Her Father, My Master: Mentor

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Her Father, My Master: Mentor Page 6

by Mallorie Griffin

  I stalked through the kitchen without a word, and made for the stairs to my room. I desperately needed some de-stress time already with Flicker. But my dad unfortunately finally noticed me, and waved me over.

  “Hello Krystal, where’ve you been?” he asked, looking upset. Hopefully he wasn’t upset with me.

  “At Maddie’s practice,” I said, and grudgingly approached the three, my sullen teenage mask pulled up tight now. I sat down in the empty chair, across from Kandace.

  She was beautiful. While I’d inherited nearly every feature from my father, including his slightly moon-shaped face with a high forehead, she had gotten the best possible mix of traits from both parents. So while she and I shared the same wide blue eyes, she’d also gotten the beautiful heart-shaped face with high cheekbones of my mom. It just wasn’t fair. Why did she have to be everything I was, but more? I just didn’t understand it.

  “Kandace is getting married,” my mom suddenly said in a strained voice.

  “What? To who?”

  Kandace smiled a supermodel smile and flashed a huge diamond ring in my face. “His name is Duke. I met him at university.”

  “Uhhh… okay.” This was sudden.

  And this must be what my parents were upset about. Though outwardly I remained reticent, inside I was squealing with joy. Kandace, perfect supermodel genius Kandace, had gone and done something monumentally stupid! She made a mistake!

  “We’re getting married in June,” she added matter-of-factly.

  “Shouldn’t you wait until you’re graduated?” I asked.

  “That’s what we’re trying to convince her to do,” my mom growled, staring at the ring. It was a rather large stone.

  “Is that a real diamond?” I couldn’t help but ask. How could a college student afford such a big rock?

  “Of course it is! Duke is a tenured professor, I think he could afford the real thing,” Kandace sniffed, withdrawing the hand now.

  “Whoa, he’s a professor?”

  “Yes, of course he is,” Kandace replied, as if I should know better. Dating fellow students was beneath her. Mom and dad both stared meaningfully at me, waiting for me to have my own brand of blow-up, I suppose.

  My mind was roiling with thoughts and emotions. Of course mom and dad hated this, they knew she was making a mistake. Kandace needed to consort with people her age, not creepy older men.

  But that’s exactly what I was doing.

  I wanted to scream. She was ruining my life without even realizing it. There was no way I could even be open about my own strange relationship because of this ridiculous debacle she was creating with her idiocy. She was going to marry the guy?

  I sat in stunned silence as my parents turned their attention back to Kandace, and as they continued to try and convince her that she was making a huge mistake.

  Maybe it was better this way. I leaned back in my chair and observed with a small smile. Maybe I could learn from her mistakes. For once, it would be Kandace getting the brunt of mom and dad’s anger. For once, it was her doing the unintelligent thing. I took no small pleasure in that knowledge.

  But after 15 minutes of berating and yelling, I found myself just wanting to get away from the situation. Kandace was crying now, and I felt like an intruder on what should have been a private conversation. But I was trapped.

  So I did a very juvenile thing, and while my mom and dad were both turned to Kandace, I slid down in my seat, and then slunk out of it, and out of the kitchen. It was a tactic I’d learned from when I was young, mostly to get out of boring situations, but it worked well here, too.

  I snuck up to my room and found Flicker on my bed, nestled in a pile of dirty clothes. I plucked him up and swept the clothing aside, and then bounced down on the bed. I petted Flicker’s long black fur idly as I pondered the strange situation.

  It was a weird way to learn it, but apparently my parents didn’t approve of relationships with older men. I was so glad it was Kandace who made this particular fumble. Not only did I have valuable information, but I was certain she was looking a lot less perfect in my parents’ eyes now.

  I heard raised voices as I glanced at the clock. It was 10 at night and they were still going at it with her. I very nearly felt sorry for her. Not quite, just nearly.

  I must have drifted off at some point, because when I next blinked my eyes opened and checked the time, it was now 2 in the morning. The house was silent, and I was feeling exhausted. Long naps always did that to me. I rolled over and went to sleep again.

  Chapter 9

  The week passed by much as the last did, only this time there was the added tension of having to entertain Kandace. Rather, she and my parents entertained me with their constant bickering. It was like she’d changed completely, after she went to college. Before, she was the golden child, the obedient one, and I was the contrary brat. But now she was being as argumentative and sullen as me. I just tried to stay quiet and savor the temporary peace that being out of the spotlight brought me.

  I avoided talking to Kandace, too. I didn’t want to accidentally spill the beans about Mr. Hendricks, and considering how similar our situations were, I thought I might be tempted to. Still, she managed to catch me on Wednesday after class.

  “Hey Krys,” she leapt up from the kitchen table one afternoon, as soon as I walked in the door. I suppressed a groan. I’d just spent the entire day fantasizing about Mr. Hendricks, what he had done to me and what he could do to me in the future. I didn’t need this.

  “Hey Kandy, what’s up?” Ever since she got back from college, she insisted everyone call her Kandace, but I still used her childhood nickname, much to her chagrin.

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you, what do you think about all this?” She twirled her finger in her blonde hair nervously as she spoke. “I mean, with me and Duke.”

  I shrugged and made my way out to the den, and she followed me like a puppy. “I think you’re crazy, but I have no idea why you care what I think,” I commented as I plopped down in the old, comfy brown couch facing the plasma TV.

  “Because, Mom and Dad are so against me, I just want to know someone’s on my side.” She smiled at me. “I want you to be a bridesmaid, after all, too.”

  I blinked, and my teenage sullenness melted away for just a few moments. “Really?”

  “Of course!”

  I blinked again, feeling a little confused. “But you have so many friends, why don’t you pick some of them?”

  Kandace waved a hand. “It’s been a little weird for me at college, and I’ve kind of drifted away from most of those people. And not a lot of my friends went to the same college as me, of course,” she added matter-of-factly, and I rolled my eyes. Special Kandace had to go to a super special college, naturally. “And you’re my sister. I want you to be in the ceremony.”

  “So, when is it?” I asked, eyebrow raised.

  “In June, we’re thinking. We haven’t booked the venue yet, so it might get pushed back.”

  “Don’t you think this is a little sudden?”

  “Why does everyone keep saying that?” Kandace tossed her hair in an aggravated manner. “So what if we just met?”

  “Look, I don’t want to be like our parents and try to tell you how to live, but I’m just saying, I’m only a year younger than you and I know I’m not ready for marriage yet.”

  She smirked. “I guess I’m more mature than you.”

  “Right.” I stood and made to leave.

  “Wait, I’m sorry Krys. I didn’t mean to be snippy, I’ve just been under a lot of pressure.”

  I sighed, and feel back onto the sofa. “You think you’re the only one? I’ve got finals to worry about, and college coming up too, you know.”

  “I know, I know, I was there last year. It’s a difficult time for everyone.”

  “So, why do you care what I think about you and this guy?”

  “Because, I just want to know someone’s on my side.”

  I flipped my legs over the edg
e of the couch now, laying down on it. “Look. This isn’t normal, you can’t possibly think that it is. How old is this guy?”

  “40… or 50. Somewhere in there.”

  “You don’t even know how old he is?” I snorted. “How can you know him so well that you want to marry him?”

  “Because we’re in love!”

  I rolled my eyes. “So what? I was ‘in love’ with Brandon, and Joey, and they both turned out to be assholes.”

  “Oh yeah. I heard about that. I’m sorry, Krys.”

  I turned my head to face the back of the couch now, my face pressed against the cushion. “Don’t worry about it,” I said, my voice muffled. I looked at Kandace again. “I’m just saying, if it’s really love, you should be able to wait before you get married. Getting married isn’t going to change whether you love each other or not.”

  “But, we want a family.” Ohhhhh boy.

  “Well, I don’t even begin to know what to tell you about that, so don’t ask.” And I didn't. I didn’t even know if I wanted kids yet. I couldn't even begin to speculate about my sister.

  “I know. I just want to know if you’ll be in the wedding. Whether you’ll support me with this or not.”

  “Of course I’ll be in your wedding. I think it’s weird as hell, but I’ll do it.”

  “Oh, you’re the best!” Kandace grinned and jumped up, hugging my prone form. I turned and awkwardly attempted to hug her back.

  I didn’t really care what she did with her life. It was hers to fuck up. But I could tell she needed support, so I decided then and there to try to not be so bitchy at her. She really was helping to take some of the pressure off me, by turning out to not be completely perfect, after all.

  The rest of the week passed mostly without incident for me. My parents were so busy hounding Kandace that they hardly even noticed when the first of the college acceptance and rejection letters began to roll in for me. I was naturally rejected from the Ivy League schools that I’d halfheartedly applied to. No surprise there. But the important colleges, the local and state universities had all accepted me. I breathed a sigh of relief, but that relief was tinged with its own brand of anxiety.

  What was I going to do about Mr. Hendricks, when I left for college?

  I already knew I wanted to continue my exploration with him. I knew he had so much to show me, so much to teach me, and I didn’t want to miss out on that, not if I could possibly help it at all.

  I sorted through the letters in my room, immediately tossing the rejections. I didn’t want to look at those. In all, I had 4 acceptances. 2 state universities, a local community college, and some private out of state school that I applied to on a whim and knew I didn’t have a chance in hell of affording.

  Sighing, I looked up the community college online. I knew if I wanted to be serious about my education, I should choose one of the state schools. They both had a better reputation than a community college. But I wouldn’t have to move out if I went to the community. I could stay with Mr. Hendricks close by. And Maddie would be gone. I could go over more often.

  Perhaps I could ask Mr. Hendricks about this. I had another question bubbling and simmering at the edges of my mind that I wanted to asked as well.

  Chapter 10

  I wasn’t as nervous this Saturday as I’d been the past two. Kandace had gone back two days early, on Friday, and tension in the house was remarkably lower with her gone.

  I was also feeling more confident. One time might be a fluke, but twice was a trend. I knew my master wanted me.

  I smiled as I curled my fingers around the steering wheel as I thought of that word. Master. I loved it. I loved the feeling it brought my mind and my body. I loved being a slave to him, to his power and his passion. And I didn’t know why, but for some odd reason, he loved being with me as well.

  So I made my usual drive to his house, walked up his walk, and rang the front bell. I felt the slightest hint of nervousness begin to rise when he didn’t answer immediately. What if I was wrong?

  But the light emanating from the door as it opened chased that small fear away. He was here, and I was ready to please him in whatever way I could.

  “Krystal,” he said one simple word, and embraced me once more. My longing and aching for him grew in leaps and bounds at his touch. I wasn’t able to think about him nearly as much as I would have liked, this past week, but I was here now, and he would be my sole focus for the next two hours. I wished it was longer.

  Just as it had happened last Saturday, he kissed me and led me upstairs, to his room. But unlike last week, there were no handcuffs on the bed. There was merely a spool of thread. It was the strangest thing, and I was immediately thrown off. I was expecting more of the same, but clearly he had other things in mind.

  My master noticed my confusion, and he turned me towards him, so I focused on his face now. His eyes were dark and enigmatic, and he had a few days of beard growth on his chin. He looked ruggedly amazing. I was suddenly very glad for the support his arms were giving my body, as I felt my legs grow weak under his gaze.

  He delicately brushed my hair away from my shoulder with one burly hand, and then kissed and nibbled at my neck. “Last week was about restraint of the body,” he murmured lowly between kisses. “This week is about restraint of the mind.” He brought a hand up and caressed one of my breasts, his tree bark rough thumb gliding over my hard nipple. I moaned softly at that sensual touch. “Tonight,” he continued after kissing me full on the lips, “I will tie you up, and you must not break your bonds, or make a sound. Do you understand?” I gazed up at him, silencing my moan and nodding slightly. I understood. He wanted complete obedience. He didn’t want me to obey simply because I had no choice. He wanted to know that I obeyed him because I loved it.

  “Do you remember the safe word?”

  I nodded again.

  “Good girl. Undress and get on the bed. Hands and knees.”

  I obeyed him, disrobing and silently mounting the bed, perching on my knees and my elbows. Mr. Hendricks briefly caressing my smooth, youthful ass, and then took hold of the spool of thread. “Bring your wrists together,” he instructed, and I eagerly did so. He wrapped just a few loops around my wrists. The thread was so thin, I could easily break it if I wasn’t careful. I knew I had to be careful.

  He repeated the process for each leg, spreading them apart and then tying them to the low bed. If I so much as twitched a leg, the thread would snap.

  I realized that my master hadn’t blindfolded me yet. I knew he wanted complete silence from me, so I couldn’t ask. But as my hair draped around my face, obscuring my vision, I recognized that I didn’t need a blindfold. Not tonight. Even if I turned my head, I couldn’t see anything but the vaguest of shapes through the curtain of hair.

  I stared down at my hands for what felt like minutes. I wasn’t certain if my master was even in the room, at this point. And I couldn’t call to ask, nor could I move, not without breaking the threads. Was this a test?

  Finally, finally I heard heavy footsteps and my master approached me. I felt the bed shake as he climbed atop it, behind me, and my entire body stiffened as my legs jangled about. I must not break the threads, I must not break the threads…

  He was leaning against me now, and I could tell he was naked, and his full, firm cock was resting against my ass as he bent over. Two emotions were warring within me as his belly pressed against my back - I must obey him, I must not make a sound, but I also wanted him to take me, to enter me and make me scream.

  "Good girl," he grated into my ear as he snaked a hand underneath me, grabbing one of my breasts and squeezing it somewhat harshly. I bit back a yelp. I knew he was testing me. "Nod if you remember the safe word." I nodded, my head bobbing up and down silently. I would not use the safe word tonight.

  He drew himself backwards now, and I imagined him, kneeling tall and proud above my submissive body. I knew he liked the sight, for he'd begun to grip each of my ass cheeks in his strong hands, and he was mas
saging them firmly. It felt heavenly. "Now," he started, and I nearly groaned in impatience. I wanted him to stop talking, and just fuck me. My body was on fire at this point. But I knew better than to make demands like that. He would enter me when he was ready. "I told you what you must do, but I didn't tell you your punishment for failing." My body froze at that. I didn't want to fail him. I couldn't fail him. "I'm going to do this," he said, and my body tensed, bracing for damned near anything - hot wax, ice cubes, anything. I wasn't expecting the slap though, and my body lurched forward when his hand slammed into my ass, making the flesh ripple. I saw stars. Oh God, he hit so hard, so hard…

  Miraculously, none of the threads broke when he spanked me, but a part of me almost hoped they would. His hand connecting to my ass awoke something in me. My brain processed that pain into pleasure, because it was my master giving it to me, and I wanted more. So much more.

  But I wanted to please him more, so I bit my tongue in silence, and kept my body stock still. I must not break the threads.

  He rubbed my ass where his spanked me, and I could feel the lingering ache of fresh pain where he touched me. It felt wonderful. "Good girl," he repeated, and he began to maneuver himself towards my entrance. As he dipped between the already slick folds of my vulva, I very nearly moaned, but I caught myself. Mr. Hendricks wanted silence, and silence I would give him. I knew this would be difficult, though.

  I couldn't even begin to imagine how difficult, though, or how difficult it was to keep still, as he plunged inside me. He wasn't taking it slow tonight. He started out of the gate with a bang, and he was pounding against me with all his might already. I couldn't stand it; I dipped my head downwards, pressing my face into my hands and then into the sheets as he railed me without mercy.

  I could hear my own breath, panting hot and heavy as his massive cock slipped all the way in and all the way out of me. He felt exquisite, and every touch of his body against my skin lit me afire. I loved the feeling of his hands pressing down on my ass and he stabilized himself while thrusting, the wet slap as his balls hit my drenched thighs, but most of all I loved the feeling of his cock entering me, invading me, taking what it would from me. I never wanted this to end.


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