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Locke Brothers Series

Page 6

by Ashley, Victoria

  He hasn’t been back since he left last night to take care of that douchebag, and apparently his phone is dead because it’s been going straight to voice mail since early this morning.

  I don’t like this shit. Not one bit.

  It has Ace’s crazy coming out as he paces around the porch with his precious hammer, randomly slamming it into anything within its vicinity.

  He’s going to bust the whole damn house down soon if Sterling doesn’t show his ass.

  Hell, I’m even anxious as fuck right now, playing my damn guitar as a distraction, something to keep the demons at bay before I lose it like our eldest brother.

  “I’m going to kill that asshole myself,” Ace grits out while practice swinging his toy. “Hope he likes the taste of titanium, because if he does make it home, I’m knocking his motherfucking teeth out for making us worry.”

  “It’s not the first time he’s left us sitting around with our thumbs up our ass,” I say stiffly while carefully setting down my vintage guitar. “If it were me out there, you fuckers would be searching the streets for my ass, knocking down doors to find me. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if your crazy ass burned down every house just to get to me.”

  Ace swings his hammer around and then leans against the old porch railing, his dark eyes landing on me. “Damn straight. We almost lost your ass once already. You don’t know what kind of fear that puts in a man. It makes killing an easy fucking decision, little brother.”

  Headlights coming down the dirt road have both me and Ace standing tall, anxious to see if it’s Sterling pulling up and not another idiot who thinks he can pull one over on us.

  King’s silence as he watches the vehicle get closer lets us know that it’s Sterling and not a stranger approaching. If it was anyone but one of us, King would be barking and ready to attack.

  “Lucky bastard.” Ace growls and jumps over the railing, walking to stand in front of the vehicle, not giving two shits if he gets run over.

  The tinted-out SUV gets within a few inches of hitting Ace before Sterling stops it and kills the engine.

  I stand back with a smirk and watch as Ace swings out, punching Sterling in the face the moment he steps out of the vehicle.

  “Calm the fuck down, big brother.” After wiping his thumb over his bloody lip, Sterling cracks his neck before head butting Ace, sending him stumbling back a bit. “I had a rough damn night, brother. It took longer than I expected. Had to make sure that motherfucker knew to never lay his hands on a woman again.” He holds up his bloodied, broken-up fists. “He got the message loud and clear.”

  Blood covers his shirt and neck, a testament to the violence that he delivered, the violence that runs in all of us.

  Everything goes silent, every one of us Locke brothers freezing the moment the passenger-side door opens and Kadence steps out, looking unsure.

  I feel King move beside me, but I quickly put my hand out, silently commanding him to stay.

  He won’t hurt Kadence—hell, he’d hurt us before going after a woman—but I’m doing this for her peace of mind. To let her know she’s safe.

  Closing the door behind her, Kadence leans against the Expedition and takes her time looking us over before speaking. “Hi.” I can tell she’s trying to be strong, act brave even. But the tiny signs of her nervousness are clear. “I don’t know what I’m doing here. I should leave. I… I should go…”

  “Stay,” I command as I watch her chest quickly rise and fall. “Don’t fucking move.” The sight of her has my damn heart pounding out of my chest, eager to get to her and claim her before one of these assholes get the idea that she’s available.

  “Well fuck me…” Ace says while looking her over with a side smirk. The asshole has charm when it comes to women, with his clean pretty-boy looks, but the dick is the most twisted of us all.

  And that’s pretty fucking twisted.

  Before Kadence can even react to my brother’s gaze on her, I’m coming up beside her, pulling her tight little body against me to let my brothers and her know she’s mine.

  This has my brothers smiling, reminding me how much they love a challenge.

  Too bad for them, because after the way I fucked her hard last night, filling her tight little pussy with my cum, there’s no way they’re going to touch her.

  Or that she’s going to want them to.

  Kadence is mine in every fucking way, and we both know it.

  I just need my brothers to know that shit.

  As much as I was wanting to see Kadence tonight, to feel her fucking skin all over mine as I claim her, having her here at the Locke house was the last thing I expected or wanted.

  Not this damn soon.

  * * *


  Every single one of the Locke brothers has their eyes on me, taking me all in. I can’t hide the fact that it has my legs shaking below me, about ready to give out and send me to my knees before them.

  Not from fear but from the raw intensity these brothers possess. They have the ability to bring any girl to their knees with just one look, and to be honest, I can barely handle Aston looking at me that way, let alone all three of them.

  Holy hell… what have I gotten myself into?

  “If one of you motherfuckers so much as breathes on what is mine, I’ll cut your little peckers off without batting a damn eye.” Aston’s harsh tone has his brothers looking surprised.

  As if they’re not used to him staking his claim on something—or better yet, someone.

  I look over at Aston, my heart beating wildly in my chest, my palms sweating. I was so nervous when I got in the car with Sterling, and even more so when I got out, not knowing what to expect.

  I hope like hell I’m at least playing my calm well enough, so I’m not standing here looking like a terrified little girl in front of the three bad wolves.

  Aston has me partially behind him now, his hard body blocking me from his older brothers as he stares them down, standing tall and firm.

  The possessiveness is coming from him like a damn wrecking ball, about to tear down any asshole who gets in his way, family or not.

  I can’t help but feel this thrill rush through me at that.

  I’m not exactly sure what’s going on, but I have a feeling that trying to exert my independence, maybe making everyone know I can handle myself, can take care of myself, is not the best route to go.

  These men are a breed of their own, dangerous and powerful, dominating and territorial.

  I need to tread lightly.

  “Shit, little brother.” Sterling leans against the dark vehicle, looking amused as he takes in Aston’s body in front of mine. “It looked like your girl needed a ride, so I gave her one. That’s all. I didn’t touch her, so calm your dick.”

  “Well damn,” the oldest Locke adds with a twisted grin. “Since when the fuck did you get all possessive over a girl and shit?”

  “Since I made one mine,” Aston says with a confident smirk. “So back the fuck off. I’m taking her downstairs and away from you horny assholes.”

  I find myself swallowing as Aston grabs my hand and begins pulling me along with him toward the back of the house.

  When you first step inside there’s a set of stairs that leads right down to the basement, to where I assume Aston’s room is.

  The thought of what could possibly happen down here, alone with the youngest Locke, has my whole body buzzing with need, ready to feel him on my fucking skin again.



  I take Kadence to my bedroom, away from the prying eyes of my fucking brothers.

  Although I know they won’t mess with her because I made it clear she’s mine, I’m not taking any chances on them eye fucking her.

  “That was…intense,” she says, her voice soft, her focus on my room.

  It’s pretty fucking sparse, only the essentials, but it’s one of the only places I can think if I need my space.

  And all I can think about right now is being with h
er, fucking the hell out of her, really making my claim known. I want my brothers to hear, to know she’s mine, that her screams are for me only.

  “I’m sorry,” she says. “I needed a run and I somehow ended up… here. Your brother saw me and told me to get in the vehicle. I can leave if it makes you uncomfortable.”

  I hear what she’s saying, but she doesn’t need to explain herself to me. The fact that she somehow found her way to me only turns me on more, making my need to be inside her grow.

  “Come here,” I say, my voice deep, my cock hard. She has this little running outfit on, the clothes tight as hell, her tits on display.

  Her nipples are hard, and the scent of her clean sweat fills my nose. She’ll be even sweatier once I’m done with her.

  She comes close to me, her breathing ragged her desire clear.

  “How wet are you for me?” I reach behind and grab her hair, yanking her head back until our eyes meet.

  I kiss her, making her take my tongue, suck on it, want more of it. I grow harder from Kadence’s flavor, the way she feels against me, the fact that she wants this just as badly as I do.

  “I’m going to fuck you so hard you can’t walk straight tomorrow.”

  She gasps against my lips, and I kiss her harder, grazing my teeth over her mouth and drawing blood.

  “God, Aston.”

  I turn us around, lay her on the bed, and take a step back, admiring her sexy little body that’s meant just for me. “No, not God, but you’ll be screaming his name once I’m done with you.”

  * * *


  I’m so lost in Aston I can’t think straight, can’t even breathe. He has our clothes off before I can even contemplate what’s happening.

  I don’t care though because I want this so badly I can taste it.

  “Get on your hands and knees,” he grits out.

  I obey, because it turns me on to do what he says, to know he likes it when I am good and obedient. I can see it in his eyes, in the way his breathing changes.

  When I’m in the position he wants, I glance over my shoulder, seeing him grabbing his huge cock, stroking it from root to tip.

  “You want this in you, stretching you, making you feel good?”

  All I can do is nod. I’m so wet, my thighs damp, my clit tingling. I need him in me, showing me know what it feels like to be possessed, to be owned.

  “I want you screaming, want your cries to fill this fucking house.” He’s on the bed, his hands on my hips, his hard cock right between my legs, so damn close. “If you’re going to be in this motherfucking house, I want my brothers to hear you, to know that you’re mine.”

  I’m breathing so hard now, so fast.

  I feel him reach between us, place the tip of his dick at my entrance, and in one thrust he’s buried in me, making me take all of his huge, thick inches.

  I gasp, my eyes watering from the intrusion, from how damn good it feels.

  And then he’s fucking me, shoving into me and retreating, over and over. I cry out, the feeling of pleasure and pain too much to handle, too much to bear.

  His hand reaches around to grip my throat, him squeezing as he buries himself deep, showing me and everyone within hearing distance that I’m his.

  It turns me on more than he could ever fucking know.

  The sheets are tangled between my fingers, my nails aching from how hard I dig them into the mattress. I’m going to come and he’s just started, just filled me.

  And then he grabs hold of my hair with his other hand and yanks my head back hard. I do come them, crying out how good it feels to have him take me. To have Aston all over my fucking skin.

  Before my body can come down from its orgasm, Aston has me lifted off the bed and my back slammed against the wall, taking me hard and deep again.

  The wall shakes from our weight against it, my body moving up and down the surface as he fucks me hard. So fucking hard that I’m screaming again, no doubt his brothers hearing every last second of my pleasure as the youngest Locke stakes his claim on me.

  I can barely breathe, his strong hand tight against my throat, his body pressed so hard against mine. And I love it. I want more of it.

  Screaming, I dig my nails into his muscled back, feeling his flesh under my fingernails as he continues to pound his cock into me. Our mouths are so damn close it’s like we’re both fighting for air.

  Leaning in, I bite his lip and tug, causing him to shove inside of me and stop. When he doesn’t move for a few seconds, I bite him again, but harder, feeling him smirk against my lips.

  “You want more. Good, because I’m not done yet.”

  With that he tosses me back down onto the mattress and flips me over before slamming into me and cupping my breasts in his hands.

  “God, Aston.” I yell that repeatedly, not sure if I’m saying it in my head or the words are spilling from my lips.

  “Yes, so fucking good,” he grunts, smacks my ass in a bruising sting, and makes me get off again. I know there will be a bruise in the morning.

  I want it. I crave it.

  And when I feel him tense behind me, I know he’s getting off, know he’s filling me up with his cum. He has a tight hold on my hips, a painful grip.

  I want those black and purple fingerprints on my flesh, a mark of his passion, of his need.

  I collapse on the bed, not able to breathe, not able to even move. He only fucked me for a short time, but God, I can’t even feel my legs.

  I guess he got that right.



  I don’t know what the fuck Kadence was thinking, coming to the Locke house like she did, but damn, I’m glad she’s here and in my bed.

  I’m glad my brothers now know she’s mine, and that I’m not letting her go.

  She fell asleep shortly after we had sex for the second time tonight, her body worn out from mine claiming hers.

  I’m just hoping like hell my brothers and I don’t get a call to take care of a job tonight, because sitting here, playing my guitar softly as she sleeps is the only thing relaxing me and keeping me calm.

  I haven’t felt this kind of peace in a long fucking time, and I don’t want to let it go. With the darkness that was eating me up earlier today, I need this right now.

  I need her right now.

  But I should’ve known it wouldn’t last for long, because her roommate no doubt has no idea where she’s at. And she’d freak out knowing that she’s here, with me, in this house.

  Which is exactly why her phone is now vibrating across the floor.

  The sound of her cell has Kadence sitting up quickly looking panicked as she searches for her phone.

  She looks good sleepy and well fucked.

  “Oh shit!” She scrambles across the bed and bends over me to get to her phone. “Melissa is going to have a heart attack because I’m not home yet.”

  By the time she goes to answer the phone, it’s already stopped ringing.

  “Come here,” I say while setting my guitar down and pulling her naked body over to straddle my lap. “I’ll drive you home if you want.” I grip the back of her hair and graze my teeth over her neck. “Or you can sleep in my bed.”

  She lets out a small gasp as if she’s surprised by my offer. I’ve already claimed her as mine, so you better fucking believe I want her sleeping in my bed.

  Just as she gets ready to say something, her phone goes off in her hand again, causing her to lean back and exhale in annoyance. “I should probably go home before Melissa loses it even more and sends out a search party. I hate that she worries.” She eyes me. “But then again she probably has good reason to if she thinks I’m with you.” She smirks.

  Damn right.

  Tilting her head to the side, I run my tongue up her neck, stopping below her ear. “Fuck, I could do this all night with you if we had the time.” I grip her ass and pick her up to set her on the ground. “Get dressed. I’ll throw on some jeans.”

  Once I get my jeans on, I
reach behind me and slide my pistol into my waistband—a normal thing for us Lockes to do when leaving the house so late at night and by ourselves.

  I’m surprised when I feel Kadence slowly run her hand across the handle before her lips come down to gently kiss my shoulder.

  “Have you ever had to use this thing?”

  I nod my head and clench my jaw at the memories. “I’ve put a bullet in a few motherfuckers that deserved it, yes. But I haven’t killed anyone.”

  I hear her swallow from behind me. Her breathing picks up as if me having this pistol is a turn on. “You should get me home.”

  After we’re fully dressed, we make it upstairs to the back porch to find my brothers smoking a joint in front of a small fire.

  Ace immediately rushes over to stand in front of us while taking a hit. “Well shit. I think our baby brother needs a few hits after all that hard-core fucking downstairs.”

  “Not now, asshole. Gotta get Kadence home.”

  “I’ll take a few hits.” Kadence snatches the joint from Ace’s hand, surprising us all.

  “She’s a keeper,” Sterling yells over at us with a laugh. “Hell, she hasn’t run off yet. She’s braver than most we know.”

  “I’ve been through more than you might think. If I learned one thing throughout my childhood, it’s that you can’t judge others just by what you hear. There’s a reason everyone is the way they are.” Kadence’s gaze meets mine as she takes a hit off the joint and then slowly exhales. “Being scared isn’t something I want to do anymore. I refuse to. After losing my mother last year, I fought too hard to be brave just to give up now and wither in a fucking corner.”

  On instinct my arm wraps around Kadence’s waist and I pull her against me as if to protect her from anything she might fear. “And you’ll never have to be fucking scared again. I will tear down any fear that ever threatens to haunt you.”


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