Billionaire Games
Page 81
“No, she didn’t, and she knew that.” He stays where he is since Dad has the gun and I pull Jenna inside.
I look over my shoulder at my mother. “We’re leaving in the morning instead of the day after.”
She nods. “I understand. Good night.”
I take Jenna out through the front door and put her in the passenger seat and lock her door then I quickly get in the driver’s side and leave my parents’ home as fast as I can and pray they don’t let him leave right behind us. Or we’ll have to bring the cops in on this.
My head is spinning then Jenna just falls apart and cries like I’ve never seen her do before. She’s sobbing uncontrollably.
What did that fucking bastard do to her?
I let her cry it out until we pull into the parking lot. Then I get her out of the car and carry her inside as she cries into my bare chest.
Sitting on the bed with her on my lap, I stroke her damp hair. “Jenna, it’s okay. We’re leaving in the morning. It’ll all be okay. He knows now and he can start to get over it.”
She shakes her head. “It will be a long time before he gets over this. And he will try his best to stop this. I could see it in his eyes. I am his.”
“You are not his! Shit! Jenna, you don’t belong to anyone. Not even me. You are your own person. Don’t let anyone tell you any different.” I kiss her cheek and taste the salt of her many tears.
“I haven’t cried like this in so long. I don’t know how he has the power to make me this way. Weak and afraid.” She takes in a deep breath trying to stop herself but it doesn’t work and she busts out again. “I hate him, Reed!”
The thought crosses my mind that he has done something so bad to her she may need professional help to get over it. And that makes me furious at him.
“You can be weak right now if you need to be. I’m here for you. You fell when he threw you. Let me see if you’re hurt.” I lay her face down on the bed as she continues to cry softly.
When I raise up the nightgown I see her ass is scraped up and go to find something to clean it up with and see if we have any kind of ointment to make it feel better.
In a bag of toiletries, I find some antibiotic ointment with pain reliever and take that along with a wet washcloth back to her. I see in the mirror that my lip is busted and dried blood is caked around it but I’ll see to her first then clean myself up.
When I go back to her I can hear that she’s stopped crying, and she seems to be asleep. I press the cloth to the scrape on her ass and she doesn’t move so I know she’s asleep pretty deeply.
I spread the medicine all over the wound and she turns her head. Her eyes open. “Oh, it’s you. Good.”
“Who else would it be?” I ask.
“Rod used to do that afterwards. It’s just that I was asleep and I guess dreaming and thought it was him.”
“Rod used to do this to you after what, Jenna?” My whole body is tense as I don’t know if I want to hear this or not.
“Never mind, Reed. I’m very sleepy.” Then her eyes close.
I move her around to lie the right way on the bed, she’s still wearing my mother’s flower covered nightgown so I leave it on her as she must be exhausted.
As I go to clean myself up, I can’t help but think about how this will all play out. Rod is not one to come around and play nice.
Not ever!
* * *
Chapter 21
My body aches as I lie in the bed and see the early morning light streaming through the white curtains of the small room Reed rented for us. I can hear him in the bathroom.
He opens the door and smiles at me as I lie in bed. “Hey there, sleepy head.” He comes and kisses my cheek. “I thought I’d let you rest while I go grab us some breakfast from the café. How about a couple of breakfast tacos?”
“Mmm. Yes, that sounds good. I could use a few more winks before I get going today.” I stretch a little and he gives me one more kiss.
“I’ll be back in about an hour so you can rest. I’ll gas up the car and get ready to go to the airport. Sleep, Angel.” He leaves and I hear the deadbolt lock and close my eyes.
* * *
Softly his hand runs over my back as I lie on my stomach. “Back already? That didn’t seem like an hour. I feel like I barely fell back asleep.”
I roll over and nearly have a heart attack. “Rod!” I have on a nightgown but I grab the blanket and pull it up to cover myself even more. “How did you get in here?”
“I know the chic at the front desk and she gave me a key. You and I need to talk,” he stands up and pulls out his wallet.
I watch him and have no idea what I need to be doing to ensure not only my safety but Reed’s too. Rod pulls a folded piece of paper out of his wallet and opens it then hands it to me. “Remember when you signed this?”
I place the contract on the bed without looking at it and look straight into his eyes. “I do. I was a dumb kid then. I’m not anymore. The fact is, you wouldn’t even like me now. So just be glad I’m not wanting you back.”
A grin covers his heavily bearded face. His hair is really short on the sides and kind of long on top. He’s covered in tattoos and his beard is thick and long.
He barely looks like the same man.
“We both know I can get you back to the way I want you.” He sits back down on the side of the bed. “That’s not a problem. Tell me why you left our home.”
I glare at him. “How was I to keep it? And tell me why I would even want to. You left me without a word. Not a note, nothing. So why would I stay? And for over two years at that.”
“Because you belong to me. I knew you went off to college, and I was okay with that. I thought you’d know to come back here and get a job until I came for you. You came back just like I knew you would. My plan was to come for you this summer and take you with me. Only you found my baby brother, didn’t you?” He reaches out to touch my face.
I pull back so he can’t. “No! You do not touch me. I’m not going to allow you to touch me. Not ever again. You hurt me. You have no idea what your leaving like that did to me. I had no idea if you were alive or anything. I had to worry for what felt like forever. Then one day it went away a little and a little more each day until I just didn’t think about you anymore.”
“Why would you do that? I never stopped thinking about you. I never stopped dreaming about the day I could come get you and take you with me. On the road with my gang.” He smiles. “You’re going to have a rough time at first. The women are tough as shit. But I know you can gain their respect. You’re tough and fearless.”
I shake my head. “What makes you think I want to be a part of a motorcycle gang? I’m going to be a kindergarten teacher, Rod. I’m not biker chic material.”
“You are my woman and as such you will be what I want you to be. So if I say you need to fit in with my new lifestyle then you will do as I say. I will train you just like I did before.” He reaches for me again and I move away from him.
“You should leave before Reed gets back.”
“You are mine. And I will show him that.” He grabs my wrist and pulls me up to him.
His face is too close to mine. I can smell the cigarettes and some kind of liquor, maybe tequila. “If you think you’re going to force yourself on me you better know I will file rape charges on your ass. I swear it. You’ll have to kill me for that not to happen. Get me?”
He lets me go and stands up with a laugh. “See, you are tough. You just need to come back to me for a little while and you’ll fall right back into place.”
“I’m marrying Reed. I’m not going to hang with you to see if I want that back because I know I don’t. To be honest that was never a life I wanted. I accepted it because I was young and dumb and I loved you for reasons now I can’t really figure out. You were wild and dangerous and a thing no grown woman wants in her life. Not this one anyway.” I shift in the bed and realize I don’t have any underwear on and that makes me feel a
bit vulnerable but I try hard not to let my face show that.
Rod looks down at me. “Mom gave me the ring I gave you when I asked you to marry me and you said yes. Want to explain to me why you gave it to her?”
“Because I was done with you. I waited nearly a month at the house for you and two more months at my parents. When I decided to go away to college, I wanted to leave it all behind me. So I gave the ring to your mother. It’s a lot better than tossing the mother fucking thing that in my opinion you gave not one care about.” I pull the blanket up even tighter around me.
He pulls the ring out of his pocket. “I’m here to get that ring off your finger and this one back on it.”
“You’ll play hell doing that, Rod.” I stare right into his eyes. “You see, Reed will be back soon and he will beat your ass if he finds you here. And I will do everything I can to help him do that.” I hold my left hand up next to my face. “So jump if you feel froggy, asshole!”
His steel-blue eyes light up and his eyebrows go up high. “Wow! See, you are tough. And I made you that way. I do deserve a little appreciation don’t you think?”
“You also made me have trust issues. You also made me have nightmares about how you strung me up for hours on end and did things to my body until I was crying and asking you to stop.”
His smile goes only over half his mouth. “That was no nightmare, that did happen. More than a few times. But I recall you agreeing to that. I recall reaching into your pussy and finding it wet and throbbing after those kinds of things. I recall you begging to suck my dick after those things. What is it you recall, Jenna?”
“I recall feeling weak. I recall thinking I had to make you happy because you weren’t. I recall thinking if I could just make you feel loved you would soften up some. And for the last part of our time together you were softer. Not entirely but you weren’t exactly that hard man you were in the beginning. But those things you did to me did scar me deeper than the flesh wounds you gave me with your punishments.”
His eyes narrow and he looks down. “If things were better, and I was more like the man you wanted me to be then why did you move on?”
With a sigh, I say, “Because even the man you had become wasn’t what I wanted. When I was eighteen and started things with you, I had no idea what I wanted. All I knew is that you had wanted me for two years and that was pretty awesome in my young and naïve eyes.”
“So you never wanted me?” He looks at me with sad eyes.
And that look used to get me every time but not this time. “That would be a lie. I did want you. I did want to make you happy and so I did the things you told me you needed. And still you fucked other women. And still you left me without a word. So my heart hardened. I learned how to harden a lot of things thanks to your training, Rod. So now you will reap the rewards of a job well done. You wanted me to be hard and now I am.”
“And turned against me. Your owner. And if you think I’m going to let this go, you're very wrong. I’m going to leave so I don’t have to deal with my little brother. But you and I are not done.” After picking up the contract off the bed, he walks toward the door then stops and turns back. “See you soon, Baby.”
As I watch him walk out the door all the strength in me fades away so quickly it’s unreal. My body begins to shake and I jump up and lock the door back and also close the latch inside so even if he uses the key, he can’t get back in.
I managed to escape that little interaction unscathed, but that was close. I think he could see in my eyes that I wouldn’t go down easy and the tiger in me showed itself, I think.
But I don’t even want to know if I could actually fend him off or not. I’d rather never find that out.
I go and pick up the phone to call the front desk and hear a friendly female answer, “Hello, how can I help you this morning?”
“Are you the bitch who gave Rod Manning a key to this room?” I ask, trying to keep my tone sharp.
“No,” she hangs up and I call the other number on the phone. The one that says if you have any problems please call.
“Good morning, Arizona Lodging Corporation. How can I help you this morning?”
“Hello, my name is Jenna Foster. My fiancé rented a room here at your Jerome location and I’d like to report that the woman who is working at the front desk this morning gave a key to another man and he entered our room. I suppose that’s frowned upon in your business. Is it not?”
“Oh my goodness! Are you okay, Mam?”
“I am. But the man she let in and I have a very bad past. He used to beat me. So I was very scared. I’d hate to see anyone else go through what I just did. I can count on you to take care of this situation without my needing to involve the authorities, can’t I?”
“Of course! I’ll have the manager there soon and that employee will be fired immediately. And your stay with us will be free of charge, of course. Please don’t go to anyone else with this issue. I’d hate it if our lodging in Jerome got bad publicity for one woman’s poor decision.”
“Me too. I will be checking in with the manager before we leave a little later today to be sure this was dealt with. Thank you. Goodbye.”
“Bye,” she says then I hang up feeling a little better about this thing.
Where Rod is concerned I will pull no punches. I will take everything illegal or bad thing he does and flip it around on him.
If he thinks I’m going to go down all easy, he has another think coming.
Reed or no Reed, I will never go down that path with Rod or any man ever again.
Not ever!
The room’s phone rings again. I answer, “Hello.”
“Hello, Miss Foster, this is Lynette Jones, the manager here. I have Trisha Steen here with me and she tells me she did not give anyone a key to your room.”
I frown and then get mad. Really mad. “So you’re taking her word over mine?”
“I don’t know what else I can do, Miss Foster.”
“Tell me how many keys you have to this particular room, Mrs. Jones.”
She seems to be thinking then she says, “We gave you and your fiancé two of them. That leaves one we keep up here in the key box. So three.”
“Look in the key box and see if that one is there, please,” I say and look my fingernails over as I wait.
I can hear her tell the woman to open the box so I add, “I need you to look. Obviously, she will say it’s there.”
“Oh, yes. Hang on then.” The phone clanks a bit as she puts it down. “I need to do that, Trisha.” I hear clicking sounds and then I hear a gasp. “Trisha, no!” Disappointment fills her voice.
Then I hear Trisha. “Aunt Lynn, I didn’t give it to him. I swear it. I don’t know where the key is!”
“Trisha, how could you? Everyone in this town knows about Rod Manning and Jenna Foster. Everyone knows about that time he pushed her all over their yard and the police had to come. How could you put her in jeopardy like that?”
Trisha is stammering and making no sense then I hear her say, “He made me. He told me he’d teach me good if I didn’t give him the key.”
Then my heart aches for her. But it doesn’t mean she should get off scot-free.
When the manager gets back on the phone she’s apologizing like crazy. I stop her. “Look, I know he’s intimidating. I heard her and I do believe her. But something has to be done to show her how she can handle something like that if it ever happens again. So please see to it that some kind of measures can be taken to teach not only her but your other employees how to handle a situation like that. Perhaps something as simple as teaching them to say there are no other keys to the rooms.”
“Yes, Mam. And your stay is on us. There will be no charges at all.”
“We were here two months,” I say as I can’t possibly imagine them comping the whole time.
“I’m aware of that and the entire stay is on us. Thank you for staying with us and when you visit again I hope you will consider staying with us again. I am very sorry
and this incident will help us to form a protocol for just this kind of thing. I am so sorry and so is my niece.”
“Thank you. I’m sorry he did that to her.” I hang up and feel even more awful that he would do that to anyone just to get to me.
Does he draw no lines?
* * *
Chapter 22
As I try to open the door to our room I find the inside lock is latched.
“Reed?” Jenna calls out.
“Yes, it’s me.”
She comes and opens it and nearly falls into my arms. “Thank God!”
“Are you that hungry, Jenna?” I laugh a little as she wraps her arms around me.
But then I feel her body shaking as she hugs me.
I move with her and set the drinks and bag of food down and pick her up. “What’s wrong?”
“Rod,” then the tears start again.
“Jenna, you have to get a hold of yourself. You can’t let him get to you like this.” I run my hand through her hair.
She takes her face off my chest and looks up at me. “He was here, Reed. The girl at the front desk gave him a key, and he got in here.”
My body goes instantly hot. “No fucking way! That bitch is getting fired!”
“I already took care of that and we don’t have to pay for our stay here. And the reason she did it is that he intimidated her into it. But they’re going to figure out some way to train their employees not to let that happen again,” she says then buries her face back in my chest and wraps her arms tightly around me.
“What did he do to you?” I hold her tight and fight the urge to leave to go find him.
“Nothing. He didn’t do anything to me. Just told me he wants me back. That kind of thing.” A shiver runs through her.
“Bet there’s a lot more to it than that,” I say as I hold her back and make her look at me. “I need to know it all. What happened with you two in the past? Don’t leave anything out.”
The way she looks up at me makes my heart hurt. I know it’s bad and I know she doesn’t want to relive this but I have to know.