The Forgotten Empire: Earth Ascendant: Book Two

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The Forgotten Empire: Earth Ascendant: Book Two Page 31

by Raymond L. Weil

  Captain Fulmar turned toward navigation. “Set a course for the Vortex Worlds. We may have a battle to fight there.”

  Dylan leaned back in his chair. They were about to fight a battle they could not afford to lose, but he had no idea how they could possibly win.


  Layla and Krista were inside the Palace in the Royal Court. They had just been told about the tragedy at Devonn Two.

  “What can we do to prevent them from destroying more worlds?” Layla asked. Derrick was with her, as well as several of the governors.

  “I can think of only one thing,” replied Derrick. “We send out a hyperlight message that, for every world of ours they destroy, we will destroy two of theirs.”

  Layla turned pale and stared at Derrick. “Do you think that would work?”

  “It’s worth a shot.”

  “I agree,” said Governor Stein. “We should send that message immediately.”

  “I’ll send it,” replied Layla. “I know exactly what to say. We don’t need to scare the entire Confederation, just their Great Council.”


  Twenty minutes later Layla, Krista, Derrick, and the governors were in the Starburst. Layla stood at the communications console, preparing to speak. Her words would be heard across all of Human space, as well as most of the Confederation.

  “This is High Princess Layla Starguard of the Human Empire. A few hours ago a Confederation fleet comprised of Lormallian warships destroyed the Human world of Devonn Two. Four hundred million innocent Humans died in the attack. There was no resistance from Devonn Two, no defense grid to protect themselves with, and no fleet to drive off the attacking Lormallians. Completely innocent men, women, and children were slaughtered in this senseless attack. The seven races of the Confederation consider themselves to be the most advanced and intelligent races in the galaxy. On the contrary, they are some of the most barbaric and cruel races ever to exist.”

  Layla paused gathering her breath. “If the Confederation wants to act uncivilized and barbaric, then so shall we. This is a warning to all seven races of the Confederation. From now on, anytime a Human world is destroyed, we will send a fleet and destroy two of yours. The Confederation executed my parents and many others who I knew and cared for. They exiled my brother and other members of the Royal Court to a barbaric Human world to live and to die. I have no mercy when it comes to the Confederation. If you want to trade two of your worlds for one of ours, then so be it.” Layla indicated for the communications officer to cut the transmission. “Resend that every ten minutes for the next two hours.”

  Krista looked in shock at Layla. “I could never have done that. You sounded so much like your father and brother. I wonder if the Confederation will believe you.”

  Layla smiled. “They’ll believe me because I am not bluffing. If they attack more civilian targets, we will do the same to them. It’s high time someone taught the Confederation a lesson.”

  Krista gulped and nodded her head. “I’m glad you’re the High Princess and not me.”

  “You did well, Princess,” said Derrick, nodding his head in approval. “If this works, you may have just saved billions of lives.”

  “I doubt anyone has ever threatened the Confederation like this before,” said Governor Stein. “It just might work.”

  “I better return to the Destiny. If a Lormallian fleet is in the outer edges of the Empire, you can bet a Druin fleet and possibly others are nearby as well. The core worlds will be their primary target.”

  Governor Stein looked at the Princesses. “A deep Command Bunker is beneath the city. We’ve recently finished refurbishing it. That might be the safest place for both of you. Not only that but, with the communication systems we’ve put in there, you can keep track of what’s going on in the entire Empire.”

  Layla nodded. “Make the arrangements, and Princess Krista and I will move in there until this crisis is over.”

  Governor Stein smiled. “I’ll have someone pick both of you up and whoever else needs to come. I suspect some of your Royal Guards and a few of your attendants will be needed.”

  Layla let out a deep sigh. “Yes, unfortunately some things I cannot change.”

  Governor Stein and the other governors left as Derrick and the two Princesses headed for their quarters.

  “Be careful,” Layla said to Derrick as they reached her door. “Don’t do anything rash. I don’t know if I could do this without you.”

  Derrick smiled. “I promise to be careful.” He took Layla in his arms and gave her a long hug and kiss. When he let her go, he saw Emira standing a few feet away, her arms folded across her chest, frowning.

  “I’m glad no one else saw that,” she said disapprovingly. Then she smiled. “If the two of you are to show such affection, it needs to be done in the Royal Quarters, where no one will notice. Perhaps later we can make an official announcement about your romance, but now is not the time.”

  Layla looked flabbergasted at Emira. “You knew?”

  Emira nodded. “I’ve been around young people in love enough to recognize it when I see it. I’ve known for months.”

  “Emira,” said Krista, “we’ll be safer beneath the city. We may be there for a few days. Can you help us pack?”

  Emira nodded. “I’ll call several more attendants to help. Does this have anything to do with the recent Lormallian attack on Devonn Two?”

  Layla was surprised Emira already knew about that. “Yes, we fear the Confederation may have fleets coming here. A hidden underground bunker beneath the city is where we are going. A large number of other people will be there as well.”

  “A wise decision,” said Emira approvingly. “I suggest we get busy packing and decide exactly what we need to take with us.”

  “I better go now,” said Derrick. “I’ll keep you informed of what’s happening.”

  Layla nodded. “Just be careful and make sure you come back to me.”

  Derrick looked at Emira. “Keep them safe.”

  “I will, even though sometimes they are both stubborn.”

  With that, Derrick left, leaving the two Princesses with Emira.

  “I will say one thing,” said Emira, eyeing Layla. “You did pick out quite a dashing young man, and he’s a fleet admiral as well.”

  Layla felt embarrassed and smiled. “Let’s go pack. A war is coming, and we have to be ready.” Layla just hoped that Derrick returned to her; she could not imagine her life without him.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Derrick was back on board the Destiny and had his fleet in a defensive globe formation. The defensive grid around Golan Four was finished, and both shipyards and all four space stations were now heavily armed and protected by powerful energy shields. In addition, seven battlecarriers were in low orbit, carrying attack interceptors, and, on the surface of the planet, another four hundred interceptors were available, if needed. Rear Admiral Leeson had his fleet in orbit around Ambary Two with another three battlecarriers. Now it was just a waiting game to see what the Confederation fleets would do.

  “How soon do you think we’ll see the enemy?” asked Captain Banora.

  “A day or two at least,” replied Derrick. “We have no idea where other Confederation fleets may be, and no one’s reported detecting any.”

  Audrey looked around the Command Center, everyone busy. “Do you think the Princess’s message will work?”

  “It better, or we may find ourselves over a Confederation planet dropping antimatter missiles on their cities.”

  Audrey blinked her eyes. “I hope that’s not necessary. Even though I hate the Confederation, I don’t know if I could destroy an entire planet.”

  “I don’t know either,” admitted Derrick. It was something he had been forced to consider, since making the recommendation to Layla. He didn’t know what he would do if she ordered him to carry out such an attack.


  In the Confederation, the Great Council was meeting once again in an emergency session. T
he hyperlight message from High Princess Layla Starguard had caused quite a reaction on many of the worlds in the Confederation.

  “We must do something,” argued the Lamothian representative. “If the Humans chose to destroy a world in the Confederation, it will most likely be one of ours.”

  “It is your own fault,” said Clun, the Druin representative. “You should never have started eating Humans. We have warned you ever since we formed the Confederation that someday that would be your downfall.”

  “We have always eaten subintelligent species,” replied the Lamothian defensively. “It is our right as a superadvanced species.”

  “The Humans would disagree with you on that,” pointed out Clun. “How many of their species have you eaten over the last thousand years? Billions?”

  “That’s enough,” said Arden Reull, the head councilor, trying to restore order. “We must not argue among ourselves. We have run some calculations and believe the Earth Humans are, indeed, capable of carrying out this threat made by the High Princess.”

  This caused a stirring in the council. Never had the Confederation been seriously put in jeopardy since it was formed.

  “What should we do?” asked Klug, the Morphene representative.

  Arden Reull looked directly at the Lamothian rep. “First the Lamothians must stop eating Humans. I propose we stop shipping all Humans to their worlds until this matter with Earth and the Human Empire is settled. It’s too dangerous.”

  “What!” exploded the Lamothian. His large slug-shaped body quivered in anger, his eyestalks as well. “We must have Human flesh for our feasts!”

  “Not anymore,” replied Arden Reull coldly. “If we continue to supply you with Humans, we endanger every world in the Confederation.”

  The others chimed in their agreement, silencing the complaints from the Lamothian.

  “What will be our response to the message from this High Princess?” asked Ralor Corr, the Zynth representative.

  “It is a difficult decision,” commented Cryler, the Zang representative. “Never before have we been threatened. I fear for the safety of our worlds.”

  “Our worlds must not be endangered,” uttered Klug, the Morphene representative. “We must not destroy any more Human worlds or bomb Human cities. Our targets must be military only.”

  Ardon Reull looked around the table. “All throughout our history as a Confederation we have used force to control populations and to bring other civilizations under our control. If we don’t reconquer the Human Empire, it will continue to grow as a danger to us all.”

  “We must be very careful in what we choose to do,” said Klug. “I would suggest we send an immediate hyperlight message to our fleets in the Human Empire to not destroy any more Human worlds and to not bomb Human cities until we have decided how to address this difficult situation.”

  Ardon Reull nodded his head. “I believe that is the wise choice for now. I will have the order sent. In the meantime we will continue to debate what is to be done about the Humans.”


  Lormallian Admiral Zador was in orbit of another Human world when he received the message not to destroy any more Human planets or to bombard any Human cities.

  “Our situation just became impossible,” said Zador, as he gazed at the main viewscreen, showing the planet beneath his fleet. “We don’t have the forces to conquer each Human world individually.”

  “What should we do?” asked First Officer Dabon.

  Zador turned slightly to examine the tactical display. “Order the fleet to destroy both of the space stations in orbit around the planet. We will station a small force of ships here and go on to the next world. It is the only thing we can do.”

  Fusion missiles suddenly leaped from the missile tubes of a dozen Lormallian warships and directed at the two large space stations in orbit. Already cargo ships and the few passenger liners present were jumping out, fleeing into hyperspace for safety. A few cargo ships were still docked to the stations, their crews frantically trying to get them disconnected from the docking ports.

  The missiles arrived and, in brilliant explosions of energy, tore apart the stations. In less than a minute what had been two massive orbital constructions were little more than glowing twisted wreckage. Much of the wreckage would eventually enter the planet’s atmosphere to burn up. Only a few of the larger pieces would actually reach the ground.

  Admiral Zador was pleased with the results. With a few of his warships in orbit, this planet would be isolated and technically back under Confederation control. It was now time to go on to the next world.


  On Golan Four, High Princess Layla Starguard was in the Command Center of the massive underground bunker, listening as communications came in from across the Empire.

  “We have a hyperlight message from the Confederation,” reported General Lyra Gantts. Lyra was from another core world that held a large secret Human Resistance base. She was the highest ranking military officer in the core worlds. “They have agreed to stop all attacks on civilian targets. However, military targets are still an option.”

  Layla breathed out a long sigh of relief. “At least we’re protecting most of our population and ensuring they survive this war.”

  General Gantts nodded. “It was a bold move, and it seems to have paid off.”

  “We have reports of two large Confederation fleets inbound,” reported one of the communications officers. “One Druin and one Zynth. Both fleets should arrive in the vicinity of the core worlds within twenty-six hours. The fleets passed close by a Human Resistance support ship, which allowed them to be detected.”

  “I was expecting this,” said General Gantts, not showing any surprise. “Contact Rear Admiral Masters and Rear Admiral Leeson and inform them of the incoming enemy. Also contact General Livingston on Lydol Four and inform him of the Confederation fleets, particularly the Lormallian fleet on the edge of the Empire.”

  Layla was sitting in a special chair next to the general. “Are we ready?”

  “As ready as we’ll be today. Rear Admiral Masters’ fleet is in orbit, and Rear Admiral Leeson’s is at Ambary Two. Both Golan Four and Ambary are vitally important to our future war effort.”

  Layla bit her lip as she considered what she should do. The people of the Empire needed to be reassured. “I want to send out a hyperlight broadcast to the Empire. I want them to know what’s happening, and that we won’t abandon them.”

  “It might be a good morale booster coming from you. I’ll get it set up.”

  Layla leaned back and considered what she would say. This would be a very important speech, and she must say the right things.


  Two hours later everything was ready. Video would be broadcast by hyperlight transmitters, showing her speech live. Derrick had come down from the Destiny to stand at her side. Krista would be here as well, with General Gantts next to her. Behind Layla was a large starburst, the symbol of the Empire.

  “We’re ready,” reported the film crew from the Starburst, as they were very good at what they did.

  Layla nodded. She watched the camera until a green light came on. “Hello, I’m High Princess Layla Starguard of Golan Four. I’m appearing in front of you today to make several announcements relating to the security of the Empire. At this moment three Confederation fleets are in the Empire. One is a Lormallian fleet in the outer regions. This fleet has already destroyed Devonn Two. We have made it clear to the Confederation that any future attacks on innocent civilians will result in them losing worlds as well. The Confederation has responded by agreeing not to attack any more nonmilitary targets.”

  Layla paused and looked at Derrick. “With me today is Rear Admiral Derrick Masters, originally from Golan Four, and in command of a large fleet currently in orbit. We are also aware of two more Confederation fleets. One is a Druin fleet, and the other is a Zynth fleet. Both of these fleets are currently on a course for the core worlds.” Layla’s face took on a look of determination. �
��We intend to destroy both of those fleets and then drive the Lormallian fleet out of our space. Some of this may take some time, but we will do whatever is necessary to keep our worlds free.”

  Layla looked to General Gantts. “Even at this very moment we have a large fleet on the way to the Confederation. If the Confederation is going to attack military targets on our worlds, then we will attack military targets on theirs as well. As citizens of the Empire, there is greatness ahead for all of humanity.” Layla stood straight and tall. “Long live the Empire!” With that, the camera died, and the transmission ceased.


  Derrick looked at Layla with surprise spreading across his face. “What fleet do we have attacking the Confederation?”

  Layla smiled. “We don’t have one, but they don’t know that. With a little luck they’ll pull one or two of their fleets back to search for it.”

  “A bluff,” said General Gantts, nodding. “I like it. It can’t harm anything, and it might actually work.”

  “Remind me to never play poker with you,” commented Derrick.


  “It’s an Earth game I learned on Gateway Station.”

  “I guess now we wait and see what happens.”

  Derrick nodded. “I’m heading back to the Destiny. Somehow I don’t believe the Druins will turn back.”

  Layla looked at Derrick. “Be careful.”

  “I will. Make sure you’re safe down here as well. There’s always the possibility the Druins will land troops and try to capture both you and Krista.”

  “I’m not worried,” replied Krista. “We have a large number of Earth Marines assigned here. I’m confident they’ll protect us.”

  Layla frowned. “That’s true. I just need to keep you away from them.”

  “Emira is making sure of that,” replied Krista, frowning. “She’s had me reading up on some of the historical records of the Palace. Boring!”

  Derrick decided it was time to leave. “I’ll come back as soon as this is over.”


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