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Omega in the Middle (The Rogue Pack Book 5)

Page 19

by Samantha Cayto

  My mate.

  His wolf kicked up a frantic fuss, demanding the deed be done. Letting go of the cock, he first smiled at Ben’s whimper of disappointment, then turned him over. It was tricky, yet he managed to put the boy on his face without having to pull out of him. He traced down his spine with one palm.

  “Are you ready, little one?”

  “Yes.” The answer held a breathless plea that nevertheless held the ring of truth.

  “I love you, Ben.” With that assurance, he kneed the boy’s legs open wider and began drilling him with hard strokes that claimed the boy as his.

  Ben remained pliant, although hardly passive. With each thrust in and each pull out, he clenched his hole. The drag on Carr’s dick drove him wild. The climax built up within a few seconds. Realizing his release was imminent, he knew he had no more time to waste. He leaned down and nuzzled the hair away from the back of Ben’s neck. The exposed skin beckoned him. He licked it first, then bared his teeth.

  “I’m sorry.” He sank his canines into the tender flesh. A rush of warm, salty blood coated his tongue. His wolf howled in victory.

  A timid omega answered.

  The scream stuck in Ben’s throat. He’d become so used to hiding his pain that he took the mating bite with his well-crafted stoicism. Except he didn’t need to do that with Carr. There was nothing to fear now in showing how he felt. At the same moment he had that reassuring thought, a languidness claimed him and his body, including his vocal chords, went slack. His wolf gave a howl of joy for the first time in forever. He pranced under Ben’s skin and yipped excitedly. A deep-throated answer greeted him.

  Carr. It was the gamma’s wolf, his mate’s, whose call now ricocheted in his head. It calmed him, made him feel safer that he ever had before. That realization had yet to settle into his brain for a second before his body started to spasm. His channel swelled up, surrounding Carr’s cock and holding on tightly. At the same time, a powerful rush of pleasure rose from his balls, up his dick and made him come hard enough to make him shout.

  He held nothing back now. Opening his mouth, he cried out his release. He humped the pallet, bringing himself through the climax. Hot seed coated his belly and bathed his insides. Carr had come as well, the gamma’s potent orgasm made him shake along with suddenly erratic thrusts. Warm breath tickled the back of his neck as his mate’s teeth let go. Then a silky tongue bath soothed the bite of pain remaining and settled him even more.

  Ben was wasted, drained of energy, yet completely at peace. He allowed Carr to roll him onto his side, but held his cock inside by clenching his hole as tightly as he could. Long arms wrapped him up completely and hugged him to Carr’s chest.

  “Are you all right, little one?”

  “Perfect.” He barely got out the one word and snuggled closer.

  Carr chuckled. “That’s good to hear. Now that we’re mated, you can braid my hair whenever you want.”


  “It’s a custom among my people. A thing a mate does to show affection.”

  “But you let me do it for you out by the pond, even though I hadn’t even agreed to mate with you.”

  “I know. It was too tempting to refuse you, and as I’d said at the time, I didn’t take it to mean anything you didn’t intend.”

  “You’ve always been so kind to me.”

  “It was no hardship, I assure you.” He paused. “I meant what I said about loving you.”

  “Me, too.”

  “I believe you. Your wolf conveys your feelings very well.”


  They lay in each other’s arms, still connected, for a while. The dick inside him stirred, hardening, lengthening. Carr’s fingers and thumb plucked and strummed at Ben’s nipples. A moan escaped him, and he wiggled with the attention. That only served to encourage Carr’s shaft. Soon, it filled him entirely, as if it hadn’t just spent minutes ago. Carr rocked into him slowly.

  “Again?” he asked, even while his own cock stirred to life.

  “Again,” Carr breathed his answer against the top of his head. “Always. I will never get enough of you, my dearest mate. Gods,” he exclaimed and thrust a bit harder. “I love saying that.”

  The gamma wolf barked, then howled, demanding Ben’s omega wolf to respond. He did, with ever increasing confidence. The two of them kept up their back and forth calling while Carr picked up speed. He pinched one of Ben’s nipples, making him gasp and writhe. Then, pressing Ben’s top leg forward, Carr seated himself up to his balls inside Ben’s greedy, grasping channel.

  Ben gasped and made a grab for his own dick, which begged for release. Carr brushed his hand aside and clasped it himself. One long, hard tug was all it took to send Ben over the edge once more. The echo of the wolves howling full-throated melded with the cry passing his lips. It jumbled in his head, leaving him overloaded with sound and feeling. Hot cum shot up his already slick passage before dribbling past his ring, stretched wide by Carr’s tremendous cock.

  It was too much. He blew out one more loud breath and went limp. His last thought before his mind shut down from exhaustion was that finally, this was home.


  “It’s all right to cry, little one.”

  Ben sniffed back his tears. “I’m not.” He leaned into Carr’s strong body for courage as they watched Daniel load up his vehicle. “It’s not like we’re never going to see him again.”

  “That’s right. He’ll come for visits when he can.”

  Ben nodded. He knew his mate was right. Daniel had been clear on that point, and even if he’d been inclined to lie to protect Ben’s feelings, the beta’s wolf had been reassuring. It was wondrous and unique how their three wolves could communicate through Carr’s acting as the conduit. Their bond was strong, although he knew it wasn’t like a three-way mating or anything. It was a familial thing, though, and he trusted it.

  Shutting the passenger side door, Daniel turned to them and smiled. The expression didn’t quite meet his eyes, though. His sadness at the parting came through in the form of a long, mournful howl from his wolf. He approached them with sure steps, however.

  Daniel gave them a nod. “I guess this is it, then.”

  Before either Ben or Carr said anything in response, the beta pulled them into a group hug. They stood for a few moments, not saying anything until Daniel thumped Carr’s back and kissed Ben on the cheek.

  Then he let go and stepped back. “I’ll return in the spring at the latest. Take care of our boy, Gamma.”

  Tugging Ben in close to his side, Carr grunted. “I’ll take care of my mate. And, our pup.” Carr palmed Ben’s still-flat stomach. “Things have settled enough with the new pack members that it should be a quiet winter.”

  Daniel flashed his teeth. “I know. I wouldn’t be leaving if I thought otherwise. And, you better live up to your promise, or I’ll kick your ass.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” was Carr’s reply.

  Ben sniffed back tears again. “We’ll send you pictures on those phones you got us. You can see me getting all fat and whatnot.”

  “Oh, baby.” Daniel thumbed away a tear that had escaped to trickle down Ben’s cheek. “So long as you stay healthy. Make sure he eats,” he added with a stern look at Carr.

  “Huh! Are you leaving or what?” Carr softened his question with a quick grin.

  “Yeah. And, I want you to know, Ben, that as soon as I sort out some client needs back in Portland, I’m taking off for Virginia.”

  Ben furrowed his brows. “What? Why?”

  “To find your brother, Reed. That’s why I asked you all those questions about your old pack recently. I know you’re worried about him. I intend to wrestle him away from your sire one way or the other and bring him here.”

  “Really?” Hope and elation died in an instant when reality struck him. “What if he’s already sold him?”

  Leaning in, Daniel gave Ben a firm nod. “Then I’ll track him down and take him away, the same as
I did with you. Trust me, baby.”

  Ben smiled up at him. “I do.”

  “So do I,” Carr said, pushing Daniel away with the flat of his hand against the beta’s chest. “And, can we all agree that you’ll stop calling my mate ‘baby’?”

  “Sorry. So long and don’t worry, you’ll see me soon. With Reed.” Daniel trotted over to his vehicle, hopped inside and drove off.

  Ben and Carr stood hugging and watched the beta go until there was nothing left to see. His wolf let out one last howl, which Carr’s and Ben’s answered plaintively, and then there was silence.

  “Do you think he’ll really be able to rescue Reed?”

  “I have no doubt, little one.” Carr kissed the top of his head. “Come, there’s a lot to do. So many mouths to feed, and winter is almost upon us.”

  “It’s okay, though, right?” Ben asked because he suddenly felt uncertain. “Everything’s going to work out?”

  “Of course. We’ve found a home, Ben. You and I are finally where we belong.”

  “Yeah, I guess we are.” Breaking free of his mate’s hold, he skipped ahead. He glanced over his shoulder and broke into a laugh. “What are you waiting for? There’s work to be done.”

  He raced away, sure that his mate was right behind him.


  Daniel slowed down his SUV in order to study his handwritten map. The road he was traveling barely constituted one, unpaved and rutted as it was. He thought he was heading in the right direction, especially given that he hadn’t seen a soul—shifter or human—for a few miles. Perfect country for a pack to live in.

  It had taken more weeks than he’d expected to pick up the pieces of his work and placate customers. Now, there was this nagging itch in the back of his mind, something urging him to hurry up and find Ben’s old pack and brother, Reed. He couldn’t say why he was worried, other than Ben’s very vocal concerns that his brother might be in trouble. Settling the omega’s mind in and of itself was reason enough to get a move on.

  He continued, stopped, doubled-back a few yards, and saw an even narrower and shittier dirt road hidden among some trees. He took the turn and held on to the steering wheel tightly as his SUV bounced along. The way only got worse, yet he wasn’t going to stop until the road ended or brought him to the pack’s compound.

  Pushing the power button, he put the window down all the way, stuck his head out and sniffed. The air was cool and crisp, far more inviting than the biting cold that had started to grip Maine. He smelled all manner of flora and fauna, much of it familiar, some of it new. He’d spent a lot of time traveling across the county, although he’d never come this far south. If not for the urgency of his mission, he would have liked to park somewhere, shift and enjoy the surroundings more.

  A scent caught his attention. He jammed on the brakes and took in a deep breath.


  He was on the right track. It took navigating one more curve before he saw the shifter. He stopped the SUV again and sat watching the male omega approach. The boy was shortish and slender with wavy light brown hair that hung below his shoulders. He was staring at his feet and appeared absorbed in his thoughts. And tired. Daniel could see that in the way the boy slouched and shuffled his feet. He didn’t seem to have heard the vehicle and didn’t see Daniel until he was almost upon him. As soon as he realized he wasn’t alone, his head shot up and a look of fear crossed his face.

  The omega’s expression changed in an instant, though. He stared hard at Daniel for a second before continuing on his way. He would have passed the truck if Daniel hadn’t hailed him.

  “Hey, there. Need a lift?”

  Defiance flashed in the boy’s face. “No, thanks. I’m headed in the opposite direction.”

  Daniel smiled, he hoped in a non-threatening way. “Oh, yeah.” He pulled ahead a few feet and made a three-point turn. He drove slowly beside the still-walking boy and lowered the window on the passenger side. “Need a lift?” he asked again.

  The omega jammed his hands in his front pockets and hunched in on himself. “I’m fine. Really, Beta. Thanks, but you don’t need to go out of your way.”

  “It’s no trouble, and better me than a human picking you up.”

  “I’m not hitching a ride with anyone.”

  “The nearest town is miles away and it’s almost dark.”

  “I know.”

  “So, get in.”

  “I’ll make camp outside. I know you probably think that because I’m an omega, I can’t take care of myself.”

  “I didn’t say that.” He kept his vehicle rolling along, trying to be patient.

  “You were thinking it, though.”

  Daniel had to smile at that. “Maybe.” He didn’t push the issue for a few more minutes, simply keeping abreast with the boy. “I’m not going to return you to the pack, you know.”

  That got the kid’s attention. His footsteps faltered. “What do you mean?”

  Daniel sighed. “Come on, we both know your pack didn’t just let you wander off.” When the omega merely shrugged, Daniel added, “Don’t be stubborn about this. Get in.” He hit the brakes and waited.

  The omega stopped, too, and stood blinking back at him. “I’d rather die than go back.”

  Daniel closed his eyes for a second. “The situation is not that dire, I assure you.”

  “So you say.” There was sadness in the boy’s eyes, yet also determination. He wasn’t going to be easy to sway.

  Daniel decided not to even bother. Putting the SUV in park, he unbuckled his seat belt, leaned over and opened the door. “Get. In.”

  The omega shook his head, although he didn’t bolt. The war inside him between his omega nature to obey and his need to stay free was easy to see.

  Daniel gentled his voice. “It will be okay. I promise.”

  A shudder ran through the boy before he slipped off his backpack and climbed in. Daniel waited until the omega was buckled-up before doing the same. He drove off with an inner sigh of relief.

  “My name is Daniel, by the way.” When there was no response forthcoming, he asked even though he was pretty sure he knew the answer already. “What’s yours?”

  The boy’s lashes fluttered against his cheek, then he glanced at Daniel out from under them. “Reed.”

  Coming Soon

  Omega on the Loose

  For a shifter, and an omega at that, Reed has never fit into pack life. Popping out pups and keeping house for a bossy male isn’t in his plans. He dreams of exploring a wider world and experiencing all the interesting things that humans have devised. Too bad his sire has other ideas, and Reed’s wishful thinking turns into a desperate bid for freedom. When a foreign beta picks him up on the road, he fears his future is doomed.

  Daniel is the rare shifter who has transitioned out of pack life and into the hustle and bustle of human society. His carefully crafted life was already turned upside down once by rescuing an abused omega. Now he’s racing to save Reed from a similar fate. Pure luck, or maybe the will of the Gods, have brought him to the boy before his sire sells him off to the highest bidder. His only problem is in convincing Reed to trust him.

  Time is not on Daniel’s side and when Reed’s pack catches up with them, there is only one option on the table. He can only hope that the omega forgives him for taking it. When duty turns unexpectedly to desire, he sets about wooing the pretty boy. Mistrustful and defiant, Reed resists until Daniel’s plan of seduction proves too tempting. But there is a secret between them and revealing it could doom their growing affection.

  More Books in The Rogue Pack Series:

  The Rogue’s Omega

  Accidentally Omega

  Omega’s Breed

  Taming the Omega

  More MM Books by this Author:

  If you enjoy reading MM erotica you might enjoy:

  The Pleasure Slaves Series:

  Body Slave

  Slave For Rent

  Heir to a Slave

  The Alien Slave Mast
ers Series, published with Pride Publishing:

  The Captain’s Pet

  The Rebellious Pet

  The Untamed Pet

  The Captive Pet

  The Inconvenient Pet

  The Undercover Pet

  Also with Pride Publishing:

  Man Candy

  One Night in a Dungeon


  Never the Groom

  And Coming in January 2018, book one in the Alien Blood Wars Series:

  Blood Dance

  Published with Wild Rose Press:

  Blue Heat

  Catching Eagle’s Eye

  Outside the Lines

  About the Author

  I'm a corporate lawyer, happily married for over twenty-five years, with three kids and three dogs. No white picket fence, but we do live in the ’burbs west of Boston. While my husband and I still do occasionally lick chocolate off each other, our more typical evening involves lying in bed once the kids are in theirs, and reading separate books. Mine, of course, are romance. I started reading them as a defense against all those boring legal documents. Once I started, I couldn't stop.

  I've also loved erotica since I was old enough to appreciate what sex is. I love reading and writing M/M in particular. I've been publishing erotic romance since 2009.

  Besides my family, writing, and reading, my loves include the sight, smell, and sounds of the ocean (I'm a New England girl through and through), chocolate (naturally), prime rib (bloody), and good bourbon on the rocks.

  Visit Samantha at:

  Friend her on Facebook: Samantha Cayto




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