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Twice Upon a Soul

Page 35

by Deborah R Stigall

  Smiling widely until his eyes were mere slits beneath his bushy eyebrows, Magnus reached out to gently lay his hand to Quinlan’s shoulder. “Take a deep breath, man…this is no’ the first time ye’ve done this….and might I add, ye look verra dashing indeed.”

  Dressed in his finest black leather breeches, his silk shirt black as well; the only color upon Quinlan’s body was the brilliant crimson cloak draped across his proud shoulders.

  Swallowing hard, Quinlan inhaled deeply; following Magnus’ advise. “T-Thank ye…and …yes…I’ve done this before…” he nodded slightly, his hand nervously clenching his sword. “But this is the first time for witnesses…and …the Furies, themselves.”

  “Aye,” Magnus nodded glancing up at the moon, tilting his head as he calculated the time. “They should be here verra soon.”

  Detecting a slight movement out of the corner of his eye, Quinlan turned to look down the path. As Taylor emerged from the shadows of the trees, Quinlan gasped as the moonlight struck her. Her blonde hair flowed freely in the wintry breeze, the curling tresses falling several inches below her waist. The close fitting gown was iridescently silver, reflecting every color of a prism. It was filmy and light, clinging to her arms and limbs as though woven from gossamer threads. The long train tumbled from her back into the snow, gently lifted at the end by a smiling Zelda. Her mother’s crystal hung about her neck…the prisms casting multi-colored lights across the snow….the orb glowing with a pulsing white light of joy.

  Carefully lifting her skirts with her hands as she walked up the snowy path, Taylor looked up into Quinlan’s eyes. Smiling shyly as she joined him at the altar, her eyes sparkled with happiness.

  Gently, Taylor placed her hand upon the stone, covering the weatherworn icon, the symbol of her line. Spreading her fingers slightly, she swallowed hard, as she looked up into Quinlan’s face.

  Inhaling deeply, Quinlan never took his eyes from Taylor’s as he carefully placed his hand over hers. His strong fingers curling protectively around her tiny hand, he cradled it gently in his palm.

  As soon as they touched, the wind grew stronger dancing in a circle around their bodies. The light from the moon became almost blinding, as a calm feminine voice quietly spoke. “We are pleased…there is great love here…ye have our blessing upon this union of souls.”

  A second voice spoke, lighter and almost musical, as the winds seemed to tenderly caress their shoulders. It almost felt as though caring hands were blessing them with their touch. “This union is well past its time…ye have our blessing upon yer future.”

  A third voice now intoned, deeper but still feminine, earthy and comforting in its tone. “Aye…finally…the joining at last…ye have our blessing upon the children that grow from this love.”

  Then laughter, tinkling like a waterfall tumbling down a mountain, all three Furies spoke in unison. “Ye have our blessings upon the ebb and flow of life…always trust in yer love.”

  As they finished speaking the night was suddenly silent, as though anticipating the next step of the ancient rite. With a steady hand, Magnus wrapped a silver cord around Taylor’s and Quinlan’s wrists; ceremonially binding their arms together as their lives were now so intertwined.

  As they stared into each other’s eyes, breathless in the night air, they repeated the ancient chant together…their vows through the end of time.

  ““By the flame…our hearts now burn eternal…

  By the wind…our spirits ever join…

  By the water…our blood now blends forever…

  By the earth…our flesh becomes one…

  By these four powers are we made whole…

  Each element bound by love….

  Never one to be parted from the other…

  Ever joined by the Powers above.”

  As they finished the vow, they each leaned forward, eyes closing as their lips touched to seal the covenant. As soon as their lips met, thousands of shooting stars filled the sky over head.

  “The Furies are pleased,” Magnus laughed, staring up into the sky at the show.

  Laughing, Mattie rushed to hug Taylor and Quinlan; her cheeks wet with tears of happiness. Zelda stood to the side, her hands clasped to her chest, her face covered with a motherly smile. All she could do was laugh and shake her head; unable to believe her Laird was finally happy.

  “Taylor…look…another gift,” Quinlan nodded toward the edge of the wood.

  “Jasper!” Taylor cried, holding out her arms to the great white leopard patiently waiting. Her tears of thankfulness falling into his fur, Taylor hugged his massive head to her cheek. Looking up into the sky, Taylor smiled at the winking stars, silently thanking the Furies for the return of her beloved friend.

  Gathering Taylor close against his chest; Quinlan cradled her to his cheek. “Finally…we are one again…at last I feel whole once more.”

  Wrapping her arms tightly around his neck, Taylor lifted her face to his. “I love you, Quinlan…thank you for finding me…I’m so glad you didn’t give up.”

  “All right ye wee lovers…’tis time we got back to the castle. Mistress Zelda’s prepared a fine feast!” Magnus carefully steered the embracing couple toward the path leading down the hill. “Besides…my over-sized feet are a freezin’ and the wind’s beginning to sneak up m’kilt!”

  “That’s right,” Mattie piped in, a mischievous glint in her eye as she gathered up her skirts to catch up to Taylor. “I’d also think you’d be anxious to return….to the honeymoon chamber to get warm from all this night air!”

  “Mattie!” Taylor blushed with a grin, shyly glancing at Quinlan’s smiling face. Clearing her throat, Taylor gathered up her skirts as she lifted up her chin with a dare. “I agree…we better get a move on….I do think I could use something to eat.”

  Increasing Taylor’s blush with a rakish grin, Quinlan pulled her into his arms. Kissing her thoroughly to clarify his next statement, he stared down into her eyes. “Aye…we should hurry back to the castle…I’m absolutely starving m’self.”


  The sparkling sun pouring through the window completely illuminated the bed. Burrowing to shield her eyes from the blinding light, Taylor snuggled her face deeper into the curve of Quinlan’s neck. Throwing her long bare leg across his body, she hugged him tightly to her, drifting back off into the delicious fog between sleep and becoming fully awake.

  Wrapping his arm around her body, Quinlan pulled her closer to his side. Barely opening his eyes, he exhaled in relief as he reached out to caress her tousled hair. “Thank the Furies…ye’re still here. I was nearly afraid to open m’eyes.”

  Tickling her fingers through the dark hairs of his chest, Taylor tenderly kissed Quinlan’s throat. Inhaling the warm sleepy scent of his body, she gently rubbed the tip of her nose against the velvety softness of his ear. “It’s not a dream…” she whispered. “I’m afraid you’re really stuck with me this time.” Her voice trailing off, Taylor suddenly grew quiet, her fingers lying still upon Quinlan’s chest. Wrapping her arm tightly around him, she pressed her cheek to the side of his neck.

  Frowning, Quinlan held Taylor tightly…stroking her side softly as he spoke. “What’s wrong?” he whispered quietly as he carefully pulled away from her, gently lifting her chin to look into her troubled eyes.

  “It’s j-just…” she stammered, her eyes flitting across his bare chest to escape his watchful gaze. “Th-that you had to wait so….long for me to return. I’m afraid I won’t be able to live up to what you’ve been waiting for.”

  Rolling her back against the pillows, Quinlan stared down into Taylor’s eye. Cradling her face between his hands, he tenderly kissed the tip of her nose. “Ye’re everything I’ve waited for…and more. Ye could ne’er disappointment me…not ever.”

  Raising her hand in a gentle caress to his cheek, Taylor pulled Quinlan’s face down to hers. Pressing her body in subtle invitation against his, she smiled slyly as he raised his head.

  “D’ye think Z
elda will wonder about us…if we’re quite a bit late for breakfast?” He paused between tickling kisses along Taylor’s collarbone to devilishly arch one dark brow.

  Once again pulling him down to her waiting body to continue his burning trail of kisses, Taylor murmured huskily into his hair, “I think she’ll probably understand.”




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