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The Forgotten Empire: Earth Ascendant: Book Two

Page 10

by Raymond L. Weil

  Chapter Eight

  Kalar had found some suitable quarters for his family. He had tossed out all the Lamothian furniture and other items and replaced them with some blankets and a makeshift mattress. Unfortunately the only food they had was the same gruel they had been fed earlier. There was plenty of water, so at least they could bathe and drink their fill.

  “What’ll happen to us?” asked Anna. She was breastfeeding their daughter.

  “I don’t know,” replied Kalar. He needed to talk to Razam and see what his plans were.

  “Who destroyed those Lamothian ships and the station? They must be very powerful to attack a Confederation system.”

  Kalar shook his head. “We don’t know. The ship didn’t show up on the sensors, and, from the size of the explosions, they possess antimatter weapons.”

  Anna’s face turned pale. “Antimatter? Could it have been another Confederation world? No one outside the Confederation has antimatter weapons.”

  “There’s no way to know. We’ve left the Lamothian system far behind.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Back to Human space. We’ll try to hide on one of our own worlds.”

  “Do you think we’ll be safe there?”

  “Maybe, we’ll just have to be careful which world we choose to hide on.”

  “We need to tell our people what’s happening to the Humans being sent to the Confederation. We must bring this horrible travesty to a stop. I can’t believe the Lamothians consider Humans to be a food source.”

  Kalar nodded. “We’ll spread the word once we get back. I’m afraid it’ll cause a lot of problems.”

  Kalar was uncertain what would happen. That resistance to turning young people over to the Druins would intensify was certain. What was uncertain was what the Druin reaction would be. The Druins seemed to enjoy dropping fusion and antimatter weapons on Human cities when they were disobeyed.


  The Destiny followed the fleeing cargo ship. They were not the only ones, as the ship’s sensors detected six Lamothian battlecruisers and a battleship in pursuit as well. They were right behind the Destiny, or they wouldn’t have been able to detect them.

  “How will we do this?” asked Lieutenant Commander Banora. Audrey sat at her console, monitoring the situation.

  Derrick took a few moments to study the tactical display. “The cargo ship seems to be heading out of the Confederation and toward Human space. It did take some weapons fire in its escape, and we don’t know how badly it’s damaged. As for those Lamothian ships, we don’t have the firepower to take them on in a head-to-head battle.”

  “Then what can we do?”

  “We call in our reinforcements. Once we clear Confederation space, we’ll send a message to Rear Admiral Leeson to bring his task group. His ships should be able to handle the Lamothian warships following us.”

  Audrey looked back at the tactical display. “It’ll take us days to clear Confederation space. I hope that cargo ship can stay together for that length of time.”

  “So do I,” replied Derrick. If the cargo ship looked as if it would not make it, he would take the risk and call in Rear Admiral Leeson earlier.

  Derrick looked at the tactical display again and the small green icon they followed. He wondered what the conditions on that cargo ship were like. They couldn’t be good. He just hoped he could rescue those Humans. After what they had been through, they deserved to escape and to be taken where they would be safe. That safe place would be Pallas or Earth.


  The Great Council of the Confederation was meeting. Disturbing information had been received from one of the Lamothian worlds. A cargo ship of Humans had escaped, and, even more worrisome, Lamothian warships had been destroyed by an unknown enemy armed with antimatter weapons.

  “What do we know of this new enemy?” asked the Lormallian representative. “Where do they come from?”

  “Unknown,” answered the Druin representative. “We know of no other race that possesses antimatter weapons and such stealth systems as this ship demonstrated.”

  “Did not Admiral Kreen report that he encountered such a ship in years past?”

  The Druin slowly nodded his head. “Yes, as well as five strange cargo ships that had the same stealth ability. He believes these Humans have a base just outside of Human space or possibly on Earth.”

  “What is Earth?” asked the Zynth representative. “I have never heard of it.”

  The Druin drew himself up to his full height. “When we first conquered the Human Empire, we banished some of the Royal Court, as well as some military officers, to Earth. Earth is a primitive Human world in the far reaches of the Bacchus Region.”

  “The Druins emplaced an interdiction system around the system as well as constructed eight AI battlestations equipped with attack drones,” explained the Lormallian. “The AIs send yearly reports on the condition of the system and its Humans. There is no indication of any threat. They do not have a viable FTL system.”

  “This ship came from somewhere,” said the Lamothian. “We lost a number of our warships, as well as one of our primary space stations. Thousands of Humans to be feasted on were lost as well.”

  “The Humans can be replaced,” replied the Druin representative. “I will order it done immediately. Admiral Kreen is currently on his way to Earth with his fleet. If it is the source of this threat, he will eliminate it.”

  “I would suggest we double the number of warships we have currently assigned to patrol Human space,” said the Zynth representative. “We must find the base this warship came from, if it is not Earth. We must also find the missing cargo ship.”

  “We have warships following the cargo ship,” replied the Lamothian. “As soon as it drops from hyperspace, we will disable it and take it back under our control.”

  “This is a worrisome development,” said the Morphene representative. The Morphenes resembled giant amoebas and had no true form. Their form was constantly shifting. “We must stay on top of this. Never have we faced a race with antimatter weapons. I would suggest we increase the alert level throughout the Confederation.”


  After another few hours of debate, the Great Council meeting came to an end. Several decisions had been reached. The number of ships patrolling Human space would be doubled. All Confederation worlds would keep a more vigilant watch for any more of these mysterious ships. The Druin representative would report back to the council as soon as Admiral Kreen reported what he found at Earth.


  Time passed on board the cargo ship. The Humans on board were learning more and more about how to operate the vessel. Of great concern was the fact the hyperspace drive seemed to be out of sync and was making a louder humming noise every day. Also a slight vibration could be felt throughout the ship.

  Kalar was in the Control Center when he saw a light flashing on one of the consoles. “What’s that?”

  Razam frowned. “The communications console. We’ve left it alone. We have no desire to speak to any of the Confederation races.”

  Kalar stepped closer to the console. “Have you considered that whoever is trying to contact us is from the ship that attacked the Lamothians?”

  “What if it isn’t?”

  Kalar shrugged his shoulders. “We don’t have to respond. All we have to do is listen.”

  “We’re nearly out of the Confederation,” commented Andar, who was navigating the ship. “We’ll be clear in another few hours.”

  “Press that third button from the right,” instructed Kalar. “That will put whoever is trying to contact us on the speakers.”

  Andar shook his head. “I think you will be disappointed. It’s probably the Lamothians, demanding we return.”

  Kalar pressed the button and was surprised when a male Human voice spoke. “This is Andrew Wilcox aboard the Destiny. We are the warship that helped you in the Lamothian system. We are Humans, like you. We would like to set up a rendezvous to move your peopl
e from the cargo ship to ours. We have a place of safety you can be taken to.” The message paused and then repeated itself.

  “The message is on a loop,” said Razam, with shocked surprise on his face.

  Kalar looked at Razam. “Should we respond?”

  “What if it’s a trick by the Lamothians to get us to drop out of hyperspace?”

  “We’ll shortly drop out anyway,” replied the woman sitting in front of the engineering console. “The ship’s drive system is just barely keeping us in hyperspace. We won’t make Human space before it kicks us out.”

  Razam let out a deep breath. “Press that smaller green button and hold it down. That will allow you to send a short-range message.”

  Kalar did as Razam instructed and spoke into the microphone built into the console. “This is Kalar Arden aboard the cargo ship. Can you hear me?”

  Almost instantly an excited voice came back. “This is Andrew Wilcox on board the Destiny. We have been trying to contact you for days.”

  Kalar looked at Razam and then answered. “We were afraid it was the Lamothians. How do we know that you’re really Human and this isn’t a trick to get us to drop out of hyperspace?”

  There was silence for a moment, and then Andrew replied. “Our sensors indicate your hyperspace drive is about to fail. Our engineer believes it will function for another eight to ten hours. At that time you will be out of Confederation space. However, you are being pursued by six Lamothian battlecruisers and a battleship.”

  Kalar felt as if he had been punched in the gut. “Can you destroy them?”

  “No, they will have their energy shields up. In a head-to-head battle we would lose.”

  “Then what are we to do?”

  “I’ll give you the coordinates of a star system about seven hours from our current location. Your ship and mine will drop out of hyperspace and we’ll begin transferring your people to the Destiny.”

  “What if the Lamothian warships show up?”

  “We’re almost certain they will before we can finish the crew transfer. However, we have summoned some help. If they can arrive in time, they should be able to handle the Lamothians.”

  Kalar looked at Razam. “What do you want to do?”

  “I don’t think we have any choice. Either they are who they say they are or we’re finished. Get the coordinates, and tell them we’ll meet them there.”

  “What if they are the Lamothians?”

  “Then I’ll crash the ship into a planet. I’m not going back to be eaten.” Everyone else in the Control Center nodded their heads in agreement.

  Kalar spoke into the comm and soon had the coordinates. Now all they could do was wait and see what would happen.


  Seven hours later the cargo ship dropped from hyperspace. When it did so, the hyperdrive glowed brightly, and sparks flew. The low hum normally associated with the drive rose to a fevered pitch and then faded away completely. The smell of burned wiring and components pervaded Engineering.

  “Hyperdrive is down,” reported Caria, in front of the engineering console. “It’s not coming back up. Wherever we are is where we’re staying.”

  Kalar and Razam looked at one another.

  “Let’s hope we made the right decision,” said Razam. “Are we detecting anything on the sensors?”

  The sensor operator shook his head. “No, nothing.”

  “Then we wait,” said Razam, leaning back in his command chair and hoping for the best.


  The Destiny dropped from hyperspace a few thousand kilometers from the cargo ship. The system they were in held a K class star with three planets in close orbit. The Destiny and the cargo ship were well out past the orbit of the third planet.

  “Drop the stealth fields so they can see us,” ordered Derrick. “Andrew, see if you can raise them on the comm.”


  “This is the Destiny to the cargo ship. We’re two thousand kilometers from you and will be arriving shortly.”

  “This is the cargo ship,” answered Kalar.

  “I’m picking them up on the sensors now,” reported the sensor operator. “I’m putting up a visual on the viewscreen.”

  “That ship can’t exist,” said Razam, staring at the single large viewscreen. “It’s an Imperial warship, and none still survive.”

  Andar shook his head. “Well, that looks like one to me. I say we take our chances.”

  Razam knew they had no other choice. “Kalar, inform that ship we’ll hold our position and will wait for them to dock with us. Tell them we have sixty-eight Human refugees on board.”

  Kalar did as told and then turned back toward Razam. “They’ll be alongside shortly. We’re to be ready to disembark the ship, as they are expecting Lamothian warships to appear at any time.”

  “Let’s get everyone gathered up and to the main airlock. Make sure they know that getting quickly on board the other ship is a priority. I’ll stay here and watch the Control Center until the last minute.”

  As Kalar turned to go get Anna and their daughter, Razam had one more thing to say. “Don’t leave without me.”


  The Destiny moved closer to the cargo ship and then carefully maneuvered until the docking ports were lined up.

  “Ready to dock,” reported Lieutenant Viktor.

  “Our Marines are standing by at the airlock,” reported Audrey. “We’ll be crowded with sixty-eight more people on board.”

  Derrick was aware of that. “We will transfer most of them to one of our battlecruisers once Rear Admiral Leeson arrives.”

  “How soon will that be?”

  Derrick quickly checked the time. “In another thirty minutes or so.”

  “What about the Lamothians?”

  “Ten to fifteen minutes,” answered Nower. “I have them on the short-range sensors, and they’re coming fast. I’m certain they are now detecting the cargo ship and the Destiny.”

  “We have a secure dock,” reported Lieutenant Viktor. “We can start loading the refugees anytime.”

  This was what Derrick had waited for. “Open the hatch and inform Sergeant Bright to get then on board as quickly as possible. Andrew, see if you can raise Rear Admiral Leeson.”


  “Message coming in from the Destiny,” the communications officer on the Titan reported. “They have dropped out of hyperspace and are loading the Human refugees from the cargo ship. They have Lamothian warships showing on their short-range sensors.”

  “Damn!” uttered Leeson with a steep frown. “Can we get there before the Lamothians do?”

  “No,” answered the navigation officer. “They’ll beat us by a good fifteen minutes.”

  The task group was going as fast as it could through hyperspace. Nothing else could be done. “Inform Captain Masters we’ll be there in thirty minutes. That’s the best we can do.”

  Rear Admiral Leeson leaned back in his command chair. He gazed at the tactical display, which now showed their target star system. Two small green icons were revealed there. He just hoped his fleet reached them in time.


  The loading was nearly complete. The Marines showed the newcomers where to go. All of the guest quarters were filled to overflowing, and the corridors had people in them as well.

  “Just a few more,” reported Audrey. Her gaze was glued to the tactical display. The Lamothian ships were almost on top of them. They would be coming out of hyperspace at any moment.

  “Lieutenant Breen, target the Lamothians as soon as they drop out of hyperspace,” ordered Derrick. “Maybe, with a little luck, we’ll get a couple of them.”

  The door to the Command Center opened, and one of the Marines entered, escorting two Humans. Just from their clothes alone, it was obvious these two men were some of the refugees.

  “I’m Razam, and this is Kalar,” announced the taller one. “We’re the two you have been talking to over the comm.”

  “I’m Captain Masters. Welcome to the Imperial ligh
t cruiser Destiny.”

  Razam and Kalar both looked confused. “Where did you get an actual Imperial vessel from?” asked Razam.

  Derrick grinned. “It’s a long story. Right now we need to figure out how to survive until our other ships get here.”

  “Other ships?”

  Derrick nodded. “Yes, a task force is close by that’s nearly here. The only problem is, the Lamothians will get here first.”

  An alarm suddenly sounded on the tactical console.

  “They’re here,” announced Lieutenant Nower. “They’re twenty-three thousand kilometers distant and closing fast.” On the tactical display, seven glaring red threat icons appeared, all heading toward the Destiny and the cargo ship. They were out of weapons range, so taking a few of them out before their systems fully stabilized was now no longer a possibility.

  “Sergeant Bright, how soon before the transfer of the refugees is complete?”

  “It’s done. We’re shutting the hatches now.”

  “Lieutenant Viktor, as soon as the hatch indicator shows closed, disconnect us from the cargo ship and make the transition into hyperspace.” Just maybe they could get away before the Lamothians reached weapons range.

  “Captain, they’re nearly within weapons range,” warned Audrey.

  As the Destiny pulling away from the cargo ship, an energy beam shot out from the Lamothian battleship, striking near Engineering. The ship shook violently, throwing many of the refugees to the deck. Alarms began sounding, and red lights began flashing.

  “Energy shield is coming up,” reported Lieutenant Breen. The shield had been down while they were docked to the cargo ship.

  “We took a hit near Engineering,” reported Audrey, as she listened to her comm. “The Chief Engineer is reporting the hyperdrive is down.”

  “Damn!” uttered Derrick. “Lieutenant Breen, return fire. Use all weapons available. We need to buy time for Rear Admiral Leeson to get here. Audrey, how bad is the damage?”

  “We have a ten-meter hole in our hull, and it goes through six decks. All of the affected compartments have been sealed off. We have crewmembers trapped in some areas.”


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