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Wrath (Heartlands Motorcyle Club Book 7)

Page 7

by Dani Wyatt

  There’s no way I’m marrying this jack weed, but I play along for now until I can wrap my head around what’s really going on. Something smells like shit and in my experience that means there’s a pile nearby.

  William and my father talk while I sit there and ponder what sort of weapons I may need to deal with whatever this is, and soon enough this Twilight Zone moment is wrapped up. William does his best to give me a kiss, but he gets all cheek before I stomp out to the car, ready to have my head spin off my neck. I stay silent as my father drives us home, he and William planning to meet in the church office to settle some business after they drop me at the house.

  So nice to have everything all planned out for you.

  I march into my bedroom after a few choice words to my father, and slam the door before dropping onto my bed. Then I go to my laptop and check my email. Then I pace.

  I think of texting Jillian, but what good will that do?

  Fuck it. This is bullshit. I don’t know what sort of drugs these two think I’m on, but it’s time to let them know, I’ve cleaned up and there’s no fucking way I’m riding this ride with them.

  I turn to swing open the door to my room and see Wrath’s vest, the note and his pages of criminal records in a heap on my dresser.

  I know a million times, there’s no way I want to marry William. But, I don’t see how I can be with someone like Wrath either. What kind of life does he live really?

  I want to get my masters in AI and Bio-Engineering. Would someone like Wrath be okay with that? He said he admired my intelligence when we talked about my college and how I was just back to help out my dad until I decided what was next, but was that just part of a yes game to get me to sleep with him?

  As the conflict pulls at my insides, there’s something else.

  Something I’ve never felt before and until this moment, I think I was scared to say it or think it out loud.

  “I’m in love with him.” The words echo around my small bedroom even as my brain is giving me all the reasons this is not right. Could never be right. The next words come easier, but they make my heart clench in my chest. “And I think he loves me.”

  My mother’s words come back to me. Whenever I would be frustrated, unsure...she would always say when we have a crisis, be it of faith or something else, it’s there for a reason. It will propel us forward to something new and wonderful, or set us back to what we know. Comfortable, but without growth.

  As I walk down the hallway and out the front door toward the church, I know I don’t want comfortable. I think whatever this crisis is right now, I will be propelled forward. Straight up and over William, but what’s on the other side, I’m still not sure.

  A few minutes later, I’m through the darkened parking lot. The back of the church, where the fire started, is still covered in tarps and my gut is tight wondering if it could be true that Wrath started the fire either to get back at my father or to get to me.

  I’m down the hall and a few feet from my father’s office door. It’s closed, but I can hear William’s raised voice coming through. I can’t make out what he’s saying, but it’s my father’s voice next and I stand flat against the wall to listen.

  “That wasn’t the deal we made.” His voice is angry and scared at the same time, something I’ve never heard from him, and my heart breaks. Whatever else, he’s still my father, and until recently he’s always treated me well. “The deal was Kristina marries you. That’s what you wanted and that’s what I’m arranging. We didn’t agree on anything else.”

  “Things change. It’s time, Leonard. The fire was a sign. Things are changing. If you step down, you can maintain your pension and a visiting Pastor’s privileges, but you will name me as your successor.”

  “No.” I can hear the distress. “This is my congregation. I care about this church, about them. In time, you will have your own church, but we all have to earn that. You’re not ready.”

  Growing up a Baptist Pastor’s daughter, a large church like ours isn’t without its perks. Our car is owned by the church; after all these years my father’s salary, perks and benefits are significant; our home is paid for and provided. A large church is a coveted position, but my father is right, it has to be earned.

  William’s voice is hard when he answers. “Doesn’t seem you are in a strong negotiating position, Leonard. All I have to do is go to the Convention and show them the pictures. Tell them what’s been going on with you and Matthew. You’ll lose your teaching job as well. I don’t believe the church or the dean will take kindly to you having a homosexual affair with a student.”

  “He’s not a child. Matthew is forty four years old. He’s come to the school to start something new. You make it sound so illicit.”

  “It is illicit! The bible says you are an abomination, Leonard. It doesn’t matter the age, you will be an outcast. And what will Kristina think?”

  Tears stream down my cheeks as I reach for the door knob. I don’t care who my father loves, but the hell if I’m going to let William blackmail him into oblivion.

  As my fingers curl on the cool metal there’s a sound behind me.

  I spin, gasping for breath, but Wrath’s hand is immediately over my mouth with his finger on his lips, tipping his head down the hall for me to follow him.

  His hand wraps around mine and I fall in step behind him as he leans in to whisper in my ear.

  “I heard it all. Just come with me. I told you I’d take care of you and that includes your father. You have to trust me.”

  I swallow hard and nod, unsure what else to do or who to turn to. Something deep down tells me Wrath will take care of me. He will take care of this.

  But first, I need answers and he best be ready to give them to me.

  12 | Wrath

  We’re sitting at a table in one of the back rooms at the bar, and Kristina’s been grilling me like a thick t-bone steak for a half hour about the fire, and I’m answering all her questions about that night and everything on my record which she seems to have memorized in detail.

  Stella and Peaches gave me an eyeful when I came in but I don’t care. They smirk as they come in and see what we want to drink but once they deliver me a beer and Kristina a straight shot of Kessler’s, I tell them to close the door and leave us alone.

  When we came in, Gage, Jaxon and Chain were here and a few other brothers too, and if things go the way I think they’re going to, I’m going to need them very soon.

  “So, the murder two charge...”

  She’s left the best for last.

  “Manslaughter.” I correct, but she gives me a ‘whatever’ sort of look.

  “What happened? You served time for that.”

  “I did. Found this dude at a bar holding a girl by her neck in the back room. She wasn’t playing the ‘no’ card. Barely sixteen turns out and he was older than me now. I don’t know, was a bad day I lost it. Beat him bloody but didn’t think I killed him...turns out I was wrong. But it was the right thing to do.”

  “Seems you were doing the Lord’s work then?”

  I shrug, it’s hard to breathe around her even when she’s interrogating me like some mafia enforcer looking for intel. She smells so god damned sweet, and my mouth is watering remembering what her cunt tastes like.

  My dick has been hard since we sat down. I love when she’s tough, makes me want to bend her over and fuck the tough out of her.

  “The Lord works in mysterious ways.” I lean in, take her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “You’ve gotta believe that. You and me. That’s a mystery.”

  “I guess it is.” Her voice trembles slightly, and it makes me fucking harder when I know I affect her.

  “I answered all your questions. Now you are going to answer one of mine.”

  “I am?” She raises her eyebrows, but doesn’t move her face from my pinching fingers.

  I sniff, curling my lip a bit, then ask the only question that matters to me. “Who do you belong to?”

  She stalls, I ca
n see the conflict in her face but I see the answer in her eyes.

  “Don’t fucking think about it, just answer. From your gut. Right now, who do you belong to?” My voice is hard, louder, but it does what I need.

  “You.” It’s one small word but it’s everything I needed to know.

  “Good girl. Now, get your tits out. I’m going to start there, then I’m going to put you on your knees and let that pussy of yours worship my cock for a while.” She pauses as I let her chin go. “Now.” I order, and her lips curl upward as her hands go to the buttons on her shirt.

  BY THE TIME WE WERE done fucking, I came out of the back room and Roxanne and Tammy, Chain’s mom, had joined Stella and Peaches at the bar.

  I introduced everyone, let them know Kristina was my woman now and as things go, once that’s established, she’s part of the fold and the ladies all gave me some shit but took Kristina under their hen wings and shooed me away, which is exactly what I needed.

  “Wha’ts up, Chaplain?” Chain looks up from his coke, and Jaxon, Gage and Ranger wait for my answer.

  “I need you guys on my back tonight. I’ve got some business across the street.”

  Jaxon’s our club enforcer and he’s always there for us, but he’s smart and always wants whatever background he can get because it helps in any conflict. “The church? What the fuck are we going to do at the church?”

  “You guys have rival sermons going?” Gage chimes in.

  “Just need to set some things straight. Shouldn’t be any push back. I just want to make it clear I’m not fucking around and things are as they are. No negotiation.”

  “I’m in.” Chain finishes his coke. “Need to stretch my legs and move around. Meadow has been feeding me so much I’m going to need gastric bypass if I’m not careful.”

  They’re all on their feet following me out the door and straight to the double doors of the church.

  We march down the hall and I can almost hear the walls screaming, wondering what a group like us is doing in a divine place like this.

  What I didn’t tell Kristina, is I’ve got some leverage on junior. When he came on the scene, I smelled his shit and it didn’t take long for me and a couple of the guys to do some inquiries and follow his ass until we turned up some less than godly activities.

  Always good to go into the game with a trump card in your hand.

  As we come around the corner toward the office, we run smack into junior and Kristina’s father.

  “What are you doing in here? You can’t be in here!” Her father furrows his brows and I put up my hands.

  “Just here to have a chat.”

  “Call the sheriff.” Junior barks at Leonard, and he starts to reach in his jacket but Jaxon steps forward and brushes his hands down his shoulders, shaking his head.

  “Let’s not.” His voice is gravely and deep, and he stands a couple inches in front of her father not giving him any space.

  Chain and Gage step around me to stand facing junior, one of them at each shoulder, and I clear my throat ready to get this shit show on the road.

  “Let’s see. Maybe we should call the cops.” I run my hand down my face and grip my chin, narrowing my eyes at junior. “I think we may have some information that would interest them.”

  “I don’t know what this is about, but you are on private property.” Junior is trying to keep his balls attached, but I’m about to lop them off with a dull, rusty knife.

  “Look.” I scratch my nose, my patience thin. “I’m going to talk. You’re going to listen. You know a couple ladies by the names of Vivienne and Mona?”

  His eyes shift and widen.

  “Yeah, you do. See, we know them too. Only, they like us. Not so much you.”

  “What are they talking about? Who are Vivienne and Mona?” Kristina’s father asks, his head turning from Jaxon, then to junior, then to me and finally back to Jaxon.

  I run my hand down junior’s tie and flip the end of it up and down a few times, then fill in the blanks. “They are...ladies who provide services. Services, unfortunately, state law doesn’t view as legal. Now you gotta understand, to me, I don’t care. But, they are also friends of ours. See, the day of the fire, when you were there...your phone alarm went off. Seems you lost track of time, you were having so much fun dressing them up like little girls. Well, shall we say, if your fantasy were a reality you’d be doing hard time. See, Mona came into the bar that night. Saw the fire. Saw you going into the building. Thought the timing was interesting so we all put our heads together and guess what we came up with?”

  He stands mute, which, as stupid as he is, is a smart move.

  “Yeah. So, the other thing? Mona and Vivienne? See, they’re smart girls. They sent me this...” I pull out my phone, tap the screen a couple times and a video starts playing.

  It’s got junior there, playing pedo-daddy with Mona. Smacking her around a little which he pays for, but it goes deeper. I’m all about fantasies, what goes on between consenting adults, but he takes it a little far.

  “Hmmm? What do you think?” I tip the screen toward Kristina’s father, who looks for a second, then looks away. “Yeah. I don’t think the big wigs up at Baptist central are going to think you’re pastor material. So, here’s what we’re going to do. You,” I point to her father, “are going to stop fucking talking about Kristina marrying this fuck. Second, you—” My finger goes into junior’s chest. “You are going to resign and find yourself a new state to live in. Like tomorrow.”

  “This is bullshit. I’ll have you all arrested. The sheriff is just waiting. You started that fire...”

  “Uh, step down.” It’s Jaxon this time who chimes in. “See, I know our little place across the street may look like a little dive biker shit joint to you. But, we like people to think that way. We’ve got cameras all around our place. And two of them...” He pauses on a smile. “Are pointed right here at your lovely white church. And you know what we recorded the evening of the fire?”

  Jaxon looks at all the guys, and then at Leonard, and settles on junior, leaning in to whisper. “Yeah, you. Dressed like some Halloween ninja, in the front door, out the back. And then you know what happened?”

  Jaxon nods at me and I tap my phone again, bringing up the next video and hold it up to his face.

  “Vivienne and Mona both saw you about a half hour later. You came in dressed in all black. See? They even have it on video, time stamped when you came in their place. Then, your alarm goes off and you have to leave about a half hour before you barged into the church, ready to ‘save’ the day. Only, I beat you there, you know why?”

  “I’m not saying anything.”

  “Good, because your fucking voice is irritating as hell. But I beat you because I fucking love her. I was there for her. I watch out for her. I don’t put her in fucking danger just to serve myself. You tried to set me up because I happened to be here at the right time, but that wasn’t your original plan, was it junior?” I shake my head. “No, you disabled the alarm, hoping the place would burn. You’d get a brand new church, Daddy here would be out and you step in and save the day. Such a hero.”

  “What now boss?” Gage is getting anxious, and we need to move this party forward.

  “You get your shit and get out of town. Got it?”

  Junior looks around but rolls his eyes and nods.

  “Good. Why don’t you guys escort him out. Make sure he gets home and gets packing. Makes some arrangements. Encourage him if necessary.”

  “Got it.” Gage nods and they point junior down the hall, following him out the front door and I’m left with Kristina’s father.

  “This is going to be simple.” I step back, giving him some respect. “I love your daughter. I may not be the white collar type but I’ll make her happy or I’ll die trying. So, I need you to come with me. Across the street. You’re going to apologize to her, then you’re going to give us your blessing. Because I’m going to ask her to marry me and I want her to look in your eyes, and you
tell her if it’s what makes her happy, it’s what makes you happy. We good?”

  I march him across the street and into the bar. All the girls turn around and a few of the other guys that are there, and I see the surprised looks. But it’s Kristina I’m focused on.

  “Dad?” She looks from him to me. “Henry...” She starts, and I hear the laughter from the others in the bar, but I don’t care. “What are you doing with my father?”

  “You’ll see.” I step forward, taking my woman by the back of the neck and tipping her head so she’s looking up at me, then I put my other hand on her ass and squeeze. “Who do you belong to?” I ask and her eyes go wide, she’s trying to look at her father but I focus her back to me. “I asked you a question. Your father has nothing to do with it. Who do you belong to?”

  I see her throat move as she swallows and I also take note that her nipples go hard and nearly poke holes through her shirt.

  “I belong to you.”

  I nod. “Damn right you do.” Then I look to her father. “You guys were planning a wedding, right?”

  He looks scared but he nods.

  “Well, there’s going to be a wedding, and we have your blessing, don’t we?”

  “Ye—” He stammers, then finds the word he’s looking for. “Yes. You have my blessing.”

  I loosen up on Kristina and she looks at her father. “Really?”


  “So, let’s have a wedding.” I say and there’s cheers in the bar, then I bend down and kiss Kristina hard before I drop to my knee and pull out the ring I’ve been carrying around since that first night we had together.

  “Baby. I’m no scholor. I may not be what you thought you wanted, but I know I’ll make you happy. So fucking marry me.”

  “Is that a question?” She smiles, her eyes welling.

  I tip my head back and forth. “It can be, as long as the answer is yes.”

  “Yes.” She nods and I slip the ring on her finger, get on my feet, pick her up as she wraps her legs around my back and push her up against the wall, kissing her hard as I drive my dick between her legs, not caring that her father is standing behind us watching.


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