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Promise To Keep

Page 24

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  “ Jonus called us, how is she?” Ben asked, taking a seat beside him while Helen dragged a chair close and sat directly facing him.

  “She’s gonna’ be fine, I just spoke with the doctor. They sent animal control out to my place to try to find the dogs.” he replied. He then filled them in on everything he knew, which was very little, as all three of them speculated, mused, and finally fell silent, each lost in their own thoughts.

  “God I hate hospitals.” Helen mumbled as she wrapped her arms around herself and shivered, not wanting to think of Jenny, but unable to help it.

  An hour later Doctor Boyd returned, and greeted Helen and Ben. Looking at Connell, he said, “Sorry, we had to treat Mrs. Church too. Why, at sixty-nine years of age, she decided to take up mountain biking I’ll never know. Well, she’ll have plenty of time while she’s laid up with a broken ankle to consider a new hobby.“ he chuckled as he shook his head sadly. “Anyway, Doctor Nolan looked at Aisha, she won’t need any surgery. We didn’t stitch her wounds, they’re deep punctures rather than tears. She needs to rest for a few days, stay off her feet, but I guess that goes without saying.”

  “Thank goodness.” Helen said.

  Reaching into his pocket, he handed Connell the prescriptions he had written for her. “She’s a bit loopy right now, I gave her something in the IV for pain. These antibiotics, she has to take all of them, there’s also a prescription for pain medication there too. After she’s discharged, bring her to see me in..oh..let’s say three days, if you would. I’ll have an appointment already set up, a nurse will call you and let you know. Meantime, any signs of infection, like warmth around the wound, or puss discharge, bring her back immediately. It will be a bit before her discharge papers are finished, but you can go in and see her now if you like.” he finished, then nodded and left.

  “You go on and sit with her, we’ll wait here.” Ben said, correctly guessing that Connell would want some time alone with her. “We’ll drive you two home when they cut her loose.”


  Aisha’s face was buried in Connell’s chest. She was trying to stay awake, but the medication was really taking hold. She mumbled something he couldn’t quite make out, and her eyes slid closed.

  Connell held her close, his arms wrapped protectively around her. He whispered, “It’s alright darling, I’m here, I’m going to take care of you, just rest.”

  Ben and Helen exchanged knowing looks and smiled, but said nothing as the drive home continued in silence, other than the whispered words of comfort.


  Jonus sat on the front porch steps, waiting and worrying. He truly loved Aisha like an older sister.

  A few feet away Thelma and Louie laid with their heads resting on their paws, ears twitching, The animal control officer had looked them over and told Jonus what to look out for in the animal’s behavior, but since both had been vaccinated recently, felt there was very little to worry about.

  Hearing an engine, he looked up to see Helen’s Pontiac Grand-Am coming down the long driveway.

  Aisha opened her eyes groggily as she felt the car come to a stop.

  Without hesitation Connell cradled her close to his chest and got out. “She’s fine, just a little loopy.” he smiled at Jonus as he carried her up the steps.

  Getting to his feet, Jonus opened the door for him, and Connell carried her up the stairs.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she looked at him and mumbled, “I need to get out of these clothes, I feel nasty. I want to wash up and put on a comfortable gown.”

  Entering the bedroom, he placed her on the bed gently as she looked down at her leg. A bit more awake, she shivered, thinking about how much worse it could have been if it hadn’t been for Thelma and Louie, or Connell and Jonus happening upon her. “I’ve GOT to get up and get changed.” she mumbled as she sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed.

  “Hey hey, easy little girl, the doc said to stay off your feet as much as possible, let me help you.” Connell said as he put an arm underneath hers and helped her stand.

  She knew there was no use arguing with him, and began hobbling into the bathroom. Once inside she clutched his arm with one hand as she unbuttoned her jeans with the other, unzipped them, and shimmied out of them, mindful of her bandaged calf. “Grab my waist, will you?” she asked.

  Holding her hips steady, he waited as she shed the hospital-scrub top.

  “Unhook my bra.” she said as she lifted her long hair from her neck.

  “Listen, I think I know what you’re wanting to do, but you can’t get in the tub with that wounded leg. If you want to get cleaned up, you’re just going to have to settle for me giving you a sponge bath.” he said as he reached up with a free hand and unsnapped her bra.

  “But, I can hang my leg over the side of the tub.” she protested.

  “And what, your forearm too? Bathe with one hand? Forget it, you heard what the doctor said about possible infections and stress on your injuries, no matter how slight. Now, if you want to be washed up, you can either let me do it, or let Helen do it, but you’re not getting into that tub, not right now. So, what’s it gonna’ be?”

  Biting her lower lip, she mumbled, “Ok.”

  Alright, let’s get you laid back down in bed, then I’ll go get Helen.

  “I’d rather you did it.” she mumbled. Seeing the look of surprise on his face, she said, “Look, I still have my pride and dignity, and, well, you’ve already seen all of me there is to see, so I’d rather it be you.” she finished as she felt her face heat up.

  “Ok.” he said quietly. “Let’s get you back to bed.”

  Before she could turn around he had lifted her up once again, then carried her back to bed. Going to the closet, he pulled out a fresh blanket and covered her body, then said, “Be back in a few minutes.”

  She closed her eyes and drifted off slowly, relishing the warmth and security of the soft, fragrant material.

  A short time later she awakened when she heard the door close, and felt the bed sag as he sat down beside her. Not opening her eyes, she felt the blanket being pulled from her body. She heard the faint sound of water splashing, and smelled lilac as, presumably, he squeezed body-wash onto a washcloth and lathered it up. She felt the warm material touch her forehead, and he began gently wiping her face, first the forehead, her cheeks, her neck, and finally her arms. He lifter her left hand and began rubbing soap between her fingers.

  “You know, seeing you hurt and bleeding, that scared ten years off my life,” he said softly. “I thought I had lost you too.”

  Not knowing what to say, she remained silent, eyes still closed, as he laid her hand back down. She heard the faint splash of water again. The warm material touched the top of her chest, and he began wiping gently again. Her lips quivered as he lifted first one breast, then the other, wiping gently both over them and underneath them. He continued down to her abdomen.

  “I wonder sometimes, if you know how much I care about you.” she heard him say softly.

  She felt his hands on her hips, and almost whimpered when she felt him gently tugging her panties down, then off. Incredibly, she felt herself becoming aroused as the warm cloth gently, yet firmly began moving over her thighs, then between her legs. Gently as always, he parted her thighs a little wider, then cleaned her most intimate spot, but didn’t linger.

  He sighed heavily as she heard the sound of water tinkling once more. He began lathering the cloth again, then gently closed her legs. “It’s Ok, you don’t have to say anything. I just wanted you to know how much you do mean to me. To all of us.” she heard him say as he began working on her calves, mindful of her bandaged area.

  The bed shifted, and he took both her ankles in his strong hands, lifted them, then slid closer to her, where he laid them in his lap. He began washing her feet in silence.

  Does he even realize what he’s doing to me? she
thought, and was instantly ashamed of herself, because she knew at the moment what he was doing was nothing more than tender, loving concern for her, and not sexual. At that moment she also realized that she had fallen for him, completely.


  Helen was busy cooking dinner when Connell came into the kitchen. Turning to look at him she said, “Ben went home to take care of the stock, he’ll be back in a bit. Jonus said not to worry about the chores, he’ll handle everything. Turning her attention back to the stove she stirred the chicken and dumplings. “Thought I would heat this up, she’s going to need something on her stomach when she takes her medication in a bit. You want me to take the tray up to her?”

  Connell went to the refrigerator, took out a Coke, then sat down at the table. “Thanks, but I’ll take it up to her.” he said, and started pushing the coke can from side to side, a thoughtful look on his face. He felt he and Aisha had reached the point where they had to decide where their relationship was headed.

  Causally, she asked, “Seems like the trip helped you and Aisha become closer, am I right?”

  He was surprised that she had waited so long before asking. He loved Helen like a sister, but the woman could be blunt and almost nosy at times, when it concerned people she cared about. She was better than the old TV detective “Colombo” when it came to getting “just the facts.” “Well, we kind of…ahhh hell, I don’t know.” he said, looking completely frustrated. Finally pulling the tab on his can he took a sip and said, “I feel, differently about her. There’s such a strong pull, like even if I wanted to fight it I wouldn‘t be able to. I loved Jenny, and she will always have a special place in my heart, but to deny that I have feelings for Aisha would just make me a liar. Jesus, I‘ll just come right out and say it, I‘m in love with her. But there’s a part of me that still feels guilty, like I’m cheating on Jenny or something. I know Aisha feels the same way, because every time I feel we’re getting really close she pulls away and avoids me like the plague.”

  Helen took a soup bowl down from the cabinet, ladled a healthy serving of the steaming dumplings into it, and replied, “Connell, I don’t know why either of you have conflicting emotions over this. I mean, everyone can see the bond growing between you and her, you’re not fooling anyone, the two of you. Isn’t this what Jenny hoped for? Asked for? Look, you have three weeks before the kids come back, and as much as I love your mom, I have to say that’s three weeks without her around giving her two cents worth. Take that time and do something! Either you two decide to be together, or you move on with your lives. Honey, listen, I loved Jenny with all my heart, but time marches on, and there’s no going back.”

  Standing, he went to her, then leaned down and gave her a hug and brotherly kiss on the cheek .“Thanks for listening, and for the advice. You know what? You’re like the big-mouth sister I never had, and I love you.” he said and laughed as she smacked his behind with the soup ladle.

  “Who you calling bigmouth?” she cried, pretending to be angry and hurt.


  Connell set the tray down on the nightstand and reached for Aisha’s shoulder, shaking her gently. “Aisha, wake up.” he said.

  Her eyes fluttered open and she mumbled. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up and shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs. “Hmmm, what is it ?” When she saw the tray on the stand she reached over and grabbed the Sprite, opened it, and took a swallow, finding immediate relief for her cottonmouth. Her stomach rumbled as the smell of the chicken and dumplings wafted through the air. Now fully awake, she mumbled, “Thanks.”

  “It’s time for your medication, but you need to eat something before hand.” he told her as he grabbed the pillow beside her and propped it against the headboard behind her back. Reaching over, he set the tray carefully on her lap and sat on the edge of the bed as he watched her eat several spoonfuls,

  “That’s all I want for now, thanks.” she said, wincing at the pain as she propped herself up higher with her injured arm.

  Taking the bowl from her, he handed her a glass of ice water, then took her prescription medication off the tray, opened the bottles, and handed the pills to her.

  Swallowing them all at once, she made a face as she took a drink of water, then asked him to take the tray away. “Thanks. I’m sorry for being so much trouble.” she said and snuggled back under the covers, pulling them up to her chin.

  Reaching out, his hand caressed her face lovingly as he said, “You’re no trouble, I’m just grateful you’re here, and you’re Ok.”

  Giving him a weak smile, she reached up and caressed his cheek in return, feeling a bit of stubble under her hand. He turned his face and planted a small kiss inside her hand. “I’m fine, Connell, but would you do something for me? There’s a letter in the office, laying right by the computer monitor, would you be a dear and mail it for me later? I want it to go out before my birthday.”

  Damn, I forgot she had a birthday coming up…he thought. Her birthday was something he had committed to memory long ago, because Jenny had always made such a big to-do about it, and it surprised him he had forgotten. Seeing her eyes drooping closed, he said softly, “Alright sweetheart, I’ll do that, you go on to sleep.”


  Connell set the tray down on the desk in his office and picked up the large envelope. His curiosity got the best of him, and he looked at the name and address. Prophet Jeddah Rogers and Family. He couldn’t believe how close to her family they actually were, apparently they lived in Columbia Kentucky, only a four-hour drive from his farm. How could they be so close and not want to see her? he thought, and found himself wanting to know more about them. She had said she left home at thirteen, such a young age, and she hadn’t seen them since. He wondered why she would write to them, knowing she would never hear a word back. What kinds of parents just turn their backs on their child? Any parent would be proud to have a bright and successful daughter like her. And all because of some whacked out religion! he thought.

  Taking the letter and tray, he decided he would go see if Jonus needed anything, then he would mail the letter off.

  After putting the tray in the kitchen he went outside and was surprised to see a cruiser from the Sheriff’s Department pulling up in front of the house, then coming to a stop..

  Stepping out, Sheriff David Berry threw his hand up in greeting, putting his Smoky the Bear hat on and adjusting his mirrored sunglasses. Sheriff Berry was a mountain of a man, every bit as large as Connell himself. They had gone to high school together, and both had played football. They had always gotten on well, and everyone thought the star linebacker would be a shoe-in for the pros, but a neck injury had ended that dream.

  Waving back, Connell walked up to him and said, “I suppose you’re here about the Harrington boys.”

  The Sheriff looked at him, cocked his head, and said, “Those two jizz-buckets? Nahhhh, I heard something about a fight, but when I got there, after you had left, it appeared they had been drunk as usual, tripped, and hurt themselves on that hard floor. Least that’s what everyone there told me.” he said as he reached up, pulled his shades down, winked at him, then pushed them back up.

  “Thanks Dave.“

  “For what?“ he replied, acting puzzled. “Anyway, I’m here because I heard about the dog attack. Thought I would ride out to see if everyone’s ok.”

  “Aisha’s Ok, she’s resting. She killed one with her camera, and the second was captured later. Doc and the vet doesn’t think they have rabies.”

  David sighed, shook his head, and leaned against the cruiser. “We’re having a big problem with strays and wild dogs lately, folks get these animals when they’re cute lil’ pups, and when they get older they get tired of them. Just dump them off in the middle of nowhere, assuming some farmer will find them and take care of them. More times than not I figure they get with wild dogs to surviv
e. We put out some cages with food, hopefully we can catch a few of them. I made sure they put cages around your place and Ben‘s. Humor me, Connell, if you come across some, don’t approach them. Just give us a call and we’ll handle it.

  “Hey, you know best. Sure thing.“

  Reaching out to shake his hand, the Sheriff said, “Done, and done! Well, best be getting back on the road. Carroll Ann said to tell you and the little lady to come over sometime, we’d like to meet her. Any woman that can kill a dog with a camera has to be a good ol’ country girl, and you know I got a soft spot for a country girl.”

  Connell laughed, and for the first time that day felt the tension melting away. “Yeah, she’s a hellcat alright, if she’s provoked. Still has a little city blood in her, but she‘s taking to the country life faster than anyone I’ve ever seen. Sure, we’ll come calling on you two sometime soon, after she’s back on her feet. Play some cards and grill some steaks. Thanks for stopping by Dave.“


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