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Promise To Keep

Page 32

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  Trying not to cry, she looked at his handsome face. He wasn’t the arrogant and dominating man she had thought he was, he was a good, honest, loving, decent man who wanted nothing more than to work his land, and take care of his family. A family he wanted her to be a part of. She looked down at the ring, and the sight of the reflection of the fire flames glimmering on the diamonds nearly took her breath away

  “You don‘t have to say anything, I just want you to think about it, like I said.”

  Turning to look at him, she suddenly threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. Her voice was choked with emotion as she said hoarsely, “Oh God. I love you, Connell! Oh how I love you, you… you knuckle dragging ape!”

  His warm laughter drifted on the night breeze as he kissed the top of her head.

  Deliberately, she held her own doubts at bay and decided to enjoy the moment. Deep inside she couldn’t help but feel it was the calm before the storm, but for this night she would refuse to worry.

  Kissing his cheek, she got up and tugged him into the sleeping bag with her. They didn’t make love, but instead lay there staring at the stars together, talking long into the night. Intermittently, they ate Smores, heated cups of hot cocoa with a small Coleman stove he had stashed behind the pile of firewood, and roasted marshmallows, sharing their dreams and fears, and laughing at memories of their days in college. As the night sky gave way to dawn, they felt and talked like teenagers experiencing love for the first time. They finally drifted off to sleep together in the sleeping bag, and didn’t wake until Jonus came around with Thelma and Louie, bringing them carryout breakfast from Huddle House. Connell had prearranged that as well.


  Connell smiled all morning. He didn’t even mind how his back was aching from laying on the hard ground all night, it had been well worth the discomfort simply because the night had went so well. At the moment he was cleaning the barn, but wanted to finish before afternoon. He had to drive into town to inquire about some property, and to take Sheriff Berry and two of his deputies out to lunch to thank them for their help. The work in the barn would have gone quicker with Jonus’ help, but Aisha had needed him to help move some furniture around in her room. She had decided to buy a new bedroom set for herself.

  Thelma and Louie suddenly stopped playing and ran to the front of the barn, barking and growling.

  He looked up to see Patty strolling in, then thought, Oh, hell, this day is going down the crapper now.


  While Connell may not have thought of himself as a man of the world, he did know when a woman was on the prowl. And staring at Patty Miller, he knew she was on the prowl. For him. She was wearing hardly anything, even though it was a cool day. The see-through silver blouse that showed her stomach did little to conceal the black bra she was wearing. As she walked towards him the short black skirt rode higher and higher, and any moment now he would be able to tell whether or not she was wearing underwear.

  "Hello, sugga’ pie. Are you busy?" she purred, licking her red lips like she was preparing to have herself a hearty slice of pie. "I need to ask you about this order, it's such an expensive one, and I just wanted to make sure everything’s right. I have to take care of you, you know." she said, waving a copy of his receipt and order number that he recognized in his direction. Her hips swayed back and forth as she approached him, doing her best to give him a sexy catwalk in the six-inch heels.

  He could have swore he actually felt a dozen hairs on his head suddenly turn gray as he narrowed his eyes and looked at her. He knew, as did she, that there was nothing wrong with the material order he had placed. Not only had Ben and Jonus gone over it with him with a fine-toothed comb, but Harry had as well. Setting the shovel aside, he sighed and gave her a frustrated look. He had no time or patience for her foolishness, and he didn’t want Aisha discovering her here in the barn with him, and the two of them alone, to boot.

  “Well, you wanna’ go over this…together, or what?” she asked in a sultry voice as she finally came to a stop in front of him and looked up at him.

  "Patty, I don't think there’s anything wrong with the order. On the off chance there is something wrong, just have your dad call me. You need to go, I have work to finish." he replied in a somewhat cold tone of voice, hoping it would be enough for her to finally get the hint.

  Instead of leaving, she stood there and looked him up and down, sizing him up. To her there was nothing sexier than a good looking, muscular, hard working man dripping with sweat. He was everything the deadbeat guys she had dated and dumped before never were. She let her eyes roam down his powerful body again. The shirt he was wearing was damp and clinging to his chiseled chest, and those jeans, those jeans bulged at the crotch even though she knew it wasn’t from a hard-on. Good Lord, you sure took your sweet time when you put this man together….she thought as she felt her body tremble from lust and excitement. He was the kind of man a girl could get addicted to, she just knew it, because she had yet to hop in the sack in the sack with him, but still craved him like a drug.

  She stepped closer to him, so close her breasts were nearly brushing up against his abdomen. He leaned back instinctively, to avoid contact with her.

  “Patty, now…”

  "You're right, there’s no fooling a man as smart as you." she interrupted, then giggled. Giving him another hungry look she finally dropped all pretenses of coming to see him on business. She wanted him to know it was all about pleasure. Dropping the paper to the floor, she said, "Let's stop playing these games, Connell. You are a man with needs, and if you let me, I can please you in ways that woman never could.." Giving him a seductive smile, she stepped back and began gyrating her hips slowly, as if dancing to music in her head. She began slowly unbuttoning the sheer blouse.

  "Patty, knock that off now, what the hell is wrong with you, girl?” he said as he looked around in a near panic. Seeing they were still alone, he grabbed both her hands in an iron grip to stop her. He looked at her with steel in his gaze and said, " Don't embarrass yourself, Patty. Look, I like you, Ok? But I’ve never felt… this way about you, all right? Look, take a little pride in yourself. Button up that shirt, and go on home."

  But something inside of her refused to listen, refused to believe he didn't want her, and she shook her head. She was willing to do absolutely anything to please him, even if he asked her to strip naked on the White House lawn for the entire world to see. Relishing the feel of his strong hands wrapped around her wrists, she stepped forward boldly, crushing her breasts against him, forcing him to back up until he was finally pinned to the wall. She began kissing the back of his hand and murmured, "You’re not fooling me, hon, you want me, I know you do. And darling, I’m wet for you, right now. Just let me please you. I can do so much more for you than that other woman ever could.

  Releasing her hands he started to shove her away, but she suddenly leaped up and wrapped her arms around his neck in desperation, and did the same with her legs around his waist. As strong as he was, trying pry her off proved incredibly difficult, as he had very little leverage. Damn, she’s clinging to me like stink on cow shit. he thought desperately.


  “Look at this, it turned out just wonderful! Look!" Aisha smiled as she gazed down at the cover. She had received Jenny’s book moments earlier from FedEx.

  Ben and Helen were all smiles as they looked at it, then quickly retrieved their very own cherished copy from the box.

  When Aisha had opened the package and lifted her own copy out, she had almost cried with happiness. The publisher had used a picture of her and Jenny together, one she had taken at Folly Beach, South Carolina. It was the last time she and Jenny had been together before her illness.

  "It's so beautiful, I know Jenny would have loved how it turned out." Helen said, her voice soft and reverent.

  “Let’s go show
Connell, everyone!” she said excitedly.


  Aisha stopped dead in her tracks, the smile on her face replaced by a look of shock, anger, and betrayal. “What the FUCK is going on in here!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

  The look on Connell’s face was one of agony, guilt, and terror all rolled into one as he spun around and saw her in the doorway. He was in shock, and was only dimly aware of the fact Patty had finally relinquished her stranglehold on him. Oh shit oh shit oh shit….I KNEW this was going to happen…he thought as his heart fell to his feet.

  Aisha was so pissed she didn't even hear Helen and Ben’s comments.

  “Ohhhh Jesus…“ Ben muttered, looking around quickly to make sure there were no sharp instruments in the immediate vicinity. He had visions of helping hide a body in the middle of the night, a body mangled by an axe, or something even worse. And he knew his wife would help her, too. He could hear it now, Helen saying, What happens in the family STAYS in the family!

  “Why you little..“

  He glanced quickly at her, and sure enough, she was rolling her sleeves up already, hoping to be a part of an old-fashioned redneck beat down. She started taking off her earrings and putting them in her pants pocket, along with her wedding ring.

  “Helen…” he croaked”

  "I warned you Patty, I warned you that one day I was going whup that narrow ass of yours! Well, ol’ girl, it's time to put on those ass-kicking boots!” Turning to look at her husband she said, “Ben, be a sweetie and step outside and lock the door. We wouldn’t want anybody coming in and interrupting our fun."

  No longer smug, Patty swallowed hard and took a step back. She knew she couldn’t take both women at once. Suddenly she remembered what a gentleman Connell was, and figured he wouldn't let them harm a hair on her head. She dashed behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, and was both surprised and frightened when he began trying to pull free from her.

  Aisha looked at Helen. Her friend, this woman who called herself a God fearing, church going woman, was looking very much deranged and maniacal at the moment. Like you have any room to talk, O wielder of the axe… she thought, and a moment of rational sanity and clarity came over her in spite of the rage she was feeling. The trash in front of her could be the cause of her and her friend ending up in prison, if they acted on their emotions. And she certainly didn’t want Connell seeing a side of her that she herself had never cared seeing. "Helen, could you and Ben step outside? Please? I think the three of us need to have a chat.” she said, pointing in Connell and Patty’s direction. “I have some explaining to do with this..this…“ she struggled as she wrinkled her nose in disdain at the stranger before her.

  "WHAT??? Oh, girl, come ON!!! Shit, that slut came in here…on YOUR turf, and was trying to screw YOUR man! The man that put that damn ring on your finger! I say it’s time to go ‘Broke Back Mountain’ on her ass, as in, break her mountain back with your foot!” Helen cursed.

  “Please.” she replied softly. “Later, after we’ve all calmed down, you’ll realize it’s for the best. She’s just not worth us losing our heads, or our freedom. Please.”

  Grumbling, but still furious, Helen glared at Patty with a look that would have blistered the paint right off the walls, had there been any. But she and Ben respected her request and stepped outside, shutting the door behind them.

  "Aisha....honey….stay calm now…this isn't what it looks like." Connell said as he stepped slowly in her direction, hands held out in supplication, thinking her calm demeanor was a façade. He remembered the axe incident a little too clearly to feel at ease in a situation such as the one he suddenly found himself in. If Patty was dumb enough to stand around, well, she was on her own. “Look, honey, nothing happened, I swear it! I didn't know she was coming here. I would never disrespect you like that, and I certainly wouldn’t want my little girl seeing a woman like this hanging off me."

  Giving him a small smile, she said, “Oh, you big lummox, I know it’s not you, I trust you with my very life. YOU, on the other hand..” she said as she spun around to face her nemesis, “who the FUCK are you, and what are you doing here?”

  Patty, furious that Connell had felt the need to explain himself, and knowing that nosy bitch Helen was out the picture, decided to show him that black women were really nothing more that low class trash. Sneering, she looked at Aisha as she buttoned her blouse. She knew what black women were like, she watched them on TV. Although she was still scared of the ghetto queen, she was still certain Connell wouldn't stand by and let her get hurt. The incident at the Roadhouse bar had proven that to her. "YOU’RE the one who should leave! Connell promised me a roll in the hay, before you came in here bothering us. You really should learn your place."

  Both women gasped in shock when Connell advanced on her so quickly she had no time to react, and grabbed her roughly by the arms.

  “Connell, you’re hurting me!” she whined.

  “SHUT UP!” He roared. “I don’t want to hear it! Can’t you take a hint? I-DO-NOT-WANT-YOU!!! And you watch your mouth when you talk to her! You know what? I’ve never struck a woman before in my life, but by God, you’re REALLY pushing me, Patty!”

  “Connell, calm down, CALM DOWN!“ Aisha cried desperately as she rushed forward and grabbed his arms frantically.

  Grumbling, he released his hold on her and pulled his own arms free of Aisha’s grasp.

  “Ok.“ Aisha said, then turned her attention to the woman. “Listen, you broke down alley skeezer, you’re about one nano-second away from us having a good old-fashioned Coming To Jesus Meeting, don't mistake my calm attitude for weakness, because if you do, I will slap your run-down ass so hard your great grandchildren will be born dizzy.”

  “Aisha, you really do know I didn’t…”

  "Honey,” she interrupted as she turned to face Connell again. “ I know you would never invite this Ho's R Us reject to come here, especially when you got me and our babies. And I mean especially since she probably doesn't have all her shots." she finished as she glared at the woman again. She had learned from Max how to administer a little psychological warfare, and most times it proved to be more effective than any physical blow could ever be.

  Patty’s face burned with hatred, humiliation, and jealousy when she saw the way Connell was looking at the woman, like he was a schoolboy, and she was his first piece. Reality finally came crashing down around her, and she knew she had lost, that she would never have him. "You really believe he wouldn't have made love to me!" she screamed in a jealous rage. "If you and the two fucking stooges hadn't come barging in here he would have been eating me like a happy meal."

  "Nasty!" Ben’s muffled voice was heard coming from the outside.

  Turning, Aisha and Connell looked at the door and could hear the muffled, urgent voices of their friends, both upset, but trying in vain to keep their voices down.

  "We oughta’ go in there RIGHT NOW and show her two stooges, the daisy-duke wearing, camel-toed bitch!" Helen’s voice was heard saying.

  “Just let her handle it, like she asked!” That coming from Ben.

  “Well, then at least move, damn you, you’re blocking my view!”

  Rolling her eyes, Aisha thought, Jesus, this like freaking Ghetto Green Acres….

  “Yeah that’s right, the stank-ass ho’.” Patty sneered. “Betcha’ your buddy Ben never told her he actually did screw my friend in the back of his pickup that one time! Well, before he went running home to her and spilled his guts, that is. Feeling all guilty like a whipped little momma’s boy!”

  “WHAT!!!” Helen’s voice was heard again from outside, then the door began to shake, and they correctly guessed Ben was trying to restrain her.

  Connell gave Patty a look like she had lost her mind, and whistled softly as he glanced at Aisha, amazed at how composed she was.

  "Connell, grab your cell phone. It has a camera, right?”

  “Yeah, but wh…”<
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  “Because she is juuuust about to get her do-dirty ass kicked, and I want to put it on Vtube, for the whole world to see. We’ll call it, “Nasty Stank-Ho Beat Down."

  “Oh yeah, right, real fair fight we’ll have here, huh, you nappy-headed hood rat!” Patty sneered.

  Deciding to change tactics, she instead stepped towards Connell and wrapped her arms around him possessively, knowing that would bother the woman more than any amount of words or physical blows. Reaching up, she caressed his cheek lovingly as she looked up at him.

  The look he gave the woman in return made Patty nearly insane with jealousy and rage. Is this what it's like to have a man to be full of pride and love for his woman? Why couldn't he look at me that way? she thought in despair, and suddenly wanted to cry. Her eyes began swimming with tears as the woman’s engagement ring caught her attention. The diamonds glittered even in the relatively dim light, and seemed to be enhanced by her dark skin. That’s not some cheap flea market knock-off costume jewelry, it’s the real thing. How can he put a ring like that on that bitch’s finger?


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