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Billionaire Games

Page 100

by Michelle Love

  Since it was Sunday night and the rest of the world was getting ready for the workweek, Angela decided to have a relaxing night alone. As she was wont to do, she decided to have a bath and then watch Netflix. As she got into her robe, she started preparing the bath by adding bubbles as well as essential oils. Her bath was one of the best things about her apartment. It was large, had jets for massaging her tender muscles, and plenty of room to move around. The faucet was a heavy, thick stream, and filled up the bath quickly.

  Angela dropped her robe and put one foot into the bath. It was piping hot. Then she slid in comfortably, swinging her other leg over the edge of the bath and fully submerging herself into the relaxing, pulsating jets. She closed her eyes and let out a long, drawn-out sigh of relief.

  Whenever she took a long bath like this, her mind always went to how her life was doing. This evening, her mind was filled with positive emotions. She was moving up in her career. She had great relationships. Anderson, the hottest billionaire in town, was treating her like a downright queen. She had been having great sex with some great people. In fact, Angela thought merrily, she was turning into quite the little slut. She had had several sexual encounters with different people in the past week alone. But she knew those encounters were safe, and as long as she wasn’t careless in letting the wrong people find out, she figured, what was the harm?

  She thought of the last blowjob she had given Anderson. Angela had seen a lot of cocks in her life, but none of them were quite as nice as Anderson’s. She loved everything about it. She wasn’t one to love blowjobs all that much, but she had to admit that going down on Anderson was downright fun. He seemed to appreciate it so much.

  As she thought of Anderson’s dick, she grabbed the nozzle of her bath and lowered it just in front of her pussy. She spread her knees and brought the stream of water in close. It was amazing how much it felt as though she was receiving head. The nozzle pulsated and stimulated her clit, massaging around her outer lips. She kept the nozzle there for a few minutes.

  She was rapidly becoming very turned on. She rubbed the nipple of one of her massive tits, circling it with her thumb and forefinger. She was on the brink of orgasm. She then dropped the nozzle and began rubbing her lips with her free hand. In a few more moments she was rocked to her core by an explosive orgasm. It felt wonderful.

  Afterwards, she got out of the tub and opened the drain, letting the water dissipate. She threw on her robe and made her way to the TV. She turned on the news. There was more stuff going on with Anderson’s firm. They were expanding their human resources and hiring all kinds of new people from around the world. After the merger, Anderson’s firm would be the largest consulting company in the world, with operations on all the continents.

  “Oh, Anderson,” she murmured to herself. “You are one powerful man. And I am your woman.”

  The next day at the office it was Monday morning, and everyone seemed a little groggy. Eric came to her desk and brought her some fresh coffee. Double cream, double sugar. Just the way she liked it. She accepted happily and then mentioned to Eric that there was something she wanted to talk to him about when he had the chance.

  “Just give me a few hours, Angela. I need to review some documents. Anderson Cromby wants feedback by the end of the day. Come to me at around lunch. Maybe we can go out and grab a bite together.”

  Angela spent the rest of the morning performing some menial tasks. She had a few spreadsheets to look over, and a deck or two to begin. When it came time for lunch, Eric reappeared at her desk and suggested that they go to Folocia’s. It was a new Italian restaurant that had just opened up down the block.

  “You know that I am Italian-American, right?” asked Angela.

  “I think I did know that,” responded Eric. “So in honor of that fact, we can enjoy the food of your people.”

  At the restaurant, Eric ordered seafood linguini and a Perrier. Angela just had a salad.

  “So, Angela,” began Eric. “What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?”

  “Well, first of all, let me just say that I have given this some very deep thought. As you know, I have been entertaining the idea of going to work for Frank Edwards. As much as I regret leaving your company, for I have spent many rewarding years working for you, I have to say that I am going to accept Frank’s offer. I hope you can understand why.”

  “Well, it will be difficult for us to replace you. You have created quite the niche for yourself at our firm. You know my thoughts on your work performance. You have always over-delivered. However, I suppose that I have to respect your decision. If things don’t end up working for you over at the government, know that you’ll always have a place back here on my team.”

  Angela was heart-warmed to hear Eric’s very reasonable response to her decision.

  “I want us to keep in touch, Eric,” said Angela. “You were a great boss, and I hope that now we can start being friends.”

  “That would be great.”

  “Let’s have dinner again next week, after I have finished moving my stuff out of the office. I want to show you the club that I belong to. It’s called the Carlisle Club. Since we are friends now, I want us to develop the relationship.”

  “Sounds great. Here’s my cell number. Just give me a call when you want to get together and we’ll work it out.”

  That evening, Angela decided to pay a visit to her mother. She took a cab directly from the office to her apartment on the far end of town. Approaching the entrance, she found her name on the buzzer and pressed the button.

  “Yes?” came Karen’s voice through the intercom.

  “It’s Angela. I just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing.”

  “Come on up.”

  Angela entered Karen’s apartment. It was medium-sized, with some basic furniture. There was a couch, a TV, a dining table, a large kitchen with many appliances, and a bedroom with a double bed and some book shelves.

  Angela walked over to the couch, took off her bag, and had a seat.

  “Can I get you anything, dear?” asked Karen. “A cup of tea, perhaps?”

  “Yes, that would be wonderful, Mom,” said Angela.

  As Karen was preparing the tea, Angela took out her phone and went over some work emails. She was in the process of letting her contacts know that she would be switching jobs. Eric had found a replacement for her, a young woman by the name of Tina Tupinski, who had just graduated with her MBA from an Ivy League school. Over the coming week, it would be Angela’s job to orient Tina to her position so that the transition would be as smooth as possible.

  When Karen reentered the living room, she had a tray with a teapot on it and two ceramic mugs. She placed it on the coffee table and sat down next to Angela. She poured tea into the two mugs and then offered Angela sugar, but Angela preferred to take hers plain. They drank in silence for several minutes.

  “How’s everything at work, dear?” asked Karen. “Are you going to be accepting Frank’s offer?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. I just told Eric, who is rather sad to see me go. Apparently I am pretty valuable at the firm.”

  “Well, I always knew that. You have always been smart and good in business environments. I have always said that.”

  “What about you, Mom? What’s new in your life?”

  “You won’t believe it, but I actually met someone. His name is Ben Taylor. He’s sixty-three years old, and he’s a retired banker. We met at bingo the other night. He is so kind, Angela.”

  Angela was truly happy for her mom. Ever since her father had died, Karen had been single. Karen was an attractive lady. She was slim, with long hair, and a good body for a woman her age. There was no reason why she shouldn’t be able to attract a boyfriend.

  “Wonderful, Mom!” exclaimed Angela. “And you are both retired, so you will be able to spend a lot of time together. Do I hear wedding bells?”

  Karen laughed so hard she had to put down her tea.

  “No, Angie. Not yet. We
only just met! But he is taking me to the movies this Friday. Speaking of which, since Rosalie is still in town with Sam, perhaps the five of us could do something. Perhaps bowling might be fun?”

  Angela wondered to herself if she could bring Anderson along. That would make it six people on the outing. A good number. Three couples.

  “That is a good idea, Mom,” said Angela. “I am really busy this week. I have to teach the new girl to my position. But on the weekend I should be free. Let’s try to do something then. And I can bring Anderson.”

  Karen’s eyes lit up.

  “Do you think he would want to go to a dingy bowling alley? I mean, a man of his position … don’t you think he would a bit embarrassed to be seen at a place like that?”

  “I think he loves me, Mom. Plus, he’d love to meet my family. All of us.”

  Just at that moment, Angela’s phone vibrated. She checked the display and it was Anderson. The text simply said:

  Hey babe, thinking of you. Today was a killer day. Very busy. I need some Angela time. Can I swing by your place tonight at around 8:00 p.m.?

  Karen and Angela finished their tea. Angela stayed a bit longer. She wanted to find out more about Ben. It turned out he had had a very interesting career. He had worked his way high up in his firm as an investment banker. Then he joined the army as a senior officer and served two terms overseas. Now, he was retired. As Karen said, he was going nuts with all the time that he had on his hands. Bingo was just one of the activities that he occupied himself with. He was also an avid sailor and collected rare first-edition books. He was extremely well read and highly educated. Angela was very happy for her mother.

  When it came time to go, Angela excused herself and thanked Karen for the tea. She said she would try to see if Anderson wanted to go bowling on the weekend. This got Karen very excited. They hugged goodbye, and Angela left the apartment.

  * * *

  Romance in the Air

  During her cab ride home, she texted Anderson to let him know he could come over whenever he wanted. She got a message back that he would be there in half an hour.

  Back at her apartment, Angela decided to get ready for Anderson. She dimmed the lights, put on some low-volume jazz (she was partial to Miles Davis), and set out some scented candles. Then she walked over to her closet and looked for something sexy to put on.

  There were a number of dresses that would have been perfect. They were all very revealing and sexy, but she decided to go with some lingerie instead. She picked a pretty red number out of her closet and held it up against herself in front of the mirror. The lingerie, complementing her beautiful, dark hair and Mediterranean complexion, was perfect.

  The red-laced bra was skimpy, revealing a lot of skin and was see-through enough to expose her brown nipples. The panties were crotchless and rode up her ass in the back, exposing her perfectly round buttocks. She got into the lingerie and looked at herself in the mirror. She twirled about, getting a three-hundred-and-sixty degree view of her perfect body. She smiled to herself. She knew that Anderson would love this surprise.

  She threw on a silk robe, tied it around her waist, and made her way to the kitchen. She rummaged through her fridge and found an unopened bottle of champagne. She placed the bottle into a metal bucket full of ice and brought it out to her dining room, placing the bucket on the table. Everything was perfect.

  She sat down on the couch and turned her attention to her phone. As she waited for Anderson to arrive, she went through some more of her contacts, taking note of the ones she would have to call at work.

  When she heard a knock at the door, her heart leapt. She walked over to the door and playfully asked who it was.

  “It’s the police,” was the answer.

  Anderson’s voice was unmistakable.

  “Have I been bad?” she asked playfully.

  “You have been very naughty. Now open up so that you can receive your punishment.”

  “I hope that it is a very big, hard punishment.”

  Angela opened the door and Anderson was standing there, wearing a dark blue suit and a beige overcoat. He was carrying some Styrofoam containers which, by the looks of them, had sushi in them.

  “May I come in?” he asked.

  Angela grabbed him by the overcoat and pulled him in. Anderson barely had time to close the door before Angela stood up her tiptoes and kissed his lips passionately. She pushed him up against the door and, taking off his overcoat, ran her hands all over his body and through his hair. She began to take off his clothes very deliberately, throwing them onto a lounge chair that was in the living room.

  Anderson’s hands were all over Angela’s body. First they were gliding their way through her hair. Then they traced the outline of her back. He stopped to feel one magnificent boob in his strong hand. Then he brought his hands down to her butt. He could tell through the robe that there was hardly anything beneath.

  “Come with me,” ordered Angela to a nearly-naked Anderson.

  They walked over to the couch and sat down. Angela uncorked the ice-cold champagne and poured each of them a glass. Then she took the food that Anderson had brought and laid it out onto the table. They each ate for a while, not really wanting to speak or to spoil the moment. When they had had their fill, Angela cleared the food away and sat back on the couch, directly opposite to Anderson. She leaned back and let her robe fall to the floor. Her legs were spread just enough so that Anderson got a view of her beautiful, pink pussy.

  “So how was your day, honey?” asked Angela.

  Anderson gulped. He was rapidly becoming red in the face and turned on beyond measure.

  “Uh, it was fine. I am going to be making preparations to visit France. There is some business that we need to settle in Paris. New offices opening up and all that. How was your day?”

  Angela reached down and started playing with her pussy.

  “It was fine,” said Angela casually. “I told Eric that I’d be leaving the firm to go to work for Frank. He seemed to take it well enough, although I think they are going to have a hard time replacing me.”

  Angela’s fingers danced across her pussy, now spreading her lips, now rubbing her clit. She started to notice a bulge forming in Anderson’s trousers.

  “And how’s your mother doing?” asked Anderson, trying to sound nonchalant.

  “She has a new boyfriend,” replied Angela in a monotone voice.

  “Oh, good for her!”

  “Come here,” Angela ordered.

  Anderson crawled over to her and kissed her on the lips. Then Angela directed his head down, fingers running through his hair, until he was directly in front of her pussy lips.

  Anderson didn’t have to ask what Angela wanted. He licked around her lips, spending time on her clit. His tongue probed around her pussy, entering her hole and then dancing back out to softly massage her inner lips. He brought a hand up and spread her lips, so that he could more accurately reach the inner folds of her vagina.

  Angela moaned in pleasure. She started grinding her hips, pushing her pussy into Anderson’s face. Anderson savored the taste, not wasting any time kissing and making out with her vulva. This went on for a solid fifteen minutes.

  Then Angela lifted her hips and slid her panties down so that they dangled on one ankle. She turned around and pushed her ass into the air. Anderson got a wonderful view of her pussy and ass, and still kneeling before her, began licking her pussy from behind. His face was positioned directly in front of her private area. He reached up and spread her cheeks. He kissed her asshole, and then licked her pussy some more. Angela cried out in pleasure.

  “Fuck me, Anderson,” Angela whispered. “I want you inside me now.”

  Anderson took off his pants and knelt directly behind her. He pushed his rock-hard cock into her pussy, softly at first. Then he began fucking her harder and harder. His thrusts were tender and deliberate. They weren’t forced. He never broke the rhythm, as Angela was sent deeper and deeper into ecstasy.

  “Touch my ass,” Angela ordered now. “I want to feel your hands all over my ass.”

  Anderson didn’t waste any time squeezing her cheeks and separating them. He placed a finger over her hole and kept it there, still fucking Angela rhythmically.

  “Oh yes, Anderson, that feels so good. You are such a big, strong man. Fuck me harder. Your cock feels so good.”

  Then Angela noticed that Anderson began panting harder and harder. It appeared as though he was ready to come. Angela wanted Anderson to come inside her. She pushed her ass against his torso, trying to get him deeper and deeper inside her.

  Anderson exploded semen into her vagina, his orgasm lasting a full thirty seconds. As he came, Angela screamed in pleasure.

  They collapsed together onto the couch, exhausted. Angela felt fully satisfied with their lovemaking. From the look on Anderson’s face, so did he.

  They moved to the bed and crawled under the covers. They both wanted to take a quick nap. When they awoke, it was almost midnight.

  “My mom wanted me to invite you to go bowling this weekend. My sister and her boyfriend, as well as my mom’s boyfriend, will be there. Want to come?”


  “Yes. Do you like bowling?”

  “I was on the bowling team in college. I haven’t practiced in forever, but that sounds like a fun idea.”

  There was a long pause. Angela cuddled closer to Anderson, and pushed her ass into his crotch. She couldn’t tell if it was just her imagination, but she thought she felt something becoming stiff there.

  Anderson had to leave to go back to his place, and so couldn’t spend the night. His day tomorrow would start at 5:00 a.m. He needed to make arrangements for their expansion into Paris. Angela had to be up at her usual 7:00 a.m.

  The rest of the week went by relatively smoothly. Angela spent each day working with Tina, getting her acclimatized to the office. She transferred her computer files onto a disk for Tina to use.


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