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Blooming Life (Fate's Intent Book 10)

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by Bowles, April



  It’s been quite some time, hasn’t it? What happened to me in the story? Oh, yeah. I died. That was the worst part. I didn’t feel dead but I tried to keep up with things as often as I could secretly as the years passed. The Bryce I’ve come to know tries to keep me locked away but I can still watch without him knowing. It almost made me miss being alive. Seeing the boys of the Great Six begin to grow was a great time consumer. They were just as great as their parents but throughout the years, a distance started to grow. The Great Seni Fighters would find themselves called away from their mountain palace more frequently and of course, the lovely Kalu Assassins were still too stubborn just to move to Randal. They had their reasons, sure but I guess they didn’t really see how much if affected their boys, Seth most of all. Something had to change and I could only watch.

  Chapter 1



  The sun always seemed to come too soon these days. It was getting more into spring and was morning of Bryce and mine’s tenth birthday. Sigh.

  “Hey, Seth! Happy birthday to us!” Bryce said in excitement as they both rushed over and jumped on the bed I was trying to rest on.

  “Get up! We’re going to be making your cake with Adele soon.” Dirk said.

  I just laid there, taking no physical notice to their moods and let out a heavy sigh so they’d hear it. “I don’t feel like it. You go.”

  I knew what day it was but I didn’t think there was anything to celebrate and they knew that’s exactly how I felt.

  “It would be great if they came back today, wouldn’t it?” Bryce asked.

  I laughed like it was a joke. “Yeah, but you know they won’t.”

  “Well, let’s not worry about that right now.” Dirk said. “We can have fun without them. We’ve done it plenty of times before.”

  “Nah. I don’t feel like having fun yet. Maybe later.”

  “You don’t want to make the cake with us?” Bryce asked. “It’s going to be even bigger this year.”

  “You seem pretty excited about it. I wouldn’t want to take any joy away from you on your birthday. You can do my part. The joy I’ll get out of it will be eating it.”

  Bryce was going to say something else but Dirk took his arm instead and they both got off the bed. “All right. We’ll go but if you want some, you’ll have to come down to get some.”

  “Fair enough. Have fun.”

  They finally left me alone and I got back to doing nothing as usual, thinking about the man called my father and how he probably had a list of excuses for not being here today.

  Was it bad of me? I didn’t think so. I just wanted him to be around but he never was for very long and we hardly get to go with them. The explanation is that it’s too dangerous for us or that we’re not ready for such tasks or our mothers don’t want to spend too much time with us in the city so we don’t grow into spoiled brats.

  I was tired of it. I didn’t think we would turn out that way. We just wanted to get out sometimes and have an adventure like all the ones they tell us about.


  My mother came in and I only briefly looked over to confirm it. “Hi, mother.” My voice was low and without any expression.

  “Do you not remember about the message your father sent? He said he’d try to make it home for your birthday.”

  “Yeah, keyword there, try. That means he won’t be here.”

  “You must give him more credit than that. He has a responsibility to his country. I know he doesn’t mean to be away so much.”

  I let out a smug laugh. “He doesn’t care. He never has. We’re not as important as you think.”

  My mother glanced out the window and looked back with a slight smile. “Come take a walk with me. I want to show you something.”

  “Aren’t you making a cake with Bryce and Dirk?”

  “I started early and let them take over. It should be in the oven by now. Come on.”

  She held out her hand and helped me up. Rift immediately snapped awake from my sudden movement, ready to follow. He always did, at least when he could keep up. He was older than me and for a wolf, I knew he didn’t have many years left.

  We walked outside and my mother took us somewhere we’ve never walked before. It was a winding path through the mountains and it stopped on a high cliff above our house.

  I looked around and I could see over many mountains to the distant lands beyond. “Whoa.”

  “Beautiful, isn’t it? This is where I told your father we were going to have you.”

  “Was he happy?” I lowered myself to the ground next to Rift and continued to look out.

  “Of course he was. He’s never wanted anything else so much.”

  It was a nice thought but I saw through it. “Only because he needs me.”

  “Not just that, Seth. He wants you to love him. He will be King someday and he’ll need you to fill in his place as Crown Prince. It’s the Crown Prince’s job to protect these lands. Everything you see from the high mountains even down to the low swamp lands will be yours. Every person residing here will look up to you for guidance as you look to the King for your own.”

  “But I’m not even a man yet.”

  My mother smiled as she put her arm around me. “You will be someday and that day will come sooner than you think. If your father doesn’t make it for your birthday just know what he’s out there doing. He’s setting the stage for when it’s your time to take over.”

  We sat through a pause and I still had my eyes scanning the landscape. “I don’t care about the future. I care about the now and he’s not here for it. He never is.”


  “No, mother. I don’t need him. I think I’ve proven that.”

  She turned her head to watch an eagle fly over the mountains towards the sun. “Come.” She risen to her feet and held out her hand. “We can make it back in time to have some of that cake.”

  I took her hand again and stood up with her. “Before breakfast?”

  “It’s your birthday. I’ll let you have cake for breakfast.”

  Now I was smiling. “I’ll race you to the side door then!”

  I took off in an instant and heard her call out to me. “Seth! Wait!”

  I’m sure she followed back through the winding pass with Rift but I was faster at it. I stopped outside of the door and waited until I saw them. It seemed to take a few minutes but they were both running. “I beat you, mother!”

  “You always beat me.”

  I laughed too and we went through the side door that led straight into the kitchen.

  “There you are.” Bryce said. “Just finished. What do you think?”

  We walked over and looked at the large round three layer cake sitting on the counter covered in an extra thick layer of white frosting.

  “Looks delicious! Let’s have some!”

  Dirk and Bryce smiled at my mood and Dirk reached for a knife. “I was waiting for that!”

  My mother laughed as she started walking to the door to leave. “Cut us all a piece and we can eat them out in the lounge while we give you your presents.”

  I looked at Bryce and smiled and we spoke as one. “You got us presents!”

  She laughed again. “It’s your birthday, isn’t it? Hurry up and bring them out.”

  She left and we quickly took out some plates and forks while Dirk cut up the cake. He got six slices cut and set each one on its own plate before bringing them out into the lounge where our mothers were waiting.

  “Ooh! Looks good.” Jaylyn smiled as Bryce handed her a plate and fork.

  “And it will be.” Bryce smiled back as he sat
next to her. She laughed as the others got their plates and started eating.

  “Well.” Ruby said, breaking the silence. “We’ve recently went through some of the training equipment and we thought it was time for you to start training with something heavier than a stick.”

  I immediately perked up with a smile. “You got us real weapons!”

  “No.” My mother laughed, crushing my spirits. “You know you don’t get those until you’re sixteen but perhaps these will do until then.”

  Jaylyn set her plate aside and reached down beside her, pulling out three bundles of cloth. “Happy birthday, boys.”

  She handed one to each of us.

  “I get one too?” Dirk asked.

  “I know it’s late.” Ruby smiled. “But they took longer to get than I hoped.”

  “It’s okay, mother. Thank you.”

  “Whoa. It’s heavy.” Bryce said as he held it in one hand.

  “Well, open them.” Jaylyn smiled.

  We looked at each other then immediately started to untie the string holding the bundles together. Simultaneously, we unwrapped what was inside and just couldn’t believe it. We each held a rod about a foot and a half long that was gold with an engraved design all around it.

  “What is it?” Bryce asked.

  “They are each unique in their own way.” My mother answered. “You have to play around with it to discover their true abilities.”

  “These are from Kalu.” I pointed out, holding mine up close to my eyes.

  “Yes, how did you know?”

  “The engravings. It’s the old language of that book Trever showed us one time, you know, of that prophecy you were involved in. I can make some of it out. It looks like instructions of some kind.”

  “Maybe how to use them.” Dirk said.

  Just then Bryce twisted his and it parted into two halves.

  “Ha! You broke it!” Dirk laughed.

  “No I didn’t.” He held each of them vertically and pressed his thumbs into the ends that were once attached to each other. The two nine inch rods tripled in size.


  “Dirk!” Ruby cut in. “Don’t even.”

  “I wasn’t going to.”

  “Here, figure out mine.” I held mine out to Bryce. “I don’t want to be at it all day.”

  Bryce put both of his down and took mine in his hand, looking it over. It only took a second for him to figure it out and twisted the end in his right hand. The rod shot out three feet and two spikes popped up on the sides to signify the handle.


  He handed it back to me and I couldn’t believe how easy he made it. “How did you get that so quickly?”

  “Reading it is in my blood, I guess. Let me see yours.”

  He held his hand out to Dirk and Dirk gave him his. “Gladly.”

  Again, Bryce only had to look at it for a couple of seconds before he figured it out. He twisted the middle and it shot out and extra three feet. Then he twisted half of the other end and it formed the look of an ax head.

  “These aren’t by any chance training weapons to the ones we’ll be getting, are they?” I asked while Dirk took back his and started looking it over.

  Our mothers all looked at each other and smiled.

  “I guess you’ll just have to see.” Mine answered.

  I knew I was right and looked at Dirk and Bryce with a smile of my own. “May we try them out, mother?”

  “Of course you can. That’s what they’re for.”

  We immediately got up and gave our mothers a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks, mother.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  We ran to the stairs, forgetting all about the cake and raced up to the balcony outside of the seventh floor. We couldn’t wait to try them out. Nothing else seemed to matter.

  Chapter 2


  The boys spent the day outside training with their new practice weapons and didn’t decide to come back inside until sundown. They sat with us and finished off some more cake for dinner then just sat around and we enjoyed each other’s company.

  Once the sun was fully set and the stars became visible, we heard the sound of horses approach.

  “And who do you think that might be?” Jaylyn asked with a smiled as she looked around at the boys.

  Bryce returned the smile and immediately got up. “Father’s back!”

  “Bryce, wait! Let him come inside first. There’s no rush.”

  Bryce sat back down and they waited in silence for them to walk through the door. I looked over at Seth and he kept his straight, non-expression face as he looked back.

  The door opened and Zayden, Darius and Troy walked through after being away for three weeks, doing business in Randal. Everyone got up except for Seth. I had to quickly reach down and bring him to his feet before his father rounded the corner.

  “Hello everyone.” Zayden said. “Good to see you.”

  We as women went to them first and greeted them with a hug and a kiss then Dirk and Bryce approached their fathers. They acted like respectable young gentlemen as they cupped their left hand over their right fist and bowed their heads. “Father.”

  Darius and Troy smiled as Dirk and Bryce stood up fully and they embraced.

  Zayden remained standing looking at Seth, waiting for him to say something but Seth wasn’t even looking at him. Rift was looking between them, unsure if he should even approach Zayden if Seth wasn’t going to.

  I had to get in the way and start something. “Seth. Your father is home. Aren’t you going to greet him?”

  Seth sighed lightly and turned to his father, bowing in front of him. “Good of you to grace us with your presence, your majesty. I hope your short stay here will be a pleasant one. Now, if you’ll excuse me. It’s late.” He turned his back and was gone out of everyone’s sight. Rift didn’t even stick around to say hello to Zayden his usual way. He immediately raced up the stairs after Seth.

  “Again?” Zayden asked.

  “Well, you did almost miss his birthday.”

  “But I didn’t.” I raised my eyebrow and he sighed. “All right. I’ll talk to him but you better save some of that cake for me.”

  “Well, you better hurry then!” Darius smiled as he sat down with Dirk and Ruby on his sides, reaching for the cake.

  Zayden didn’t stay to reply. He turned from us and disappeared upstairs after Seth.

  Chapter 3


  I made it to Seth’s door with a swift knock.

  “Go away.” He said from inside.

  I opened the door and walked in despite his request. “I will not.” When Seth realized it was me, he sighed and looked away. I got closer anyway and sat down in a chair by his bed. Rift came to me then and let me pet him while I tried getting somewhere with my son. “I thought you’d be glad that I’m home.”

  “Why should I be? You’ll just be leaving again, probably tomorrow.”

  “I won’t. We’ll be here for a little while. Maybe even a few months.”

  He quietly laughed. “Yeah, you always say that.”

  “No I don’t.” There was a pause as Seth continued to lay there and look away from me. “Well, happy birthday. Ten already?”

  “You’d have to ask.”

  “That’s almost a man.” I tried to ignore his rude behavior so this wouldn’t turn out badly.

  “Not even close.”

  “Did you at least have fun today? I see you’ve used your mother’s gift.” I looked to the right at the golden rod sitting on the night stand.

  “That part I enjoyed.”

  There was another pause and I stood up but Seth kept his gaze in the other direction. “Come downstairs. I just came home and would love to have some cake with you.”

  “I already ate.”

  “Oh, well, come down anyway and we can just hang out. I’ve been running to get here. I should relax.”

  “I’m tired. I was just going to go to sleep.”

  “Okay. Of course. I’ll see you in the morning then.”

  Seth didn’t reply as I made my way to the door. I was hoping that he would change his mind but he didn’t and so I left. I closed it behind me with a sigh and started down stairs at a normal pace.

  Everyone was still sitting down in the lounge together but I went straight into the kitchen, hitting the door hard with my hand to swing it open.

  I didn’t know what I should be doing but I couldn’t sit out there.

  Adele was behind me moments later and wrapped her arms around my waist, resting her head on my back without a word.

  “My son hates me.” I muttered.

  “He doesn’t hate you. He’s just upset.”

  “He wouldn’t even look at me.” I was a little frustrated and turned to her. “We should have never agreed to stay here. It’s not how we thought it’d be. We see a lot less of each other.”

  “We can’t change that now and I know that deep down, Seth loves you. He’s just upset because it’s his birthday and you missed most of it.”

  “It’s more than that. I miss everything. He feels like I’m never here so he’s making it seem like I’m not even when I am.”

  “You’ll fix it.” Adele assured me as she touched my face. “It won’t be like this for long.”

  I sighed and took her hand in mine. “Maybe. I’m just going to go up to bed, I guess. It’s late and I’m tired.”

  She smiled and turned towards the door with me. “And I think you could use some company.”

  “I’d like that.” I put my arm around her shoulders and we walked out of the kitchen together, heading for the stairs.

  Chapter 4


  Zayden didn’t even look over when they went up the stairs together. I felt sad for him.

  “I guess he doesn’t want any.” Darius said, taking a bite of cake.

  “He can have some tomorrow.” Ruby replied. “They’ll be plenty left. I’m not going to let you eat it all.”

  “I’m not the one you have to worry about.”


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