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Trusting Chance [Fate Harbor] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 25

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  “You’re too big!” Josie said.

  “No, let me try again. I won’t hurt it,” some man said. They didn’t recognize his voice.

  “It’s too fragile!” Josie sounded frantic.

  “I’m trying my best to be gentle, this time,” he said placatingly.

  “Damn it, Eric, you’re bruising it,” Josie said heatedly. The man next to Sarah and Becca burst into laughter and blew his coffee onto the coat of the man in front of him.

  “I can be delicate, just give me another chance!”

  “Your hands are too big,” Josie said loudly, and now half of the people in Sweet Dream were laughing.

  “No they’re not, they’re the perfect size,” he bellowed.

  “It needs a woman’s touch. Where in the hell are my sisters?” Sarah and Becca looked at one another as the entire bakery roared with laughter. Josie stormed out of the kitchen with a silver-blond giant following her.

  “Josie, I didn’t ruin your cake. That icing flower is just fine.”

  Josie turned back to the giant and pointed her finger at him. “Eric, I told you to knead the dough. You’re too ham-handed to decorate cakes. I appreciate you coming over to help, but you’re not allowed to touch my cakes.”

  “I agree,” Sam said as he strolled out of the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee. “Don’t touch Josie’s cakes.” There was more laughter from the customers. Sarah and Becca gave up and started laughing as well. Obviously, the whole town was nuts, and Josie had gone a little crazy as well. She spotted them when they started laughing.

  “Thank God, you’re here! Please save me from Dane and Eric. They aren’t allowed to do anything that involves icing, okay?”

  “Come on, girls, I’ll introduce you to the Nordic giants,” Sam said, as he motioned them to the back. Sarah and Becca grinned. This was going to be a lot more interesting than they had anticipated.

  At closing time, everyone but Elise and Bill trooped over to Hart’s Diner for dinner. Walter had been promoted from busboy to waiter, so Karen was only working half-shifts. This made her husbands happier, and her crazier. They compromised by allowing her to work as a hostess during the other half of her shift. Karen was hostessing when they arrived and she ended up sitting with the Sweet Dream Dessert’s team for dinner, because, as she explained, Hart’s Diner really didn’t need a hostess so she could damn well sit down with her friends for dinner.

  “Eat well tonight, my friends, for tomorrow, we close,” Karen intoned.

  “Getting ready for the feeding frenzy on Saturday?” Josie asked.

  “You betcha. Aren’t you closing tomorrow?”

  “A nice friend would have suggested that much sooner, Karen,” Josie said.

  “Oh, my God, you’re right. I’m so sorry. I’ve been in my own little world. I should have thought to tell you that…” Karen trailed off, clearly distraught.

  “Hey, honey, I was just teasing. I should have thought of that all by myself. It’s no big deal. I’ll remember to do that next year. I would close early, but too many people are coming to collect their orders tomorrow.” Karen looked again at Josie ensuring that she wasn’t mad, and Josie smiled at her.

  “What are the specials?” Eric asked. “I want two.”

  Becca giggled. Josie had noticed that both Sarah and Becca had been doing a lot of giggling around the Johansen brothers all day. She’d be glad tomorrow, when it was Ian and Joshua’s turn to help out.

  “So, Rob, did you expect all of this when you studied restaurant management?” Sam asked.

  “There are definitely aspects of what I learned at school that I’m using here at Sweet Dream Desserts,” he said. “It’s truly daunting how much hard work goes into managing small operations like the bakery and the diner. When I left school, I thought I could manage a restaurant three times this size, no problem. Now, I’m thinking I’d be lucky to be ready to run Hart’s in three years’ time.”

  “Yeah, life is funny like that,” Sam said. “But, actually, Rob, the fact that you recognize that, puts you head and shoulders above most of your peers. You’ll do great.” Josie watched as Rob preened, and realized how Sam was doing exactly what Becca had noticed, building a young man’s self-confidence. He would make an outstanding social worker. She squeezed his thigh under the table, and he raised his eyebrow in question. When he leaned over, she gave him a kiss on the cheek, and he smiled.

  * * * *

  “So what was that about in the restaurant tonight?” Sam asked, as they were settling comfortably into bed.

  “Oh, when I was giving this manly thigh a squeeze?” Josie squeezed his thigh again.

  “Yep, that’s it.”

  “You did a nice job with Rob tonight. I’ve told him how much I appreciate him and I think it means something to him. But your praise really made a difference to him, I could tell. I bet the men in your platoon loved you.” She looked up at him as she said that.

  “Sometimes I think it was a bad thing, you know?” He looked down at her, blinking fast.

  “No, honey, I don’t know. Can you explain it to me?” She stroked his chest.

  “Like Dan. He’s the one who was running to get the crowbar for Nathan. I know that some of them wouldn’t have run so fast for other lieutenants. Maybe he’d still be alive, maybe he wouldn’t have gotten shot.”

  Josie’s eyes darkened in confusion and she said, “Oh, Sam, couldn’t he have been running fast because he liked Nathan?” She watched as hope and recognition blossomed in his eyes.

  “My God, Chance is right. I really do look at things through the filter of my childhood. If there’s a way to make myself wrong or bad, I’m going to do it, no matter what.”

  “And I’m going to tell you what you told Rob. That with that realization, you are now head and shoulders above your peers with fucked up childhoods.” Then she gave him a wide smile. “Except for me, of course. I’m still more put together than you.”

  “I love you, Ms. Decker.”

  “I love you, Mr. Booth.”

  * * * *

  Saturday morning was one of those perfect Fate Harbor days, with crystalline air that turned the sky into a canvas of blue, splashed with the white of Mt. Rainer and the emerald eruptions of steepling evergreens and tender ferns. Josie was curled on an Adirondack chair on the back deck sipping coffee and allowing the reflections on the lake to hypnotize her. It was seven in the morning, and it felt odd not to be at Sweet Dream.

  “Morning, Zee! Are you ready for the festival?” Josie turned to smile at Chance. She’d been expecting him to try and surprise her. She’d heard the sliding glass door and knew it was him. She carefully set her mug down on the arm of the chair and launched herself into his arms.

  “I’ve missed you!” His lips devoured hers, his tongue minty, hers the flavor of coffee, both of the flavors bursting with passion and hunger. She gripped his curls and his hands fisted into the mass of her midnight silk.

  “Hmmm, mmm, Becca and Sarah, let me see if I can find your sister,” Sam said loudly from the kitchen. Chance and Josie reluctantly broke apart.

  “Hey, girls, I’m out here!” Josie yelled. Sam, Becca, and Sarah came out onto the deck. “What are you doing here so early? I thought you’d take advantage and sleep in?”

  “Elise told us that the dance tonight is a formal. Did you know that?” Sarah asked.

  “Damn it! I’m sorry, I didn’t. I would have told you, if I had. I just assumed we could wear something nice.” Josie looked at her sisters with a forlorn expression. She’d really messed up.

  “We thought we’d talk you into taking the ferry over to Snoqualt and head to the mall. Elise said she could take the early shift for the carnival and picnic, and we could probably be back by eleven,” Becca suggested.

  Josie saw the pleading looks on her sisters’ faces. She really shouldn’t go. It was important to be at the festival for setup, since she had just been hired.

  “Actually, I have you all covered. Literally covered, th
at is.” Chance piped up.

  “Oh, I’m going to head in for coffee. This is definitely going to require caffeine.” Sam opened the sliding glass door and let himself back into the kitchen.

  “Coward!” Chance called after him, laughing as his friend flipped him the bird.

  “Becca, Sarah, how about I give you my credit card and—” Josie started.

  “Stop right there, Zee. Allow me to speak.” Chance held up his hands in the form of a T, like a referee calling a time out, reducing the twins to snickers.

  “Okay, by all means, speak.” Josie smiled, wondering what the devil he had up his sleeve.

  “Being a resident of Fate Harbor, I knew the dance was a formal. Being a connoisseur of women’s fashion, and someone who can’t resist the opportunity to buy clothes for Josie—”

  “That’s true, he can’t. He’s insane,” Josie concurred.

  Chance shot her a dirty look and continued. “Please, allow me to continue. I decided to shop for the two of you, as well. And it is just possible that I might have brought home two additional suitcases from Boston with clothing and shoe options for tonight’s event.”

  “You’re the bomb!” Becca shouted.

  “Oh. My. God,” Sarah yelled.

  Both girls simultaneously launched themselves at Chance, nearly shoving him into the side of the house, as they were giggling and kissing on him.

  “You’re the best!” Josie said, echoing her sisters.

  “Where are they? Can we go look?”

  “You brought stuff for Josie, too, right?” The last came from Becca.

  “Becca, if Sam would let me dress him, I would. Of course I have things for Josie. Let’s go have a fashion show, shall we?” He wrapped an arm around each girl and herded them back through the kitchen door, giving Josie a wink over his shoulder. She saluted him with her coffee.

  As soon as the coast was clear, Sam emerged from his hiding place with his coffee and gave her a kiss.

  “So you’re giving me a fashion show, huh?”

  “Clothes, not underwear.” Josie had to disappoint him.

  “Eventually, those clothes will be coming off. Better finish that coffee. It’s going to be a long day, and Chance and I have plans for you tonight.” They heard Sarah calling for her, so Josie handed Sam her cup and went to join the fun.

  * * * *

  Elise and Rob were already at Sweet Dream, when Josie arrived with the others. Sarah and Becca gingerly carried their formals upstairs. Sam and Chance had already stocked their two trucks with equipment and supplies they needed to take to Founders Park. Elise and Josie had one last cake to finish. It was a large stork cake that Jace and Dale had commissioned, for a surprise presentation to Karen tonight at the dance. Since Jace and Dale were rigidly enforcing Karen’s reduced hours, she had taken to dropping by Sweet Dream Desserts, frequently and unannounced. Josie was also obliged to put in an appearance at the festival, so she had to step away from helping Elise to take a turn around the park a while ago. That left this short period between the festival’s end and the dance’s beginning for Josie and Elise to assemble and decorate Karen’s cake. They worked together like practiced surgeons, battling to save a dying patient, for about twenty minutes.

  Finally, Elise looked up from the cake to Josie. “Honey, Bill and I have this covered. Why don’t you go home and get changed?” Elise offered. Pausing to survey their confection, Josie was surprised at how much they had accomplished already.

  “But I already feel bad that you worked on this while I was at the festival,” Josie said, biting her thumb.

  “Yes, it’s truly horrific that we had to miss a bunch of face painting and bouncy houses,” Bill teased her with a twinkle in his eye. “Instead Elise and I were able to get away from the madness for a little peace and quiet, doing what we love to do, anyway. We’ll have our fun at the adult event tonight. Sherri has been talking my ear off for the last week about the dance. It will be great to see all of our friends. She’s loading me up with coffee when I get home so I can stay up late.”

  “Josie, seriously, this will take less than an hour and we will still have three hours before the dance starts. Go home and get ready, and we’ll see you at the community center tonight. Go rest. You’ve been running around for hours,” Elise insisted.

  “Well, I’ll be back to bring the cake over.”

  “Rob and I have that covered, Josie. He’s got his van, and we’ll take it over. So just relax and enjoy the rest of tonight. You are officially off duty,” Bill said firmly. He took her arm, and escorted her from the kitchen to the front of the store. Josie chuckled as she found herself outside of Sweet Dream Desserts, with Bill waving at her enthusiastically, as he locked her out. She went to her car, with a spring in her step.

  She drove back to the house with a sense of anticipation. She knew that a nap and a bath did not await her. Instead she had some free time with her men. Who could ask for anything more? She was excited to see that both of their trucks were both parked outside when she pulled up to the house.

  “I’m home,” she called out as soon as she stepped over the threshold, but nobody answered. She went to the kitchen and saw them on the deck. She knocked on the sliding glass window, getting their attention. They both smiled as they turned around. They put down their beers, and started toward her with predatory looks. Oh, she was going to have her own private festival.

  “Welcome home, Zee,” Chance said as he slid open the door.

  Sam pulled her into his arms, and kissed her. His lips brushed against hers, heat immediately blossoming in every part of her body. She opened for his tongue, twining her arms around his neck. Chance pulled one of her arms away from Sam, and she reluctantly broke away from Sam. But seeing the need in Chance’s hooded stare, she was immediately ensnared, as electricity surged through her, and she glided toward him, needing his taste, which he provided. Sam gripped her waist as she was devoured by Chance. It was perfect being enveloped between the two of them.

  Chance reached down, past Sam’s hands, and gripped her ass, pulling her up, not breaking the kiss. “Wrap your legs around Chance, baby,” Sam instructed guiding her legs around Chance’s hips. Chance walked slowly with her down the hall to the master suite. For once Sam did not turn on the lights, because the room was suffused in candlelight.

  Ever so gently, Chance lowered her onto the bed. Sam lay out on one side of her, while Chance stopped at the end of the bed to untie her shoes. “We want to love you, Zee. Will you let us do that?” he asked, pulling her shoes and socks off.

  Sam pulled her T-shirt off then and unbuttoned the top of her jeans. Chance pulled off her jeans and thong, leaving Josie clad only in her corset.

  Chance slid up the other side of her on the bed. Both men sat up and took a long moment to drink in the sight of her serpentine curves.

  Finally Josie couldn’t stand it another second. “What?”

  “It’s a perfect moment, and I want to memorize it. You’re in our bed. We’re together, and all the barriers are finally down. We’re going to make it, and I’m the luckiest man in the world,” Chance said.

  Sam touched her forehead, gliding his fingers to her temple and then down to her jaw and finally to her neck, collaring her reverently. “I never thought I would find somebody who would know all of me, and would want me. But you do, you’re mine. You’re both mine,” he said, looking up at Chance. “We work, and I’m so blessed.” His voice broke. He bent down and placed a kiss on Josie’s lips that touched her heart.

  “I never thought love like this existed,” Josie admitted. “Not just for me, but for anyone.” A tear slid down her face. She reached up, touching each man’s face, her hands trembling. “I belong to both of you, forever.”

  Each of them stood up. Josie watched as they slowly divested themselves of their clothes and came back to her. Chance rolled her to her side, so that he could press his body fully against her, his cock nestled between the cheeks of her ass. Sam looked at the bounty in fron
t of him, and gently lifted her swollen breasts out of the cups of her corset, and swiped his tongue over each engorged tip, while his hands caressed and ran across the swell of her tummy that protruded under the bottom of her corset. She arched into the feel of his fingers as they elicited streamers of need deep within her. He bent his head again, taking one of her nipples deep into the cavern of his mouth, his hands continuing to press into her stomach and she began to undulate against Chance’s cock.

  “Oh God, Zee. More.” She felt him grind harder against her, the velvet head of his penis rubbing against her anus, causing her to moan in response. One of Sam’s hands drifted lower, ruffling through her pubic hair, then he parted the petals of her sex. Finally, Sam shoved his fingers deep inside her sex and she cried out as the world spun out of control.

  She was vaguely aware of both men moving her body, and the heat of Chance leaving her momentarily, but then he was back. Sam was beneath her. She was boneless above him, her legs draped around his hips, and she realized what was coming next.

  “Thank God, I need you both so much. Please come into me together. I need us to be one,” Josie begged.

  “We have you, baby.” Sam assured her, his hand stroking soothingly up and down her back. “We know what you need. We’ll take care of you. We’ll always take care of you.” He brought her head down for a long, liquid kiss. Josie calmed, relieved to know that they would take care of her, that they did know how important this was. It wasn’t sex. It wasn’t just pleasure. This was love and connection. This was a physical symbol of the life that made up Chance, Sam, and Josie.

  She felt blessed relief as the kiss continued and Chance lifted her, positioning her over Sam’s cock. One day soon they had to get rid of the condoms. A flash of dark-haired and blonde babies crossed her mind, then she felt the fullness of Sam coming into her, and all thought fled, as her cunt tightened around him. In seconds or hours, she felt the bump of him nudging her cervix and she winced at the pleasure of the slight pain. Oh, she loved these different sensations, and then he looked up at her with a slow Sam-smile that told her he knew what he had done. He knew that she liked her pleasure with a bite, so he added more by reaching up and grasping her nipple in a pinch that tightened just a bit more than was comfortable, and she smiled at all the sensations.


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