Her Father, My Master: Mentor

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Her Father, My Master: Mentor Page 7

by Mallorie Griffin

  But he couldn't last forever. As my cunt clenched around him, he slammed himself against me, faster and faster, more and more erratically, and I knew he was about to come. He was about to come inside me. A lust-haze washed over my mind, and suddenly nothing mattered but pleasing him. I pressed myself backwards against him, willing to feel him even more deeply as I dug my elbows into the bed for better purchase. I even let out a small moan, muffled though it was by the sheets. I was so close to the edge, myself.

  Mr. Hendricks didn't have to worry about being quiet, and when he roared and crashed his hips against my ass one final time, I knew he had come, unloading all of his semen inside me. He gave a few more spasmodic jerks, and then finally came to a halt, crouching over my body and petting my hair.

  "Good girl," he said in a rasping voice between pants. "Very good girl."

  I nodded at his encouraging words, but I didn't speak. He didn't say I could, yet, and I didn't want to disappoint him. As he drew away from me and pulled out of me though, I could feel at least one of my legs was no longer restrained. I'd failed him.

  I bowed my head, feeling tears welling in my eyes as Mr. Hendricks pulled at the intact string on my other leg. I could hear his tongue tsk, clicking against the roof of his mouth. "Looks like you broke a string, my pet. You know what this means."

  I couldn't take my failure. I whispered the safe word. "Gatling."

  "What?" Mr. Hendricks was now circling around the low bed, kneeling by my head.


  "Oh my dear," he hooked a finger under my chin and lifted my head, looking deeply into my shining eyes. I felt so embarrassed, crying in front of him like this. "It's all right," he soothed, cupping my face in one hand, petting my hair and back with the other. "This is a more difficult exercise. I wasn't expecting you to do perfectly. In fact, I was counting on it."

  "You were?"

  He quirked a half-smile at my confused words. "Yes. I know how fragile girls your age can be. As I should. I want you to learn that you may not always perform perfectly, and that's all right." His smile grew into a full one, now. "After all, this means you get to receive your punishment, now." He leaned forward and kissed me deeply, his tongue invading my mouth. Then, after an agonizingly short amount of time, he pulled away, still smiling. I smiled hesitantly back at him. "Unless, of course, you don't want it." His petting hand crabbed, nails digging into my skin. "Say the safe word if you don't want to be punished, my pet."

  Sinking back into my role as his slave, I mutely shook my head. I knew I had to stay silent.

  "Good." He stood up now, and walked out of my view. "Now… one string. That's really not bad for a first time, but I'd like to get you up to keeping all strings intact. And I'm afraid this is the only way you will learn." I received no more warning than that, for his hand was crashing down against me, a burning hot iron slapping against my skin.

  I wanted to scream, but I bit my tongue instead, drawing blood. I knew I had to stay silent, but the pain was so sharp in relief on my mind. It felt so good, so right for my master to be doing this too me. I never wanted to stop.

  But he went easy on me, because it was my first time, I'm sure. 5 powerful whacks to each ass cheek, and then the punishment stopped. I almost moaned when he did. All the skin on my backside was tingling. It felt hypersensitive, and Mr. Hendricks knew it, for now he was massaging my ass roughly.

  I bit back yet another moan of pleasure as he spoke. "I'm sorry, my pet, but you just needed to be disciplined. But otherwise you performed so well tonight, so I think you should have a reward, as well. But remember, you still have to be silent, or…" His hand sharply spanked my already tender ass once again, and I buried my face in the bed, panting and moaning ever so quietly from pleasure. Every time he touched my skin there, I could feel my pleasure rise is slow, heady waves. I wondered if her could make me come from spanking alone.

  "I heard that." I could almost hear the smirk, and his hand crashed against my ass again, the other cheek this time. I clamped my mouth shut, willing myself silent against the onslaught of pleasure. "That's better," he said in reply to my silence, and then dove in.

  I gasped into the ebony sheets as his talented tongue explored me once more. I knew he was tasting both of us now as his tongue stroked up and down my slick folds, dipping inside me.

  He was merciless with this as well. I stifled scream after scream as he aggressively went after my clit, licking and pressing down on it. I knew he was trying to make me cry out, make a noise so he could punish me again. But firmly pressed together my lips, and didn't utter a single squeal, or even a moan at his intense pleasuring.

  I did however come. I couldn't stop myself, not with the way he was abusing my clit. My breaths came in shuddering gasps as my legs jerked violently, breaking the string wrapped around my other leg.

  "Oh no," my master purred after he came up for air. "It seems my pet broke another thread, in her enthusiasm. Looks like she needs more punishment, after all."

  Even though I was still recovering from my powerful climax, I felt an intense thrill crawl through my skin, but I remained silent. I had to remain silent.

  Mr. Hendricks was already rising above me again, and I braced for the exquisite pleasure of his hand against my backside. He didn't disappoint me - it came crashing down, and I bit back even more squeals and cries as he thumped against my bare, and now most likely red ass. The last remaining thread strained against my wrists, and willed it not to break as he spanked me. I had to have this one small victory.

  Finally, he decided I had enough, and ceased his attack. I obediently remained still and silent through the entire sensuous ordeal, and stayed that way, even now. Mr. Hendricks began to rub my tender ass, as he had before. It felt incredible, yet again.

  "You were very good tonight," he purred, and I knew this session was over as he came around front and broke the last thread for me. He had to, I certainly couldn't do it myself.

  He easily lifted my limp body up with one arm, and pulled me off the bed. My backside felt so delightfully sore, and I savored the sensation. I would have trouble sitting tomorrow.

  "Come on, go get yourself cleaned up. You have 15 minutes." As I made for the bathroom, he gave me one more light slap. I squealed, and broke into a run.

  I showered quickly, the question that I arrived with now burning on the tip of my tongue. My curiosity was overwhelming me, and though I was comfortable with my master, I still didn’t know why. Why did he want me, of all people?

  I exited the shower, and found him lying on the bed, reading a book. He had reading glasses on, and that somehow only made him more attractive to me.

  He looked up, and smiled slightly. I smiled back as he stood and strode over to where I was standing. “All clean?” he asked as he nuzzled my still damp neck.

  “Yes, sir.” He smiled even wider and traced a line with his hand down my shoulder and arm. “I… I have a question,” I said hesitantly. I wasn’t certain how to go about this. I didn’t know the proper etiquette for a sub, or what I could ask him. I was afraid he might even be offended by my impertinent question, but I just had to know.

  He didn’t say anything, he simply looked down at me and nodded slightly.

  The two words echoing around in my mind for weeks tumbled out of my lips, just then. “Why me?”

  He laughed his trademark low chuckled, and brought a hand up, stroking my chin with a rough thumb. “Why you? Why you, of all the people in the world, I suppose you ask yourself.” He dropped his hand and backed up, to get a better look at me, I presumed.

  “Drop your towel.” I did so immediately. “That is why.”

  “Because of my body?” I asked, perplexed.

  “In part. But more because of your obedience.” He approached me again, and our naked bodies embraced once more. “You are young, and sweet, and unmarred by other men. You’re a blank slate, and I can use that to my advantage.”

  “So, it’s not because I’m pretty, or…” I struggled to
find the right word. “Nice?” I concluded lamely.

  He laughed. “You’re wondering if you’re a good girlfriend, and I’m sure you are. But I don’t need you for that, just as you don’t need me to fulfill the role of boyfriend. We’re both something more, yet something less. I know you know this relationship is different.”

  I nodded.

  “It’s more of an exploration of both of our limits.”

  “Have you ever done this before?”

  “Would it matter if I had or hadn’t?”

  “I guess not.” He wouldn’t reveal such things to me, and I supposed it was prudent. If I knew he was an inexperienced as me, I might have less respect; my obedience might not be so blind. If I knew he had, jealousy and worry about comparing myself to his other past partners might eat away at me. We both knew I needed to maintain my innocence in as many ways as possible, to be a perfect partner for him. And so he could be a perfect partner for me.

  “Now,” he continued, picking up my towel and wrapping it around my body again. “You need to go. You have 10 minutes before Maddie gets home.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Same time, next week.” It was yet another command, one I would obey willingly.

  I didn’t want to, but I had to leave. I felt a little out of sorts as I drove home. I knew what he meant when he said this relationship was both more and less than a normal one. But I felt like I wanted more.

  Chapter 11

  The weeks passed by in the blur. Between studying for finals, my parents hassling me about college, and Mr. Hendricks, I barely had time to think. Or rather, not think.

  Mr. Hendricks continued with the thread for a few more sessions. By the third, I was able to hold still enough to not break any of the string. During the fourth session, I did nothing but kneel on his bed for 2 straight hours. I wasn’t tied up this time, I simply kneeled on that bed, in position, for 2 hours. My knees, hands, and back were aching by the end of it, but my master told me he was proud of me, that I’d passed this test, and I was so happy.

  It was the first day of May when Joey tried to approach me at my lunch table.

  The hierarchy of the group had changed drastically in the fallout of Maddie’s indiscretion. Before, I was ringleader, and Maddie my faithful sidekick, but now she’d been relegated to the edge of the table. I could barely stand the sight of her, but I knew keeping up appearances was important, if I was to continue to see her father.

  But I didn’t have to tolerate her bullshit. Jess had moved into second-in-command in Maddie’s former place, and she sat next to me. Ash and Sophie were opposite to me, and whenever there was another girl, a junior from the cheerleading squad, or one of the other girls’ friends, they would always trump Maddie’s seat.

  She was an omega now, lowest of the low, with no way to move up. I didn’t understand why she still hung around, with the way we treated her. I guessed she just desperately wanted to belong. Part of me felt sad for her. I knew that high school was difficult in that department. But then again, she shouldn’t have fucked my ex-boyfriend, if she didn’t want to deal with the aftermath.

  And now I had to deal with Joey, as well. In the past weeks, I’d been avoiding him, trying to pretend he didn’t even exist, but apparently he couldn’t just let sleeping dogs lie. He just had to talk to me. Ash was the first one who noticed him, and hissed a sharp warning at me.

  “The douche is here, at your 6.”

  I groaned. I knew I couldn’t avoid him for the rest of the school year, as much as I wanted to, and now was as good a time as ever to confront him. At least I was surrounded by my friends.

  “Hey, Krystal?” I heard his nasally, hesitant voice, and turned around in my seat.

  “I’m sorry, do I know you?”

  “That’s not funny,” his faced scrunched up unattractively as he spoke. What did I ever see in this guy? “You have to stop acting like I don’t exist, or you don’t know me.”

  “And why do I have to do that?”

  “Because I love you!”

  He’d managed to knock me for a loop. I was speechless. The girls around me giggled as I gaped at Joey. How could he possibly think that I wanted anything to do with him, after what he did to me? “What?” I wished I could think of a wittier response.

  “I…” Joey blushed beet red as he realized what he’d just said to me. “I really like you, I mean. I’m really sorry about what happened. I still want to be your boyfriend.”

  “You have got to be kidding me.”

  “No, I swear! Do you still want to go to prom? I bought the tickets and everything.”

  “Okay, this is a joke, and a bad one.” I rolled my eyes. I didn’t need this right now. I had enough stress in my life, without having this turd pine after me as well.

  “It’s not, I swear!” He was crying now, and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Everyone in the lunch room was staring at us, and I felt like a huge spotlight was placed directly above my head.

  “Well, you’re an idiot if you think I’m going to go with you, after what you put me through.”

  “You have to give me a chance!”

  I sprang to my feet now, shooting venom into his face. “No I don’t! Not after what you did to me! I can’t believe you even have to the nerve to talk to me, after all you put me through!”

  “I’m sorry, Krys, I’m sorry,” he blubbered. I looked at him disdainfully. How I could ever find… this attractive was beyond me. He was nothing like Mr. Hendricks, and I knew even if he hadn’t royally screwed things up, I’d never be satisfied with boys like him again.

  “We’re through,” I said more quietly now. “Go away.” With that said, I sat back down, and proceeded to put him on ignore again.

  “Krys, please listen to me, please.” I was so thankful for my entourage just then, as Jess stood up and got in his face now.

  “You heard her. She said she’s done with you. I think you need to stop making a scene, and go away, like she told you too.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief as I heard Joey’s footsteps. Apparently he’d given up.

  “Can you imagine the nerve of that guy?” Ash hissed, glaring around at the girls but pointedly ignoring Maddie. She sat in stony silence through the entire debacle, and she wasn’t about to make a sound now. She knew I’d rip her throat out at anything she uttered.

  “I don’t even want to think about it,” I said simply, taking a bite of my sandwich.

  “And he asked you to prom? What a dope,” Jess added as she skewered some salad.

  “Yeah. I’m not even going to that.”

  “What?” the girls said in unison, staring at me.

  I shrugged. The banalities of high school just didn’t appeal to me as much anymore. “I was just going to catch a movie, or something.”

  “But you can’t miss prom! It’s like, our birthright!” Ash exclaimed.

  “It’s just a stupid party, okay?” I didn’t want to think about this. Though it didn’t hurt as much as it used to, it still stung, the knowledge of how special this night was supposed to be. And how my own boyfriend, and my former best friend in the world had ruined it for me.

  I abruptly stood, gathering my trash. “Where are you going?” Jess asked.

  “I’m not hungry anymore, and I need to do some studying.” Which was true; final exams were coming up.

  I left the crowded cafeteria, and made for the library. I nearly jumped a foot when I heard coughing behind me. It was Maddie.

  “What do you want?” I said tersely. She was the last person I wanted to talk to right now.

  “I’m not going to prom either,” she replied. “You want to hang out that night?”

  I froze, staring back at her as the fluorescent light bounced off her sallow-looking skin. Prom was the Saturday after next. “I guess you won’t have practice, then.”

  “Of course not, why?” Maddie didn’t seem to notice my distress. I couldn’t bear the thought of not being able to see my master for two weeks, but if she
didn’t have practice, then he would cancel our session. I knew he would have to.

  I realized with a start that when school let out, our sessions might come to an end all together. I had no idea what Maddie’s schedule would be like this summer. She didn’t have a job. Theoretically she could spend all day, every day, at home. Theoretically, after mid June, I may never see Mr. Hendricks again. Or even sooner.

  I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t lose him, I just couldn’t.

  Maddie cleared her throat, bringing me out of my worries. “So?” she asked.

  “I’ll think about it,” I said shortly, and turned my back on her.

  I hated her so much. First she took my boyfriend away from me, now she was keeping me from my master. I had to find a way around this. I just had to.


  That Saturday was the Saturday before prom, and I unleashed all my worries on Mr. Hendricks. He held me, soothed me into silence in the dim light of his room.

  “It’s all right, Krys. I’ve been giving this a lot of thought as well. Obviously, you won’t be able to come over this next weekend.” I clutched at him more tightly when he said that, and he petted my hair. “It’s all right, pet.

  “I’m going to have Maddie get a job this summer. That way she’ll be out of the house some of the time. We may even be able to get more sessions in.” He smiled down at me, and I felt my heart lift. But then I thought about beyond the summer. I’d be going to college, and even the closest one was over 2 hours away.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” he said as he brushed a stray hair from my cheek. The look of pain must have been plain as day on my face. “And I have a proposal for you. You can choose to accept it, or not.”

  He put his hands on my shoulders, and pulled me gently towards the bed, sitting my down on its plush surface. My fingers clamped down on the smooth black bed sheets as he briefly entered his walk-in closet. After a few moments, he emerged, with an ominous looking black box.


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