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Billionaire Games

Page 56

by Michelle Love

  Steele noticed no car was in the drive. Her hands were wringing in her lap as she listened hard to what was said.

  Fontaine said, “Hello, my name is Detective Fontaine from the San Francisco police department. I’m here to talk to you about a man we have a murder investigation about. An Arsen Sloan. Have you heard that name before?”

  He shook his head and Steele saw a little blonde headed boy peek out from behind the man who was most likely the kid’s father. She thought he was probably about four-years-old or so.

  “Who’s this lady?” the kid asked.

  “Get back, Pete. Daddy’s talking grown up talk right now. Go play with Becky, she’s in her room.” The kid vanished with his father’s words. “I don’t know anybody by that name. I mean I heard about him on television and the paper, but I don’t know him. Why would you ask?”

  “Your wife does. He was seen getting into a blue Camaro early this morning.”

  The man looked like he was goin to be sick.

  “Beth picked that man up? In our new car?”

  Fontaine nodded and Steele felt just about as sick as the man looked like he did as she told him, “At five this morning, she went to his apartment building after sending him a text telling him they needed to talk. Mr. Sloan got into her car without his cellphone or telling anyone who he was with or where they were going. It’s been a little over six hours since that time and no one has seen or heard from him.”

  The man staggered out the door and sat on the top step of the porch, letting the screen door slam behind him.

  “My wife is with a fucking murderer?”

  The detective moved to allow him some room.

  “Sir, have you spoken to her? Did she tell you where she was going?”

  “To visit her mother.” He put his head in his hands. “Do you know if she’d been seeing that man?”

  “She had not been seeing him.” Fontaine walked down the stairs and looked up at him. “They aren’t involved like you’re thinking. She was Mr. Sloan’s first girlfriend. Later, after they’d broken up, Mr. Sloan got into a relationship with Beth’s mother.”

  The man raised his head and looked at Fontaine.

  “Are you shitting me?”

  With a shake of her head, she said, “No, sir. Now, can you tell me what her mother’s address is? And please do not try to let her know I’m going over there. I do believe she has Mr. Sloan with her and they plan on confronting Anne Sinclair. I want to get the surprise on them.”

  “You really think it’s just that? I mean, you don’t think she’s been messing with that guy?” He looked sadly at her.

  * * *

  Steele’s heart was pounding. She felt so sorry for the man.

  “We’ve been trailing this man for a while now. I can assure you he hasn’t been talking to her at all and they haven’t been seen together at all.” Fontaine turned to leave. “Thank you, sir. I appreciate your help. I’ll go to Anne’s house and see what I find out. I’ll keep up updated if you like.”

  “Please do,” he said as he watched her leave.

  His head fell back into his hands and Steele knew he was not a happy man.

  Fontaine came to her window.

  “Did you hear all that?”

  Steele nodded. “I did. So can we follow you to Anne’s?”

  “You can. Promise me you’ll stay in the car, Steele.”

  She nodded and rolled the window up. Then watched Fontaine walk up to talk to Paul.

  “Hey gorgeous,” he said as he rolled his window down.

  Steele watched as Fontaine’s cheeks went pink.

  “I like the sound of that. Follow me, and don’t let the hell cat out, please.”

  “Got ya.” Paul reached out and put his hand around the back of her neck and pulled her to him for a kiss.

  Steele looked away, giving them some of the privacy that Paul had given her and Arsen. But looked back in time to catch Fontaine’s face as they ended their kiss.

  With a dazed expression covering her face, she said, “You’re very surprising, Paul.”

  “Wait till later, after our date,” he said with a grin Steele could see through the rear-view mirror.

  She watched Fontaine kind of float off to her car and stifled a giggle. Paul looked back at her. “You find that amusing, Steele?”

  “Sweet, too sweet,” she said as she let the giggle all out. “I have to tell you, her reaction to you is priceless.”

  He pulled out to follow the detective. “I think so too.”

  * * *

  Now if everything else can fall into place that would be fantastic!

  * * *


  Hiding just behind a partially opened door of a small bedroom just off Anne’s living room, Arsen held a small recording device and waited for Beth to start the conversation with her mother.

  Anne’s voice was tense as she entered the house.

  “Sorry it took so long, darling. I had issues arise I had no control over. So, my surprise?”

  Arsen thought how typical that was of the woman. Me, me, me. That’s all she ever thought about was herself and what others could do for her.

  He was happy he was about to do something for her. Send her ass to prison where she belonged.

  “Oh that,” Beth said. Some rummaging he heard then she said, “Here you go. Pete made this picture for you of our family. He wanted me to give it to you.”

  The crinkling of paper he heard then Anne sighed.

  “A drawing by a four-year-old. That’s it?”

  “Mother, Pete worked hard on that for you,” Beth said, sternly.

  “I thought it would be something good,” Anne said. “Well, if that’s what you’ve waited for hours to give me then I’ll see you later, Beth. Damn it, what a disappointment.”

  Beth cleared her throat then said, “Well, I did have some things I wanted to talk to you about. When’s the last time you saw Arsen Sloan?”

  “What?” Anne nearly shouted. “Arsen? The boy your father nearly killed? That guy? I don’t know why you’re asking me that. I mean unless it’s because of how it came out on the news he killed those women. Seems you dodged a bullet there with that crazy man. Guess your father was right to have beaten him.”

  “Was he?” Beth asked. “Then why did you stop Dad? Why did you take Arsen to the hospital?”

  “Well, I am a Christian woman, Beth. I don’t approve of violence.”

  Arsen had to hold the laugh that almost got away from him back. His hand clasped over his mouth to keep it in.

  What a liar!

  * * *

  Beth did let her laugh out.

  “Really? So, I suppose that’s why you visited Allen White a number of times while he was in prison. To introduce the man to religion?”

  “How do you know about him?” Anne’s tone had gone to defensive quickly. “I’ve never told a soul about that, Beth.”

  “Oh! Well, I may have found a little secret diary thingy you’ve been keeping.” Beth laughed again. “A person who does the things you have done should not keep it all written down anywhere. Much less in a book which is handwritten and has elaborate writing on the front cover of a leather-bound book. The title is amazing. Sounds like a best seller, Mom.”

  “How did you find it?” Anne asked with a tension to her voice Arsen knew all too well.

  “The Destruction of Arsen Sloan, what a title, Mom. And the details are so intricate. Step one, find someone who wants revenge on Arsen Sloan as much as I do. That was kind of hard to find it seems. Poor Arsen had to lose a case for that to happen.”

  “That’s just a little fiction story I’ve been working on. None of it is real.” Anne laughed. “Darling, you thought it was a true story. How funny.”

  * * *

  “Let that crap go, Mom,” Beth said. “I know about it all now. I even found the tapes. They were truly awful, Mother. I can’t tell you how many times I threw up.”

  The sound of someone plopping onto a cushione
d surface let Arsen know Anne had fallen to the sofa.

  “The tapes too? Jesus, Beth, when did you find the time to go all through my house? I mean you have that husband and those kids to raise. When did you find the time?”

  “Well, let’s see. It was when I saw Arsen on television for the first time. When they were talking about how he might be accused of the murder of three women who were his submissive partners at one time. Guess who else they caught on that camera, Mom?”

  Anne sighed. “Shit! Shit, I never saw that.”

  “Yep, you were there in the background with your black wig on.” Beth sat down, making the springs on the sofa cushion squeak. “You had on a blue dress which made you look kind of lumpy. Which you’re not. So before I accused you of being there, I decided to come and look through your closet to see if the dress was there.”

  “It was. I knew it had been moved. I knew it!” Anne said. “You came into my home and searched through my personal things! How could you, Beth? How could you?”

  “Save that shit, Mom. Come clean. Tell me it all. Every sordid detail,” Beth coaxed her mother.

  “What do you want to hear? How I found Arsen one fateful night in a small bar? How I made him mine in a way you never could? How he loved me?”

  Arsen rolled his eyes. Love was not a thing they’d had. How she didn’t know was a mystery to him.

  “So he loved you, did he?” Beth asked. “And you repaid him by framing him for murders you had committed by another man?”

  “You have no idea how much Arsen Sloan deserves to be behind bars.” Anne said.

  “Tell me, Mom.”

  Arsen leaned forward and found he could see the two as they sat on the sofa. The back of their heads, anyway. Anne looked at Beth and said, “Look, I’ll cut you in on what I’m going to be getting once he’s in prison. How about that, darling?”

  He saw one side of Beth’s mouth quirk up into a smile.

  “Cut me in? On what?”

  * * *

  “I’ve forged Arsen’s name on quite a few things. I had his social security number, his driver’s license number, his date of birth, mother’s maiden name. You name it, I have it. So I was able to get my name in on some of his best investments. See he has so damn many he has no time to check each one out for any changes. And the ones I put my name on as an eighty percent owner, I had the address changed on.”

  “Clever, Mother,” Beth said. “Who’s address?”

  “A post office box in Los Angeles. All I have to do is wait for a judge to find him guilty and off he’ll go to prison and off I’ll go to the bank with my papers in hand and tell them I want to cash out.” Anne patted her daughter’s shoulders. “Millions, darling. And I’ll share with you. How about I give you ten percent to stay quiet?”

  Beth laughed.

  “Okay. But tell me how you did it. How did you get those women killed?”

  “Arsen made it much too easy. The man must’ve been looking to hook back up with any of his old subs. I didn’t see that coming. But when I did, I got Allen White on the phone and had him move in. I was able to get this drug which leaves traces of things already found in the human body. It elevates a couple of things that occur naturally.”

  Beth nodded.

  “Wow! You did some research, Mom!”

  “I did. Then I got that into Allen’s hands. All he had to do was inject the women. He did so easily. I tracked Arsen constantly. Within a few minutes of him leaving the women’s homes, I had Allen go in and inject them.”

  Beth smiled.

  “So as they slept, Allen did the dirty work. But how did you know he’d choked them all?”

  “I watched him do it,” Anne said. “It was a thing I had introduced him to. He hated to have it done to him. But he sure didn’t mind doing it to others. Those women seemed to have an addiction to it. So when I found he did that to the first one, I jumped on that. Like I said, he made it easy.”

  “So smart, Mom. So Anne Sinclair is one woman with a lot of mysteries behind her.”

  Anne laughed. “I am quite a great actress! So, you’ll take the ten percent then?”

  “Let me think on that, Mom.”

  “Do not get greedy on me. I worked hard for that money. I made that man and he should’ve always given me money for what I did for him. Have you seen him? He’s magnificent, and I made him that way.”

  * * *

  Beth looked confused. “Just how is what he became your doing?”

  “I made him exercise, eat right, do well in college. It was me behind all of that. I taught him how to be a dom. Taught him about a life he had never known. Then the fool goes and finds this little vanilla bore and loses himself in her blandness.”

  “Huh?” Beth asked. “You lost me. A vanilla? What’s that?”

  “Someone who doesn’t practice the BDSM lifestyle. And that young woman will never satisfy his needs. He’s better off in prison than to have a life with her. He’d end up leaving her, anyway. You don’t get that kind of thing out of your system. He’ll get the urge to hang her up by her cuffed wrists and beat her ass with something. She’s too strong willed to stay with a man who would do that to her.”

  Beth asked, “You know her, or what?”

  “Not really. But I went to see him and she came at me like a tigress protecting her cub. That’s how she sees him and he’s not the kind of man who even wants a female in that role over him. He likes to be taken charge of or he wants to take charge. He’s not into being protected and loved and that kind of crap.”

  * * *

  Arsen shook his head. Anne could not be more wrong. He wanted all Steele had to give him. Her love, her protection, herself. He knew without a doubt he had changed since he met Steele. For the better.

  He knew what love felt like and he’d be damned if he ever let it go. His need to dominate was over. He had never wanted to be dominated, he had merely lacked the gumption to get the hell away from Anne.

  Anne’s words had damned her. He knew he had enough to put her ass away forever. But he waited. Wanting to hear all she had to say.

  Beth said, “So in essence you’re saving him from a life of love and boredom? How nice of you.”

  Anne smiled broadly. The lines on her face pulled all together with the smile.

  “It gets better. Allen is going to kill Steele. That way Arsen finds out just how much he’s lost by leaving me. I can take it all away from him. Every last thing he cares about. His money, his freedom, and even the love of his life.”

  Heat filled Arsen as he tried hard not to run out and kill the old bitch. His hands fisted at his side. Anne was more horrible than he’d ever realized. She was the most sadistic woman he’d ever known.

  “Mom, how’s he ever going to know it was you who took that all away from him?”

  “That’s what the book is for. I’m going to write all the details until I can’t write anymore. Then I’ll have the book sent to him upon my death. Then I’ll have the ultimate revenge on him. His money will be going to the very people who broke him. You will end up with it all once I’m gone.”

  Beth’s hand moved to her chest.


  * * *

  Anne nodded.

  “Of course you. I mean it was you who started the whole thing. The boy was head over heels for you and when your father caught you two in bed and beat him, you’re the one who broke him. I thought you wanted him broken.”

  Beth looked down.

  “I was a dumb kid. A foolish girl. You and Dad were people I thought were strong. I wanted a person like that in my life. Arsen was always so emotional. So soft.”

  “I know,” Anne said. “He brought you flowers and candy for no reason at all. He bought you little trinkets of cheap jewelry all the time.”

  “Told me he loved me only a few weeks after he first asked me out,” Beth added. “He was sweet, kind, thoughtful. His mother was a horrible person and he wouldn’t allow her to meet me. Told me I was too good to have to deal wi
th his crazy mother. He was protective, but not overly.”

  “He fawned all over you. You remember that time It was raining, and he brought you home after a night at the movies? He took his shirt off and held it over your head all the way up the sidewalk so you wouldn’t get a hair on your head wet.” Anne broke into laughter. “What a pussy!”

  Beth looked back over her shoulder towards the door she knew he hid behind.

  “Well, Mom, I wouldn’t call him that. That was nice and very sweet.”

  “He was so skinny back then,” Anne laughed. “A real weakling.”

  Beth turned back to look at her mother.

  “Well, he has muscles on muscles now. From what I saw on television.”

  “I made those,” Anne said as she patted herself on the chest. “I made him work out. Pushed him past his limits. I made that body. That was all me.”

  * * *

  Beth’s cell phone rang.

  “It’s Bill,” she said. “I’ll forward it to voicemail.”

  “Nonsense,” Anne said. “I’m going to make us a couple of drinks. I see your glass of vodka is sitting there. I’ll add some OJ to it for you and brighten it up.”

  Anne got up and left the room as Beth answered her phone.

  “Hey Bill.”

  Arsen could hear the man yelling from where he was.

  “What the hell are you doing with him?”

  “Shh. I’ll tell you everything when I get home in a little while. I swear you have nothing to worry about.” Beth looked back. “Please, be patient. You’ll understand everything soon. Have faith in me, Bill.”

  “I don’t like this Beth!” he shouted.

  “I know. I promise you will understand soon.” Beth got up and walked towards the kitchen where her mother had gone and then back towards where Arsen was hiding. “Bill, I’ll call you as soon as this is all over. I love you. Bye.” She hung up and stepped around the corner.

  Arsen held his finger to his lips. She nodded.


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