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Twice Upon a Soul

Page 25

by Deborah R Stigall

  “You know…if you’re going to hang around for awhile, we’ve got to come up with a name for you,” Taylor observed thoughtfully. Crossing her arms across her waist, she patted one finger against her arm as she studied the contented creature sitting before her. Smiling as the name finally came to her, Taylor bent once again to scratch the furry head. “Jasper” she said, grinning at the uncontrollable twitching of the cat’s whiskers, as she scratched beneath his chin. “You remind me so much of a tomcat I had when I was a little girl. You’re slightly larger then he was, of course, but you’re just as affectionate and lovable.”

  Jasper seemed to agree with his christening, stretching the toes of his front paws, as the scratching became so enjoyable he could barely stand it.

  Patting him on the head as she started back up the stair, Taylor looked back, grinning at the disappointed expression on Jasper’s face. “You can come with me,” she agreed, nodding her head for him to follow. Jasper immediately took his place at her side, his sleek muscles rippling beneath his coat of white.

  “Well, maybe this is the right one,” Taylor mumbled half to herself with a glance toward Jasper. Reaching another landing, she stepped out into a hallway she’d missed on the way down. From the muffled sounds floating toward her, she felt sure she’d finally found the right way. Reaching the end of the short hall, Taylor discovered a huge tapestry, ornately decorated with shimmering threads depicting the tree of life. Draped across the archway, it proved quite an effective partition as well as a safe place to eavesdrop before Taylor entered the room.

  Hearing Quinlan’s voice nearby, Taylor’s first instinct was to retreat back down the hallway; memories of her disturbing dream nagging at the back of her mind. But a second voice sounding from beyond the tapestry froze her in her tracks. Turning her head to better hear, Taylor held her breath as she waited for the voice again.

  “Mattie!” She cried, pulling back the tapestry as she rushed out onto the balcony.

  “Taylor! Is it really you?” her friend shouted back, clapping her hands excitedly.

  There stood Mattie in the middle of the hall between Quinlan and a strange man Taylor didn’t recognize. Pounding the banister, Taylor paced back and forth. “Wait right there while I figure out how to get down from here!”

  Running past the tapestry, Jasper loping to keep up with her, Taylor quickly rounded the corner. Finally finding the archway leading into the hall, she rushed to embrace her friend. Tears of happiness streamed down her face as Taylor clutched Mattie to her chest. “I thought I’d never see you again,” she cried into her friend’s dark hair.

  “Oh Taylor, I was so afraid you were lost too.” Mattie agreed, her voice catching in her throat. Holding Taylor at arm’s length by the shoulders, she smiled as her eyes checked her from head to toe.

  “Where’s Drake?” Taylor asked, immediately regretting the words as the smile fell from Mattie’s face.

  “Dead,” Mattie retorted, clipping the word with distaste as her gaze fell to the floor.

  “Aye…the lad’s dead but ‘twas an unfortunate accident,” supplied the handsome red-haired man suddenly appearing at Mattie’s side.

  “Who are you?” Taylor asked, arching her brows in wonder as Mattie began to giggle.

  “Taylor…it’s Magnus,” Mattie explained, pulling him closer to her side.

  Her mouth dropping open in astonishment, Taylor whirled at Quinlan’s deep rumbling chuckle. “Forgive me,” he begged, raising his hands in the air. “But I didna’ realize that Magnus had appeared to ye in a different form.” Turning to clap the broad shouldered Scot upon the back, Quinlan shot his friend with a suspicious glare. “And what form did ye choose to appear in this time, Magnus? A wee silkie, perhaps?”

  Gathering Taylor’s hand politely in his own, Magnus gallantly brought it to his lips; immediately returning to the arthritic old man that she’d first met on the shores of Loch Roag. Returning to his natural form, Magnus stood the same height as Quinlan, with fiery red hair that bespoke of Nordic ancestry somewhere in his long forgotten past.

  Shaking her head in disbelief, Taylor smiled at Magnus then turned to hug Mattie once more. “I can’t tell you how good it is to have you here. I never thought I’d see you again.”

  “Quinlan called us,” Mattie explained, raising her brows as Quinlan put his finger to his lips. Receiving a nudge from Magnus on the other side, she turned to him, her hands on her hips. “Well…he did. What’s the big secret? These two are going to be impossible don’t you think?” she snorted, turning back to Taylor.

  Her eyes narrowing as she watched Quinlan fidget uncomfortably, Taylor nodded in agreement with her friend. “Impossible is definitely a word I would use…along with a few other choice adjectives I can think of.”

  Grabbing Quinlan by the arm, Magnus grinned at Taylor and Mattie in turn. “I’m afraid I must discuss something with Quinlan in private. Would ye ladies mind a bit if we left ye for just a moment?”

  Shrugging her shoulders, Mattie shook her head, glancing in confusion first at Magnus, then Quinlan and Taylor. “Go ahead. Taylor and I have a lot of catching up to do…but don’t be long, I’m absolutely famished.” Turning back to Taylor, Mattie frowned at the look of irritation registering across her face. “What’s going on here? Talk to me…it’s obvious I need to be brought up to date.”

  Eyes narrowing as she watched the two men walk from the room; Taylor turned, eyeing her friend sadly. “He lied to me, Mattie….” She slowly began, her voice trailing off as she stared at her friend. “But it can’t be true! After all, you’re standing right here and you’re not a spirit like Magnus!”

  “Wait a minute, Taylor.” Mattie held up her hands, silencing her friend with a shake of her head. “The only reason I’m able to be here with Magnus…is because I’ve been cursed to wander with him through eternity. I know what you’re going to say…and I’m sorry it’s true. But there’s no way for either one of us to ever return to our world…or the lives we once led.”

  “What do you mean cursed,” Taylor repeated, her heart falling in disappointment at Mattie’s words.

  Inhaling deeply, Mattie stared bravely into Taylor’s eyes, silently pleading with her to understand. “Drake is dead, Taylor…because I killed him. Right after you crossed through the cairn.” Watching Taylor’s face, Mattie rushed to continue, chewing one side of her lip nervously as she spoke. “He knew all along that you’d never be able to come back. He deceived both of us. When I found out, I flew into a rage and started throwing rocks at him. He fell…hit his head…it was kind of an accident. But I can’t really say I’m sorry that it happened.”

  Leading the way to a nearby bench, Taylor patted Mattie’s hand as they leaned back against the wall. “Then what happened,” she asked Mattie quietly, patiently waiting for her to continue. “That still doesn’t explain this curse you spoke of.”

  Smiling thoughtfully as she stared at her hands in her lap, Mattie spoke without raising her head. “Magnus. That’s what happened. He begged the Furies to steal me away…to keep me from going to prison. But since a life had still been lost, I had to be punished…life is a very precious gift to the Furies.”

  Taylor nodded slowly, trying to understand; as well as, trying to quell her disappointment. She’d been over-joyed when she’d spotted Mattie from the balcony, positive that Mattie had found a different passage between the planes. Hugging her friend to her, Taylor patted her hand affectionately. “Well…all that matters is that you’re here.”

  Returning the hug, Mattie’s face brightened, her eyes twinkling with interest. “So, how’s it going with Quinlan. Is he what you thought he’d be? Are you happy that you found your way to him?”

  “It’s complicated, Mattie.” Taylor swallowed hard, a scowl returning to her face. “How can I possibly be happy with a man who trapped me like he was hunting wild game?”

  “Has he hurt you?” Mattie asked, her eyes round with concern as she glanced to the doorway where the men ha
d disappeared.

  “No…he hasn’t hurt me…or forced me into anything. In fact, other then the fact that he lied to me…stole away my entire life. I guess he’s been a pretty nice guy.” Taylor folded her arms in a huff, glaring in aggravation at her friend; her chest heaving with her emotions as sarcasm coated her words.

  Cocking her head jauntily to the side, Mattie grinned mischievously as she nudged Taylor in the ribs. “Sounds to me like you found something other then predictable and safe. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

  Rolling her eyes, shaking her head, Taylor rose from the bench with her petticoats rustling. “You might be used to all that supernatural stuff; but that’s not what I had in mind when I decided to break up with Chandler.”

  “So, you’d rather be back in the two story Victorian home, ankle deep in yowling curtain climbers?” Mattie remained on the bench; her hands clasped about one knee, eyeing Taylor with interest as she paced across the floor.

  “You know that’s not what I mean,” Taylor sputtered as she wagged her finger at Mattie’s face.

  Her deep sapphire eyes twinkling in amusement, Mattie pursed her lips into a facetious pout. “I just love getting you all worked up until you don’t know what you mean. I’ve really missed these heart to hearts of ours. I’m glad Quinlan summoned us here!”

  At that moment, Jasper appeared around the doorway, his head raised in concern over Taylor’s agitated voice. Gasping as the great white cat rounded the corner, Mattie pointed, her mouth open in shock.

  “Mattie…meet Jasper, a new friend of mine.” Taylor grinned at Mattie’s rare attack of speechlessness. “Jasper, this is Mattie.” Taylor nodded her head in the direction of her wide-eyed friend.

  “Now, Mattie…” Taylor started, returning to the bench as Jasper plopped to the floor beside her. “Explain what you mean by Quinlan summoned you. What exactly did he say?”

  Leaning forward to lightly touch the coat of the purring leopard, Mattie smiled in amazement at the softness of his fur. Glancing up at Taylor’s narrowed eyes; she cleared her throat as she straightened on the bench. Ducking her head a bit sheepishly, she glanced to the doorway to ensure the men had not reappeared. “Well…I probably wasn’t supposed to say anything about that…but you know I never could keep a secret.” Fidgeting with the ribbon on her dress, she wrapped it tightly around one finger, as she searched for the right words.

  “I’m waiting, Mattie.” Taylor repeated sternly, knowing full well her friend would be unable to remain quiet much longer. Mattie’s undoing was her never-ending ability to say whatever came to mind.

  “Quinlan came to the reflecting pool, lit the candle and called out to Magnus for help. All he would tell us was that you were so unhappy…and he thought maybe we could make you feel better.” Mattie smiled gently up at Taylor, shrugging her shoulders as she gave away the truth.

  “He didn’t call you here to try and coerce me into accepting my role as his wife?” Taylor watched Mattie’s face closely; knowing it was impossible for her to lie. Mattie’s face was an absolute window to her feelings, revealing anything she felt at the time.

  “Swear he didn’t,” Mattie reassured, holding her right hand across her heart. Grinning mischievously, her shoulders shaking as she added, “But from the looks of him, I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to accept the position.”

  “He lied to me!” Taylor growled through clenched teeth. “Isn’t that enough?”

  Reaching over to gently pat her friend’s hand, Mattie’s face suddenly grew serious. “Okay…he lied. Yes, that’s a terrible thing…especially considering the consequences. But maybe what you need to focus on now, is the reason behind that lie. He loves you, Taylor…and when your memories start returning, I think you’ll probably love him too. I’ll never forget the look in Taelhar’s eyes when she spoke about her life with Quinlan.”

  Shaking her head, Taylor glanced to the doorway; her face wrought with confusion. “I just don’t know, Mattie. Sometimes I think I’m remembering things…but then I wonder if the thoughts and dreams aren’t just some sort of mental reaction to suggestions. He’s kind enough…and he definitely stirs something within me. But I just don’t know if I’m ready to…trust him. I just don’t know.”

  “Don’t worry, Taylor…it’ll all work out in time,” Mattie reasoned, rising from the bench to peer across the room. Turning to her friend, she winked reassuringly as she straightened the folds of her dress. “My greatest concern at this very moment,” she began, an impish grin tickling her mouth. “Is finding something to put in my stomach! I’m absolutely starving!” Her stomach supplied a supporting growl on cue, disturbing Jasper from his catnap. Both women laughed as he raised his head, searching the room for the source of the annoying noise.


  Watching the two women from a shielded alcove, Magnus strained to hear their conversation. “Damn it, man. D’ye no’ have somewhere closer to hide where we might hear what they are saying?”

  “Look at her,” Quinlan whispered in amazement, his voice catching in his throat. “She’s even more beautiful tonight then the first time I saw her wearing that dress.”

  Peering through the curtains, Magnus perused Taylor, nodding in agreement with Quinlan’s apt appraisal. The wine colored gown. The white of her throat, the curve of her breast in velvet. Magnus glanced at Quinlan out of the corner of his eye, taking in the man’s hypnotic stare.

  “My God, man, ye’ve got it bad.” Magnus shook his head with dismay. Peering back through the curtains at the chatting women, he smiled softly as he watched them unawares. “Aye…she is beautiful in the gown. The burgundy brings the color to her pale skin.” Allowing the curtain to gently fall back into place, he eyed Quinlan with concern. “So…it’s no’ gone well between the two of ye…I take it…yer calling sounded urgent.” He asked even though he already knew the answer just by looking at Quinlan’s face.

  Quinlan’s face was haggard and drawn, the lines around his mouth deepening into a frown. The usual spark in his icy blue eyes had dulled to a despondent glare. “I shouldha’ listened to ye, my friend. I shouldha’ told Taylor the truth.” Pulling aside the curtain as he watched her animated face, Quinlan grimaced as though in pain. “She’s so unhappy here…so out of place. I thought she would remember…once she crossed over.” Shaking his head as he let the curtain drop, he closed his eyes, as he wearily leaned his head against the wall. “I never realized she’d miss her time so much…mourn so for the world she left behind.” Opening his eyes to stare into Magnus face, Quinlan’s dark brows knotted with unhappiness. “Tell me, Magnus…for if there were any that knew the Furies…ye know them better than most. What price would it cost me ta’ beg the Powers ta’ send Taylor back to her time?”

  “Send her back?” Magnus repeated, his bushy red eyebrows arched in astonishment. “The Furies will ne’er allow her ta’ return! They feel the child belongs here…whether she accepts ye or not. Dinna ye want her to remain? D’ye think ye canna win her over?” Magnus stared at Quinlan’s dejected face in amazement, unable to believe what he had actually heard.

  Shrugging his shoulders in defeat, Quinlan dropped his hands helplessly to his sides. “At one time, I thought I could trigger her memories…stir the love buried within her heart. But ye were right, Magnus…she’s a headstrong woman and deceiving her is one sure way to anger her greatly.” Grinning sadly as he shook his head, he snorted as he nodded toward Taylor. “Ye shouldha’ heard all the names the lass called me. I ne’er knew a woman with such a mouth!”

  “Give it time, lad.” Magnus gently advised, patting Quinlan reassuringly on the shoulder. Stroking his beard, his eyes narrowed as another thought came to mind. “Give it time,” Magnus repeated. “But ye’d best warn the lass as well. If Elwin or any of the other highborn sprites get wind of her feelings…ye know she willna’ be safe.”

  “She might not feel it within her heart just yet, but she is m’wife. The noblemen canna deny it.” Quinlan’s fists tightened
at his sides, at the thought of the avaricious sprites. Magnus was right; Quinlan had to admit, but he’d pushed the warlike elves to the back of his mind, concentrating only on winning over Taylor, reclaiming her as his wife.

  “They will deny it. Ye know that as well as I…and they’ll steal her and claim her as their own.” Magnus jaw tightened as he thought of the complications, his eyes narrowing at the danger Taylor could be in. “Ye must try and win her o’er the next few days…before the banquet of the full moon. For if she doesna’ openly behave as your wife for all to see, then we’ll have our hands full tryin’ ta’ keep the lass safe.”

  “I’ll talk with her,” Quinlan reasoned quietly, nodding toward the restless women beside the bench. “But now I suggest we take care of feeding the lasses, or we’ll both be in danger ourselves.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Seated at the table at the head of the hall, Taylor eyed the great room with interest. Freshly dried rushes covered the stone floor. Brightly lit sconces burned merrily along the wall. Richly hued banners of intricate woven tartans hung regally from the rafters. The entire wall to the right of the table was a fireplace and hearth large enough to heat the entire room. Taylor stared curiously at the massive logs, wondering how anyone had managed to heft them onto the fire.

  Heavy wood benches, hewn from entire trees and sanded smooth lined the remaining walls. Taylor ran her hands appreciatively over the velvety soft finish of the table where they awaited their meal.

  Quinlan watched Taylor, smiling softly as he watched her eyes survey the room. Clearing his throat, he reached for her goblet, the firelight dancing in his eyes. “Taylor, would ye like some ectaberry wine? It’ll take the edge off the hunger as we wait for the meal.”

  Glancing at Mattie across the table, Taylor eyed the golden liquid doubtfully. “Well…I don’t know. I’ve never been that good at handling alcohol on an empty stomach.”


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