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The Queen Bee of Bridgeton

Page 13

by DuBois, Leslie

  I appreciated Sasha standing up for me and saving me once again, but somehow I felt I needed to stand on my own for once. I was no longer a loser who ran into cows, waited patiently while the popular kids blocked her locker, or babbled about public urination. I was a queen and I needed to act like one. I tapped Sasha on the shoulder and gestured for the mic. Her eyes bulged and her lips parted in protest. She didn't think I could do it. I had to pry the microphone out of her hand.

  "Uh…hi…uh…everyone," I began nervously.

  "We love you, Dancing Queen!" Someone yelled followed by more applause and cheers. Then the crowd grew quiet again. I looked out on the sea of faces staring up at me waiting to hear something profound. Nothing profound was coming to me. A weight of doubt sat in the pit of my belly. I thought I might vomit.

  Then I found Will smiling at me. 'You can do this,' he mouthed. He was right. I could do this. What was I so afraid of? I took a deep breath and said, "I want to thank all of you for your votes, but more importantly, I want to thank you for the confidence you've given me. I've never been cool, or popular, or beautiful and you've made me feel like all those things tonight. Congratulations to the other four nominees, Sophie, Caroline, Hayley, and," I paused dramatically then added, "Lauren," noticeably leaving off the DeHaven.

  Lauren DeHaven momentarily lost her cool and angrily crossed her arms. I could almost see steam seeping out of her ears as she glared at me and Sasha.

  When the speech ended and I left the stage, I had never been so relieved in my life. After Poe and I danced the king and queen dance, I found Will and convinced him we should go. It had been a perfect evening so far, and I wanted to leave before anything changed.


  Somehow the spring recital at Ms. Alexander's studio kinda snuck up on me. Not to say I wasn't prepared. It's just that usually I spent the two weeks before the show doing publicity. I traveled to local public schools and performed solo excerpts from the show. I hoped maybe there was a younger version of myself sitting in the audience who I could inspire to lead a life of dance. That year I didn't do my little tour. Because of the prospect of DiRisio, it was likely my last performance with the studio so Ms. Alexander wanted it to be a complete surprise. I had three solos that even the other members of the cast had never seen before.

  In Ms. Alexander's studio, we usually stayed away from the classic ballets like, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Romeo and Juliet. When Ms. Alexander was in her prime, she never got cast in those lead parts. She said American audiences didn't want to see a Japanese Cinderella, Princess Aurora or Juliet. She didn't want me to go through the same struggles she did. So, most of our performances were her original creations. And they were beautiful. We did still have to do the Nutcracker every year. It was just expected. But she braved the complaints and cast me as Clara anyway.

  I kinda felt like this year's show was a tribute to me. It began with the entire cast performing a series of rigid movements while wearing the same style drab taupe costume. Then I entered wearing a stunning rose colored tutu performing the same choreography except with more fluidity. I'm shunned and no one will even look at me or acknowledge my existence. Enter the leading man, who joins me in my unique interpretation of love and dance. For this part, I pretended it was Will on stage with me gently lifting me to new heights of self expression.

  Over the course of two acts, my character transforms the entire stage into one of color. Not only do the other cast members look at me, but I proceed to lead them in a number filled with dramatic leaps and spectacular turn sequences. In the end, it's clear that I finally belong.

  Will bought me so many flowers that I could barely see to walk. As soon as I entered the parking lot, I heard clapping. I lowered the flowers and saw that there were at least fifty Bridgeton students holding flowers for me and signs with my name. Apparently, Will had organized a group of students to come and support me. It was the first time my fellow students had ever seen me dance…well, without a table that is.

  For a while, everything was right in my universe. I was on top at the studio, I was popular at school, and most importantly, I was loved by Will. But, oh, how quickly things can change.


  "What the hell is this?" Sasha said a week later as she held a piece of paper in her hand. I mentally went through all the quizzes and tests I'd had in the past couple of days and I really didn't think I had failed any. I hadn't gotten my Spanish test back, but I was pretty sure I'd aced it. I had no idea why Sasha was angry with me.

  "Sasha, I haven't failed any test, I swear," I pleaded with her.

  "You have no idea what I'm talking about?" she asked, softening a little.


  "Have you checked the message board?"

  "No," I said as she started to drag me to the main office.

  When we got there, she pointed to the bulletin board and said, "Read that." I almost couldn't believe my eyes. I had to read it three times and each time my heart beat faster and faster and louder and louder until it pounded in my ears. I had been summoned before the honor council.

  Chapter 21:

  Four Words

  As student body president, Sasha received a special notice saying she had to sit on the council. I could understand her anxiety. She had to decide whether or not to expel her sister from school.

  "Honestly, did you cheat?" I never, ever thought I'd have to hear those four words from my sister. "Please tell me you didn't cheat on something."

  "Sasha, I have no idea what this is about. Of course, I didn't cheat. Have you seen my grades?"

  Sasha stared at me for a while trying to gauge the veracity of my words. She must have decided to believe me because she said, "Well, if you didn't cheat, what is -," she paused. "Those bitches!" she yelled before storming off.

  "What's this about an honor trial?" Will asked when he met me at the tree for lunch; the tree that used to be a special place for me and Sasha.

  "I didn't cheat, Will. You gotta believe me." Will hugged.

  "Of course, I believe you. Everyone does. The entire school is behind you on this one." Will brushed a strand of hair away from my face then handed me a sandwich. "They're gonna have to have some extreme amount of evidence against you," he said sitting on the ground and taking out his lunch of three turkey club sandwiches, three bottles of chocolate milk and three bags of Doritos. My stomach churned either from the thought of Will wolfing down all that food or the thought of my integrity being publicly challenged.

  "I can't eat this," I said, sitting down and handing him my sandwich.

  "Well, I can't eat it. I already have three," he said with his mouth full. I shook my head and unwrapped the sandwich. "So, do you know who brought up the charges?"

  "I'll give you one guess."

  He nodded, knowing exactly who I was talking about. "They're not through with you, with us. They know whatever they do to you hurts me as well." Will leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I stared down at my turkey sandwich dejectedly. "Don't worry, angel. Their other plans failed, this one will too."

  I wished I shared Will's confidence on the matter, but I couldn't. My whole time at Bridgeton, I had never seen an honor trial turn out well. Every single one resulted in expulsion.

  After sorting through the rumor mill, Sasha and I found out that David Winthrop had been caught cheating on an exam and, for some reason, he implicated me as well. We knew the Bitch Brigade had put him up to it. I still had no idea what kind of proof he could have against me.

  The night before the trial, I sat wrapped in Will's arms on his living room couch. We both stared blankly at the TV. Will hadn't said a word in over an hour. I could tell something bothered him. I had already asked him twice if he wanted to talk and both times he just shrugged and kept staring at the TV. Finally, he turned it off and said, "What is it with you and David?"

  "What? What are you talking about?" I asked as I sat up.

  "Do you still have feelings for him?"

  "What? How...I...
why...still?" I stuttered in shock. How could he think that?

  "Cause if you want to be with him -"

  "Will, what are you talking about?" I asked, finally able to spit out a coherent sentence.

  "Look, I knew before I even asked you out that you had a crush on him. I was hoping you'd get over it or something, but I don't think you have. I see the way you look at him. And then the night I propose, you go to his house! And now, he's implicating you in this cheating thing. I just don't know what's going on."

  So, he was jealous of David. "Where is this coming from? I thought you believed me."

  "I did...I do...I don't know what to believe." Will stood up and ran his fingers through his golden hair. "Brandon says he saw you and David in the physics lab after school being...intimate," he said as he paced the floor.

  "What! Who the heck is Brandon?"

  "He's the small forward on the team. Look, who he is doesn't matter. What he saw, does. Were you with David?"

  "Will!" I said shocked he'd believe such a thing.

  "Cause I've been completely honest with you. I know I'm no saint, but at least I've told you the truth. If you just tell me the truth, I can forgive you and we can move on. Unless, of course, you really want David, in which case - "

  "Will, can't you see what's happening? It's the Bitch Brigade again. They probably put Brandon up to this. They're trying to sow seeds of doubt between us. They're still trying to break us up." I stood up and walked over to him. I grabbed his hands and said, "You have every right to be concerned. For a long time, I did have a crush on David, but that was before I really knew him or you. That was before I knew myself and what I wanted."

  Will stared down at our hands entwined together. He wasn't convinced. I led him back to the couch and sat him down. "And what I want," I said as I lifted his head up to stare into his sweet blue eyes, "is you." I kissed him gently on the lips. He didn't return it. "Please, believe me," I whispered as I continued kissing him. "I don't think I can get through this thing without you." He looked down again and shook his head like he couldn't believe me. I sat on top of him straddling him with my legs. I cupped his face in my hands, looked him in the eyes and said, "Will, I love you."

  Will had been waiting to hear those four words from me for weeks. Something in him snapped and he kissed me like never before. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lowered me onto the couch as he hovered above me. His kisses were slow and deep and warm and perfect and each one sent a shiver of delight down my spine. Each caress of his lips and thrust of his tongue was a testimony to the emotional void I had filled in his life.

  Will sat up and pulled his shirt off. His chiseled porcelain body made me want to weep with expectation and desire. Then he laid on top of me and whispered, "I love you."

  "I know," I said as I ran my fingers up and down the center of his back.

  "I think I fell in love with you the first time I saw you," he added as he stared at me asking with his eyes if I was really ready for this step we were about to take. I responded by unbuttoning his pants. "Are you sure?" he asked. I nodded. Will reached in his back pocket, pulled out a small plastic package and then, believe it or not, the phone rang. Both of us let out grunts of frustration as Will reached over me and grabbed the phone. "Hold that thought," he said with a smile before he put the phone to his ear hoping we would be able to resume shortly. But I could tell within a few seconds by the change in Will's face that wasn't going to happen. He crawled off of me and stood up. I can't repeat exactly what he said because I don't like profanity, but I will say that he literally picked up the phone and threw it across the room breaking two picture frames and a vase.

  "What's wrong?" I asked as I backed away from him a little on the couch.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Will buttoned his pants then put on his shirt. "My sister got arrested. Drunk driving. I have to go bail her out of jail."

  "Oh, my God!"

  "She's such an...idiot. I can't wait till I'm out of her house." Will put on his sneakers while simultaneously looking for his keys. I just sat there not knowing whether I should offer to go with him or wait or what. "I should just leave her dumb ass in jail!"

  "Don't say that, Will. She's your sister and, even with all her faults, you love her. Deep down you know you'd do anything for her. I know I would for my sister." I didn't know how true those words were until the next day at the trial.

  Chapter 22:

  Caught in the Noose 2

  I opted for an open trial in front of the school. Sasha tried to convince me to go with a closed trial with just Headmaster Collins and my accuser, but I knew I had nothing to hide. I wanted the whole school to see David and the Bitch Brigade fail.

  The trial took place in Dardem Hall. The five members of the honor council, which included my sister, sat behind the bench in the middle of the stage. Then I sat on the left and David on the right. My fingers trembled as I watched the student body file in. I sat on my hands to keep them still.

  I noticed a couple of students had actually made posters proclaiming my innocence. It comforted me somewhat, knowing so many people were on my side. That comfort slipped away when I saw Ashley, Brittany, and Lauren DeHaven strut to the front of Dardem Hall. They each gave me an evil grin as they took their seats. I found Will in the audience and felt a surge of pride and calm as he mouthed the words "I love you" before taking his seat.

  Headmaster Collins called the meeting to order and explained why the procedure was necessary.

  "Mr. Winthrop has accused Ms. Garrison of cheating on a test and conspiracy to hide this dishonorable conduct. They will each have five minutes to present their version of events after which the honor council will adjourn to make their decision. Mr. Winthrop, please begin."

  "Headmaster Collins, I would just like to say that I admit to cheating on several occasions during my education here at Bridgeton. I apologize for my deplorable behavior. I no longer want to bring reproach upon this school, and I want to make sure that the remaining students are the honest trustworthy individuals that deserve a Bridgeton diploma." David spoke with such sincerity and remorse he almost convinced me he was telling the truth; until he began the rest of his speech. "The defendant is not one of these individuals. On January 15th, I found the defendant crying in the stairwell of the Chesterfield building. I approached her and asked what was wrong. She said she was extremely stressed and tired and she hadn't had time to study for her Spanish test. I felt sorry for her and offered to help. I'd just taken the test the period before, so I knew what questions were on it. I wrote the questions down and gave them to her. She later aced the test."

  "Winthrop is a lying, punk-ass, prick!" a boy in the audience yelled. My sentiments exactly.

  "Mr. Haden, please remove that young man from the building," Headmaster Collins said. "Continue, Mr. Winthrop."

  I started to feel supremely confident as I knew he'd never be able to prove this. I'd be the first student ever to go through an honor trial and come out victorious. I crossed my legs and sat back in my chair as a teacher wheeled out a TV on a cart.

  "After the cheating incident," David continued, "I knew I had her right where I wanted her. I began to ask her for favors, sexual favors, and if she refused I threatened to reveal her secret and get her expelled." David walked over to the TV and turned it on. "What she didn't know is that I keep a video camera in my bedroom and I taped one of our encounters. What you're about to see is extremely incriminating towards me. But I apologize for my actions and I accept my expulsion. I just want to see that justice is served for everyone." I sat up in my seat. I didn't know who this could be on the video because it sure wasn't me. Sasha gave me a panicked look. I shrugged in confusion.

  A grainy, poorly lit tape with awful sound began to play and, sure enough, there was David and someone who looked like me arguing about this being the last time. But it wasn't me. I knew it wasn't me. I mean, I had been to his house before. Everyone knew that. There were pictures. But I honestly didn�
��t remember having this conversation. Could I have done this when I was drunk? The girl in the video didn't appear drunk. What the hell was going on?

  "I can't do this anymore. I don't care if you get me expelled," the girl in the video said.

  "I don't think you mean that. What would your sister say? This is the only way. I promise no one will ever find out as long as you give me what I want."

  "Look, I'll pay you. I'll give you money. Just don't - "

  "You know that's not what I want." David approached the girl in the video, undid her ponytail and tossed the pink scrunchie to the side; a pink scrunchie that looked remarkably like mine. I touched the back of my head and, sure enough, I was wearing my favorite pink scrunchie with the tutus on it.

  David ran his fingers through her hair then he kissed her neck. I cringed. Three months ago, I would've given anything to have David Winthrop touch me like that. But now, the thought of him coming near me turned my stomach. David grabbed her neck forcefully and said, "Now, are you gonna be a good girl and cooperate? Or do I need to call Headmaster Collins?"


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