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by Unknown


  Cooper McKenzie


  Secret Cravings Publishing

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  A Secret Cravings Publishing Book

  Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2011 by Cooper McKenzie

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-936653-60-7

  First E-book Publication: May 2011

  Cover design by Beth Walker

  Edited by Ariana Gaynor

  Proof read by Rebecca Hollada

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Secret Cravings Publishing

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Secret Cravings Publishing


  To scarf lovers everywhere and my favorite fireman


  Cooper McKenzie

  Copyright © 2011

  “Have you ever tried being restrained?”

  Devi Jones looked up from her half finished glass of wine in surprise. She found herself entranced by the intense blue eyes sparkling with life that belonged to Sam, the man she’d been seeing and sleeping with off and on for several months. The man who held her heart, though she knew he probably did not realize it.

  Blinking, she looked at the rest of his face. Deep blue eyes dominated his features, overpowering the straight, narrow nose and sexy lips half hidden by a dark brown mustache. Pulling back her focus even further, she took in his short chestnut brown hair—that was so soft she wondered what kind of conditioner he used—strong stubborn jaw and broad shoulders before returning her gaze to his eyes. Their blue warmth mesmerized her and it took her a moment to remember he had asked her a question.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Have you ever tried being restrained?” He repeated as he slid onto the bench on the opposite side of the booth.

  His voice was deeper than usual, which was her hint that he had already started thinking about sex. They always ended up having sex, though only a few times had their passionate need held off until they reached a bed.

  “I’m sitting here quietly minding my own business. I think I’m behaving quite properly and anyone who tells you different is a liar.”

  As usual the man’s dark, sexy chuckle sent warmth shafting through Devi’s body to pool low in her belly. Her nipples immediately beaded and her pussy lips dampened. “No, baby, not restraint as in composure, the other kind.”

  He took a swallow from his bottle of beer before setting it to the side. Leaning closer, his forearms resting on the table, he continued in a lowered voice. “Has any man ever taken your silk scarves and tied them around your wrists and ankles before tying you to a bed? Has anyone ever had you completely immobile and taken full advantage of the situation?”

  Devi shivered. Her reaction came as much from the smooth, sexy tone in his voice as the pictures that his words painted. Then she considered his question. Though she’d read about such things in the erotic romance novels she collected, the men she had been with in the past, three of them including one ex-husband, had focused more on their own pleasure than hers.

  “Have you?”

  “So I’m guessing that means the answer is no.” His words were a statement and not a question.

  Devi surprised herself by answering honestly with a slow move of her head left to right. “Yes, the answer is no.”

  Sam’s warm smile grew even brighter as he took her hand in his and turned it over to draw circles on her palm. His skin felt cool from holding the beer bottle, but his touch still sent pulsations of electric awareness up her arm. Warmth spread through her entire body and every nerve ending began to tingle with need. She’d never thought about such a thing, but then she’d never thought herself bold enough to have sex in the front seat of her car either. Or on the couch in her living room in the middle of the day.

  Did she dare try this new thing Sam was proposing?

  “Would you like to try?”

  “Why?” was the only response that came to her mind.

  “Imagine me touching you all over. Licking, nibbling, sucking on those beautiful girls and there wouldn’t be a thing you could do to stop me,” he said dropping his eyes to her breasts for a moment before lifting them to her face once again. “I could aggravate you until you beg me to stop…or demand more.”

  By this time Devi’s panties were damp with her juices, and her nipples were throbbing. It was difficult to keep still when all she wanted was to reach down and stroke her clit without a care about who was in the room. Her mind turned his words into mental pictures. She saw the things he suggested and wanted them.

  “Question you have to ask yourself now is do you trust me enough? Whether or not I tie you down I promise I will relax your bones, rid you of any and all stress, and put a happy smile on your beautiful face.”

  Devi shivered in reaction. “No one but you has ever relaxed my bones before,” she admitted softly, remembering how boneless she felt every time he left her. She was usually so relaxed she wobbled when she walked.

  “Really? Then the men you’ve been with in the past were idiots.”

  He sat back looking as if he had all night for her to make her decision. His expression was one of a confident male who knew she would choose to play his games.

  Devi sipped at her wine as she debated the wisdom of what she was considering. Though they’d met here every Wednesday evening for a drink and an hour of conversation and had even spent several evenings sharing the most spectacular sex of her life, what did she really know of the man? Just because he saw beyond her curvy body to the passionately creative heart beneath, could she really trust him to tie her up and then not physically hurt her?

  Looking into his eyes her gut screamed that she could trust him, no matter what he wanted to do to her. This seemed to be just an extension of the fantastic sex they’d had in the past, and she had been curious about bondage. Maybe this was her chance to find out what all the excitement was about.

  “Would you like to come home with me?” she asked after swallowing the last of her wine.

  “Do you have any scarves?”

  Thinking of the box on the top shelf of her closet, Devi nodded. She had a diverse collection, though she rarely wor
e them.

  Sam returned her nod then slid from the booth. Holding out a hand, he helped her to her feet then kept her hand in his. “Your car or mine?” he asked softly as they headed to the front door.

  “It was such a beautiful night I walked the two blocks.” Devi waited until they were outside the bar before responding. “Walk me home?” she asked with a grin.

  “Lead the way, baby.”

  Neither spoke as they crossed the well lit parking lot. As usual, it was a comfortable silence instead of the nerve wracking, what do I say next, kind. Once they reached the street where the floodlights didn’t reach, Devi slowed. A shiver of fear blasted away the mellow that wrapped around her the same way Sam’s hand engulfed hers.

  “Devi? Baby, what’s wrong?”

  Though they had been dating for months, Devi had never been able to make demands on a man, to make her wants and wishes known. The men in life had taught her not to ask because that would be the last thing they would give her. Instead, she had learned to be happy with what she got in the way of attention or sex.

  Right now, she needed something only Sam could give her. Turning she looked at him through the shadows. “Would you kiss me, please?”

  His frown relaxed and his smile was gentle and comforting. Stepping closer he dropped her hand and slid both arms around her back. “My pleasure,” he murmured.

  The three-inch heels she wore brought her up so they were nearly the same height. As soon as their lips touched, her fear dissipated like morning fog in the sunlight. She lifted her arms to wrap around his shoulders then pressed deeper into his embrace. Tilting her head a little further to the right, she shoved away any lingering doubts as his lips parted over hers.

  Their kiss went from a simple brushing of lip on lip to a mating of teeth and tongues in seconds. Though it was exactly what she needed, she still yearned for more. She moaned a soft protest when he pulled his mouth away and shifted his attention to nibbling gently at her earlobe.

  She tilted her head to allow him greater access, wondering for only a moment if she should have waited to start this until they’d reached the privacy of her house. Before she could answer her own question, her worry center shut down. All she could do was feel Sam’s muscle-roped body as he held her tight.

  Her pussy overflowed with her cream and her entire body softened in preparation for what was to come. Why did this man affect her so strongly? No other man had ever turned her on with just a kiss and a hug. Since their first embrace, Sam had affected her so strongly sometimes her reactions overwhelmed her. Thinking back over their various times together and the sexual adventures they shared still had the ability to send shivers up her spine and hot pulsation through her pelvis.

  When he pulled back and pressed his hard cock into her lower belly, she sucked a startled breath. Since the end of her marriage she had not thought of herself as sexy, but Sam showed her differently.

  “We have to slow down. Otherwise we’ll never make it to your house,” he said with a grin and a wink. “And the last thing I want to happen tonight is for us to get arrested for an exuberant public display of affection. Your neighbors would be horrified.”

  Devi knew he was right, but could not loosen her hold on him. He felt too good in her arms. He fit her like they were two puzzle pieces. His curves fit her hollows and vise versa. She would happily stand here all night if he would keep kissing her and giving her the strong hugs she’d grown addicted to, but she knew he was right.

  “Give me a minute,” she said, a bit breathless.

  “That’s about all you have before I drag you into those woods over there,” he threatened with another chuckle that sent a shiver of lust down her spine.

  Resting her head on his shoulder she closed her eyes and tried to talk her arms into letting him go. Taking a deep breath, she took in the scent of clean laundry and healthy male with a slightly spicy, smoky overtone. It took several more breaths before she could lift her head and pull her arms from around him.

  She took a step back, but before she moved too far away, he took her hand in his. Lacing their fingers together, he lifted them to his mouth and kissed the back of hers. “I need to feel you,” he explained when she looked at him in surprise.

  She nodded. “I need to touch you, too.”

  Walking quickly, it only took a few minutes to reach her house where a soft light glowed in the living room. Sam released her hand so she could pull her keys from her pocket and open the door.

  Once they were inside, he secured the deadbolt as well as the lock in the knob. He waited as she laid her keys and purse on the small table just inside the door before touching her again.

  “Come here, baby,” he ordered gently taking her in his arms again.

  Devi returned to his embrace with a sigh. Resting her cheek on his shoulder, she hugged him as contentment washed over her, an ease she could never remember feeling with any other man. While she would be willing to stand there all night just hugging him, her body began demanding more. Much, much more.

  Lifting her head, she kissed him and it felt as if the last few minutes never happened. When he pulled away and broke the kiss this time, they both moaned. She looked into his eyes, checking his reaction, and found their blue coloring even deeper and darker than before.

  “Where are your scarves, baby?” he asked, his voice so low and soft the timbre resonating through her made her quiver in response.

  Knowing her bedroom was a mess Devi stepped back and pointed to the club chair next to the door. “Have a seat and I’ll get them.”

  Turning she hurried down the hall to her bedroom. She knew right where they were, but took an extra few seconds to pull the bed together. Then she retrieved the box from her closet. When she returned to the living room, she found him standing before her bookcase, reading book titles.

  Her face burned with embarrassment when she realized he focused on the shelf of erotic romances she’d collected over the past two years.

  “Um, here they are,” she said, turning over the large shoebox she knew held a couple dozen scarves.

  Sam accepted the box then brushed a kiss on her lips. Before she could take it further he moved away and sat in the chair she’d designated. She took a seat at the end of the couch closest to him, wishing she could touch him, but was afraid to. Not that he would reject her, but that her need was growing beyond her control and she might end up tying him to the bed to keep him around.

  “When you said you had scarves, you weren’t kidding, were you?” he asked as he pushed his hands deep into the box and sifted through the jumble of silk.

  “People keep giving them to me, but I hardly ever wear them,” she explained. “So they go in the box and get forgotten.”

  Sam smiled in understanding then focused on untangling the first scarf to pull it out and inspect it.

  She couldn’t help smiling as he pulled each scarf from the box. He appeared to know what he was doing as he chose the long rectangular ones. Once it was free of the others, he would run it through his fingers and check each one for length and sturdiness.

  “Oooo, red,” he murmured laying it across his lap.

  “And a Christmas one.” He sounded as excited as a little boy finding everything he wished for under the tree. The red and gold patterned scarf went on the pile without hesitation.

  His next choice was a black and white one that she didn’t recognize. “This is pretty,” he said.

  She couldn’t help but giggle as he made comments about each scarf he laid across his lap. A tiny shiver of fear raced through her when he began to pull out the larger square ones and consider them as well.

  By the time he finished looking at every scarf in the box he had at least a dozen draped across the impressive bulge pushing at the front of his jeans.

  “Are you going to use all those?” Devi asked, suddenly not so sure that she could go through with being tied down. Especially if he was going to use all the scarves he’d culled from her collection.

  He p
ut the rejected scarves back in the box and set it on the coffee table. Then he looked at her and winked with a grin. “Never can tell what I might need to do the job right.”

  He pulled the red scarf from the pile then held out his other hand palm up towards her. Without instructions, Devi laid her right wrist on his palm. Butterflies danced in her stomach as he tied one end of the length of silk around her wrist. Then he chose the red and gold Christmas scarf and did the same thing to the left.

  Then he took the other scarves in one hand and her hand in the other and led her down the hall. Just inside her bedroom door he stopped her and pulled her close for another long, wet, kiss and body rubbing against body embrace. She momentarily forgot why they were there, until he released her and stepped back.

  “You might want to take those off,” he gestured with the scarves in his hand to her clothes, “unless you’d like me to cut them off of you when they get in my way.”

  Devi looked down to see what she was wearing. No, she didn’t want the deep purple silk blouse ruined. It was her favorite shirt. Without a word, she quickly unbuttoned the blouse and stripped it off, tossing it across the top of the dresser to be dealt with later.

  She waited while Sam pulled off his own shirt and dropped it to the floor. Then she waited while he examined the black lace bra she’d worn. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing in her wardrobe, but whenever she’d worn it and Sam saw it on her his breathing hitched and his eyes glowed, just like they did now.

  “Though I love to see you in this, it has to go, too,” he nodded toward the bra as he undid his belt. “I want total access to the girls and that thing will just get in my way.”

  As her head nodded in understanding, her body began to tremble with the need to touch him, to feel him touching her, to give herself over to whatever he wanted to do with her. While she didn’t know as much as she would like about Sam, she did trust him to take good care of her, especially when the clothes came off. He was a giving man who always, always sought her pleasure first and she knew he would do the same now.


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