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Promise To Keep

Page 20

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  Her heart beating faster than normal, Aisha made her way up to them. Ignoring the woman, she wrapped one arm around his free one and tugged, with her other arm wrapped around his waist possessively. Putting on her sweetest smile, she looked up at his surprised face and said, “Come on darling, let’s get back to my condo. You can give me that…. personalized, private congratulations you promised me.“ she finished.

  “Well, Ok.“ he said as he glanced uncertainly at Mona and said, “Uhhh, nice meeting you.“

  Unseen by Connell, Aisha shot her a quick, spiteful smile, then, tugging his arm once more, led him away. Unable to help herself, she couldn’t resist one last parting jab at the bitch. She knew the woman was glaring at her, so she placed a hand on Connell’s firm, tight buttocks and rubbed lightly as they walked away.

  “That bitch, I’ll get her one day.” Mona muttered as all traces of the sweet, phony innocence melted from her face.

  Shocked and confused, Connell felt himself begin to grow hard.


  Watching Aisha in silence, Connel still felt confused. At the moment she was standing on the balcony, staring out at the calm lake that was behind her home. The trip back to her condo had been quiet, with an awkward silence between them. He felt himself being pulled to her as he had so many times before, but hesitated in confusion, as he didn’t know what to make of the mixed signals he had been getting from her. After he had kissed her weeks earlier, she had avoided him like the plague. Then tonight, well, she had been touchy-feely after he had met the beautiful young brunette.

  Shrugging out of his jacket, he tossed it on the leather sofa, then kicked off his shoes, leaving them beside her high heels.

  Looking through the glass door once more, he drank in the sight of her. She was still wearing the same evening dress, and she looked breathtaking to him. Taking a deep breath, he thought, I’ve GOT to have her! Oh well, no guts, no glory….here goes…..then approached the door, opened it, and stepped outside.

  Aisha looked over her shoulder at him, and her heart lurched wildly at the way he was looking at her. It scared her, but excited her at the same time. Her heart beating a mile a minute, she thought, Don’t make a fool out of yourself…

  He approached her from behind and wrapped his arms around her, his hands resting just below her pert breasts. She shivered as he leaned close and brushed his lips against her neck and whispered, “Do you want your congratulations gift now?” Then he kissed her long, slender neck.

  Startled, she let out a tiny yelp of surprise, and felt his body shake as he chuckled to himself. Her entire body shuddered, and she closed her eyes and stuttered, “Listen, I, …I only said that to get to Mona. You have no idea what kind of person she really is. I could tell she wanted you…and…oh God…don’t do that…please.” she whimpered weakly. She could feel herself getting wet and made a feeble effort to pull away.

  His arms wrapped around her more tightly, and she felt her legs go weak as his hands moved up and cupped her full breasts. “Are you cold? Let me warm you up” he whispered. Suddenly his hands left her breasts and his powerful hands grabbed hold of her shoulders as he spun her around to face him. Pulling her roughly into his embrace, his mouth descended on hers before she could protest.

  She whimpered again as his hot lips devoured her mouth and own lips with a passion and hunger she had never experienced. His tongue sought hers, and her taught nipples ached as he crushed her bosom to his massive chest. After a moment his mouth left hers, and he licked and nibbled at her neck as he murmured, “Well, do you want to warm you up or not?”

  Panting, she closed her eyes again and reminded herself that she shouldn’t be feeling the way she was, she was used to men’s attention, after all, she wasn’t inexperienced herself. But this man different, even from Max. He was so overwhelming, in complete control, almost dominating. It was raw and powerful, so elemental, and it was stoking her furnace to atomic level. She was excited beyond her wildest fantasies, and found herself completely at a loss for words.

  “This time….this time I’ll take your silence as a yes.” he whispered, and bending down, scooped her up in his powerful arms. Walking to the door, he nudged it open with one foot, and carried her into the master bedroom.

  Placing her back on her feet, his lips descended on hers once again, making her throbbing center ache. She knew they were dangerously close to the edge, and tried one last time to stem the avalanche. “Connell, I really don’t think we should…oh God…” she finished weakly as his hands quickly and deftly slid the shoulder straps of her dress over her shoulders. The garment slid to the floor, where it lay pooled around her feet, and she knew. It was useless to resist him, to deny her own arousal. She had passed the point of no return, and would have paid him at that point.

  Lowering his lips to her shoulder, he kissed lightly. In a voice thick with pent-up desire, he said, “Tonight, watching you, seeing other men look at you, wanting you, I wanted to take you in my arms myself and tell anyone who would listen that you’re MINE, my lovely, talented, sweet hellcat. All mine.”

  Her eyes still closed, she felt a tug at her bra strap, and opened her eyes just enough to see him pulling the strap off her shoulder with his teeth. That done, he repeated with the other, and she closed her eyes again and nearly screamed with delight as she felt his wet tongue lick her taught nipples, first one, then the other, before his mouth opened and he took one in and began to suckle. One arm snaked around her, he pulled her closer, and she felt his hand slip under the waistband of her white silk panties, then caress her buttocks.

  His hand withdrew, then she felt herself being lifted again. He placed her on the bed, and she felt the bed sag as his large frame laid down beside her. She felt his hot tongue begin making it’s way down her breasts, abdomen, and finally her trembling thighs. She whimpered again when she felt his hot breath hovering over the top of the waistband of her panties. She felt his fingers hook underneath the elastic, and felt them being tugged down slowly. As her throbbing womanhood was exposed, his tongue flicked out and teased her swollen clitoris.

  “Hmmm, I love your scent, love, it’s just how I always imagined it would be.” he whispered hoarsely, then slid her panties the rest of the way off. Grabbing her knees, he slowly spread her legs apart.

  Feeling herself completely exposed, she moaned as his head came down and she felt his tongue slide into her wet folds. Slowly, he slid his tongue up and down, then licked her clitoris. Electrified, her eyes flew open just as he took it in between his lips and began sucking. One strong hand parted her swollen, wet lips as he inserted a thick finger and began sliding it in and out.

  “OH GOD!” she screamed as she felt her pent-up desire release in a powerful orgasm that immediately wet the sheets underneath her. She squirmed and thrashed, then grabbed his hair with both hands and ground his face against her throbbing center. “Oh Jesus…“ she gasped as she felt his tongue devour her, and wave after wave of orgasm washed through her body as she bucked her hips frantically. Finally she collapsed, limp, and lay there feeling faint.

  Eyes closed, she felt the bed shift as he shed his clothing. He spread her legs wide, and she was nearly crushed as she felt his giant frame lay on top of her, his raging erection pressing down on her. Snaking one arm underneath her back, he snatched her up and devoured her lips with his. Losing all control, she grabbed him by the hair again and surprised him by equaling his ferocity with a kiss of her own.

  “Take me, take me….please…“ she panted as she pulled her mouth free and he squeezed her breasts almost painfully.

  She nearly screamed as she felt his massive manhood slide into her decisively, not to be denied. Delirious, she moaned at the sensation of being filled so completely. God, he’s huge EVERYWHERE….she thought.

  She felt her body completely smothered as his massive frame pressed her own down into the mattress. Hooking both hands behind her knees, he yanked her legs up and began pounding i
nto her, hard, as he slathered her neck and aching breasts with kisses and rough licks from his hot tongue. The entire bed was shaking back and forth, and the headboard began banging against the wall as his powerful thrusts settled in to a rhythm. Completely at his mercy, her consciousness drifted in and out as he pounded at her, the delicious sensations running through her helpless body making her delirious. She was only dimly aware of babbling incoherently as she dug her nails in his powerful back and raked his flesh raw.

  Feeling his thrusts pick up speed, she finally opened her eyes and looked up as the pounding became more urgent and his eyes grew wide.

  “Ohhhhh, ohhhhhh GOD!!!” he yelled as she felt his hot release burning inside her. The sensation triggered one last orgasm of her own, and she grabbed his buttocks with both hands and pulled him even closer, wanting his hot manhood as far inside her as possible. “Give it to me baby….give it to me….” she whispered fiercely, then pulled his head down to her raw breasts as she kissed the top of his head repeatedly.

  Finally spent, they both collapsed, breathing heavily.

  After a few moments of silence, he reached out and pulled her gently to him, and she lay her head on his chest with a contented sigh.

  “Wow, that was something.” she said.

  “It sure was darlin’, it sure was.” he breathed.

  They lay together in silence, each not knowing exactly how to feel or what to say.

  Connell finally broke the silence. Kissing her damp forehead tenderly, he said, “Aisha? It wasn’t what you think. It wasn’t just physical, I’ve had feelings for you for a long time. I’m in….”

  “Shhhhh, we’ll talk about it some other time.” she said as she put a finger to his lips, then kissed him tenderly. “Let’s get some sleep.” she said as she pulled the covers over the both of them and rolled over.


  Aisha raised her head and looked at the clock on the nightstand. 6 a.m. She sat up groggily and threw the covers back, reluctant to leave the warmth and comfort of them and Connell’s warm body, but they had to get up and get started, their flight back to Virginia was scheduled to leave at noon. And with the long waiting lines for airport security these days, she figured they should be there at least a couple of hours early. Shivering, she thought, Just another hour, we’ll still have plenty of time…. then flopped back down and pulled the covers back over her.

  Mumbling and snorting, Connell threw one arm over her and pulled her close, his hand cupping her breast, and began snoring softly once again.

  She lay perfectly still, thinking. I can’t do this, I just can’t. Yes, the sex was good and I did need it, but I can’t go through falling in love again and maybe getting hurt. It can never work out, most folks back at home…back at HIS place…are just too narrow-minded. It will wear him down eventually, make him bitter and resentful. I lov….I care about him too much to see that happen to him. Or Abby…….

  Grabbing his huge hand, she brought it to her lips and kissed it softly, then decided once and for all to get the day started. Throwing the covers back once more she sat up, just as he snorted one last time, opened his eyes, and reached for her, grabbing her arm.

  With a goofy grin, he blinked and said, “Morning sweetie.”

  “Good morning,” she muttered as she tried to pull her arm free.

  Immediately, he sensed her apprehension. Releasing her arm, his rough, calloused hand stroked her smooth back lovingly, and he felt her muscles grow tense. Propping himself up on one elbow, he looked at her and hesitantly asked, “You Ok? What is it, what’s wrong?”

  Grabbing the sheet, she pulled it over her sore, sensitive breasts self-consciously, and looked everywhere but directly at him.

  “Aisha? What….”

  “I don’t know.“ she blurted out. “I just don’t want you to feel like you have to say or do anything, because of, well, you know, last night. I don’t expect anything to change, alright? I know that you have physical needs, I do too sometimes, so last night was Ok. I mean, don’t feel obligated, or embarrassed, or….guilty. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I know last night was a purely physical thing, and I’m Ok with that. I mean it, I really do. It was GREAT, by the way.” she finished as she finally looked at him and gave him an awkward smile.

  “Aisha, it wasn’t like that, I….”

  “LOOK, don’t read anything in to it, alright? Christ, I’ve bent over backwards doing everything in my power to help you and to please you. I’ve given you my sweat, my pain, my money, my time, and finally my body. Last night you finally got what you really wanted, what more do you expect from me!?” she snapped, her smile disappearing.

  He flinched, her words affecting him like a vicious slap to the face.

  She cringed inside, unable to believe her own cruelty. She was angry with herself, and confused. Oh God, why did I say that…she thought miserably, and her lower lip began to quiver.

  How can she say that, or think that? My God, I thought MEN were supposed to be blind and stupid! Can’t she SEE how I feel about her? If it was just physical, hell, I could have taken care of that myself, in private…he thought. Beginning to grow angry as well as hurt, he looked at her and said in a low voice, “So, you think that’s all it was for me, huh? That’s how you think I am? Big, dumb, what was it you called me before…? Bare-assed baboon? Just a horny, knuckle-dragging ape needing a RELEASE, right?”

  Still feeling guilty, she reached out and touched his arm and said, “No, you‘re not an ape, I was just mad at you, and you know that. But listen, I know it’s been rough for you, and I’m the only woman you’ve been around . Of course it’s only natural for you to want to sleep with me.” she said, unable to believe her own ears. It was as if a stranger was speaking through her lips.

  His face grew darker, and he finally sat upright.

  She glanced away quickly as she shrugged nonchalantly and said, “You’re not obligated to me, and I want you to know I’m not some clingy female who expects chocolates, flowers and poetry. You made me feel good, I made you feel good, let’s just leave it at that.”

  She wants to see just lust? Alright, I’ll give it to her….he thought angrily. Reaching out suddenly, he grabbed her shoulders and snatched her to him. Crushing his lips against hers before she could protest, his tongue sought hers as he ripped the sheet from her feeble grasp and began squeezing her breasts and tweaking her suddenly erect nipples.

  Suddenly his lips left hers, and she felt the delicious sensation of them on her raw bosom as he licked and nibbled roughly. She moaned and tried to squirm away from him, and gasped as she felt one powerful hand part her thighs. A large finger inserted itself inside her roughly, pulled out, and began stroking up and down through her wet folds slowly. She shuddered and went limp as images of the previous night’s activities flashed through her mind.

  Spreading her legs wider, she tugged one of his arms, indicating she wanted him on top. She felt his weight crushing her small frame once again, and groaned with animalistic lust in anticipation. Grabbing his hair, she ran her long manicured nails through his hair as she closed her eyes and waited.

  Though he badly needed and wanted to make love to her again, Connell decided it was time to drive his point home. Pulling himself free from her groping hands, he sat up and got out of bed.

  Opening her eyes, she sat up and saw him standing there looking at her with a neutral expression on his handsome face.

  “I can’t believe you said what you said to me. Not to sound like some teenager, but that hurt me, Aisha. Regardless of what you might think, I do have feelings, same as you.” Pointing to the bed, he finished. “ This is the only way I could think of to pay you back. Just thought I’d let you see what the sting of rejection feels like, since it’s “just physical.” For YOU, anyway.”

  He turned and walked into the bathroom, leaving her stunned and at a loss for words.

  Scrambling out of bed, she approached the bathroom and stoppe
d just outside the door. “Connell, please, I..”

  But she was cut off as he reached out and slammed the door shut.

  Still fully aroused, she nearly screamed in frustration. Well, what do you expect? He has every right to be angry and hurt. What the fuck is WRONG with you today? ….her mind screamed at her.

  Thoroughly miserable, she snatched her robe from the closet, put it on, then turned and headed towards the kitchen. She put on a pot of coffee and sat down in brooding silence, waiting for it to brew.

  Several minutes later the doorbell rang, surprising her.


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