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The Forgotten Empire: Earth Ascendant: Book Two

Page 15

by Raymond L. Weil

  Derrick shrugged his shoulders. He didn’t know the answer to that question. “They consider Humans to be an exotic food.”

  High Princess Layla stood and took several steps around her quarters before she turned to face Derrick. “We must bring this travesty to a stop. Every day we delay the attack on the Druins to free the Empire, more of our people are being harvested to become food. I will not allow that to continue. How soon can we launch a major attack?”

  “The attack is planned four months from now. We need to finish some defenses here in the Solar System and building several new types of ships. Also we have a computer programmer from Earth who has developed a computer virus she says will shut down the Confederation warships.”

  “A virus?” said Krista, looking stunned. “Aren’t computer viruses outlawed in the Confederation and upon all worlds that we know of?”

  Derrick nodded. “Yes, they are. We feel fairly certain the Confederation has firewalls to prevent the use of any computer viruses there. But, as of now, their ships are not equipped with those protective firewalls. Linda Martin—she’s the computer programmer from Earth—believes, once we use this virus, the Confederation will quickly place the necessary firewalls on all their warships to protect them.”

  High Princess Layla looked thoughtful. “So this is a weapon we can only use once or twice before it becomes ineffective.”

  “Yes, Princess,” replied Derrick.

  “What if we use our fleets to infect the entire Druin fleet in the Empire at the same time? Is that possible?”

  Derrick was surprised at the question. “I suppose it’s possible. It would take some coordination. Once word of the first virus attack reaches the Confederation, they will send the necessary firewalls to the ships using hyperlight transmission.”

  High Princess Layla slowly nodded her head. “If we can destroy the Druin ships currently in the Empire, we will bring the harvest of our people to an instant stop. Once I tell them of the horrible injustice that has been done to the people of the Empire, they will rally to our cause and will become part of the war effort. In time we will make the entire Confederation pay for what they have orchestrated.”

  The Princess squared her shoulders and looked directly at Derrick. “For the time being, you are my military advisor. Can you make arrangements for me to address the Imperial Council this afternoon?”

  “Yes, High Princess,” replied Derrick.

  High Princess Layla looked startled. “In private, I want you to call me Layla, and I’ll call you Derrick. Is that permissible?”

  Derrick nodded. “Yes.” Derrick knew it would take him a while to actually use her first name. “I’ll make the arrangements for you to meet the council.” One other thing Derrick would make sure of. The viewing stands would be packed with Imperials from the Human Empire who had been in cryo since they arrived on Pallas over one thousand years ago. They would know how a Royal Princess should be treated.

  Later That Afternoon

  Derrick and the two Princesses headed to the council meeting. Six Imperial Guards who had been in cryo acted as escorts and wore the correct uniforms as well as the purple capes that designated their esteemed duty to the protection of the Royal Family. Even Derrick wore a cape, as he would be acting as High Princess Layla’s military advisor.

  “How do you think they’ll react?” asked Layla.

  “Not well, Princess,” replied Derrick. “They have been in charge for a very long time, though their terms of service are limited to five years.”

  Layla smiled. “I’ll try to let them down gently.”

  They reached the ornate entrance of the council chamber with the large starburst on a background of stars on the doors, the insignia of the Human Empire. High Princess Layla looked approvingly at the insignia. She hoped it was a good sign for what was ahead.

  Captain Averson, the captain in charge of the Imperial guard detail, opened the door and paused. He waited until he had the full attention of everyone in the room. Then he spoke in a loud and commanding voice. “High Princess Layla Starguard, the hereditary ruler of the Human Empire, and her cousin, the Princess Krista Starguard, second in line to the throne.”

  Immediately in the background, the Imperial March, the anthem for the Human Empire, began playing. All of the Imperials in the viewing stands instantly stood, as well as two of the councilors who were original Imperials and who had been in stasis for over one thousand years. The other councilors looked around in surprise and slowly stood as well.

  Princess Layla made her entrance and paused. She looked around the council chambers and smiled at the Imperials in the viewing stands. She then turned to Captain Averson. “I don’t see an appropriate chair for myself and Princess Krista.” Both Princesses wore gowns with a short train, as was appropriate wear for the Imperial Court.

  The captain nodded and spoke briefly to two Imperial guards. This had been expected. The guards left and returned quickly with two large high-backed chairs with purple cushions on the seats. The chairs were quickly taken and placed behind Head Councilor Drew Tristan.

  Princess Layla and her entourage than moved to the newly placed chairs, with Princess Layla sitting down, and everyone else still standing.

  “You may sit down,” she said in a pleasant but firm voice.

  Everyone took a seat, unsure of what would happen next. Head Councilor Drew Tristan had to turn around to see the Princess.

  High Princess Layla took a moment to allow her gaze to drift over the council. She took another moment to smile at the Imperials in the viewing stands. “I am the High Princess Layla Starguard, hereditary ruler of the Human Empire and all its citizens. With me today is my cousin, Krista Starguard, who is second in line to the throne. Rear Admiral Derrick Masters will be acting as my military advisor, and Captain Averson is in charge of the Royal Guards.” Layla then nodded to Derrick. They had rehearsed how all this would go. It was vital that everyone realized early on that High Princess Layla was now in charge.

  “I am acting as the High Princess’s military advisor. I have already informed her of what has happened in the Human Empire, as well as our foray into the Confederation. I have shown her videos of what is happening to the Humans who are being taken to the Confederation, as well as the battle with the Druins that occurred in this star system. She has also been made aware of our current fleet strength, as well as what our future plans are to free the Empire from the Druins and the Confederation.” Derrick then returned to the right side of Princess Layla.

  “I am pleased with what has been accomplished here at Pallas,” began Layla. “Project Exodus was my brother’s plan to ensure that, if our Empire was to fall, that someday it could be restored. I also want to take this time to recognize Earth as an independent Human world, not under the rule of the Empire. At a future time, if Earth so desires, it will be allowed to petition to join. There are many benefits to being a member world of the Human Empire. I would now like the Imperial Council to brief me on what is currently occurring in this Solar System and what its plans are for the war. Head Councilor Tristan, if you would begin.” Just like that High Princess Layla Starguard had laid her claim to absolute authority over the Imperials in the Solar System.

  Head Councilor Tristan stood and bowed to the High Princess. He knew a new era had begun with the awakening of the last two survivors of the Royal Line. He also knew the High Princess had been trained all her life to take command over the entire Human Empire. He strongly suspected it would be wise of him to recognize that.


  For the next several hours the various councilors explained to the High Princess what had occurred in the past in the Solar System and what their ultimate plans were. Occasionally Layla would stop them and request more detailed information. In the past she had sat in on many of her father’s meetings in the Royal Court and with his military advisors, so she knew the types of questions that needed to be asked and clarified.

  Finally Layla felt she had heard enough for today. She sto
od and addressed the council and the Imperials in the viewing stands. “I want to thank everyone for your patience today in explaining what has been occurring on Pallas and in the Solar System. It sounds as if everyone has done a fine job of preparing this system for war against the Druins and the Confederation. One thing I would caution you about. Don’t underestimate the Confederation and their reaction when they realize the true threat this star system represents. My father and his advisors made that mistake, and it resulted in the fall of the Empire. I do not intend to allow that to happen a second time.” Layla then nodded at Captain Averson.

  “This meeting of the Royal Court is now over,” announced Captain Averson. “Feel free to stay and to discuss items of interest among yourselves. The High Princess will be available tomorrow, if anyone has questions for her to answer.”

  With that, the Royal Guards and Rear Admiral Masters escorted High Princess Layla and Princess Krista out of the council chambers, shutting the doors behind them.

  “How do you think I did?” asked Layla, looking at Derrick. “Did I come on too strong?”

  Derrick shook his head. “No, if we want to reestablish the Royal Line as the true rulers of the Empire, you did just fine. It helps that we have two original Imperials actually on the council.”

  Layla nodded. She had tried not to lay it on too thick. “Would you like to join Krista and me for the evening meal?”

  Derrick was surprised by the offer. “I would be delighted to.”

  “Informal,” added Krista, grinning. “I don’t like sitting around all the time in these gowns.”


  Later Layla and Krista were in their quarters. They were quite lavish and very similar to what they had enjoyed back in the Royal Palace. Also several former Palace attendants were in quarters next door, who could be called upon when needed. Layla was quite impressed by what had been done for the two Princesses.

  “Did you see the videos of what the Imperial Palace looks like now?” asked Krista. She sat on a comfortable couch, sipping an iced tea.

  Layla nodded. “It was depressing seeing how much it has fallen into ruin. Once we free the Empire, it needs to be rebuilt to its former glory. The Palace is a house of the people of the Empire and represents our freedom and power.”

  “What did you think of the Imperial Council?”

  Layla laughed, as she sat across from Krista. “They seemed decent enough. It’s just been a long time since any of them had to answer to a member of the Royal Family. I actually think the council can be very useful. We had a number of councils made up of members of the House of Worlds that served various useful purposes. We must remember that, while the Royal Family is a constitutional monarchy, we serve the will of the people.”

  A sly smile crossed Krista’s face. “What do you think of Rear Admiral Masters?”

  Layla’s face turned a little bit red. She really liked the dashing fleet officer. His dark hair and tan features reminded her a lot of Aiden. “He seems very talented and has been very supportive of us. I enjoy being in his company.”

  “He’s good-looking too,” said Krista, grinning. “I suspect we’ll see a lot of him.”

  “Maybe,” replied Layla. She knew Krista was very good at reading her innermost feelings.

  Krista stood and looked at Layla. “What should we have for the evening meal? Do you want something simple or lavish?”

  “In between,” replied Layla. “No fancy china or anything like that is necessary. I just want a nice relaxing evening, where we don’t have to act like Princesses.”

  Krista nodded. “I can relate to that. I’ll go speak to the attendants and see what I can arrange. Do you want them to serve the meal, or should we?”

  “We will,” answered Layla. “I don’t want it to appear we can’t do anything on our own.”


  Rear Admiral Derrick Masters had just finished dressing for his expected evening meal with the Princesses. He wore a simple admiral’s uniform, such as he would wear on board ship. A knock came on his door, and, opening it, he found Ensign Allert standing there, a big smile on her face.

  “Big plans for tonight?”

  Derrick indicated for Brenda to come in. “Evening meal with the Princesses.”

  Brenda stopped and examined Derrick’s uniform approvingly. “You’re dressed right. Nothing fancy and not too many medals.”

  Derrick sat and looked at Brenda. “How well do you think the Princesses are settling in?”

  “Fine,” answered Brenda. “They’re adapting very quickly. I watched the council meeting today. It was broadcast throughout all of Pallas. The Princesses seem to be very popular.”

  “That’s good. Our people are used to the Imperial Council ruling. It’ll be a little different with the Princesses.”

  Brenda laughed. “I can’t wait for the first Royal Ball.”

  Derrick sighed. “I guess I better brush up on my dance moves.”

  “If you need someone to help you, I’m available. I used to be a pretty good dancer.”

  Smiling, Derrick nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Does Princess Layla know how you feel about her?”

  Derrick was startled by the question and then slowly shook his head. “No, I’ll just wait and see what happens. She may never consider me for such a relationship.”

  “She’s a fool if she doesn’t,” replied Brenda as she stood. “I better get going. I have a date tonight with a certain Lieutenant off the battlecruiser Centauri.”

  Derrick had to smile. Brenda was someone who was very outgoing and always laughing. “Have fun.”

  Brenda paused as she prepared to leave. “Any word on our new ship yet?”

  “Not yet. I’m meeting with Admiral Reynolds tomorrow afternoon to discuss it. Maybe I’ll know more then.”


  Layla had just finished dressing for the evening meal. She had decided on a simple sundress as appropriate. Nothing fancy but still comfortable. It showed just a slight amount of cleavage but not enough to be too revealing.

  “That looks nice,” commented Krista. She was dressed similarly, except her dress was much shorter. Krista had always been the more risqué dresser.

  “Is the food ready?”

  Krista nodded. “It’s in the warmer. We can serve it whenever.”

  “What do we have to drink?”

  “I choose an Earth wine. They have several that taste very nice and are similar to what we had on Golan Four.”

  A thoughtful look passed over Layla’s face. “We need to plan a trip to Earth to meet their leaders. Particularly since they will be involved in the war.”

  “That can wait. We need to establish ourselves here first before we make the trip to Earth. I have to admit though, being out in the open, where you can see the blue sky, sounds wonderful.”

  “I saw some pictures of Earth. It’s 70 percent water with huge oceans. It looks very similar to Golan Four.”

  Krista grinned. “When we go, we’ll have to arrange for a tour of the planet. I would love to walk in the sand next to an ocean. I used to love hearing the ocean waves on the shoreline.”

  Layla looked at the time. It was nearly time for Rear Admiral Masters to arrive. Layla hoped everything went well tonight. She owed a lot to the rear admiral. She also very much enjoyed his company.


  Derrick arrived at the Royal Quarters, where an Imperial Guard stood. Upon seeing Derrick, he knocked on the door and announced his presence. The guard then opened the door and indicated for Derrick to enter. Going inside, he found Krista waiting for him.

  “You look beautiful as usual,” Derrick said, with a slight bow.

  Krista giggled and smiled. “I’m so glad we can be ourselves around you. You have no idea how hard it is to be a Princess and to do everything expected of us.”

  “I can imagine.”

  “If you will come with me, Layla is waiting in the dining room. She’s busy getting the food out of the warmer. I just hope sh
e doesn’t drop anything. She seems unusually nervous.”

  “Nervous? Why?”

  “That you will have to figure out yourself.”

  Derrick wondered what Krista meant by that remark, as they walked through the expansive Royal Quarters to the formal dining room with a large ornate table, easily capable of seating twenty people. However, for tonight, only three places were set on one end.

  “You’re supposed to sit at the head of the table,” explained Krista. “This is very informal tonight, and we just want to enjoy a nice relaxing evening. After all,” Krista said with a smile, “it’s been over one thousand years since we’ve done this.”

  Layla came in, carrying several dishes of food. She smiled upon seeing Derrick. “I’m so glad you’re here. Krista and I both have some questions for you about today’s proceedings in the council. We wish your advice on what to do next. We also wish to just spend some time being ourselves.”

  “You have no idea,” said Krista. “Our parents expected us to be proper Princesses at all times. I’m just glad that Layla and I had each other, or I don’t know what we would have done.”

  “Don’t forget about Aiden,” said Layla. “He was always getting us into trouble when we were younger.”

  Krista went to get more of the prepared food, leaving Layla alone with Derrick. “I hope you don’t feel too uncomfortable being around us.”

  “I feel fine. After all, we spent over four weeks together on the Destiny when we were traveling to Pallas.”

  Layla sat, indicting for Derrick to do the same. “It’s just hard to accept that over one thousand years has passed. I couldn’t believe the condition of the Imperial Palace. Do you know if the Imperial Library survived?”

  “I believe it did,” answered Derrick. “At least that’s what I’ve been told.”

  Krista came in, carrying two more plates, heaping full of food. “I hope the two of you are hungry. I think the cook got carried away.”


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