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Mockingjay thg-3

Page 17

by Сьюзен Коллинз

  I sit at the base of one of the gigantic pillars in the great entrance hall. Through the doors I can see the white expanse of marble that leads to the steps on the square. I remember how sick I was the day Peeta and I accepted congratulations there for winning the Games. Worn down by the Victory Tour, failing in my attempt to calm the districts, facing the memories of Clove and Cato, particularly Cato’s gruesome, slow death by mutts.

  Boggs crouches down beside me, his skin pale in the shadows. „We didn’t bomb the train tunnel, you know. Some of them will probably get out.“

  „And then we’ll shoot them when they show their faces?“ I ask.

  „Only if we have to,“ he answers.

  „We could send in trains ourselves. Help evacuate the wounded,“ I say.

  „No. It was decided to leave the tunnel in their hands. That way they can use all the tracks to bring people out,“ says Boggs. „Besides, it will give us time to get the rest of our soldiers to the square.“

  A few hours ago, the square was a no-man’s-land, the front line of the fight between the rebels and the Peacekeepers. When Coin gave approval for Gale’s plan, the rebels launched a heated attack and drove the Capitol forces back several blocks so that we would control the train station in the event that the Nut fell. Well, it’s fallen. The reality has sunk in. Any survivors will escape to the square. I can hear the gunfire starting again, as the Peacekeepers are no doubt trying to fight their way in to rescue their comrades. Our own soldiers are being brought in to counter this.

  „You’re cold,“ says Boggs. „I’ll see if I can find a blanket.“ He goes before I can protest. I don’t want a blanket, even if the marble continues to leech my body heat.

  „Katniss,“ says Haymitch in my ear.

  „Still here,“ I answer.

  „Interesting turn of events with Peeta this afternoon. Thought you’d want to know,“ he says. Interesting isn’t good. It isn’t better. But I don’t really have any choice but to listen. „We showed him that clip of you singing ‘The Hanging Tree.’ It was never aired, so the Capitol couldn’t use it when he was being hijacked. He says he recognized the song.“

  For a moment, my heart skips a beat. Then I realize it’s just more tracker jacker serum confusion. „He couldn’t, Haymitch. He never heard me sing that song.“

  „Not you. Your father. He heard him singing it one day when he came to trade at the bakery. Peeta was small, probably six or seven, but he remembered it because he was specially listening to see if the birds stopped singing,“ says Haymitch. „Guess they did.“

  Six or seven. That would have been before my mother banned the song. Maybe even right around the time I was learning it. „Was I there, too?“

  „Don’t think so. No mention of you anyway. But it’s the first connection to you that hasn’t triggered some mental meltdown,“ says Haymitch. „It’s something, at least, Katniss.“

  My father. He seems to be everywhere today. Dying in the mine. Singing his way into Peeta’s muddled consciousness. Flickering in the look Boggs gives me as he protectively wraps the blanket around my shoulders. I miss him so badly it hurts.

  The gunfire’s really picking up outside. Gale hurries by with a group of rebels, eagerly headed for the battle. I don’t petition to join the fighters, not that they would let me. I have no stomach for it anyway, no heat in my blood. I wish Peeta was here—the old Peeta—because he would be able to articulate why it is so wrong to be exchanging fire when people, any people, are trying to claw their way out of the mountain. Or is my own history making me too sensitive? Aren’t we at war? Isn’t this just another way to kill our enemies?

  Night falls quickly. Huge, bright spotlights are turned on, illuminating the square. Every bulb must be burning at full wattage inside the train station as well. Even from my position across the square, I can see clearly through the plate-glass front of the long, narrow building. It would be impossible to miss the arrival of a train, or even a single person. But hours pass and no one comes. With each minute, it becomes harder to imagine that anyone survived the assault on the Nut.

  It’s well after midnight when Cressida comes to attach a special microphone to my costume. „What’s this for?“ I ask.

  Haymitch’s voice comes on to explain. „I know you’re not going to like this, but we need you to make a speech.“

  „A speech?“ I say, immediately feeling queasy.

  „I’ll feed it to you, line by line,“ he assures me. „You’ll just have to repeat what I say. Look, there’s no sign of life from that mountain. We’ve won, but the fighting’s continuing. So we thought if you went out on the steps of the Justice Building and laid it out—told everybody that the Nut’s defeated, that the Capitol’s presence in District Two is finished—you might be able to get the rest of their forces to surrender.“

  I peer at the darkness beyond the square. „I can’t even see their forces.“

  „That’s what the mike’s for,“ he says. „You’ll be broadcast, both your voice through their emergency audio system, and your image wherever people have access to a screen.“

  I know there are a couple of huge screens here on the square. I saw them on the Victory Tour. It might work, if I were good at this sort of thing. Which I’m not. They tried to feed me lines in those early experiments with the propos, too, and it was a flop.

  „You could save a lot of lives, Katniss,“ Haymitch says finally.

  „All right. I’ll give it a try,“ I tell him.

  It’s strange standing outside at the top of the stairs, fully costumed, brightly lit, but with no visible audience to deliver my speech to. Like I’m doing a show for the moon.

  „Let’s make this quick,“ says Haymitch. „You’re too exposed.“

  My television crew, positioned out in the square with special cameras, indicates that they’re ready. I tell Haymitch to go ahead, then click on my mike and listen carefully to him dictate the first line of the speech. A huge image of me lights up one of the screens over the square as I begin. „People of District Two, this is Katniss Everdeen speaking to you from the steps of your Justice Building, where—“

  The pair of trains comes screeching into the train station side by side. As the doors slide open, people tumble out in a cloud of smoke they’ve brought from the Nut. They must have had at least an inkling of what would await them at the square, because you can see them trying to act evasively. Most of them flatten on the floor, and a spray of bullets inside the station takes out the lights. They’ve come armed, as Gale predicted, but they’ve come wounded as well. The moans can be heard in the otherwise silent night air.

  Someone kills the lights on the stairs, leaving me in the protection of shadow. A flame blooms inside the station—one of the trains must actually be on fire—and a thick, black smoke billows against the windows. Left with no choice, the people begin to push out into the square, choking but defiantly waving their guns. My eyes dart around the rooftops that ring the square. Every one of them has been fortified with rebel-manned machine gun nests. Moonlight glints off oiled barrels.

  A young man staggers out from the station, one hand pressed against a bloody cloth at his cheek, the other dragging a gun. When he trips and falls to his face, I see the scorch marks down the back of his shirt, the red flesh beneath. And suddenly, he’s just another burn victim from a mine accident.

  My feet fly down the steps and I take off running for him. „Stop!“ I yell at the rebels. „Hold your fire!“ The words echo around the square and beyond as the mike amplifies my voice. „Stop!“ I’m nearing the young man, reaching down to help him, when he drags himself up to his knees and trains his gun on my head.

  I instinctively back up a few steps, raise my bow over my head to show my intention was harmless. Now that he has both hands on his gun, I notice the ragged hole in his cheek where something—falling stone maybe—punctured the flesh. He smells of burning things, hair and meat and fuel. His eyes are crazed with pain and fear.

  „Freeze,“ H
aymitch’s voice whispers in my ear. I follow his order, realizing that this is what all of District 2, all of Panem maybe, must be seeing at the moment. The Mockingjay at the mercy of a man with nothing to lose.

  His garbled speech is barely comprehensible. „Give me one reason I shouldn’t shoot you.“

  The rest of the world recedes. There’s only me looking into the wretched eyes of the man from the Nut who asks for one reason. Surely I should be able to come up with thousands. But the words that make it to my lips are „I can’t.“

  Logically, the next thing that should happen is the man pulling the trigger. But he’s perplexed, trying to make sense of my words. I experience my own confusion as I realize what I’ve said is entirely true, and the noble impulse that carried me across the square is replaced by despair. „I can’t. That’s the problem, isn’t it?“ I lower my bow. „We blew up your mine. You burned my district to the ground. We’ve got every reason to kill each other. So do it. Make the Capitol happy. I’m done killing their slaves for them.“ I drop my bow on the ground and give it a nudge with my boot. It slides across the stone and comes to rest at his knees.

  „I’m not their slave,“ the man mutters.

  „I am,“ I say. „That’s why I killed Cato…and he killed Thresh…and he killed Clove…and she tried to kill me. It just goes around and around, and who wins? Not us. Not the districts. Always the Capitol. But I’m tired of being a piece in their Games.“

  Peeta. On the rooftop the night before our first Hunger Games. He understood it all before we’d even set foot in the arena. I hope he’s watching now, that he remembers that night as it happened, and maybe forgives me when I die.

  „Keep talking. Tell them about watching the mountain go down,“ Haymitch insists.

  „When I saw that mountain fall tonight, I thought…they’ve done it again. Got me to kill you—the people in the districts. But why did I do it? District Twelve and District Two have no fight except the one the Capitol gave us.“ The young man blinks at me uncomprehendingly. I sink on my knees before him, my voice low and urgent. „And why are you fighting with the rebels on the rooftops? With Lyme, who was your victor? With people who were your neighbors, maybe even your family?“

  „I don’t know,“ says the man. But he doesn’t take his gun off me.

  I rise and turn slowly in a circle, addressing the machine guns. „And you up there? I come from a mining town. Since when do miners condemn other miners to that kind of death, and then stand by to kill whoever manages to crawl from the rubble?“

  „Who is the enemy?“ whispers Haymitch.

  „These people“—I indicate the wounded bodies on the square—“ are not your enemy!» I whip back around to the train station. «The rebels are not your enemy! We all have one enemy, and it’s the Capitol! This is our chance to put an end to their power, but we need every district person to do it!»

  The cameras are tight on me as I reach out my hands to the man, to the wounded, to the reluctant rebels across Panem. «Please! Join us!»

  My words hang in the air. I look to the screen, hoping to see them recording some wave of reconciliation going through the crowd.

  Instead I watch myself get shot on television.



  In the twilight of morphling, Peeta whispers the word and I go searching for him. It’s a gauzy, violet-tinted world, with no hard edges, and many places to hide. I push through cloud banks, follow faint tracks, catch the scent of cinnamon, of dill. Once I feel his hand on my cheek and try to trap it, but it dissolves like mist through my fingers.

  When I finally begin to surface into the sterile hospital room in 13, I remember. I was under the influence of sleep syrup. My heel had been injured after I’d climbed out on a branch over the electric fence and dropped back into 12. Peeta had put me to bed and I had asked him to stay with me as I was drifting off. He had whispered something I couldn’t quite catch. But some part of my brain had trapped his single word of reply and let it swim up through my dreams to taunt me now. «Always.»

  Morphling dulls the extremes of all emotions, so instead of a stab of sorrow, I merely feel emptiness. A hollow of dead brush where flowers used to bloom. Unfortunately, there’s not enough of the drug left in my veins for me to ignore the pain in the left side of my body. That’s where the bullet hit. My hands fumble over the thick bandages encasing my ribs and I wonder what I’m still doing here.

  It wasn’t him, the man kneeling before me on the square, the burned one from the Nut. He didn’t pull the trigger. It was someone farther back in the crowd. There was less a sense of penetration than the feeling that I’d been struck with a sledgehammer. Everything after the moment of impact is confusion riddled with gunfire. I try to sit up, but the only thing I manage is a moan.

  The white curtain that divides my bed from the next patient’s whips back, and Johanna Mason stares down at me. At first I feel threatened, because she attacked me in the arena. I have to remind myself that she did it to save my life. It was part of the rebel plot. But still, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t despise me. Maybe her treatment of me was all an act for the Capitol?

  «I’m alive,» I say rustily.

  «No kidding, brainless.» Johanna walks over and plunks down on my bed, sending spikes of pain shooting across my chest. When she grins at my discomfort, I know we’re not in for some warm reunion scene. «Still a little sore?» With an expert hand, she quickly detaches the morphling drip from my arm and plugs it into a socket taped into the crook of her own. «They started cutting back my supply a few days ago. Afraid I’m going to turn into one of those freaks from Six. I’ve had to borrow from you when the coast was clear. Didn’t think you’d mind.»

  Mind? How can I mind when she was almost tortured to death by Snow after the Quarter Quell? I have no right to mind, and she knows it.

  Johanna sighs as the morphling enters her bloodstream. «Maybe they were onto something in Six. Drug yourself out and paint flowers on your body. Not such a bad life. Seemed happier than the rest of us, anyway.»

  In the weeks since I left 13, she’s gained some weight back. A soft down of hair has sprouted on her shaved head, helping to hide some of the scars. But if she’s siphoning off my morphling, she’s struggling.

  «They’ve got this head doctor who comes around every day. Supposed to be helping me recover. Like some guy who’s spent his life in this rabbit warren’s going to fix me up. Complete idiot. At least twenty times a session he reminds me that I’m totally safe.» I manage a smile. It’s a truly stupid thing to say, especially to a victor. As if such a state of being ever existed, anywhere, for anyone. «How about you, Mockingjay? You feel totally safe?»

  «Oh, yeah. Right up until I got shot,» I say.

  «Please. That bullet never even touched you. Cinna saw to that,» she says.

  I think of the layers of protective armor in my Mockingjay outfit. But the pain came from somewhere. «Broken ribs?»

  «Not even. Bruised pretty good. The impact ruptured your spleen. They couldn’t repair it.» She gives a dismissive wave of her hand. «Don’t worry, you don’t need one. And if you did, they’d find you one, wouldn’t they? It’s everybody’s job to keep you alive.»

  «Is that why you hate me?» I ask.

  «Partly,» she admits. «Jealousy is certainly involved. I also think you’re a little hard to swallow. With your tacky romantic drama and your defender-of-the-helpless act. Only it isn’t an act, which makes you more unbearable. Please feel free to take this personally.»

  «You should have been the Mockingjay. No one would’ve had to feed you lines,» I say.

  «True. But no one likes me,» she tells me.

  «They trusted you, though. To get me out,» I remind her. «And they’re afraid of you.»

  «Here, maybe. In the Capitol, you’re the one they’re scared of now.» Gale appears in the doorway, and Johanna neatly unhooks herself and reattaches me to the morphling drip. «Your cousin’s not afraid of me,» she
says confidentially. She scoots off my bed and crosses to the door, nudging Gale’s leg with her hip as she passes him. «Are you, gorgeous?» We can hear her laughter as she disappears down the hall.

  I raise my eyebrows at him as he takes my hand. «Terrified,» he mouths. I laugh, but it turns into a wince.

  «Easy.» He strokes my face as the pain ebbs. «You’ve got to stop running straight into trouble.»

  «I know. But someone blew up a mountain,» I answer.

  Instead of pulling back, he leans in closer, searching my face. «You think I’m heartless.»

  «I know you’re not. But I won’t tell you it’s okay,» I say.

  Now he draws back, almost impatiently. «Katniss, what difference is there, really, between crushing our enemy in a mine or blowing them out of the sky with one of Beetee’s arrows? The result is the same.»

  «I don’t know. We were under attack in Eight, for one thing. The hospital was under attack,» I say.

  «Yes, and those hoverplanes came from District Two,» he says. «So, by taking them out, we prevented further attacks.»

  «But that kind of thinking…you could turn it into an argument for killing anyone at any time. You could justify sending kids into the Hunger Games to prevent the districts from getting out of line,» I say.

  «I don’t buy that,» he tells me.

  «I do,» I reply. «It must be those trips to the arena.»

  «Fine. We know how to disagree,» he says. «We always have. Maybe it’s good. Between you and me, we’ve got District Two now.»

  «Really?» For a moment a feeling of triumph flares up inside me. Then I think about the people on the square. «Was there fighting after I was shot?»

  «Not much. The workers from the Nut turned on the Capitol soldiers. The rebels just sat by and watched,» he says. «Actually, the whole country just sat by and watched.»


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