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Promise To Keep

Page 37

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  Looking back at him, Aisha spoke in a seemingly calm voice. “You know, I can’t believe I was so fucking gullible. The very first day I met you, I suspected you were a no good, low-crawling snake, but you worked your charm, and I crawled into bed with you anyway. Tell me, Max, did you and Danielle have a good laugh on me, huh? Did you two get a kick out of this poor, trusting fool? Aisha, world traveler and famous photographer, so fucking naïve’?“

  Oh God, what have I done, how could I have been so blind, so stupid..? he thought in a panic. Reaching out to her with his free arm, he tried to touch her, but she snatched away if his hand was a viper.

  Almost viciously, the nurse yanked him back a step and said, “Alright, that’s ENOUGH. Out you go!”

  Digging his heels in, he spoke quickly and desperately. “Aisha, I know what I did was wrong, and unthinkable, but I didn’t want you to think I was less of a man. Please give me another chance, PLEASE!”

  “SECURITY?” the nurse cried out.

  Looking at him with infinite contempt, Aisha spoke in a dull voice. “Just leave, Max. I fucking hate you. I never did until just now, this minute. I can’t stand the fucking sight of you, you make me wanna’ PUKE! I don’t ever want to lay eyes on you, ever again. I don’t want to hear your voice, and I don’t want you checking up on me. It’s OVER, you understand me? I loved you Max, I really did, at one time. But you’ve killed every bit of love I ever had for you, every bit of respect I ever had for you. I loved you, and you shit on me. I hate you. As of right now, you no longer exist to me. Now, just GO!”

  “Aisha, PLEASE…this will destroy me!” he cried, just as two burly orderlies stepped inside and seized both his arms.

  Ignoring him, she was already rolling over to lie down on her uninjured side.

  The orderlies physically dragged him from the room, and she closed her eyes tightly as she heard his sobs of despair.

  The nurse quickly checked her bandages, then asked her if she needed anything.

  “Just some rest, that’s all.” she answered in a dull voice.

  “Alright, just call me if you need me, hon.“ she said quietly, then left, closing the door softly behind her.

  Wiping a tear from one eye, she thought, What a way to find out! But oh my Lord, I’m having Connell’s baby. I’M HAVING HIS BABY!!! Connell, I love you, and I need you! The thought made her smile, and she drifted off to sleep.


  Washington D.C.

  Max had stayed only long enough to make sure Aisha was settled in her hospital room, but kept his distance from her. He left without saying goodbye, because he didn’t want to acknowledge he would probably never see her again.

  Stepping outside the main entrance, he spotted Harriett having a quick smoke. Walking up to her, he ignored her icy gaze and silently handed her an envelope.

  “What do you want, and what‘s this?” she said.

  “Please, would you give it to her? If you do, ask her to open it when she can find it in herself to forgive a fool.“

  Before she could deny him, he turned and walked off.


  Harriett took the role as self-appointed mother hen serious, almost to the extreme. She had fussed when Aisha wanted to sit up during the flight. When she said she wasn’t hungry, she had stopped just short of force-feeding her, reminding her that she was now eating for two.

  Flattered by her friends maternal concern, Aisha held her tongue, not wishing to appear unappreciative. Sitting upright, she waited patiently as Harriett fluffed her thin pillows for the fourth time.

  “There now, that comfy enough for ya‘?” Harriett asked.

  Starting to lay back, she suddenly bolted upright, her eyes bright as stars. “Oh my God, COME HERE YOU!!!!” she squealed as she saw Connell step inside quietly. Heedless of the pain it caused, she threw both her arms up level and began wiggling her fingers excitedly, just like Abby did every time she wanted him to pick her up.

  Seeing her sitting there in the bed dressed in a wine colored gown and robe, his heart nearly exploded with relief and happiness. He realized he loved her more than ever. With a huge grin on his face, he stepped forward, thinking, I let you go, once, but NEVER again woman…Never again am I going to let you walk away, period.

  Dropping the overnight bag he was carrying, he placed the bouquet of roses he had bought on the bedside table, sat on the edge of the bed, and engulfed her in his arms.

  “Ohhhh my darling, I’ve missed you sooooo much.” Aisha said, tears of joy streaming down her face as she peppered his entire face with tiny kisses.

  Harriett stood in respectful silence, watching them closely. She had recognized him instantly, as soon as he had stepped inside. Connell, the man in the photos she had seen her friend gazing at so longingly on several occasions. The man is head over heels in love with her, I think my little Ducky is in better hands now…. she thought.

  Putting on her best mothers face, she walked up to him as Aisha released her stranglehold on him. “You’re Connell, I take it? I’m Harriett, the one who was keeping you posted.”

  Extending his hand, she returned the gesture by giving him a firm handshake. He was impressed by the little woman’s strong grip. “Glad to finally meet you face to face, Harriett. And I can’t thank you enough for all that you’ve done. Thank you for watching over her, and the baby.”

  Patting his hand, she gave him a dazzling smile. “Any time lad, any time.” She looked over at the unusually coy Aisha, then turned back to face him. “Now that you’re here, I’m going to find a place and have myself a stiff belt or eight. I’m sure you two lovebirds have a lot of catching up to do. Toodles, Ducky.” she finished. Giving her a peck on the cheek, she turned and left.

  Sitting up a little straighter, Aisha suddenly felt the urge to call her back and beg her to stay. Oh Lordy, I’m not ready to deal with him yet. Not alone, anyway… she thought. Now that her initial excitement had passed, she grew uneasy, suspecting she knew what was about to come.

  “I’ve missed you too, sweetheart, we all have.” he said as he kissed her on the forehead.

  Not knowing what to say, she looked down at her lap and mumbled, “Well, this was certainly a pleasant surprise. I never saw it coming, Harriett has a one in a million poker face, I’ll give her that much.”

  Reaching out, he ran a large, calloused hand through her loose, sable hair. “I like the new look, really.”

  She felt her stomach flutter. Giving him a small smile, she reached up took his hand in hers. “Thanks. So…how are the children and everyone?” Don’t mention the baby! She thought.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed once more, he replied, “Oh, everyone’s Ok. You wouldn’t believe how excited they are, waiting for me to bring you back home.”

  Pulling her hand away, she let out a tired sigh. Sadly, she shook her head and said, “No, Connell, nothing has changed. I’m going to stay put at my condo, until I can get back to work.” Seeing the look on his face, she quickly added, “In a much less volatile area, of course. Trust me, I mean it.”

  Stay calm, and just talk it out with her… he reminded himself, knowing how stubborn she could be. He would genuinely prefer to do things the easy way, instead of the hard way. Even though his mind was already made up, he was willing to discuss it patiently. “No you’re not, you’re going home with me. There’s no way you’re going to endanger yourself and our child. I WILL NOT allow it.” he said as calmly as he could.

  “Whoa whoa whaoooo there, big fella! Something about this conversation is making me have flashbacks! Need I remind you, again, that you don’t tell me what I can and cannot do?“ she replied, shaking her back and forth and wagging a finger in his face. “I’m a grown woman, Connell, perfectly capable of looking out for myself and my baby!”

  Raising an eyebrow, he gave her bandaged shoulder a pointed look. “Yeah, well, that damn bullet wound says different, don’
t you think sweetie? Seems to me you need a bit bit more training in the art of dodging bullets. Don’t be so damned stubborn, now. You’re going home with me, and you’re staying there!”

  Yanking the covers back, she began looking around as if searching for something, a puzzled expression on her face.

  “What on earth are you looking for?“ he asked.

  “I lost my hand mirror, I just wanted to see if I have a big “C” branded on my freaking forehead. Evidently you have mistaken me for one of the animals on your farm! Connell, my love, you DO NOT own me!“

  In spite of his earlier vow, he felt his patience begin to run out. “Listen, Goddammit! You’re carrying my child too, that gives me some rights! And I’m telling you straight, I won’t let you or anyone else keep me from him or her.” Forcing himself to calm down, he took a deep breath and continued in a lower tone of voice. “Don’t you know what this time apart has been like for me? For everyone back home?“

  “Connell, my home is in New York, has been ever since I got out of college, remember?“

  Holding up a huge hand for silence, he plowed on. “Don’t you realize how much it’s been killing me to not be able to hold you, or to see you laughing and playing with the children? Seeing you loving us all? Aisha, I love you and miss you. I need you as well. Please don‘t be so damn stubborn!””

  Her resolved weakened for a moment, but her anger took over once more. She couldn’t understand why he couldn’t see the obvious: The children’s safety. “ Don’t you think I love you too, Connell? Don’t you think I miss Abby and Shawn? I left to protect you and them, why can’t you understand that, you thick skulled baboon!”

  “Again with the insults?“

  Trying to calm herself as well, she ignored the remark and continued. “Look, whoever burned that cross could have very easily set the house on fire and killed all of you, and you KNOW that, Connell. If that ever happened how could I live with the guilt, you ever thought of that? Am I worth the children possibly losing their lives? Or at the very least, growing up being tormented by mean-spirited, hateful people? Think about it!”

  Drawing her carefully in his arms, he kissed her forehead. “Sweetheart, I love you and you know I wouldn’t put anyone ahead of my children, but listen to me. I’ve made some changes on the farm that you don’t know about, to protect you and the children. Although it broke my heart when you left, I never gave up hope that you would come back home where you belong.” He leaned down and kissed her full lips, and the simple act was like a balm to his aching soul, and he felt a sense of relief when she melted into his arms.

  “Connell, what am I going to do with you.” she mumbled as she finally pulled away.

  Pulling her close once more, he cupped her head in his strong hands and caressed her silky hair. “When can you leave the hospital? If you’d like we could say here for a few more days, let you rest up for the trip. And listen to this: Preacher Sun wants to marry us, but we could get married here, in private, not tell anyone, and have him do it later.”

  Her brown eyes grew so wide he thought they would pop out of her head. She stiffened and stammered, “Hold on..wait just one minute, now. We can’t get married, you’re moving waaaaay too fast here! Connell, I’m not just going to jump willy-nilly into another marriage! Max was enough for me to learn my lesson.”

  “Do I look like Max to you? Better yet, is there anything about me as an individual that makes me even remotely resemble him?”

  Frustrated and not knowing how to answer, she said. “Look, let’s compromise, just for the moment. I’m going to the condo, I’ll have to think about it.”

  Just then an older black nurse stepped into the room and smiled at them both. “Sorry to disturb you two, but I need to give her something for that shoulder and change her bandages, then I’ll be out of you hair.” That said, she went about her work quietly, then smiled at them again and left..

  Alone once more, she released a tired sigh, and he could see she was getting drowsy.

  Slipping out of his leather loafers, he took in her in his arms and slowly laid back, allowing her to get comfortable. She rested her head on his chest. “Aisha, I know you’re worried about all the what ifs and all the pitfalls we could face, but there are other things I want you to consider. Woman, I love you. I love you with all my heart and soul. I promise you no matter how hard things get, and no matter whom we have to face, I’ll be standing there by your side, ready to fight. You’ll never have reason to doubt my devotion and commitment to you. Let’s get married and raise our children, together.”

  Her eyes drifted shut and she mumbled, “Please, don‘t pressure me, not now anyway. Just let me think about it.”

  Think all you want to, baby, but we are getting married one way or another…. he thought. Reaching in his pants pocket he pulled out the promise ring, and slipped back on her finger, where it belonged. Closing his eyes he smiled as he wondered how he was going to get her to marry him. Wonder if it it’s legal to take her to a Justice of the Peace bound and gagged…he thought.


  Raven rapped lightly on the suite door, waiting for an answer. She had finished another assignment, and all she wanted to do was leave D.C. It didn’t help matters that the only family she had or cared for was missing. Her baby sister, whom she had always affectionately called “double trouble”, had disappeared. She was supposed to have been doing medical research concerning infectious diseases at University Hospital in Louisville Ky. The last she had heard from her, she had left a message saying that something bad had happened, and she needed her help. So far the only information she had gathered was the fact that the research was connected to Thorn. And if the bastard had had anything to do with her disappearance, she would do what she should have done a long time ago, kill him as slowly and painfully as possible. In truth, she knew if that if her sister was indeed dead, Thorn would already have had bounty hunters after her. So for the moment she would play her cards close to the vest and wait.

  When Max answered the door she instantly knew something was off kilter. For one, the normally immaculately groomed man looked a complete mess. His hair was tousled and uncombed, he had several days worth of stubble growing on his face, and the blue designer shirt he was wearing was wrinkled and unbuttoned, exposing the brand of ‘Eye of Horus’ over his heart. His black pants didn’t look much better. As a matter of fact, it looked as if he had been sleeping in his clothes for days. Then strong odor of alcohol enveloped him almost like a living presence, and she had to fight the urge to gag.

  “Ahhhhh, my little birdy returns to the nest! Come on ennn.” he slurred, then turned and staggered to the couch, flopping down on it and releasing a grunt.

  Before entering she quickly scanned the room. It was an alert, yet necessary paranoid habit of hers, one she had had for many years. Satisfied, she stepped inside and closed the door, never taking her eyes off of him. “Jobs done, but I’m sure you already know that. And Jesus you stink, you’re a complete mess!”” she said as she took off her black leather jacket.

  Looking her up and down groggily, he wasn’t surprised to see the nine-millimeter tucked into the waistband of her pants.

  She sat graciously in the chair across from him, making sure she had a clear view of both the door and window.

  Grabbing his goblet from the expensive coffee table, he carefully poured more brandy into it, and tossed it back in one gulp. Looking at her with bloodshot eyes, he motioned to the bottle and said, “Wan inny?” As drunk as he was, he knew she was uncomfortable with the way he was looking and behaving.

  “Thank you, no.”

  “Suit yerrrself.“ With a visible effort, he pulled himself together somewhat, and spoke slowly and carefully, almost like a small child first learning to speak. “ Anyway, yes, I got the news that the mark was neutralized, and now I’m the proud owner of a small upstart pharmaceutical company, along with Thorn. Well done, it’s not easy to kill a man and make
it look like a swimming accident.” he said, then poured more brandy in his glass. Raising it, he did a mock toast.

  It took a lot of effort for even her not to react at the mention of the pharmaceuticals. He never, ever openly discussed targets, and it seemed suddenly very odd that her sister was missing, and it was connected to drug testing, to boot. Not only didn’t she like discussing the dirty details, she had worked hard trying to forget the things she had done in her line of work. Why is he bringing this up? Hoping to get some kind of reaction from me?.. she wondered. Slowly, she moved her hand closer to the gun at her waist.

  “What izzit?” he slurred once more, forgetting to talk slowly.

  Narrowing her eyes, she looked even more closely at him. She didn’t sense any danger from him, but something was definitely very wrong with him. Slowly, she replied, “I take it something bad happened to you? Surely you’re not celebrating the new company you’ve acquired. This is not like you, Max.” Even though they had never been anything more than business associates, she was honestly curious about what could have possibly brought this powerful, confident man down to this lowly state. “What’s causing you so much distress?” she asked against her better judgment.


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