The Forgotten Empire: Earth Ascendant: Book Two

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The Forgotten Empire: Earth Ascendant: Book Two Page 30

by Raymond L. Weil

  “I think that’s our cue to go to the sitting room,” said Krista, grinning.

  Both Krista and Brenda left, going into the next room, leaving Derrick and Layla alone.

  Derrick put his arm around Layla, pulling her closer. He bent his head and kissed her gently on the lips.

  Layla laughed. “I think we’ve known each other long enough that we can share a better kiss than that.” With that, Layla leaned forward and kissed Derrick passionately. It was a long kiss, and, when it stopped, both were breathing heavily.

  “We definitely don’t want Emira walking in and catching us doing that,” teased Derrick.

  “Emira knows a lot more than she lets on, and I think she approves of you.” Leaning forward, Layla kissed Derrick again. Relaxing on the sofa, she smiled. “Maybe someday we’ll do a lot more.”

  Derrick grinned. “Don’t forget. You’re a Royal Princess first and foremost.”

  “Maybe so, but I’m still a woman, and a woman has needs, like everyone else, even if she is a Princess.”

  For the next hour or so the two sat talking about their future and what they would like to see happen in the Empire. Both had big plans, and they both realized they would do them together.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Cheryl was in her yacht, the Princess Haven, and was on her way to the Empire. With her were her two escort ships and one battlecruiser.

  “You really should contact Admiral Cleemorl and tell him you’re coming,” suggested Captain Bryan. Over the last few weeks Bryan had nearly become a father figure to Cheryl. He did everything he could to look after her.

  “I don’t want to worry him,” replied Cheryl. “I’ll contact him when my business in the Empire is finished. It should only take me a few days.” Cheryl knew Dylan would not be happy with this, so she would have to find some way to make it up to him. She already had a few ideas along that line of several things he really enjoyed, and she might have to do all of them to make up for this.

  Captain Bryan shook his head, his hair was turning slightly gray around the edges. “He’s bound to contact you before we reach the Empire. What will you say?”

  Cheryl let out a long sigh. “I know. But he will forgive me once I’m done taking care of my business.”

  If everything went as expected, Cheryl could do all she needed in just a couple of days, four at the most. Then she would set a course for Golan Four to meet up with Dylan. As soon as she was on her way to the core worlds, she would contact Dylan and tell him that she would be arriving shortly.

  “Where are we going first?” asked Bryan.

  Taking a deep breath, she turned to face the captain. “Highland Station. I have a number of businesses there, and I left some competent people in charge. From there we have a few other star systems to travel to before we can set a course for Golan Four.”

  “Highland Station,” repeated Bryan with a deep frown. “They may not be too happy to see you.”

  “They’ll like my money,” replied Cheryl. “A few greased palms and we will be allowed to go anywhere we want. I once had a very nice home in the civilian sector, and I also want to collect some personnel belongings while we’re there.” Before she had left with Dylan, she had arranged for many of her possessions to be put into storage.

  “It will be another two weeks before we reach the Ridge Star Cluster.”

  Cheryl nodded. She was curious as to how her investments on Highland Station had fared, as well as others she had in several nearby star systems. If everything worked out as she hoped, she should be very rich. It would allow her and Dylan to do whatever they wanted anywhere in the Empire. She only hoped he would approve.


  Admiral Cleemorl was currently in the small star cluster that contained the Vortex Worlds, named that due to the spiral shape of the cluster. Seven heavily populated worlds were in the cluster, including Jalot Four, which had bent over backward to accommodate the Confederation in sending its young people to work on Confederation worlds. Since the revelation of what had occurred to those young people, the entire government had been voted out of office.

  Admiral Cleemorl was currently meeting with the new Jalot Four Governor Lindsay Littrel, discussing the future of the Empire.

  “We’re a long way from the core worlds,” said Lindsay regretfully. “We have no fleet and no way to defend ourselves. We only have one resistance base, and it’s a small one.”

  “If your worlds will join in the fight against the Confederation, I will keep part of my fleet here, until we can place powerful defensive grids around all seven Vortex Worlds, as well as get a Human Resistance fleet unit assigned here permanently.”

  Governor Littrel nodded. “I’m sure the other governors will agree to that, particularly since we learned what has been happening to our young people. We’re still trying to deal with the horror of that revelation. I’ll speak to the other governors and let you know their decision tomorrow. One more thing. There must be tens of millions of captive Humans still in the Confederation. Is anything going to be done to bring them back before they’re all eaten?”

  Dylan was afraid this question would be asked eventually. “We’re taking this one step at a time. I suspect, at some time in the future, we will demand the Confederation return all the Humans in their possession.”

  “How long?”

  Dylan shook his head. “We need to build new fleets in the Empire so we can speak to the Confederation with the force to back up our demands. Right now we’ll be lucky to keep the entire Empire free if the Confederation launches a major attack soon. That’s why we’re choosing some key worlds or regions across the Empire to fortify.”

  “And the Vortex Worlds is one of those key areas.”

  “Yes, you still have a high level of technology. Each planet has several shipyards and space stations, as well as large populations and resources. All will be needed as we continue to fight the Confederation.”

  Lindsay drew in a sharp breath. “Well, I’ll say this. At least you’re honest in what you want. I like that.”

  Dylan grinned. “Some say it’s a bad habit, but I prefer to tell it like it is. I need to return to my ship, and I’ll be waiting for your call.”


  Returning to the Themis, it didn’t take Dylan long to reach the Command Center.

  “How did your meeting go with the governor?” asked Captain Fulmar.

  “Better than expected. Since the revelation about what the Lamothians have been doing to the Humans taken to the Confederation, a lot has changed. I think we’ll have seven star systems with massive resources to add to the worlds we can count on to take on the Confederation.”

  “Where to next?”

  Dylan sat in his command chair. “We’ll stay here for a few days and then head to the Lamina Stars. Four very advanced star systems there would make good additions to take on the Confederation. When we depart Jalot Four, we’ll be leaving a couple of dreadnoughts and twenty battlecruisers to defend the Vortex Worlds, until other arrangements can be made.”

  Leaning back in his command chair, Dylan wondered what Cheryl was doing. He really missed her. Later, when he returned to his quarters, he would send her a personal message. It would be nice to hear from her.

  “Message from Rear Admiral Masters,” reported the communications officer. “Everything is going well in the core worlds. The defensive grids should all be up in another few days. The Princesses are settling in very well and have already made a lot of progress in reuniting the core worlds.”

  “That’s good news. General Livingston reports they are making considerable progress as well. He’s getting ready to pull back his fleets and form them into just four fleets to defend the star systems around Lydol Four. He’s expecting a Confederation response shortly.”

  “Do you think he’s right?” asked Fulmar worriedly.

  “As much as I hate to say it, he probably is. It might be smart of us, once we get through with the Lamina Stars, to pull back to the Vortex Worlds an
d wait and see what happens. We don’t want to spread ourselves too thin if there is a Confederation attack.”


  Admiral Kreen nodded in satisfaction at the latest reports on the status of his fleet. All the ships that could be repaired were combat ready. The fleets from the Confederation should arrive in a few more days. He had already decided on how the coming battle would go. He would take three thousand warships and engage the Earth Humans in the core worlds. While that was going on, the other two thousand ships would sweep through the Human Empire, bringing all the other worlds back under Confederation control. This insurrection would be over shortly, and everything would be back to normal, other than dealing with Earth. That was something the Confederation would have to decide on. For now, Admiral Kreen was not going to worry about that.


  Several days passed, and Admiral Cleemorl was now in the Lamina Stars. He was growing a little concerned. He still had not heard from Cheryl. He had finally contacted Admiral Reynolds, who had confirmed that Cheryl had left with her two escorts and a battlecruiser. This frustrated Dylan, as he had told her not to come until he contacted her and said it was safe. However, he had to admit her independence was one of the things he liked about her. At least she should be safe with a battlecruiser as part of her escort.

  In the Lamina Stars, the four inhabited star systems were close together, only separated by a few light-years. When Dylan’s First Fleet arrived at Lamora Seven, he had been a little surprised to see a Human Resistance fleet there, The sensors showed 23 battlecruisers and 117 support ships. The Human Resistance was also in the process of installing a defense grid around the planet.

  “An Admiral Marloo is in charge of the fleet,” reported Lieutenant Newsome from the comm console. “They have been in the Lamina Stars for six days, installing defense grids. They report they will be finished sometime tomorrow.”

  Dylan felt relief flow through him. That would give them four more heavily defended star systems. “Put me through to Admiral Marloo. I want to see if he has a list of worlds they have been putting defensive grids around. It might save us a lot of time.” Dylan was pleased to see the Human Resistance had been so busy. Dylan knew they must have many more warships, he just had no idea of how many total. If all the Human Resistance groups were doing what Admiral Marloo was doing here, it would make a huge difference in any attack the Confederation might launch.


  Admiral Marloo was surprised to see an Earth Imperial Fleet drop out of hyperspace in the Lamora Seven System. He had been busy seeing to the installation of a defense grid to protect the planet. The four star systems in the Lamina Stars group were highly civilized with large populations, and a number of subcolonies were on other planets and moons in the four systems as well.

  “Look at that,” said his second in command, Captain Taggart. “Did you ever expect to see such a fleet?”

  On the viewscreens were several dreadnoughts.

  “We’re detecting 610 Imperial battlecruisers and 28 dreadnoughts.”

  “It’s an awesome sight,” admitted Admiral Marloo, as he gazed at a viewscreen, showing one of the dreadnoughts.

  “We have a message from the flagship. They are curious as to what all we’ve been doing here.”

  “Tell them, and let’s find out what they want.”


  The two admirals talked back and forth for nearly an hour. Each telling the other where they had been and what their future plans were.

  “We’re trying to keep four of our five regions safe and secure,” said Admiral Marloo. “We’ve formed four fleets, about the same size as this one, and we’re hoping, along with the defensive grids we’re installing, we can stop the Confederation if they attack.”

  “We’re doing the same,” replied Admiral Cleemorl. “We feel an attack is imminent, and there’s no way we can expect to retain all the worlds in the Empire without more help.”

  “We agree,” answered Marloo. “We just want to hold what we can to allow us to continue to build up our fleets. Sometime in the future we hope to take the battle to the Confederation.”

  “As do we,” said Admiral Cleemorl. “Is there anything we can do to assist you?”

  “I think we’ve got this handled here. Thanks for the offer though.”

  “Very well, we’ll be going on to the next system. If you need help, send a hyperlight message, and we’ll respond as quickly as we can.”


  “Where to next?” asked Captain Fulmar.

  “Let’s go to Vidon Seven and Helgoth,” said Dylan. “Both of those worlds have been bombarded by the Druins. I want to see what shape they’re in now.” Since the Human Resistance was taking care of the Lamina Stars, Dylan felt they had time to make one more trip.

  “Two days to Vidon Seven,” said Lieutenant Trisha Marks at Helm and Navigation.

  “That’s about as far out as I want to go,” replied Dylan. “If we hear of any Confederation fleets entering the Empire, we’ll have to pull back toward the Vortex Worlds.”

  “You think it will be soon?”

  Dylan nodded. “The Confederation can’t afford to give us too much time to prepare. I think they’ll attack, and it will be massive.”

  “So, we’ll lose a lot of these worlds we’ve been fortifying?”

  “Probably. We’ll try to save as many as possible, but it’ll be difficult to stretch out our three fleets.”

  Dylan didn’t know what else they could do. Between the Earth Humans and the Human Resistance, a lot of worlds were being fortified. For each of those worlds the Confederation tried to retake, the battles would weaken their Confederation fleets. That was the current plan, to make the Confederation fleets bleed enough so they could be dealt with. Unfortunately there was no way to know if it would ultimately work since the Humans had no idea as to the total number of warships under the Confederation’s control.


  Finally the Confederation’s reinforcing fleets arrived. Admiral Kreen did not care for fighting with the Lormallians; they felt they were superior and always tried to be in charge. The Zynth were a different matter. The Zynth enjoyed fighting and possessed the second-largest fleet of warships next to the Druins.

  To Admiral Kreen, the solution to staying in charge was simple. He would take the Zynths and attack the core worlds, while the Lormallians attacked the rest of the Human Empire, bringing it back under Confederation control. With three thousand warships under Kreen’s control, the Earth Humans would quickly be defeated in the core worlds.

  “We leave in an hour,” said Admiral Kreen to the other two admirals. “Do not make the mistake of underestimating these Earth Humans. Their weapons are as powerful as ours, and they are not afraid to use them.”

  “They are still an inferior species,” commented the Lormallian admiral with distaste in his voice. “I do not understand how they have achieved what they have already done. They should have been destroyed by now.”

  Admiral Kreen did not respond. It was nearly useless to argue with a Lormallian.


  An hour later the three thousand Druin and Zynth ships set out for the Human core worlds, while the two thousand Lormallian ships headed for a group of nearby Human worlds to remind them of who controlled most of the galaxy.


  The Lormallian ships went into orbit around Devonn Two and promptly began dropping antimatter weapons on all of its cities. The Lormallian admiral had decided that destroying several Human planets would bring this insurrection to a quick and permanent end, while leaving plenty of Humans alive elsewhere. It was the simplest and most efficient way to deal with this growing problem. Devonn Two had no defense grid, but the planet did have one large space station in orbit, and currently several dozen cargo ships and a few passenger liners were near the station. The planet had a Human population of around four hundred million.

  All across the planet massive mushrooms clouds rose into the atmosphere, as buildings, roads, dams, power plants, a
nd everything else associated with Humans were destroyed in the massive blasts and the starlike heat. Millions of Humans died, never knowing what was going on. One minute they were carrying out their lives like normal, and the next minute they were vaporized into ashes.

  In space, the cargo ships and the passenger liners transitioned into hyperspace to escape the horror happening on the planet. Already hyperlight messages were being transmitted across the Empire, describing the attack.

  “Let those ships escape,” ordered the Lormallian admiral. “They will spread the word of what we have done here today. It will make the rest of the Human worlds rapidly fall into line.”

  The admiral turned his gaze to the viewscreens. Much of the planet was glowing from the massive amounts of energy released. The atmosphere was already turning dark. “Strike the oceans as well. I want this planet permanently uninhabitable.” The admiral felt no sympathy for the four hundred million Humans he was wiping out. After all, the Humans were far from civilized. It was about time someone reduced their barbaric civilization to a more manageable level.


  Dylan was stunned when he heard about the Lormallian fleet and what it had done to Devonn Two. “Four hundred million people massacred? And the seven races call themselves civilized? I think a better description would be barbaric.”

  “What should we do?” asked Captain Fulmar. “I don’t believe we should go on to Vidon Seven and Helgoth.”

  “Set a course for the Vortex Worlds. We cannot let them fall. They’re nearly as important as the core worlds. I strongly suspect other Confederation fleets are around that we have not heard from yet. We must hold all the core worlds and keep the Vortex Worlds from being retaken by the Confederation.”

  “What about this Lormallian fleet? What if it continues to destroy Human worlds?”

  Dylan shook his head. “That fleet is reported to have two thousand warships. We don’t have the strength to stop it.”

  “What about the Human Resistance fleets? Should we summon them as well?”

  “No, they need to defend the worlds they have put defensive grids around. They may be able to keep control of some of them.”


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