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Page 5

by Amarinda Jones

  “After I come in your ass.”

  Carlisle stiffened. “You don’t have a condom on.”

  “No and I want to watch my cum leak out of your body.

  She shivered at the thought. I’d like to see that too. She saw the man’s dick at her side, covered in rubber and erect.

  “Suck him,” Peter ordered.

  “But —” Peter whacked her ass. The dick inside drove in further. Carlisle cried out loud and swallowed the dick that was in her face.

  Peter leaned in and whispered in her ear. “I know you love this, baby.”

  She was double stuffed with dick and enjoying every dirty minute of it. The man at her lips had no imagination. He just pushed his hips back and forth and Carlisle sucked in obedience. It was more for Peter to watch and enjoy than for her pleasure. While she loved cock, she liked men who knew what to do with it. Carlisle wasn’t surprised when the man came early.

  “Shame we don’t have another dick for you to suck, baby.” Her eyes went to the door.

  Peter laughed and leaned his whole body over her humping her harder and faster than ever before. When he came, he roared out loud and long as he drove her body forward. She grabbed the head of the taps so hard water shot out everywhere as he spurted his seed inside her.

  “Are you going to be a good girl in the future and do as I say?”

  “No.” Disobedience was so much more fun.

  Peter chuckled. “That’s my girl.” He pulled out and spread her legs watching the sticky cum seep out. “Beautiful.”


  After cleaning up, Carlisle hobbled back to the reception. It appeared she had missed the bridal couple’s first waltz as man and wife. “What a damn shame—not.” Carlisle looked across the room. Sean beckoned her. She waved back. He responded with a look that could mean only one thing. I’m in trouble—again. Carlisle wondered what his punishment would be. Sean crooked his finger and beckoned her forward. The wedding banquet had just begun. She could hardly walk out. Besides, I’m starving after all that sex.

  She shook her head.

  Sean mouth the word ‘now’.

  “Bugger.” Carlisle knew she had no choice. She had to go to Sean. He held her livelihood in his hands. She watched as Sean turned and walked out the door.

  Once outside in the garden, Sean faced her. “Where have you been, Carlisle?”

  “Things came up.” As dicks do…

  “But you know you belong to me.”

  Carlisle blew out a breath. “Okay, technically at the office that I may be however—”

  she stopped when the tall blonde woman walked up to Sean and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Um—” Who is this? Those boobs could not possibly be real. The woman was statuesque and built like a goddess.

  “This is Delilah.” Sean introduced her to Carlisle.

  Well of course, women like her were never called Tracey or Sue. Carlisle nodded.

  “She wants to play with you. I promised she could.”

  Oh hell no. “I don’t do women. Ever.”

  Sean raised his eyebrows at her tone. “You seem to forget you belong to me, Carlisle.”

  “Okay, yes, technically that is true at the office but I’m only interested in dick.”

  Carlisle was a great believer in people being free to chose and love whom they wanted.

  But I ain’t going down on pussy. Yuk!

  “Too bad you owe me.” Sean didn’t look perturbed. “How do you figure that?”

  “You blew me off when I wanted to escort you to the wedding.”

  “Yet you came anyway.” Which was odd to Carlisle because she sure as hell didn’t want to be there and she was related to the bride.

  “To see you.”

  “With her.” The Amazon. She was everything the height challenged, fat thighed Carlisle wasn’t.

  “She wants you.”

  “And I want to eat my weight in chocolate but some things in life we just do not get.”

  Sean smiled. “You can either do her or lose your job.”

  “I never liked working there anyway.” The whole obedience thing was good, kinky fun but Carlisle had some morals, although maybe hard to find, they still lurked with her.



  “So if I asked you to crawl under the oak boardroom table at work and suck our clients during a meeting you would prefer to do that rather than Delilah?”

  “Oh hell yes.”

  Sean smiled. “Monday morning, nine o’clock sharp, in the boardroom.”

  “Huh?” Is he saying what I think he’s saying?

  “You are to be on your hands and knees with mouth open.”

  Carlisle was surprised, annoyed and yet excited by the thought of giving head to unknown men of power. “I’m not a whore.” Yes, she loved sex. Yes, she enjoyed risk. But she was still her own person and what Carlisle chose to do was to give pleasure to herself.

  “I know you’re not.” Sean’s eyes were bright and knowing on hers. “You belong to me.”

  Carlisle licked her lips and thought about it. Keep my job and suck some dick or flounce off and refuse the Amazon and start job searching? The job paid well and there were definite perks. “Yes, Sean. I belong to you.” Monday would be an interesting day.


  Adam was not surprised to see Amber at the wedding. “What are you doing here?” “I made a mistake. I want you back.”

  He shook his head, a sad smile on his lips. Some people learned too late. “We’re not meant to be together, Amber.” After being with Carlisle, Adam knew that for a fact. Oh, he knew there were other men in her life but he planned to be the only one when she was ready to settle down.

  “But I love you, Adam.”

  “No, you love the idea if being part of a couple.” He knew some women needed to hold on to a man to reaffirm who they were as women.

  Amber looked across the room to Carlisle. “Why her? She’s hardly beautiful.”

  “Maybe not in the conventional sense, but she is sexy and funny and I genuinely like her.”

  “Like?” Amber was surprised at the word.

  “Liking is way more important than loving.” And there was a lot to like about the quirky Carlisle. “I wish you the best, Amber.” Adam patted her arm and walked away.

  Chapter Seven

  Lydia Carson stood and clinked a spoon again her glass of champagne to get everyone’s attention. “And now, as we enter a new chapter in our family with the marriage of my daughter Bridget to Neil, I’m pleased to share with you all a moment in the Carson family history.” She handed a USB stick to Neil who slotted it into the laptop to project it onto the large screen before the guests.

  “How are you related to them?” Adam looked from Carlisle to her family.

  She shook her head. “I have no bloody idea. I still hold out hope that I’m adopted.”

  Carlisle took his hand and stood up. “And I’ve heard more than enough of this. Let’s get out of here.” She had done her bit. They could expect no more of her. And then she heard her mother shriek.

  “Oh my god! Carlisle, what have you done?”

  Carlisle wondered which one thing in particular her mother was referring to. That was until she looked at the giant screen before her.

  “Holy crap!”

  On screen, a naked woman knelt before a man. Her tongue was flicking the tip of his dick in a teasing motion. Carlisle looked at Adam.

  “I’m pretty sure that’s not me.” As the red hair of the woman came into sight, Carlisle sighed. Yay! Not me. It was one thing being filmed. It was another for your fat ass to be on display for all to see.

  Adam smiled at her. “Well, this has certainly livened up a dull event.” All eyes were locked on the screen.

  How the hell had this happened? Carlisle could feel the twin daggers of her sister’s eyes upon her. And then it hit her. Carlisle had grabbed the pile of USB sticks as she raced out to get to the wedding. She had meant to check and
label each one. Oops. It was then that she spotted the two men across the room who had tried to hold her up the other night.

  “Of course.” The two dollar surprise box of crap she had bought at the garage sale had a USB stick inside. She pitched everything except that stick and the copy of Lonesome Dove. Carlisle started to laugh. That’s what those men wanted. They wanted that stick to blackmail someone. No wonder they looked devastated. Something like this would cost a lot to cover up to save a politician’s ass. “Best two dollars I ever spent.”

  “Is that Senator Nash?” Someone asked.

  Neil was frantically trying to turn it off but in his panic he was making it worse. The sound got louder. Heavy breathing and groans flooded the reception. The guests were glued to the screen.

  “Which family member is that?”

  “Not sure. Maybe old man Carson who shot through on them when they were kids.”

  “Funny thing to show at a wedding.”

  “Hell of a family history.”

  “How do you think she does that without gagging? That’s a lot of meat.

  “I think she’s a contortionist. No normal person could place her ankles on her shoulders.”

  “Ain’t that the politician fellow who campaigned on morality?”

  “Is that real or has he had an implant?”

  “Well there’s no way hers are real.”

  “No, they don’t bounce when she does.”

  “What’s she doing with that banana?”


  “That’s gotta hurt in such a small hole. You think she’d peel it first.”

  “What the hell is going on, Carlisle?” Her mother roared at her. “Where did that filth come from?”

  “From a garage sale, mother.”


  Theo and Mickey, who could have answered that question, stood gob smacked as they watched. They had tracked back to the wedding to ask the woman where the USB stick could be only to see the contents on screen for all to see. Mickey shrugged his shoulders. “At least we know where it is.”

  Theo sighed. “We’ll get no money for it, dummy.”

  “Oh well.” Mickey looked over at Carlisle. “She looks nice in Black.”

  “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

  “Where are we going, Theo?”

  “I want to get drunk.” As career criminals went they sucked. Amber came to stand before them. Theo put his arm around her shoulders. “Come and join us for a drink.”


  Three men faced Carlisle. “So which one of us do you want?” Peter’s eyes were hot on hers.

  Men . They had to have everything cut and defined to fit in with their egos. If she chose one over the other, someone would be pissed off. And the thing was Carlisle didn’t want to do that. She wanted to enjoy herself and live life. If that meant having sex with multiple men until she was ready to settle down then so be it.

  “Can’t I have you all?” They looked surprised. “Well why not? Men have had multiple lovers for centuries. Monogamy hasn’t been a big thing to them. Is it to you, boys?”

  “I have no problem with that,” Peter declared. “Eventually she’ll see sense and be mine.”

  Sean snorted. “She belongs to me and she knows it.”

  Adam smiled at her. “You know I love you, darlin’. I’ll respect any choice you make.”

  And there it was. Two men wanted to play and have exclusive rights over her body.

  And the other? He will be someone to come home to when I’m ready.

  She looked around the debris of the wedding. It had been a shambles. For everyone except me. Her sister hated her and her mother was ‘disappointed’. Nothing had changed and the world still turned despite scandal and ridicule.

  Carlisle looked back at the men. Hmmm, eany meany miney mo…


  Twelve months later

  He smiled and held out his hand as Carlisle walked toward him. She held her breath and marveled once more how this man could make her feel so special and loved. Carlisle thanked her lucky stars he had waited for her.

  “All your wild oats sown, darlin’?” Carlisle smiled into Adam’s eyes.


  “’Ready for exclusivity?”

  “Are you?” This was a two-way street. She had messed him around with her need to experiment. It would not surprise her if he wanted his turn at being reckless.

  “From the moment I saw you.”

  Oh yeah, he is the sweetest man. “I’m sorry I made you wait.”

  “You were worth it.” He lifted her hand and kissed her palm.

  “Have I told you how much I adore you, Adam?”

  Amarinda Jones believes anything is possible and sometimes just asking for the impossible wil surprise someone enough that they wil give it to you. Writing is like that. Put it out there and wait for a response. There is always the possibility you may fal on your arse, but after al , that's what cel ulite is for. Amarinda believes in taking chances, speaking her mind and aging disgraceful y.

  Twenty years from now she plans on being the neighborhood witch that al the kids are scared of.

  But then, everyone has to have a hobby.




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