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Her Father, My Master: Mentor

Page 10

by Mallorie Griffin

  “I know what you did. You violated our agreement, and my trust. I don’t ever want to see you again.”

  Maddie stood, confronting me. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, clutching a book close to her chest.

  “You knew exactly what I’m talking about. You thought you could just go to prom with that boy, and no one would tell me? Did you think I wouldn’t notice?”

  “You can’t tell me what to do,” Maddie said, her eyes narrowing to slits. “You’re not my master.”

  I paused, thrown off by her use of that word. Master. My mind was jolted to Mr. Hendricks for a moment. But I shook the thought off, and brought myself back to the present. “We had an agreement, and you broke it.”

  “You can’t tell me who I can see and who I can’t!”

  I crossed my arms. “You’re right, I can’t. And you’ve made your choice, so you need to get out of my sight. Now.”

  “Or else what?” Maddie sneered at me.

  Jess stood, and moved behind me. The other girls quickly followed suit. “You need to go,” Jess snapped, her hand protectively curling around my waist now.

  Maddie shrank back a bit. She could tell she was outnumbered, and no one was on her side. I hoped she realized her mistake. “Fine,” she said quietly, and gathered her lunch.

  “Don’t ever talk to me again,” I said just as quietly. Maddie didn’t reply, but I knew she heard me. As she walked away from the group, I only hoped I would never see her again.

  I couldn’t help but realize the awkwardness of my situation, though. I was the lover of my former best friend’s father. Well. Maybe. He still hadn’t contacted me, and I was terrified that I had lost him.

  “Can you believe the nerve of that girl?” Jess hissed as we sat back down around the lunch table.

  “What were you talking about with her?” I asked as I pulled my bag lunch out.

  “Oh, nothing,” Ash waved a hand as she airily spoke. “Just prom.”

  “So, you saw her there.”

  “Yeah, with Joey. It was super awkward,” Jess said.

  “No kidding,” I replied with round eyes. I didn’t want to think about it at all. I didn’t want to think about anything to do with that bitch.


  With finals looming, I didn’t have time to stress about much of anything other than how well I was going to do. Though by this point, I’d mostly written high school off, as most seniors who had college acceptance letters in hand had done. It didn’t really matter what kind of grades I got on these last tests, as long as I didn’t fail them.

  I still felt pressure from my parents to succeed though, so I spent most of my evenings studying.

  At least it distracted me from the fact that Mr. Hendricks hadn’t called. He hadn’t contacted me at all, since that last fateful Saturday. I wondered what was going through his mind, but all I could do was speculate. All I knew is that if I were him, I’d be pissed. Majorly.

  And besides, Maddie’s practices for volleyball were officially over. There was no guaranteed Saturday evening for the two of us anymore. But I just couldn’t stand to have it end this way.

  But I thought, for all intents and purposes, whatever we had was over. I was entirely prepared to spend that following Saturday night buried under a mound of ice cream.

  Which is why I was so surprised when I got that text.

  I stared blankly at my phone after it vibrated. Come to me. It was him, and he was commanding me, just as always. I felt the tiniest spark of hope. Perhaps everything was all right.

  “I’m going to Maddie’s,” I yelled at my parents as I grabbed a light jacket and immediately headed for the door. I would miss dinner, but I didn’t care. Mr. Hendricks was more important.

  Before I knew it, I was there, quaking in front of his monolithic house in the late afternoon sun. I breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed the absence of Maddie’s car. A tiny part of me was worried that he would try to reconcile the two of us. As far as I was concerned, I never wanted to see that girl again.

  “There you are,” he said sternly as I approached the door. I didn’t even need to knock. He was waiting for me. “We need to talk.”

  That was the first time I’d ever gotten that particular phrase in a relationship, and it scared me. Although, I wasn’t certain I could exactly call what Mr. Hendricks and I had a relationship. “Yes, sir,” I replied quietly, opening the storm door and stepping into the house.

  “Maddie is out with Joey.”

  “What?” I said, feeling completely thrown off. Why did he feel like I needed to know this?

  “You heard me. I’m encouraging their relationship.”

  “But… why?” Mr. Hendricks of all people knew the real story behind what the two of them did to me. Why would he do this? Why would he tell me?

  “Because, it’ll get Maddie out of the house, and we can continue to explore what we have.”

  “Oh.” My heart gave a backflip. He wanted to continue this… whatever we had.

  He sighed heavily. “I just want to be up front with you about this. I know how teenagers are. But you need to rise above your emotions, if you want to continue to see me. No petty feelings. No urges for revenge. You’re too good for that.”

  “Oh. I see.” He was still angry at me for trying to use him, I was sure of it.

  Mr. Hendricks made for the stairs, and I followed him. “I am not mad at you, you need to understand that. I know how teenagers are. I know how rampant your emotions can be.”

  “Huh?” I was more than a little confused right now. What was he getting at?

  “You need to learn to control not just your body for me, not just your mind, but your emotions as well. You need to learn to control your sadness, and your anger, or they will control you.”

  “How can I do that?” I eagerly asked, following him up the stairs now. Presumably to his room. All thoughts of his anger at me flew out of my head. I was only intensely curious about what he was speaking of.

  “Like you control any other aspect of yourself. Restrain yourself. Think before you do things.”

  I nodded. What he said made sense, but it was so difficult. “Sir?”


  “What are we going to do tonight?”

  He looked back at me, and I could see that familiar devious glitter in his eyes. He had something planned, and I could only guess as to what that was. “You’ll see. I’ve been thinking about this all week.”

  My heart gave a flutter, thumping against my ribcage nervously as we entered his room. For all I knew, he was going to do something in revenge for my childish behavior, the petty way I’d planned to use him so many weeks ago.

  The session started in the normal way. He commanded me to remove my clothes, and lay on the bed, stomach side down this time. He didn’t even need to tie me anymore. If he told me to not move, I wouldn’t move. Still, he brought out the steel handcuffs, and clapped the cold metal against my wrists and ankles.

  He was still fully clothed, when he issued his first command. “Think about something that makes you feel angry.”

  “Yes, sir,” I obediently replied, and thought immediately of Maddie. My face flushed as I remembered that fateful day, that day I caught Joey fucking her in the back of the school auditorium.

  “Are you angry, pet?”

  “Yes, sir.” I could feel adrenaline course through my veins, my rage rising as I concentrated on those thoughts.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Maddie.” My voice cracked as I spoke. I knew she was his daughter, but I just didn’t care.

  “Keep thinking about her. I’ll be back.”

  As Mr. Hendricks left the room, I obeyed. I thought about everything she’d done to me, and everything I wanted to do to her. I wanted to cut off her hair, stab her in the eyes, slit her throat for what she’d done to me. And Joey. I wanted to break his arms, cut off his dick and balls, just bash his brains in. I squirmed on the bed as these thoughts roi
led through my mind. I almost felt like I was losing control of myself, as I thought about those two.

  It must have been 15 minutes later, when Mr. Hendricks entered the room again. I was certain that he could see the tears of anger and frustration sparkling in my eyes, but he didn’t say anything.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Angry, sir,” I replied, my voice harsh with unshed sobs.

  “Good. Now, here’s the hard part. I know you won’t lie to me.” He crouched down to my eyes level as he spoke, and traced a hand up my thigh. I was so angry, I barely reacted to his touch. “I need you to feel calm.”

  I was taken aback. How could I do that, with all these angry thoughts roiling through my mind? “How, sir?”

  “Think of something soothing. Think of something calm. How do you feel?”

  I didn’t lie. “Still angry, sir.”

  He slapped me on the ass, roughly, and I bit back a squeal of pain. I knew it was coming, but it was a surprise all the same. I took a deep juddering breath, and tried to think of something that would calm me down. I immediately latched onto Flicker, and thought of petting his silky black fur, the comforting rumble of his purring on my skin. That seemed to help. I began to calm, my breathing slowed.

  “How do you feel?”


  “Good. What are you thinking about?”

  “My cat, sir.”

  “Hmm.” I watched him leave the room again. I knew I was supposed to remain calm for this portion of the session, but it was difficult. Flicker only worked to calm my thoughts for so long, before Maddie and Joey began to creep in around the edges of my mind. Why was it so difficult to focus on being calm, and so easy to focus on anger?

  When Flicker ceased to work, I tried latching onto other random thoughts. Vacationing at the beach, the waves crashing around my feet. The sand digging between my toes as I walked. The taste and texture of ice cream on my lips and mouth.

  I thought about other things as well. Hiking through the woods, laughing with friends during a stupid movie, gardening outside with my mom. I found that focusing on textures and physical sensations worked the best. The feeling of cold loam on my fingers. The harsh prickle of dried leaves against my legs.

  The feeling of Mr. Hendricks’ thick cock sliding in and out of me.

  I shuddered. That did the trick. I wasn’t exactly calm, but I wasn’t angry anymore.

  Mr. Hendricks returned, and looked down on my prone form again, his arms crossed. “How do you feel now?”

  “Horny,” I admitted.

  He laughed and spanked me again, but this time there was a decidedly erotic bent to it. “Good girl,” he murmured as he crawled on top of me, his heavy body pressing down against my back. “You need to learn to be the master of your emotions, just as I am the master of you. You can’t let them dictate your actions, because if you let your emotions lead you, you will make a mistake. Do you understand?”

  I nodded. “Yes sir.”

  “Good. I want to continue this particular exercise with you. If I send you a text, I want you to feel that emotion. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” I knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to be able to control my very emotions, as well. I didn’t know exactly why, but I had a feeling.

  “Good girl,” he whispered harshly into my ear, and thrust against my bare ass with his clothed body. Even through the jeans, I could feel the hardness of his erection. He wanted ultimate and complete control over me, and I was going to give it to him.

  “I want you to feel aroused now,” he said harshly, lifting his body up above me, finally disrobing. I couldn’t see him, but I heard the rustle of fabric, and the zipper of his pants being pulled down. Soon he was pressing down on me again, but this time he was naked. His body felt hot against me, and his rock hard cock dug in between my ass cheeks.

  “Yes, sir,” I said, my voice quavering with anticipation. This was an easy feeling – I wanted nothing more than to have him fuck me, to feel him slide inside me. My body was already trembling with need, my pussy growing slick and pulsing slightly at the thought of him impaling me. This was definitely an easy feeling.

  “Good girl,” he said, and dragged his body against mine as he worked his way downward. I shuddered. I loved the feeling of his solid, muscular body pressing down against my own feminine figure. It felt like he could break me with his presence, with a mere look, but I knew he wouldn’t.

  His rough hands slid their way down my back, rubbing over my somewhat tender ass and rested on my thighs. I was face down, spread eagle on the bed. Easy access for him, and I knew it. I desperately wanted to moan, to press my ass upwards, to vocally and physically beg for him, but I was held firm by those handcuffs. Still, I let out a groan of longing, and he didn’t discipline me for it, he only firmly rubbed my sore backside.

  “Very good girl. I want to hear how much you want me, tonight.”

  “Yes, sir,” I breathed. I’d never talked dirty before, but it was clear that this is what he wanted. “I want to feel you cock inside me, filling me up. I need that feeling so bad.”

  He chuckled, and I feel a pang of embarrassment, a flush spread through my body. I was so eager, yet I had a lot to learn. “Good girl. Dirtier.”

  “I need you to fuck me hard. I need that throbbing cock pounding at my cunt, spreading me wide. I need your dick…” I ended my second attempt with a long moan, jerking at my handcuffs, pressing my ass upwards against his hands. I didn’t care how I looked or sounded now, the only thought running through my head was my need for him.

  Mr. Hendricks answered my moan with one of his own, and I heard the creaking of the bed, and felt his thighs butt up against my spread ones. “Good girl,” he breathed, and within seconds I could feel the head of his fat cock slipping between the folds of my exposed pussy. My longing for him was near overwhelming now. I needed him so badly. I ached for him.

  And he gave himself to me. He pushed his way into my body, impaling me and burying that thick cock of his to the hilt inside me. His body crashed down on mine and he began to thrust furiously, taking me just as roughly as I’d begged him to. My legs strained at their restraints as I brought my ass up in the air as high as I could. I knew the position had to be awkward for him, but he just didn’t seem to care, he only fucked me relentlessly. And I loved every moment of it. My body was on fire with need, and his come was the only thing that could quench it. I needed my master.

  Mr. Hendricks pumped on top of me more and more erratically, and I knew that was a sign that he was going to come, and soon. His hands were now gripping my shoulders tightly, and they squeezed uncomfortably as he now bellowed and unloaded his seed inside me, filling me up once more to the brim. It was so quick.

  I just couldn’t get enough of him.

  We both lay on the bed afterwards, his body on top of mine, comforting, and protective weight. I could scarcely breathe because of it, but it didn’t matter. The physical sensation of him seemed so much more important to me than oxygen, right now.

  Our session was unfortunately short. My master didn’t know what time Maddie was getting back, and he wanted me out of the house a mere two hours after we started. It didn’t seem like nearly enough time anymore, but I couldn’t argue with him on this. He was the ultimate authority.

  He glanced out at my car on the driveway. “Next time, park down the street. Just in case.”

  I nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “Remember what you’re supposed to do when I text you.” It wasn’t a question, but an order.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl.”

  When I arrived home, I took the college letter, and buried underneath a pile of old schoolwork. My mind was made up.

  Chapter 15

  Throughout the week, I got a multitude of texts; more than I thought I would. And it always followed a certain pattern. My master would instruct me to feel some volatile, easy emotion, something effortless to turn on in my brain, and then 15 minutes late
r, he would instruct me to feel something far more subtle, and difficult. He was trying to get me to control my emotions with an iron will, and it was hard.

  There were some emotions that I felt were supremely easy to feel, and manage. Happiness and excitement were chief among those emotions. Some were easy to feel, but difficult to turn off. Anger, jealousy, rage, frustration. All I had to do was think about that bitch Maddie, or Joey, and those feelings would come pouring out of my brain.

  But when he asked me to feel calmness after 15 minutes of thinking about them, I would have trouble. My mind would keep wandering back to those two. How I hated them. They fucked my life up weeks ago, and they continued to haunt me, even though I wanted nothing more to do with them.

  Maddie was officially and utterly excised from my lunch group. I sometimes saw her across the cafeteria, or in my classes. She’d found a new crowd to hang out with. Actually, not a new crowd; she simply hung out with her volleyball friends far more than she used to.

  In addition to all these pressures that new social dynamics and my master were putting on me, finals were also looming, and my parents were both harassing me in unison to do well on them.

  “Just remember, if you do really poorly, the University of Virginia can and will revoke its acceptance of you,” my dad sternly told me one night. That was the college I’d told them I was going to. The letter actually was still sitting on my dresser, buried under that stack of schoolwork. With every day that passed, my resolve only grew stronger. I needed my master.

  “I know dad.” It was getting harder and harder to suppress my frustration and sarcasm at my parents these days. They were being so overbearing and obnoxious, and I had no idea why. Just then, my phone vibrated.

  “Who’s that?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Probably Maddie.” In truth, it was probably my master, commanding me to feel a different emotion. Or perhaps telling me to meditate. He’d taken to ordering me to meditate for one hour at a time in the evenings. At first I found in unbearable, but now… well, I still found it unbearable. But I would do anything to please him.


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