrap up and ignore my chattering teeth while rushing to open the door. My jaw tries to hit the floor when I see Kane wrapping his arms around me and pulling me to his body.

  "You're wet," he chuckles out, looking too damn good to be anything less than a hallucination, and I'm worried I'm still in the frigid water... dreaming - possibly drowning.

  "You're... here," I murmur in breathless disbelief, blinking rapidly to make sure I haven't gone crazy.

  His smile almost makes me lose my footing, and he scoops my soaked body up to walk farther into the room.

  "I'm here. I took a plane to Washington last night when I hadn't heard from you. Then you told me you were here, alone, so I rented a car and drove like hell."

  My eyes water. No one has ever done anything like this for me before. Even though it's not safe for him to be here, I still want him with me.

  He stands me up in the bathroom and hands me another towel.

  "Thank you," I murmur as the first tear falls, and he wipes it away while bending down to kiss me.

  "Dry off, and I'll go grab us a plate of food from the diner next door."

  My stomach growls as if on cue, and he smiles. I skip telling him the part where I haven't had anything but beef jerky and water for a few days.

  "Sounds nice."

  He smiles, and then he ducks out, giving me a chance to panic as I rush around to start rifling through the few clothes I packed.

  Damn. Not one sexy pair of underwear.

  Since my wardrobe is lacking, I opt to go with a pair of pajama shorts, a long-sleeved, tight-fitted shirt, and no panties.

  I dab on a little makeup, and then I quickly dry my hair, using a little bit of magic, but not so much that it's obvious. As soon as I spray myself down with some fruity fragrance, the door swings open to reveal Kane carrying a bag of food.

  "So, I got us some
breakfast for dinner because it was the only thing on the menu that looked promising."

  "Sounds good," I murmur while walking into his view, and he smiles when he sees me.

  "For the record, I knocked on five doors before I found you. The clerk wasn't very helpful."

  I laugh a little while sitting down at the small table by the window.

  "Considering you only had fifteen rooms to choose from, I don't think that task was too daunting."

  He smiles, and then he pulls his chair closer to me while wrapping his arm around my back.

  "I'm glad I'm finally seeing you again. I shouldn't have been missing you so much so soon," he softly confesses.

  I instantly dissolve under his gaze, and then I take a deep breath, hoping I don't say anything stupid.

  "I missed you, too."

  His smile grows, and then he leans over to kiss my cheek before scooping a pile of eggs on his fork. He's human, but he's my hero right now. I didn't want to be here alone, and now I don't have to be.

  "So how long are you staying?" I ask curiously.

  "Until you find your mom."

  My eyes widen a little. He can't be here for all that. We already have changers in our midst, and despite Thad's claim of clean-living, I'm not going to wave my human in front of his face.

  "Um, I don't know how that will work out. It's been a little... hectic around here. Besides, I'm sure you've got a lot going on back home."

  He shrugs, his grin growing.

  "I don't have anything going on. You'd be surprised at how helpful I can be."

  I don't feel like coming up with some fabulous lie right now. At this moment, I just want to enjoy him and pretend as though he really could protect me if he had to, though it would be the other way around.

  "You're freezing," he says while rubbing the side of my arm, warming me so easily with his heated touch.


  "Yeah, I spent too long in cold bathwater."

  He laughs a little, and then he stands to grab a blanket from his stuff. He wraps it around my shoulders, and I breathe in his delicious scent that is drenching the blanket.

  "Thanks. You're just full of things I need tonight."

  "Just food and a blanket," he chirps obliviously.

  "And you."

  He looks at me, his face expressionless, and then he pulls me to his lips, filling me with his passionate release as I slide out of my chair and move to be straddling his lap. My hands clasp his hair as I pull him closer, and then his hot kiss starts trailing down my neck.


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