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Page 4

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Something’s happening,” she panted. “Mikhail.”

  “I’ve got you.” He spread her lips and felt his release getting ready to explode in his balls. The minute he inserted his tongue into her wet heat, she shook apart. Her arousal flooded his tongue as she continued to writhe harshly in his hold. He slipped his hand to his cock and the minute he touched myself, his release squirted everywhere, so turned on he couldn’t breathe.

  It was minutes before he could move and when he did stand, India gasped as his cock bounced against her belly. He offered her a wry smile. “What can I say? I want you.”

  “One day soon I want to touch you.” She met his gaze. “Everywhere.”

  He swallowed and nodded, no words came to him.

  She cleared her throat and asked, “Can you get me out of this thing, now please?”

  “Of course.” He pulled his jeans up and quickly released the buckles, catching her before she fell.

  Placing her on the bed, he dashed into the bathroom for a towel, and for a robe to cover India.

  A blush rose on her cheeks as he tied the knot on the robe. He pulled her in for a quick kiss and lingered. “Don’t be embarrassed.” Another quick kiss.

  Cleaning up the mess, he tossed the towel into the washing hamper, and pulled India into his arms as he leaned against the headboard of the huge canopy bed. “I need to get you out of here and soon.”

  “We need to get out of here and soon. I know we only met today, but I don’t want to leave without you.”

  Sighing, he kissed the top of her head. “You might have to.”

  She clung tightly when the door suddenly opened, but thankfully it was Dimitri.

  He walked further into the room. “I’ve been sent to get you free and to tell you to shower and dress for dinner.” He eyed me. “Don’t let your father know that you’ve been in here.”

  “I’m joining everyone for dinner.” He grinned.

  Dimitri growled. “You need to think this through.”

  “I have . . . don’t worry. I have no intention of arriving with India tonight. But I will be there.”

  Dimitri nodded and left them alone.

  “I better get ready as I don’t want to anger your father.”

  “I meant what I said India. I will get you out of here before he expects anything more and . . . I’ll be there at dinner.” He smacked her on the ass as he let her move away from him.

  The tease stuck her tongue out just before she closed the bathroom door.

  He knew this morning in the garden of fragrance that something would happen between them, but he had no idea that he would fall so suddenly and so hard.

  Now, he couldn’t imagine his life without her.

  Chapter 9

  The fear of earlier turned into so much more and India didn’t know what to think about herself. Should she have quivered in fear? She thought not.

  Although she wasn’t innocent, well not as innocent as yesterday, she was a fighter and Konstantine wasn’t going to weaken her. She feared he may do if he ventured to touching her further, but today after Mikhail had brought pleasure to her body, she felt energized, which she hadn’t to let show.

  Just the thought of Mikhail and pleasure made the pulse between her legs throb. Remembering the sight of his pleasure caused her knees to wobble as she moved to the bedroom door.

  The flush that she felt coating her cheeks, she hoped would be mistaken for anger when she appeared downstairs.

  Gathering her composure, she smoothed her hands over the slip of a dress that she wore. It had felt nice and soft against her bare skin, until she’d left the safety of the bedroom. The big men that lounged around the house stared and followed her with their eyes making her very uncomfortable. It was as though they knew she wore no underwear. She hadn’t been allowed any.

  Her maid, Vanessa, had told her that if she put up a fuss about it that her clothing would become even more revealing. She didn’t want to take that risk.

  But when she’d dressed, she’d thought about Mikhail and what he’d made her feel. Cherished. Desirable. Aroused. All the things that she shouldn’t. But she’d felt a connection to him in the rose garden and that connection was even stronger now. She wasn’t stupid and knew that nothing would come of anything with Mikhail. Even after she left, that probably wouldn’t be possible. His life was here while hers was with her father. But she would cross that bridge when it came to it because she would be free of the Vasiliev walls and until she was, she’d play along with the little games. She didn’t really have much choice. But at least she’d hopefully make it through without any harm if she were compliant.

  “What are you thinking?” Konstantine broke into her thoughts, curiosity in his gaze.

  She wanted to tell him thoughts of his son, but that wouldn’t be playing along now would it? So instead she replied, “I’m wondering if there is a rose garden here, or somewhere that has blooms of color.”

  He contemplated her answer while swirling his red wine around the over large glass. “Hmm. Maybe I will allow you to visit with the flowers.” He took a slow sip of the wine while his eyes stayed on her. “But you have to prove to me that you’ll obey me.” He sat forward and opened his mouth to speak when the door slammed open, bouncing against the wall behind it with a loud thud.

  Konstantine shoved his chair back so quickly that it toppled over while her heart shot up into her throat at the sight of Mikhail standing in the doorway. He was her savior.

  His legs were spread wide, his arms were down at his side with his fists clenched, and his breaths were heavy. He reminded her of the warriors of old that she’d read about in the historical novels that she loved so much. His gaze was fierce when he raised his head, the dark strands of his hair in disarray. “Father,” he snarled before striding into the room, kicking the door shut behind him. “I thought it was about time I joined you for dinner.”

  She glanced at Konstantine and saw his face tight with anger while his eyes narrowed on Mikhail. “Why now?”

  Mikhail sat across from her and when his heated gaze landed on her, she couldn’t look away. He had her so enthralled that only the slamming of Konstantine’s hand on the table pulled her gaze away and fear kicked her in the stomach.

  “I know what you are doing,” Konstantine snarled at Mikhail who continued to ignore his father with his gaze still on her. “But,” Konstantine moved to stand behind her, his hands on her shoulders, “she is mine. You can look, but you touch her and I’ll cut your dick off.”

  Konstantine tugged her out of the chair and pulled her flush against his front while Mikhail jumped to his feet, letting the chair behind him fly backwards.

  The grip on her shoulder tightened and became painful when Mikhail leaned forward. “You father are not going to get away with taking India illegally. You may think that she’s forbidden to me, but I’m going to make sure you never touch her.”

  “Really,” Konstantine laughed seconds before he tugged her around and plastered their fronts together with the painful hold he had around her back.

  She winced and tried to get some space between them. “I can’t breathe,” she gasped.

  Her words must penetrate Konstantine’s thick skull because he loosened the hold, only slightly though.

  “You think I can’t touch her,” he growled, and she felt the back of her dress creeping up the back of her thighs. “You think that you control my actions.” He bared her to the waist. “You don’t.”

  She was suddenly pushed face down on the table while two large men held Mikhail back. His father spread her legs and pressed between. He had her pinned down hard with her wrists in one hand while he rubbed the other over her bared bottom.

  Silent tears ran down her face as the reality of the situation hit her for the first time. Even what he did that afternoon didn’t have her as scared as she was. Her first thought was that she was going to be raped . . . but while that ran through her head, she feared it was the humiliation of having Mikhail watch
that would be worse. Konstantine wanted that though—he wanted Mikhail to know just exactly who she belonged to, and he’d go to any length to prove that.

  Mikhail looked wild and ready to kill as she stared into his eyes while his father pressed his arousal between her legs. Her stomach wanted to revolt but if either of them were going to get out of the situation in one piece then she needed to accept him. She refused to scream. If that was what he wanted then she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction. There was nothing that she could do about her tears that constantly trickled down her cheeks, falling onto the black marble table beneath.

  “You touch her,” Mikhail spat, “I will kill you.”

  His father stilled behind her as Mikhail’s gaze dipped. He looked like a bull ready to charge.

  What has he done?

  “So, you show your hand, hmm? I didn’t expect that of you.” Konstantine moved his hips away and splayed a hand over her bottom, his fingers dipped between her thighs. He leaned all the way over her, his chest against her back. She froze. He whispered, “I will take you tonight,” he hissed in her ear. “Without an audience.” He straightened, pulling her with him. “The rest of your body is for me only . . . I’ll make sure that Mikhail is nowhere near you.” He smirked at Mikhail who looked like he was about to kill his father the minute he was free. “Or I should say that Dimitri and Sergei will make sure Mikhail is nowhere close.”

  He said something so quickly in Russian that she was left guessing as he dragged her from the room. Her last glance at Mikhail had him looking wild and desperate before the door slammed closed between them.

  Now she struggled.

  She kicked him in the shin and found herself shoved up against a wall with his hand around her neck. “It will take one flick of my wrist to snap this pretty neck,” he hissed. “If you want Mikhail to live to see tomorrow then you’ll do exactly as I say.”

  He shoved her in front of him before he got annoyed at how slowly she walked, so he took her arm and marched her upstairs and to her room.

  Fear kicked her in the guts when he opened the door and shoved her inside. “I want you showered and naked on your bed. If you’re not then Mikhail will pay.” He inhaled and on a slow exhale, said, “I’m going to deal with my son. His treatment all depends on your cooperation.”

  The door slammed shut and seconds later she heard the key in the lock as she became prisoner again to Konstantine and to her own emotions.

  Chapter 10

  Mikhail was carried outside over Sergei’s shoulder while he gritted his teeth from the pain he suffered. The order to get rid of him was loud and clear by his father.

  He spit the blood from his mouth wondering how the hell he’d survived the beating that Dimitri and Sergei had dished out. He still wondered as Sergei dropped him like a sack of potatoes onto hard ground.

  “You go back inside. I have this,” Dimitri growled, prowling closer.

  “No way! The boss told us both to get rid of him. I’m going nowhere.” Sergei pulled out a gun and pointed it at his head.

  “Blyad,” Dimitri cursed seconds before Sergei dropped to the floor a bullet between his eyes.

  Mikhail’s eyes snapped to Dimitri who quickly crossed to him. He turned him over and before he could catch his breath, he emptied a bucket of cold water over his face. “We have no time. You have to get your girl and leave. I’ll distract your father.”

  He blinked up at Dimitri while his mind tried to comprehend that the man appeared to be helping him once again.

  “Hurry,” Dimitri urged. “I know it doesn’t make sense. We don’t have time for it too.” He pulled him to his feet and passed him Sergei’s gun. “Hugh waits through the forest behind your cabin with a truck. Everything is legal and it cannot be traced to any of us, and especially your father. But you need to hurry.” Dimitri ran toward the front of the house while he followed at a slower pace, diverting to the cellar.

  He still had no clue about Dimitri and he wasn’t even sure how far he could trust the man. All of it could be a trap even though he was desperate to believe that he really was helping him get India free.

  His father wasn’t as stupid as he’d like to think, which was why his father did the whole dominance show in the dinning room. His father had wanted him to know who was boss. That was proven, but now he was about to steal the woman whom he suspected his father would give anything for.

  In the past his father had not given a shit who had seen the women half-dressed, naked, or even in the throes of passion. He’d wanted his men to watch although Mikhail had always refused. But his father hadn’t cared about the women as they’d been a means to an end for his pleasure. India was different. His father had kept her covered apart from her naked ass, which he had to admit was beautifully smooth. So perfect that just the thought got him moving.

  The cellar wasn’t used like they used them in the movies as torture rooms. This one actually housed wine. Lots of wine. Vintage as well as the one he gave to casual dinner guests, unless of course he wanted to win them over. The three thousand dollar a bottle came out then.

  Carefully revealing the door in the wall, he slipped through and onto the stairs and the secret corridor system that ran through the walls of the huge monstrosity that his father bought with blood money. He knew which way he was going to be bringing her out, and if he could he’d hurt his father in more ways than just taking India.

  Hearing a scraping sound, he stopped in his tracks and listened, which was difficult. Blood rushed through his head as fear tightened in his gut. His body ached badly and as he moved at a slower pace to try and keep any noise to the minimum, he realized that Dimitri hadn’t hit him hard at all. It had looked like he had and his actions said that he was hitting him to kill, but he hadn’t.

  It was all for show.


  Dimitri had been loyal to his father for years. Maybe he’d never find out what was really going on, unless of course, Hugh knew. He never missed anything.

  Making his way slowly down the last corridor toward India’s room, he tried to slow his breathing so that he could hear everything that was going on. The rapid pounding in his head didn’t help, but seconds later he reached the door that would take him into the closet in her room. It wasn’t ideal and he could end up making more noise than intended. His way of thinking though was that once he’d gotten her away from the house that he’d be able to protect her. His father still had a lot of loyal men so it wouldn’t be easy once they were aware of his betrayal of the Vasiliev name. That was what it came down to. Vasiliev.

  Peeling the lock back on the door, he cringed at the rusty noise it made and again when he pushed the door open and the hinges creaked as though they needed a good oiling. Seconds later, he pushed through the clothing that had been put in the closet for India and then out of the doors. The image that greeted him had him instantly hard as rock.

  India was naked and spread out over the bed with her wrists and ankles tied to each corner of the four-poster bed. Her large breasts jiggled as she breathed and softly cried. Her startled gasp at seeing him put an end to her tears and clearing his throat, he whispered, “Don’t make a sound. I need to get you out of here and quickly before my father knows what’s going on.”

  She nodded and her eyes stayed on him . . . on his body, as she took in the battered and bruised state that he knew he was in. Her eyes widened when she got to the erection he was unable to hide.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be aroused when the bastard has done this to you.”

  “I’m glad that you react that way to me.”

  He stilled at her words and held her gaze. “I promise you. When we’re away from here, I’m going to show you what it’s like to be loved by a man.”

  A tear slipped down her face. “He didn’t do anything to me, Mikhail. He frightened me. He tied me up like this, but he didn’t get chance to touch me. You came for me just like I knew you would.”

  “You know more than I did.” He quickly got h
er free from the bed. “Wear this for now. We don’t have time to find you anything else.” The nightgown did nothing to cover what was beneath, but they really didn’t have time to root through her clothing for something more suitable.

  Taking her hand, they moved back through her closet, closing the door behind them. “Wait,” she whispered. “My boots.” Once she had them on her feet, they moved slowly through the dark and molded corridors, and back down the stairs.

  He was surprised that they hadn’t come across any of his father’s men, which made him wonder just what exactly Dimitri had done to get the others away from that part of the house. Whatever it was though, he wasn’t taking any chances by standing around idly.

  He brought India into the circle of his arms and holding her close, said, “When we leave the house there won’t be any cover, so we have to run, okay?”

  She nodded. “I can run, Mikhail. Just don’t let go of my hand.”

  He kissed her forehead and intertwined their fingers together. “I won’t let you go.” His meaning wasn’t lost on her when her lips curled up in a secretive smile.

  “Let’s go.”

  With one quick kiss to her lips, they softly closed the door behind them, and ran. India could run and even though it was hurting him like a fucker, he managed to get them behind the tree line and into the forest. They didn’t stop and at the far wall, he was surprised as fuck to find a gap where there shouldn’t be one . . . and then Hugh appeared.

  “This isn’t new,” he commented, pushing India through the gap first.

  “Of course! You’re running and you notice the gap.” Hugh rolled his eyes. “Seriously? It’s been there a while. I don’t know who put it in there or why, but it was sure as hell quicker than getting you both over the wall.”

  At the car his steps slowed and India turned, her eyes widened when she met his gaze. He knew what she saw—him having second thoughts. “I need to go back.”

  She shook her head. “No.” Her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer. “You heard your father,” she quickly whispered into his ear. “You can not go back in there.”


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