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Omega in the Middle (The Rogue Pack Book 5)

Page 11

by Samantha Cayto

  Now, he clutched at the arm wrapped around him. “Yes. More. Please.”

  Ben knew what it was like to be mounted. His body had been claimed more times that he could count. Yet, this was different. Far from causing pain, it alleviated it. The dick pumping into him was like a nail scratching him from the inside. A blessed relief, at least for a few seconds. A spasming wave of pain overtook him, sending him curling in on himself.

  The body behind him followed his movement, keeping the dick lodged inside him. New pain tortured Ben. His stomach cramped into a hard ball. He went to press his palm against it and bumped into his own cockhead. Dewy and sensitive, it jerked at his touch and the strangeness of having an erection for the first time since being sold away claimed his attention for a moment.

  “W-what is this? Why am I…?” His thoughts scattered as another wave of pain shimmied down his channel. His hole spasmed again with enough force to make him cry out. Tears leaked from his tightly-shut eyes. Every fiber of his body ached as if a fever unlike any he’d ever experienced before coursed through him.

  The dick invading him kept up a steady thrusting. Far from aggravating his condition, it seemed to ease his symptoms. If only for a little while. The reprieve came and went in waves that battered him about. He couldn’t keep from crying and shaking and fisting the bedding. His hips bucked of their own accord, rubbing his dick against his arm. The sensation left him mindless with confusion. He wanted more. He wanted it to stop. He whimpered in despair while his wolf ran in tight circles inside him, whining in a wolfie echo of his own misery.

  “Easy, little one. I’ve got you.” Carr’s soothing words pierced through the chaos of his mind.

  “Let me take care of that for you.” It was Daniel. The sound of the beta’s voice added comfort.

  The words made no sense until fingers wrapped around Ben’s aching cock with a firm grip. He gasped at the feel of those fingers jerking his overheated and aching rod with quick, sure strokes. Ben panted through the experience of having pleasure coaxed out of a part of him that he’d feared to even touch in the past year. In the thrall of something so amazing, he forgot his pain and fear and allowed his attention to zero in on that one sensation.

  That is until another deep-seated wave of spasming pain claimed his ass. He convulsed forward into Daniel’s fist, then back into Carr’s body. The gamma’s cock rammed in deep and stilled before swelling up. It pressed against his wet, swollen tissues, forcing the internal rim of his hole to stretch impossibly wide.

  “No!” He screamed and thrashed to escape the burning pain of being forced to accept something too big for his body.

  Murmurs washed over him, nonsense words in low tones. Carr held him firmly and threw his leg over Ben’s to hold him in place. Daniel’s fist picked up speed while he ran his other hand down Ben’s head and face in a gentle caress. He flicked his thumb through the slit of Ben’s dick on the upstroke, smearing the wetness seeping out.

  Pre-cum. Ben understood it for what it was, even though he couldn’t remember being aroused to that level before. The wet dreams of pups didn’t really count, did they? He tried to focus on the uniqueness and form a coherent thought about whether he wanted this or not. Everything in his mind scattered in the face of his intense feelings—pain, pleasure, and bone-deep physical sickness that scared him to death.

  But, he wasn’t alone, and he tried to hold onto that knowledge. Carr grasped him with a power that eased his fright. And, Daniel worked the needy shaft in his hand with a relentless pace that caused Ben’s balls to pull up tight. His dick swelled and twitched.

  I’m going to come. The thought had barely formed in his feverish mind when his body exploded. He shuddered as ropes of cum shot out of his cock, easing Daniel’s efforts. The beta kept working the rod even as Ben thrashed more. A wail escaped past his lips, although this time, he was ecstatic, not afraid or in pain. The intense pleasure washed over him, turning his misery into amazing bliss.

  Carr’s cock swelled even more before releasing a hot stream of cum deep inside Ben’s ass. The feel of it added to his peaceful state. His wolf howled in delight, and Ben might have even laughed along with him until his senses overloaded and shut down. He went limp, his head pillowed on Carr’s hard biceps and his hand dropping to touch Daniel’s where he still clasped Ben’s dick.

  Exhausted and calm, Ben lay panting and hoping for sleep to claim him again. And, for a few minutes, he kept that hope. Until the ache began again.

  Chapter Seven

  “You should mount him this time.”

  Daniel looked over at Carr and frowned. “What?”

  “I’ve cum three times already inside him, and my knot needs a break. Besides,” the gamma added, running his fingers through Ben’s sweat-soaked hair, “he never chose either of us to breed him. He clearly wants and trusts us both. You should service him, too.”

  Carr tightened his hold on the boy as another shudder racked the small body. “Unless you don’t want to mix the seed and chance siring his pup?”

  Daniel bit his lower lips as he stared at the miserable omega. What was happening wasn’t normal. An omega’s heat was a powerful thing, but whatever was going on with Ben seemed overly painful and out of control.

  He shook his head. “I just want to do what’s best for him.”

  Ben whimpered and pressed his tear-streaked face into Carr’s thigh. His hips bucked into the air, as his cock stiffened once again and his ass wiggled. The poor boy was a mess in every sense of the word. Slick and cum dribbled out of his hole, and bits of his own cum dried on his stomach even though Daniel had tried to wipe it clean.

  Carr grimaced. “What’s best for him is to be mounted and bred. Now, Beta. Not having his ass filled with knotted cock is torturing him.”

  “It’s not normal,” he said, giving voice to his fears. He ran a shaky hand down his face. “I don’t want to hurt him.”

  “Doing nothing is hurting him.” Carr’s expression likely mirrored his own. They were both worried about the omega. At least the gamma hadn’t hesitated in doing what was necessary.

  Damn, Daniel could do no less. Now was not the time for timidity and second-guessing. When another vicious full-body spasm claimed Ben, Daniel hardened his resolve and reached for him. The sweaty, hot body remained pliant as he clasped the narrow hips and twisted Ben onto his front. Then he pulled him to more of a kneeling position. The boy’s face was mashed up against Carr’s thigh still, but his ass rose into the air.

  Scooting forward on his own knees, Daniel wedged in between the omega’s slender thighs. The wet, puckered hole winked at him, soft and ready to be breached. Daniel’s dick hardened in an instant, having been semi-erect for the many hours that they’d been dealing with Ben’s heat. It had no trouble making up its mind or equivocating about what was right and wrong. It practically leaped forward to press against the hole.

  His dick slid in with an ease that delighted his wolf. He’d been prowling in agitation under Daniel’s skin all while Carr had claimed the boy. Daniel’s efforts at alleviating Ben’s pain by jerking him off had only encouraged Daniel’s wolf to demand more. Now he howled in victory. The human part of him moaned as he sank deep inside the welcoming heat. His grip on Ben’s hips tightened in response. He couldn’t help it. It felt so good, so right, and he closed his eyes to savor the experience he’d denied himself for so long.

  But he didn’t have time for that. Ben’s hole clenched down hard enough to make Daniel wince. The boy shoved his hips back in an unspoken reminder that Daniel had a job to do. He got to it, pulling out and slamming back home. He repeated that effort a few more times, sinking in farther with each pass. Soon, he snapped his hips with almost brutal thrusts. Ben demanded it, writhing and moaning. There was no opportunity for finesse. Daniel had no chance to try to make it good for Ben.

  The sounds the boy made teetered between pain and pleasure, encouragement and repudiation of the claiming of his body. There was no sense to be made of it, and nature
didn’t care anyway. Ben’s heat was in control, and all he, Daniel and Carr could do was ride it out. That meant that regardless of what Daniel thought or felt, his dick understood its mission. His knot swelled, impeding his movements until he had to stop or risk hurting himself and Ben.

  The sensation was a new one for him, having never bred anyone before. For a few seconds, he forgot about Ben and allowed himself to concentrate on the incredible sensation of his own pleasure homing in on that expanded part of his dick. The slick, hot walls of the channel it lay cocooned within blanketed it and held it close. He stuttered out a surprised gasp.

  “I know it feels unbelievable, but you need to help Ben.” Carr’s slight admonishment invaded the buzz.

  Opening his eyes, Daniel stared down the length of Ben’s curved spine. Carr rubbed the spot between the omega’s shoulders in a slow circle while his other hand petted the boy’s head. Ben was panting so hard that his body heaved. Small tremors ran through every inch of him. It wasn’t even clear that he was fully conscious. The relentless force of the heat must have been exhausting.

  With his brain shorted out from the way his dick felt, it took Daniel a few seconds to grasp the gamma’s meaning. He bent over to slide his hand under Ben’s pelvis. He found a hard cock waiting for him. He grabbed it the same way he had a few times already. It seemed that the omega needed to come as often as he needed mounting. Daniel had always heard that omegas were intensely reactive to being bred, allowing them pleasure even while their bodies overtook their reason. Ben’s response still surprised Daniel, and given the look on Carr’s face, he knew the gamma thought the same thing.

  Not that Daniel minded jerking the boy off. He liked bringing him pleasure. The taut skin of the pretty cock was silky smooth and delightfully hot in his palm. It leaked a steady drip of pearly pre-cum. Although he couldn’t see it this time, he pictured it, the image making him smile. This night might easily represent the omega’s first experience with enjoying sex. Sort of. If that damnable heat would let up just a little.

  Ben gasped and bucked, the signs that he was about to come. Daniel knew them well already. He picked up the pace, flicking his wrist to jerk faster. At the first splash of cum on his fingers, Ben’s channel gripped him with an almost painfully intense undulation. Waves of soft flesh washed down his dick, crashed against his knot, and sent him over the edge.

  “Shit!” He bent completely over, draping Ben’s back, as the orgasm ripped through him.

  He would have toppled over still tied to Ben if a strong hand hadn’t grabbed his shoulder and steadied him. Forcing his eyes open, he stared into Carr’s. The gamma gave him an encouraging smile and tightened his fingers. It was a strange connection, but it felt just as right as being inside Ben.

  He and Carr were in this together. The three of them were, actually, working in concert to survive Ben’s heat. The idea of sharing the omega should have repulsed him and infuriated his wolf. It made no sense. Instead, it bolstered him. He wasn’t sure he would have been able to help Ben on his own. With Carr holding him up, helping him ride out an aftershock of climax that hit him and Ben both, Daniel knew he didn’t have to.


  Daniel staggered against the wall, ricocheting like a drunk human navigating the streets of Portland after an all-night bender. He juggled the items he carried to keep from dropping them. His sleep-deprived eyes could barely focus, and one of the bottles of water tumbled from his clumsy hand. He lunged to retrieve it and the hallway tilted.

  “Easy there.” Big hands caught him and the bottle both.

  He blinked to clear his vision. Not Carr. Of course, not. The gamma was tending Ben. It was Lorcan coming to the rescue. The alpha was naked and smelled like the forest. He must have just come off a turn on the perimeter. That thought made him frown. The sigmas had been cooking something when he’d been in the kitchen. He’d assumed breakfast, but maybe not. How much time had passed since he and Carr had been holed up with Ben?

  He straightened and shook his head as if that dizzying motion could clear it. “Thanks, Alpha. I’m a little off-kilter.”

  Tucking the bottle into the basket Daniel held, Lorcan gave him a rueful smile. “I’d say that’s an understatement. You look like you’ve been in battle. Are you doing okay?”

  “I’m fine, sir. It’s Ben I’m worried about.”

  The alpha grimaced. “I know. Andrea filled me in before I went on the perimeter.”

  Andrea? Oh, right. When he’d left the room for supplies, Carr had mentioned running into the healer. “It’s like he’s sick or something. His skin is so hot to the touch, and he’s in near constant pain. Climax helps him only for a few short minutes before it starts up again. If he doesn’t have a cock lodged in his ass, he suffers. He’s in a perpetual state of needing to be mounted. That’s not typical even for a male omega. I know it’s not.”

  Lorcan placed his heavy hand on Daniel’s shoulder and squeezed. “No, it’s not. Andrea thinks it might be tied to how Ben was mounted by that gamma for so long without Ben being in heat. Outside of living in a mated pair, omegas aren’t designed for casual fucking. He was supposed to have been bred a year ago. She suspects his body is confused and overloaded.”

  Carr hadn’t gone into those specifics, but then again, Ben had been there. The poor boy didn’t need to worry about anything at the moment. “Carr and I are on it, sir. Rest assured on that point. We’re giving him what he needs.” He nodded to the items he carried. “We’re trying to keep him hydrated and fed, although he doesn’t seem interested in either.”

  With another squeeze, Lorcan dropped his hand. “I know you’re doing your best, and I have complete confidence in both you and Carr.”

  Daniel arched his brow. “I appreciate that, sir. You barely know me, so your trust means a lot.”

  “I’m a good judge of character. That’s how I put this pack together in the first place. I must admit that I was skeptical about allowing both you and Carr access to Ben. It’s not the usual way with our kind. But, my mate put me straight. He reminded me that the Rogues are all about doing things better than other packs, and he’s a good judge of character, too. He believes Ben is safe with the two of you, so I do, too.”

  A wave of fatigue washed over him. He fought it off. “He’s right. Carr and I are taking care of him as best as we know how. I doesn’t matter, either, whose seed eventually takes root. At least, it doesn’t matter to me. And, the way Carr is acting, he’s on the same page. Plus, with Ben unwilling, or unable, to pick one of us as a mate yet, there’s nothing to be done about it, regardless.”

  “Hmm. I can’t say I like that aspect of this. Mating is something that does worry me. Not that I would force the issue with Ben. He doesn’t have to mate to stay with us or raise his pup. Eventually, though, this problem will resurface, and I’d like to know how Ben expects to deal with it. He can’t hold off his next heat forever.”

  “I know, sir. I don’t think he’s thought that far ahead, frankly.”

  “Understood.” The alpha cocked his head and studied Daniel’s face a little too closely for comfort. “You and I haven’t talked much, but my clear impression is that you intend to return to the human city.”

  Daniel gazed down at the floor. “I have a life back there, and it’s what I’ve always wanted.” He looked back at the alpha. “Pack life never suited me.”

  “You can’t ask Ben to go back with you.”

  Daniel popped his eyes. “No, sir. I understand that. Ben has had enough of living among the upright apes. I would never try to persuade him to accept that kind of life again.”

  Lorcan nodded. “That’s what I figured. Carr, on the other hand, has already made it clear that he’s ready to become a full-fledged member of the Rogues. He’s done with being feral, and his reason for becoming so has ended now that Loki and the other white wolves have a place here if they decide they want it.”

  Exhaustion made it hard for Daniel to marshal his thoughts, and maybe it was hunger that ca
used his stomach to suddenly churn. “I get that. Carr’s desire to stay here doesn’t surprise me. My plans are weird for our species. I had kind of expected to spend my life unmated.”

  “Except now there’s Ben. You have feelings for him, which you didn’t anticipate.”

  Daniel nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Sometimes the best laid plans get derailed when the right shifter comes along. I know that I hadn’t expected to take a mate so soon, let alone fall in love with him.”

  Love? Do I love Ben? He rolled the word around his verbal tongue, trying it on for size and finding it didn’t quite fit. He cared for Ben, deeply and unexpectedly fast. The sweet, yet resilient, omega had gotten under his skin quickly and almost without Daniel even noticing. That’s why he’d been unable to simply drop the boy off with the Rogues and leave again. Did that equate to loving him, and if it did, was it strong enough to cause Daniel to upend the life he’d forged for himself? He didn’t know, and there was no time for reflection in any event.

  “I should get back to him,” he said in way of an answer.

  Lorcan accepted that. “Of course. Don’t worry about anything other than tending to the boy.”

  “Has there been any trouble?”

  The alpha grimaced again. “A few minor skirmishes. Haldon’s boys are getting frisky. Nothing the rest of us can’t handle. Ben’s successful breeding is your duty now.” With that, the alpha left.

  Daniel continued on his way. He entered the small room, juggling once more the items he carried. He found the others much as he’d left them. The only difference was that Carr was sitting up with his back propped against the wall. Ben sat on his lap, facing outward, with his head leaning on the gamma’s broad chest and his eyes closed. His slender legs were splayed wide and draped over Carr’s more muscular thighs. The boy looked wanton in that position, all of his charms on display. The sight tempted a man, even one that was spent and teetering into unconsciousness.


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