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The Voyage of Their Life

Page 52

by Diane Armstrong

Suddenly Paddington leaps off the couch and rushes to the door, barking excitedly as Jennifer’s younger daughters Elise and Lauren come into the house, laughing and chattering. Showing me some of their paintings and sketches, she says, ‘It’s interesting that my brother and I both chose helping professions—Stefan is a specialist physician—but all my daughters are very creative. They don’t feel the need to rescue the world; they feel free to explore their artistic talent. Although they respect their grandparents and know what happened to them, the Holocaust does not rule their lives. They feel secure. There’s a lightness about them, an absence of guilt and anxiety.’

  In her capacity as a psychotherapist, Jennifer counsels couples and individuals, helping them to improve their communication and self-esteem and to deal with anxiety and depression. As a result of her own experience, she is currently setting up workshops for Holocaust survivors and their children, to help them deal with the issues that she has resolved in her own life. ‘Part of my reason for becoming a psychotherapist was to make a difference, to give something back and help to create a better world. But I have never stopped working on myself, so my own journey is still continuing.’


  The pageant at the opening ceremony of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games linked all Australians in a series of tableaux depicting the past. From tribal Aborigines enacting Dreaming legends passed down for thousands of years, to migrants and boat people seeking more recent refuge on our inviting shores, the ceremony paid tribute to all the ethnic strands woven into our multicultural quilt.

  To evoke the migrant experience in the presentation program, the Olympic Committee selected an extract from my book Mosaic: A Chronicle of Five Generations. It seemed an extraordinary coincidence that they had chosen to quote my first impressions of Australia shortly after arriving on the Derna, just at the time when I was researching the voyage.

  But as I reflected on this apparently fortuitous set of circumstances, it began to assume a significance that transcended mere synchronicity. It was as though, from the moment I stepped aboard the Derna, I was destined to tease out the strands of the past and become a voice of the post-war immigrants.

  Some journeys lead us far beyond our destinations and I came to understand that the voyage that began with the postcard from Marseilles came full circle in the Olympic program. On 30 August 1948, my parents cast off from the world they knew with the hope in their hearts that, transplanted in a new land, I would push up through the darkness and brush off the crumbs of soil clinging to my head as I emerged into the sunlight.


  * My Polish name.

  * Her name has been changed at her request.

  * Her name has been changed at her request.

  * His name has been changed at Ella’s request.

  * The basic weekly wage was five pounds.

  * The basic weekly wage was five pounds.


  This is a transcript of the passenger list. Some names were incorrectly entered or mis-spelled.


  Abrahamsohn Irene

  “ Eva Maria

  “ Gretchen

  Altman Lejbus

  “ Rozalia

  Ament Leon

  Ancsel Andor

  Antmanis Janis

  “ Zinaida

  Asz Justina

  “ Anna

  “ Chil

  Aufrecht Margot

  Augul Rosalie

  Bacher Bodriska

  Barasz Bela

  “ Gucia

  “ Miriam

  “ Toba

  Bendik Salomon

  Berger Blima

  “ Dany

  “ Madelene

  Berkhut Zelig

  Bernstein David

  “ Bertha

  Bevc Franz

  “ Johanna

  Birnbaum Herta

  “ Barbara

  Blok Marek

  “ Helena

  “ Josef

  Blonski Marian

  “ Hella

  Bode Richard

  “ Martha

  “ Harry-James

  Boguslawski Henryk

  “ Bronislawa

  “ Danuta Julia

  Borenstein Bella

  Borensztajn Roman

  “ Miriam

  “ Jacob

  Braun Herman

  Brausendorf Gisela

  Bogarska Chana

  Bukszpan Chaim

  “ Berta

  Bunzl Adolf

  Busel Mordchaj

  Czalczynska Matylda

  “ Karmela

  Czarnes Izio

  “ Sara

  Czuszak Alexandra

  Darin Emanuel

  “ Raisa

  Duzenman Ala

  “ Zelik

  Diament Leon

  Dzonsons Laimdota

  “ Arilde

  Eliadis Alexander

  “ Fela

  Engel Jachat Chaja

  Espere Rudolf

  “ Ida

  Falek Jankiel

  “ Ida

  “ Jojne

  “ Maria

  “ Jadwiga

  Feigin Marek

  “ Fela

  “ Daniel

  Fellner Fryderyk

  “ Wanda

  Feingesight Chaim


  “ Leah

  “ Perec

  Feinmesser Halina

  “ Zdislaw

  Felman Szmul

  “ Szaja Josef

  “ Ruchla

  Ferszt Moses

  “ Cyla

  “ Slawa

  Fiszman Esther

  “ Srul

  “ Maria

  Fleischer Bertha

  Fogel Adam

  Frant Henryk

  “ Zofia

  “ Christine

  Friedmann Moniek

  Freiberg Sulek Pinkus

  Frenkiel Israel

  “ Mina

  Frid Mosze

  “ Berik

  “ Gitl

  “ Zisia

  Gewurz Anna

  Ginzburg Naum

  “ Anna

  “ Sawa

  Glassman Chaim

  “ Bronia

  Glaubermann Pola

  Gold Abraham

  “ Louise

  Goldberg Abraham

  Goldschmid Karel

  “ Felix

  Goldstein Menhart

  Gottlieb Samson

  “ Gizela

  Grisczajew Peter

  Grossbard Josef

  Grosz Alexander

  “ Bela

  “ Erna

  Grunschlag Abraham

  “ Moses

  Grunstein Eugen

  “ Irena

  Grynberg Abram

  “ Pesa

  Gurwicz Szala

  Halm Otto

  Heller Jindrich

  Herzog Kurt

  Hitter Martin

  “ Jeno

  Hochrat Szyja

  “ Luba

  Hof Ilse

  “ Elfriede

  Holan Jiri

  Holandova Vera

  Jarvisto Oskar

  Jendler Sewerin (misspelled, should be Tendler)

  Juni Berta

  Juurik Leonhard

  “ Lilli

  “ Georg

  Kadak Villem

  “ Vilja

  Kahan Antonia

  Kalowski Mieczyslaw

  “ Halina

  “ Stefan

  Kapp Harold

  “ Alide

  Karp Zofija

  Kaufmann Jozef

  Kappel Antonina

  Klausenstock Ruth

  Knopf Klaus

  “ Maria

  Kohan Jeno

  Kohn Boruch

  “ Rifka

  “ Moses

  Kopelovic Mendel

  Korman Abraham

  Kotek Isak-Berisz

  “ Jochwet
  “ Jozef

  “ Szajndl

  Kosakiewicz Selina

  “ Josef

  Kowadlo Josef

  “ Anna

  “ Etla

  Krajsky Pavel

  Kraus Imre

  “ Klara

  “ Peter

  “ Paul

  Krausova Marketa

  Kucharski David

  Kuczynski Szymon

  “ Guta

  “ Rywka

  “ Szymon

  Kula Janis

  “ Lilija

  “ Arnie

  “ Anna

  Kuplis Elmars

  “ Auguste

  “ Ewalds

  “ Rozalja

  Lamensdorf Oskar

  “ Bronislawa

  Lander Emil

  “ Sysel

  Lebovic Katerina

  Lell Arnold

  “ Alide

  Lerner Salomon

  Leppere Juban

  “ Magdalena

  Lewkowicz Estera

  Libek Ignacy

  “ Stanislaw

  “ Balbina

  Liivat Karl

  “ Aino

  Lindemanis Sigride

  “ Alma

  “ Rita

  “ Eduards

  “ Ansis

  Lipszitz Simon

  “ Christina

  Lopata Abram

  “ Regina

  Lubawski Natan

  Lubawska Nysella

  “ Irena

  Lustig Laszlo

  Luzerovici Josub

  “ Zisla

  “ Macs

  “ Rosa

  “ Relu

  Mannik Arnold

  “ Hilja

  Makowski Zygmunt

  Makowska Helena

  Mardus Uno

  Margolis Boruch

  “ Miriam

  “ Maurice

  Marcovicz Wilem



  Matussewich Vassily

  “ Olga

  “ Alexander

  “ Nikolaj

  “ Anastasia

  “ Alexandra

  “ Veronica

  “ Vassily

  “ Nina

  “ Olga

  Maulics Nikolajs

  “ Lidija

  “ Ligita

  Meder Elisabeth

  “ Lars

  Metschersky Nadine

  Metz Marthe

  Michalowicz Szimon

  Miller Chana

  Minski Moses



  “ Sara

  “ Anna

  Moskwer Lolek

  Neufeld Karel

  Neustatl Josef

  Niemann Maria

  Nittim Helle Mall

  “ Andrus

  “ Selma Julie

  “ Rein

  “ Maret Liis

  Ohtra Arnold

  “ Linda

  “ Tiia

  “ Lea

  Orenstein Abraham

  Osetek Tomasz-Michal

  “ Irena

  “ Marguerite

  Ostroburski Szolem

  Ostroburska Enia

  Ozolins Juris

  “ Karlis

  “ Irina

  “ Andrejs

  Pataky Ignatz

  “ Elsie

  Panelz Hertha

  Pawlyszyn Roman

  (Lusia Pawlyszyn has been omitted)

  Peedo Leo

  Perl Erwin

  Pich Hermann

  “ Nelly

  Pilichowski Henryk

  Pilichowska Apolonia

  “ Rozalia

  Poczebucki Sameul

  “ Tania

  “ Anna

  “ Alexander

  Potok Salezy

  “ Alina

  Ptak Solomon

  “ Rosa

  Puurand Verner

  “ Friida

  “ Hans-Verner

  “ Mart-Jaan

  Rae Silva

  “ Tarno

  “ Anneke

  Rafalowski Chaim

  Rafalski Theodor

  Rakfreldt Willem

  “ Leida

  Rakusan Jiri

  Reich Kurt

  “ Magda

  Reichman Jakob

  “ Sara

  “ Bluma

  Ritter Dorothea

  Rogozinski Salomon

  Rogozinska Selda

  “ Edith

  Rosenwasser Paul

  “ Frieda

  Rossler Ludwik Peter

  “ Hanus

  Rotschyld Salek

  Rozenberg Maurice

  Rosenberg Dina

  Sachs Georg

  “ Hedwig

  Salinger Ilse

  Salcberg Chaim


  “ Sara

  Samonov Cyrill

  “ Jylia

  Sapojnikofe Boris

  Schmatlock Mariana

  Schnur Sala

  “ Anna

  Schroder Hilda

  Schwartz Otto

  Seitz Valentine

  “ Pauline

  Sigal Max

  Skorupa Moritz

  Skowron Henryk

  “ Giza

  “ Michal

  Silberstein Alfred

  Singer Villiam

  Slibar Josef

  “ Alexander

  Spiethoff Alzbetta

  Soostar Hans

  “ Juta

  “ Jutta Stern Usher

  “ Lea

  “ David

  “ Jacob

  Stockholm Uno



  Szteinberg Henryk

  “ Wanda

  Strom Leopold

  “ Blume

  “ Anna Aurelia

  Sumin Helene

  Surkis Juniu

  “Friedrich Vilhelm

  “ Fritzi

  Szabason Joseph

  Szafir Szymon

  Szput Henryk

  “ Anna

  “ Ruth

  Sczwarcberg Josek

  Szwidowski Waclaw

  Tohver Bruno

  Szwartzbard Mendel

  Thieberg Henryk

  “ Mary Ada

  “ Ewa

  Tonuma Juhan

  “ Linda

  Schwartzbard Burich-Maier

  “ Enn

  Treufeldt Herman

  “ Elfriede

  “ Eha

  Vaidas Helju

  “ Juhan

  “ Selme

  “ Mare

  Vink Johannes

  “ Ida

  “ Helbe

  “ Villi

  “ Lidia

  Virve Adeline

  Vogl Franz

  “ Maria

  “ Helena

  Wajs Ginette

  Wajsbord Ginette

  Waiselbaum Leon

  “ Henri

  Weile Alfred

  “ Hedwig

  “ George

  Weinberger Andrej

  Weiner Pola

  “ Isak

  “ Mordchaj

  Weiner Abraham

  “ Rosa

  “ Max-


  Weiss David

  Welner Jacob

  “ Salomon

  Weyrich Harry-Ernst

  “ Selma

  Wierzba Choma

  Witting Carl



  Zilberger Maurice

  Hershaw Ogden

  Escorting Officer IRO


  Bobilak Roman

  “ Helena

  “ Henry

  “ Rudolf

  Bartolo Carmela

  “ Henry

  “ Mario

  Bellia Christina

  Cachia Mary

  “ Lillian

“ Joseph

  Calfas Alexander

  “ Calliroe

  Casira Marie

  Cassimatis Marie

  “ Stamatiki

  “ Annette

  Catapodis Evangelos

  Cilia Michael

  “ Lucy

  Cominos Jean

  Condoleon Panagiota

  Cosma Calliope

  Cumpi (or Platis)


  Coutalianos Evangelos

  Coutsourkios Antoine

  “ Catherine

  Diacomanoli Vassiliki

  “ Athina

  Dianos Constantine

  Durhan Guiseppina

  Fatseas Pierro

  “ Marie

  “ Panagiotitsa

  “ Vassiliki

  Fiorentino Erminia

  “ Mary

  Georgiadis Photis

  “ Germaine

  Giorgiou or Savas


  Grima Rita

  “ Josephina

  Hansel Pavao

  “ Yael

  Hazak Edmee

  Kaliou Ekaterini

  Kamaratos George

  Karanzia Despina

  Leonardos Nicolas

  Macri Valentine

  Makrilos Emanuel

  Michailidis Jean

  Mouglalis Nicolas

  “ Catina

  “ Olga

  Marcotis Athanase

  Musto Rudolf (Ralph)

  “ Ina

  Nasr Elias

  Novello Romulo

  “ Emilia

  “ Dorotea

  “ Ivor

  “ Maria Teresa

  Papakyritsi Marica

  Pepi Sebastian

  “ Paola

  Pizel Felice

  “ Sylvia

  “ Albert

  “ Robert

  “ Gilbert

  “ Eliane

  Plowman Jeannette

  Procida Maria

  “ Giuseppe

  Provitis Leonidas

  Sabath Ludwig


  Saccheti Marius

  Saghredos Chrissi

  Samson Mariane

  Saul David

  “ Lorice

  “ Salomon

  “ Joseph

  Scicluna Domenic

  “ Imelda

  “ Antoinette

  Smith Mathilda

  Spiteri John

  Travassaros Stamatios

  “ Koula

  “ Catherine

  “ Stamata

  Vakalaki Kyriacoula

  Vassalo Joseph

  “ Josephine

  Vassalo Fortune

  “ Silvia

  Zarocostas Elias

  “ Despina

  “ Joan

  “ Melpomene

  Zourlos Apostolos


  Marino Dafne

  Sorotos Joannis (John)

  Xynis Alexander


  The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.

  * Indicates names changed by request. Names in brackets indicate a passenger’s married name.

  Abrahamsohn (Tamura), Eva 393–401

  Abrahamsohn, Gretchen 393–98

  Abrahamsohn (Valentine), Irene 119, 140, 210–12, 393–401

  Ament, Leon 131, 160, 210, 258

  * Anton 204–5, 212–13, 337–38

  Barasz (Reading), Bella 11, 110, 128, 525

  Barasz (Leski), Miriam 11, 525


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