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Blooming Life (Fate's Intent Book 10)

Page 14

by Bowles, April

  He laughed slightly to how worried I was about this. “Calm down. You’ll be fine. There are two ways you can take care of it. Well, three but there are no girls here.”

  Great. He referenced sex. This really wasn’t helping me.


  “All right. Now that you’re not riding around, try thinking of something unrelated that doesn’t bring you any kind of joy like work or anything that might make you mad.”

  “That will work?”

  “Just about anything will. Just don’t think about kissing her.”

  “But it was amazing.”

  “Then if you’re that preoccupied with it, you can always take care of it yourself. That’s the other method I mentioned.”


  “You know—” He paused like it was becoming uncomfortable for him to have to say. “Privately.”

  “That sounds really embarrassing.”

  “It isn’t. It’s completely natural. Everyone needs to resort to it every now and then. Young boys more than adults. You won’t find it so embarrassing when you try it. Just make sure you are completely alone.”

  “And how am I supposed to get inside? I’m not doing it here.”

  “First you have to come down.”

  “But I don’t want you to see.”

  “I’m not looking. I swear.”

  He turned his back but still held the reins. I guess it was safe. I couldn’t stay up on my horse forever.

  “Now, hold your books in front of you like you’re carrying them lazy-like.”

  “Okay.” I did what he suggested and he turned around.

  “See? No one will notice. Let’s get inside.”

  He put my horse away for me and we headed inside.

  Walking seemed to help better than riding but we weren’t talking about anything and that meant I was still thinking about her tongue in my mouth.

  “There you are.” Zayden said. “Finally make it back?”

  “Yeah. Sorry, got to run.”

  I rushed passed them so I wouldn’t have to have the conversation with them either. Having it with my father was hard enough. I just needed to get upstairs and try to ease away my thoughts, hoping it wouldn’t happen tomorrow in the middle of class or whenever I happened to see her again.

  Growing up sucked.

  Chapter 27


  Zayden’s expression was too quaint not to laugh.

  “Sorry.” I said. “He just has some issues that desire his attention.”

  “Where has he been?” Troy asked.

  “He finally managed to bring that Lynn girl home and things got a little heated in her parlor.”

  “Oh.” They chorused.

  “The issue. Got it.” Zayden said. “Well, he is a growing boy.”

  “Yes. He’s learning to adjust. Are Seth and Bryce still working on the new uniforms?”

  “I would guess so. It’s going to take a while but I’m glad they accomplished their goal.”

  “Yes and hopefully it will keep them busy for a few minutes at least.”

  “It’s all it should take with how anxious he seemed.” Troy said.

  “No need to discuss it. In fact, we should learn not to. The girls will be back soon and Ruby isn’t going to take well to any of this as it is. She won’t want to hear about her son on the brink of being sexually active.”

  It was the cold truth but it’s not like we could hide Dirk away from her forever so she wouldn’t notice. It just had to be done slowly.

  The weeks passed and Dirk was becoming more and more grown up. Even Seth and Bryce were starting to show the little signs. They both got taller and their voices were shifting into something deeper.

  We were sitting at another dinner and had just been informed that the Kalu Assassins were returning. My heart pounded and I swiftly scrambled.

  “Dirk! Go hide right now!”


  “I shouldn’t even have to tell you! Go! We have to ease her into it.”

  He got up from the table from my demand but he didn’t go far, he waited outside the door his mother wouldn’t be entering.

  It was good to see her smile and I got up from my chair to take her in my arms. “Good to have you back.”

  “Good to be back.”

  “Oh, my, Seth!” Adele had pulled away from a hug with her son and looked him over. “Did you grow while I was away?”

  “Yup.” Jaylyn said, measuring Bryce with her eyes. “They sure did.”

  “Wow. I barely recognize you.”

  “Mother.” Seth groaned. “Please.”

  “Where’s Dirk?” Ruby asked.

  It was the question I knew was coming but wasn’t ready for. “He’ll be right in. Just not right now.” I added that last part so he wouldn’t walk in before we could prepare her. “There’s something we’d like to tell you.”

  “Can we tell you something first?” Adele asked. It was clear but she didn’t sound happy.

  “What is it?” Zayden asked.

  “Well, on our way back we heard the strangest thing you’ll ever hear. People seem to think that Seni’s royal family magically possesses supernatural powers. Can you believe that?”

  It wasn’t really a question. It was more like her way of asking why politely.

  “Love, let us explain.”

  “I can’t believe you! How could you tell people?”

  “It was an accident. He didn’t mean to.”

  “Who?” Jaylyn asked, taking a brief look at Bryce.

  “Dirk.” I said.

  Ruby’s eyes widened and she was instantly worried. “What happened?”

  “He was just being teased by an older kid and kind of exploded at him.” I didn’t really know how else to explain it.

  “He got mad?”

  “Sort of.”

  “And he actually exploded.” Seth said. “It was incredible and scary. Fire was everywhere.”

  “Fire? What do you mean?”

  “Remember when we discovered that Dirk doesn’t create wind when he’s mad?” I asked.


  “That’s still true but instead he creates fire. He can project it from his skin until it completely surrounds him.”

  “Oh my word!” Jaylyn said. “Is he all right?”

  “That’s the thing, mother. He’s fine. The fire doesn’t hurt him.”

  “It doesn’t?” Adele asked.

  Zayden shook his head. “No. It’s kind of how things got exposed but we never knew about the fire until now because now he’s—”

  Zayden looked at me and I looked at Ruby’s curious eyes. “Growing into a man.”

  She swiftly pulled her hand away. “No. My baby is twelve. That’s not a man.”

  “Mother, please.” Dirk was in the doorway and I wasn’t ready for this to happen.

  Ruby turned her head to the mysterious deep voice that called her mother and Adele and Jaylyn both gasped but that didn’t quite help.

  “Oh, wow.” Jaylyn muttered. “Is that really—”

  “Dirk?” Ruby asked.

  “It’s okay.” He said. “I’m fine. I’m more than fine actually. I feel amazing.”

  Her eyes watered and she rushed to him, being the one in his arms rather than him in hers. “Look at you. It really is you.”

  “Yes and I’m glad you’re home. I’ve missed you.”

  She hugged him tighter for a brief moment then had to get another look. “I missed everything.”

  “You haven’t.” I assured her. “He’s not done growing.”

  She rushed into Dirk’s arms for another tight hug.

  “Mother? You’re crushing me. Can’t breathe.”

  Ruby loosened her grip and looked at him again. “Let me see it?”

  “See what?”

  “Your fire.”

  I knew it was something she would eventually ask and I took her arm to move her away. “Give him some space and Dirk, just a little bit.”

>   He smiled confidently. He’s been practicing more and had almost perfect control over it but he still liked to show it off when he could.

  We waited by the table so none of us were near him and his eyes turned red first. Fire began to form around him, beginning at his feet and swirling upwards in a blazing tornado until it rested on his shoulders, hair and at his hands when he kept them gripped into tight fists.

  “Dirk, are you okay?!” She was sincerely concerned.

  “I’m fine, mother. I don’t even feel it.”

  “Why doesn’t he sound mad?” Jaylyn asked.

  “He doesn’t have to be completely full of rage to use it now.” I said. “Almost like not being mad at all but he has to start out mad.”

  “That’s amazing. It really suits the new look.”

  “Thank you, Jaylyn.”

  He even smiled but the fire kept. I guess because what she said was true. He fully embraced these new changes and now kept up a specific haircut to show it. It was left nearly a quarter of an inch on the sides but the top was grown out, constantly being pushed up over his head like how Troy would keep his.

  “How do you put it out if you’re not mad right now?” Ruby asked.

  “Easily. I control it.”

  “How did this happen?”

  She looked at me to answer.

  “I don’t know. We guessed that it had to do with him being male. The gift must have mutated.”

  “Or it was there all along.” Jaylyn said.


  “You don’t remember her screaming about her burning when she had him?”

  “I blocked all of that out actually.”

  “Well, she did and I had to heal burns from inside her.”

  We all looked at Dirk and the fire faded. “I did that?”

  “No, sweetie.” Ruby said. “Not on purpose. You were just a baby.”

  “And you never saw fire after that?” Seth asked.

  “No.” I answered. “But he has always had a high body temperature.”

  “How did everyone react?” Adele turned her question to Zayden.

  “You’d be surprised how quickly they got over that moment of fear and the boys have since become a growing success. Why don’t you tell your mother what you’ve done?”

  Seth smiled and eyed down at his uniform. “We’ve been updating the Academy.”

  “You created this?”

  “Yes. That was our first task. Now we’re working on a more sophisticated meal hour.”

  “They don’t use salad forks there.” Dirk said. “I couldn’t believe it. I almost quite literally died.”

  “He means that figuratively, of course.” I clarified.

  “Well, it sounds like you boys have been busy.”

  “How was your trip, mother?”

  Adele smiled and pinched his cheek. “You know I’m not going to go into detail, honey. Nice try.”

  Seth pouted. “Darn.”

  “But it went well to ease some of that doubt.”

  “I didn’t doubt.”

  “Why don’t you go upstairs and get some rest while I tell your father all the gory details. I want you well rested so we can do something tomorrow.”

  The room grew silent and the boys looked at each other.


  “Ah, we kind of have plans already with some kids from the Academy.”

  “But I haven’t seen you for three weeks.”

  “I know but we actually have lives here now. We can’t just put them on hold because you’re back.”

  Adele’s eye brows raised and I held my breath.

  “And what exactly do you have planned that’s more important than me?”

  “A group of us are going to go down by the eastern spring and play a little outdoor activity that kids like to play. You know, kid stuff.”

  He was very vague about it but being male, I could translate. They were actually going with some girls so they could be alone and hopefully get kissed because that’s exactly what goes on at the eastern spring; I remember.

  “And you planned on going by yourselves?”

  Seth’s eyes glanced towards his father and Zayden shook his head.

  “Of course not.” Seth said slyly. “There’ll be an adult. It wouldn’t be wise to let a bunch of kids roam around without proper supervision. Father already said I could go.”

  Adele shoot her fierce eyes towards him.

  “What? They’ll be perfectly safe. I wouldn’t have said yes if I knew you were going to be home this exact evening. You do need to spend time together.” Seth gave him an angry glare. “Just not tomorrow.”

  “All right.” Adele said. “Go up to bed and get rest for your day then.”

  “Thank you, mother.” He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and turned away with Dirk and Bryce, hurrying before she changed her mind.

  I was surprised she allowed it at all and didn’t see through any of that.

  “Speaking of bed.” Ruby wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my head down to kiss me. “We should too.”

  “Goodnight everyone.”

  I went with her, eager to get the door closed.

  “I missed you.”

  “All right. Spill.” Her mood completely changed when we got alone and she wasn’t interested in me.


  “Seth was lying clearer than Jaylyn on her worse day. What’s really happening tomorrow?”

  “What? As he said. They’re going to the spring to play. It keeps them active and involved with other kids their age.”

  “Okay maybe but there aren’t going to be any adults and I’m just assuming there’ll be girls.”

  “What? What would make you think that?”

  “Don’t pretend like I haven’t seen Dirk. There’s no way girls haven’t noticed either.”

  “So there may be a few. What’s the big deal?”

  “A few! Darius!”

  “What? Why are you getting mad at me?”

  “Have you talked to him recently? Reminded him that he could kill someone? And with our gifts out, our family would surely be blamed.”

  “It’s fine. He’s going easy. He’s not sexually active yet.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Is this all we’re going to talk about tonight? I was kind of hoping you would notice me at some point.”

  She sighed and hugged me. “I’m sorry. I’m just worried.”

  “I know but everything is fine. Dirk knows what he’s doing.”

  “I can’t believe he’s so grown up.”

  “You knew it was going to happen eventually.”

  “I feel old.”

  I laughed and pulled her away. “Old?! You’re not old.”


  “That’s not old. You’re still every bit as beautiful as when we met. Let me prove it.”

  I kissed her and she laughed while pushing me away this time. “I’ve just been gone for three weeks and you’re lonely.”

  “Aren’t you?”

  She sighed loudly. “If it will help me forget.”


  Having her back was what we both needed. She was being much too worried about Dirk but I knew I could help get her passed it. I just had to get her to think about something she would never associate Dirk with. It always worked and I wasn’t the only one to use this method.

  Chapter 28


  Our first year at the Royal Academy was coming to an end and summer was almost finally here.

  I got twelve letters from Cadence since I sent my first and we were both getting excited about seeing each other. I liked the girls at the Academy that I hung out with, Becca, Mari and Janie but none of them held my interest like Cadence could in the short amount of time that I spent with her. I paced a lot of my days away, trying to get them to pass. Rift seemed like he was worrying. He was a lot more attentive since Jaylyn helped him a few months ago. He was at a healthier age and didn’t sleep s
o much anymore so he had more time to lookout for me.

  “Afternoon, son. Still pacing?” My father entered my room and I tried to keep myself still.

  “Hello, father.”

  “A letter from Kalu came for you. I snuck it passed your mother.”

  “A letter?”

  “Were you not expecting one?”

  “No. She was just supposed to come here.”

  I took the letter from him with worry trembling through me and opened it.


  I’m sorry for the completely rude short notice but I cannot come to Seni this year. My mother is making me spend the summer with my father in Hintus. She just told me and believe me, I’m not happy about it either.

  I’ll be leaving a couple weeks later than when I would normally leave for Randal so I was hoping that maybe you could convince your father to bring you here. We’d only have a couple of days but I thought it was better than not at all. I was hoping we’d have all summer; I wanted it to be all summer but apparently I’m not old enough to make my own decisions.

  Please. Forgive me for this but if you could hurry, we could still see each other.

  Miss you already,


  “Oh, no.”

  “What?” My father was still in the room and was waiting by.

  “She’s not coming.”


  “She has to spend the summer with her father.”

  “That’s too bad. I know how excited you were to see her again.”

  “I still can see her, father.”

  “You can?”

  “She asked if you could bring me to Dorlin before she leaves.”

  “And tell your mother what? That we’re going to visit her father without her?”

  “I don’t know but please, father. I have to see her.”

  He examined my face carefully and I was sure to express all the right levels of depression.

  “All right. Let me think of something first. Maybe we won’t tell her we’re going all the way to Dorlin but just that we want a father-son outing for a few days. Our speed can get us there timely.”

  “Really?! Thank you! Thank you!”

  “Just let me test the waters to see what she says first, all right? We can’t have her get suspicious.”


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