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Billionaire Games

Page 67

by Michelle Love

  Thanks for beating my ass…

  Nah, I have nothing to say.

  Rod stops the massage and pulls the hair off my neck and kisses my cheek. It’s a sweet kiss. Nothing like the way he’s been treating my body. “I’m going to get you something for the pain. It’ll help you sleep. I’m really proud of you. Thanks.”

  He climbs off me and leaves the room and I try very hard not to cry.

  * * *

  Chapter 3


  Almost six months into our contract and Rod and I are having New Year’s Eve dinner at his parents’ home. Sue and Jason Manning are retired school teachers.

  Sue was my English teacher in junior high. I never had Mr. Manning in high school as he taught the Ag class and I wasn’t in Ag.

  But he’s a very nice man and I find myself looking at the older couple as they’re very sweet to one another. I have to wonder where Rod got his bad side from.

  The lessons, as Rod calls them, are nearly every night. My ass has become numb and I guess I’m thankful for that. Because of the fact I can take so many lashes, he doesn’t always start off with that.

  And when he does, it’s him who stops it as I suppose his arm gets tired. I’ve become accustomed to the acts. They don’t excite or necessarily bother me. It’s just something he needs to do.

  He makes love to me in normal ways sometimes. And I do love those times. Rod is a complicated man.

  I often wonder if something happened to him when he was young. He seems to fight demons only he can see. Using liquor, cigarettes, and me seems to keep them at bay most of the time.

  Though he won’t tell me he loves me and refuses to let me tell him as he sees love as weakness, I do love the man I have the deepest feelings for.

  Headlights light up the living room and Rod makes his way from the little minibar with a couple of beers in his hand and goes to the door. “Looks like my little brother’s made it.”

  Sue grabs her husband, Jason, by the hand. “Oh, come with me to get the food out of the oven. Let’s hurry!” They leave the room and it’s only me and Rod left to greet his brother.

  I haven’t seen his younger brother, Reed since he left for college a couple of years ago. And I never really knew the guy before that. He’s only a couple of years older than I am.

  Truth be told I was always very shy anytime we found ourselves around each other. Rod’s handsome but Reed’s gorgeous. His hair is really blonde and his eyes are dark blue.

  Rod opens the door and in walks Reed and right behind him is a short young woman with glasses and dark hair. She looks smart as hell and she must be his girlfriend.

  Reed is all smiles, and he looks happy. “Hey, big bro!” He hugs Rod and Rod claps him on the back.

  The two together like that shows me Reed has put on some muscles since he’s been away at UCLA in California. Reed’s a couple of inches taller than Rod. Probably because Rod has been smoking since he was sixteen and Reed has always been a jock and really healthy.

  The men are over six feet and both have broad shoulders and muscles. Only Reed looks a bit more sturdy.

  When Rod lets Reed go I find Reed’s eyes moving over me. “And who do we have here?” he asks as he pulls his girlfriend along behind him and comes toward me.

  I get up off my place on the sofa and give him a smile. “Hi, Reed,” I say, shyly.

  Rod comes around them and puts his arm around me. “Her daddy finally had to let his little princess grow up, and I snagged her quick. Jenna and I are living together now.”

  Reed’s eyes go kind of wide and he shakes his head. “Already? Shit! Didn’t you barely graduate in May, Jenna?”

  I’m surprised he even knew that.

  I nod. “Yeah.”

  “And you didn’t go to college?” Reed asks as he looks into my eyes and I feel all wiggly inside. Most likely because he’s a gorgeous mass of a man and he probably has this effect on most females.

  Rod makes a huffing sound. “She doesn’t need college. She’s my woman. I take care of her every need.”

  Reed’s lips form a tight line then he pulls up the young woman’s hand he’s holding. “This is Pam. She and I go to college together.”

  She pushes her glasses up her nose some. Her deep brown eyes kind of glisten as she says, “Nice to meet you all.”

  Sue and Jason finally come out of the kitchen and Sue shouts, “My baby!”

  Reed quickly abandons his girl to go to his mother. He picks her up as he hugs her and she giggles like a young girl. “Oh, Reed! I’ve missed you, baby boy!”

  He puts her down and his father claps him on the back then gives his youngest son a hug. “Good to see you, Son.”

  “You too, Dad,” Reed says then comes back our way to grab his girl. “This is Pam.”

  “Nice to meet you, Pam,” Sue says and Jason gives her a nod and a smile.

  The girl is nothing like I pictured when I thought of Reed having a girlfriend. He played the field when he was in high school. But he never got serious about anyone here.

  I suppose she’s pretty in a way. Mostly plain, not ugly or anything. And she seems even quieter than I am.

  Rod hands one of the unopened beers to Reed. “Here you go. You finally made it to twenty-one.”

  Reed takes the beer and opens the top of the long necked brown bottle. “I did. Even though your attempts on my young life were kind of often, I managed to grow up, Rod.” His lips conform to the bottle and I find myself looking far too hard at them.

  I look down and shudder. If Rod ever caught me looking at another man he’d skin me alive.

  Rod grabs my hand and pulls me with him to sit down on the sofa, placing me on his lap and making me feel very uncomfortable. “I wanted to be an only child.”

  Reed laughs. “So did I.”

  Their parents laugh too and I look up to find them looking oddly at one another. So I ask Rod, “Did you two fight a lot when you were little?”

  “I kicked his ass,” Rod says with a grin. “I wouldn’t call it fighting.”

  Reed takes a long drink then pulls the bottle from his mouth I can see from my peripheral vision as I had better not look full on at him. “Until the day I made you eat asphalt. You do recall our very last fight. Don’t you, Rod?”

  Sue looks nervous. “Let’s not bring that day up!” She grabs Reed’s hand and pulls him along with her as Pam trails along behind him, looking like a midget as she’s so much shorter than he is. “Help me grab the trays with the appetizers, please.”

  I look at Rod. “What happened?” I whisper.

  His eyes have gone steely, and he takes a drink of his beer. “Don’t worry about it.”

  His mood has gone south suddenly and I wonder what happened between the two that had their fights ending so fast and putting Rod in a foul mood.

  Rod’s hand moves up my back and his lips touch my ear. “We’re going to the bathroom.”

  I don’t ask why I just get up when he pushes at me to and let him lead me to the bathroom. His father watches us go and I know my cheeks are turning the deepest shade of red.

  Once inside with the door closed, Rod unbuttons his jeans and pulls out his hard cock. I know what he wants and go to my knees in front of him.

  Opening my mouth, he takes the back of my head and moves my mouth over his hard cock. He thrusts it in and I gag a little as it goes into my throat.

  He makes hard strokes with his cock into my mouth and doesn’t make a sound as he does. I have no indication he’s about to cum until his cock jerks and semen flows down my throat. Then he makes a small grunt and pulls out of my mouth.

  He looks down at me as I hurry to grab some toilet paper and clean him off. His hand moves over my hair and he whispers, “I like your blonde hair much more than that drab brown Reed’s bitch has. Your green eyes are prettier too. You’re so much better than what he brought home.”

  “Thank you, Master,” I say as I clean him all up.

  He pulls me up and puts his ar
ms around me. It’s a softness he rarely shows. “There’s mouthwash under the sink. Use it then come out in three minutes. Not one second before that.”

  He lets me go and walks out. I have no idea why there’s a time limit but I start counting in my head, one-thousand-one, one-thousand two. Grabbing the mouthwash, I pour some in one of the small cups on the vanity top then swish it around my mouth.

  Making sure I have no residual cum on my face I look at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes go glassy as I fight the feeling of being used. I say to myself, “He needs you to be this for him. You love him, Jenna.”

  I blink the tears away and the last second goes by and I walk out of the bathroom. And Reed is standing right there. “Oh!”

  His hand is in my face. “I was just about to knock. Sorry.”

  I move to the side and look down at the floor. “Sorry.”

  His hand on my arm stops me. “Jenna, you okay?”

  “Yes,” I say quietly.

  He lets me go. “Okay then.” And he goes into the bathroom.

  I fall against the wall in the dark hallway. His touch sent electricity straight through me.

  The entire time I gave Rod head, I never felt the least bit excited and when Reed touched me for a mere second, I went wet in my panties.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  “Jenna,” Rod calls out from the living room.

  I hurry down the hall and into the room and go to his side. “Yes?”

  His arm goes around me and he pulls me tight to his side. “What were you and he doing back there?”

  “Nothing.” I look down and his hand touches my chin and pulls my face up.

  “You look flushed.” His eyes roam over my face.

  I smile and whisper, “You have me that way, Master.”

  He smiles back at me and kisses my cheek. “Good, girl.”

  Not feeling very proud of myself, I lean against Rod and think about how much he does for me and how I should appreciate him so much more. Looking at other men, especially his brother, is not a thing I should be doing.

  Going wet for his younger brother is definitely not a thing I should be doing!

  Rod takes a tiny sausage wrapped in a crescent roll and places it on my lips. I open them and accept the food into my mouth. “Like it?”

  I nod and he picks up another one off the tray. I eat it too and hold my hand up when he tries to get me to eat one more. “Can I have a drink?”

  He has a beer on the table and picks it up and takes a drink of it then hands it to me. His mother’s eyes go right to me as I take the beer from his hand. “I really shouldn’t. I’m not old enough yet, Rod.”

  “You can if I let you. And I’m letting you,” he says.

  His mother comes to us and takes the beer out of my hand and replaces it with a cold soda. “Here you go, Sweetheart. We don’t want you getting into something before you’re ready for it now do we?”

  “No, Mam.” I take a drink of the coke and try not to look at Rod as his mother walks away, and he narrows his eyes at her.

  “I’m ready to get out of here.” He takes my hand and pulls me toward the door. Then looks over his shoulder as Reed comes back into the living room. “You want to join us over at Stacy’s Bar, little bro?”

  Reed looks at Pam. “Want to?”

  She nods and they follow as Sue calls out, “Jenna can stay here while you go out, Rod. She’s much too young to be in that bar.”

  Rod’s arm goes around my shoulders. “I got her, Mom.”

  His arm tightens around me as Reed adds, “I’ll watch out for her, Mom. Don’t worry.”

  As we walk outside I can feel Rod’s body go tense, and he opens the driver’s side door of his old Ford truck. “Get in.”

  I slide in and stay in the middle where he likes me to. Reed and Pam take the car they came in. Rod gets in and looks at me. Then starts the truck.

  We roll out of the driveway and Reed and his girlfriend follow us. “Your mother is so nice, Rod.”

  “A little too nice.” He looks back at me. “Seems my family thinks I don’t have sense enough to protect what’s mine.”

  “I’m sure that’s not it at all. They’re all very nice is all.” I run my hand over the top of his thigh and he looks at it.

  “Did I give you permission to do that?”

  I move my hand. “Sorry, Master. No, you did not give me permission to do that.”

  “Seems you bring out the protective side of my mother and little brother. Why do you think that is?” He steps on the gas and goes pretty fast.

  “My age, I guess.” I watch the speedometer move up fast and reach around to grab the seatbelt.

  “You don’t trust me or what, Jenna?” He looks straight ahead.

  “It’s not that. It’s the law, Rod. Nothing more than that. Please don’t read anything into it. Let’s go have a nice time tonight. It’s so rare you take me with you when you go out. I’d like to enjoy it. Maybe you’ll see fit to dance with me some.” I buckle the safety belt and he throws on the brakes and makes a sharp right.

  “We’ll see. There are some grown-ass women in this place, Baby. I’m going to let you see how they treat a man.” His eyes go narrow as he pulls the pack of cigarettes off the ledge in front of the steering wheel. He hands the pack with the lighter inside it to me. “Light one up for me.”

  He knows I hate doing this and I don’t really know why he makes me do it. And I don’t know what the hell he meant by what he just said. But asking him will get me into trouble so I do what he’s said and light up the cigarette then hand it to him as I cough.

  He laughs and puts the nasty thing in his mouth. “Tonight, I expect you to smoke at least one of these. The entire thing.”

  My body goes tense and I look down. “I won’t be doing that, Rod. My grandfather died from lung cancer. I’ve told you that a lot of times.”

  “No one has proven that cigarettes caused that.”

  I hold the pack up where it says exactly that on the side of the packaging and he looks back at me with squinted eyes as he blows smoke in my face.

  I place the pack back where he had it and turn my head and cough again.

  We pull into the packed parking lot and stop. He gets out and reaches in for me so I take his hand. We wait as Reed pulls in next to us and Pam gets out of the passenger side.

  She waves her hand through the cloud of smoke Rod just exhaled. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you smoking is very bad for you, Rod?”

  He laughs. “Yeah, Jenna just lectured the shit out of me about just that same thing. What’s up with chicks these days?”

  My eyebrows raise up high.

  He thought that was a lecture?

  Reed comes around and takes Pam by the hand and we all start walking in. “Are they going to let her in here, Rod?” he asks.

  “I’m a regular. They give me special treatment here. What I say goes, little brother.” He pulls me in tight to his side. “My woman is welcome anywhere I am. As long as I want it that way.”

  Reed moves up next to me and looks at me. “You come here a lot with him?”

  I shake my head. “This is the first time he’s brought me here. He always comes here alone.”

  Reed looks at Rod with a frown. “You leave her home and come out here by yourself, Rod?”

  “So,” Rod says as he pulls the door open and smoke billows out of it and we walk straight into the thick stuff and I cough again.

  A tall, skinny, blonde woman looks at Rod. “Four shots and four beers coming up, Rod.”

  He smiles. “See, they know how to treat me here.” He leads us to a table in a dark corner and in no time another woman is bringing the drinks on a tray and I wince as after she places the drinks in front of everyone she takes a seat on Rod’s lap and runs her arms around his neck.

  “It’s been a week. Where’ve you been, Stud?” Her red lips touch his cheek and he smiles at her after he pulls back.

  He gives her a wink. “The holidays, Gi
rl. My old lady had me busy with domestic shit this week. No time for play. But this is New Year’s Eve and playtime is upon us.”

  The woman looks at me. “So this is the old ball and chain, huh?”

  He nods. “This is my woman, Jenna.”

  Reed clears his throat, and the woman looks at him. “And this is Reed Manning. The hottest mother fucker this town ever let go. How you been, college boy?”

  “Mona, nice to see you again. It’s been a few years since I’ve seen you on my brother’s lap.”

  Heat goes all through me as I look at her. “Are you one of his exes?”

  A smile moves over her face. Her very heavily made-up face. The tell, tell lines of a face which has sucked on its fair share of cigarettes and dicks. “I wouldn’t call myself an ex.”

  Rod pushes at her to get off his lap. “Mona and I never really dated, Jenna.”

  She laughs as she stands up but leaves her hand on his shoulder. “No, we’ve never really dated. But does anyone date the legendary bad boy, Rod Manning?”

  “I have,” I say and pick up the shot of whiskey and down it as I look into her light blue eyes.

  Rod’s arm goes around my shoulders and his lips touch the side of my head. “Easy, Baby. She’s not a threat,” he growls in my ear.

  I put the shot glass on the table and she smiles. “I’ll get you another, Missy.” Then she swings her hips as she walks away and I find Rod watching her.

  “Rod!” I say under my breath.

  His eyes move to mine. “What?” He takes his shot and downs it. Then looks at his brother. “Well, what are you waiting for, boy? Drink up!”

  Reed looks at me and I see a little sadness in his deep blue eyes. He picks up his shot and raises it to me. “Here’s to the girl who got Rod Manning to settle down.” Then he drinks it and slams the glass on the table and glares at his brother.

  Rod laughs and picks up his beer. “I wouldn’t say that.”

  Reed doesn’t laugh as he says, “Yeah, I may have spoken too soon.”

  The woman brings another round already and leans over Rod’s shoulder and whispers something into his ear. He looks at her and then at me. “Someone has challenged me to a game of pool. You don’t mind, do you, Baby?”


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