Book Read Free

Movie Lovers

Page 12

by Joachim Jean

  “What’s the big deal? You’re only moving a few blocks away.” If you really love me, you’ll move in tonight.

  “I know that. You know that. But Cara’s used to my being around twenty-four/seven.”

  “She’ll adjust.” Come on, Gracie. Show me you love me.

  “You really want me to do this, don’t you?” She stared into his eyes.

  “I really do…like tonight.” He leaned in and kissed her.

  “Tonight?” She chewed her lip.

  “Why not?” If we wait, you’ll get cold feet.

  “I have to break it to Cara, gently.”

  “Come on. She’s got her own life. Now you’ll have yours. I want you in my bed tonight. I’ve gotten used to having you there. I sleep better with you.”

  “Used to me? It’s been two nights.” She cocked an eyebrow at him.

  “I adjust quickly. Come on, Gracie. Be with me.” His pleading tone seemed to melt her resolve. You know you want me…don’t you?


  “We’ll go right to Cara’s from the airport. You’ll pack up and then off to my place.”

  “You mean ‘our’ place?”

  He laughed. “Yeah. Our place.”

  A wide grin spread over her face and a mischievous gleam lit up her eyes. “Okay!”

  Jake thought his heart would burst. She really loves me. “Baby, I won’t let you down,” he whispered. “While you’re packing, I’ll make a set of keys for you.”

  The steward came by and took their order for food. Grace snuggled back into her seat.

  “Sleep, honey. I’ve got work to do.” He pulled an envelope out of his carry-on bag.

  “Work?” Her question was lazy as she began to drift off.

  “Gotta finish your play.” She smiled as her eyes closed all the way and rested her head against him. Jake switched on the tiny overhead light and proceeded to read.

  * * * *

  The rest of the flight was uneventful. Excitement bubbled up in the pit of Gracie’s stomach. It’s almost like a marriage proposal. Jake’s insistence on her moving into his place thrilled her to her bones. Love swelled her heart and happiness lightened her step.

  Until she faced her sister.

  “You’re moving in with Jake? Tonight?” Cara sank down on the sofa, her face pale.

  “He wants me there, and there’s no reason to wait.” Grace tapped her foot nervously on the hardwood floor.

  “But…but you’ve always been there for me.”

  “I’ll still be there for you…only a few blocks away.”

  Cara turned moist eyes to her sister. Alarm constricted Gracie’s chest. Damn! She’s going to cry! Cara, don’t. I can’t take it. “It’s just an adjustment, and now that you have Grant and Sarah, you’ll be too busy to miss me.” She held her breath.

  “Too busy? Never. We’re a team. Have been for a long time. Gracie…Pookie…” Cara bit her lip. Grace sat down on the sofa and draped her arm around her sister.

  “Hey, sis. It’s okay. I love you a ton, you know that.”

  “I know, but…”

  “This had to happen sooner or later.”

  “I’m happy for you and all, but…I feel…alone, abandoned.”

  “As long as I’m alive, you’ll never be alone. Hey, you picked him for me, remember?”

  Cara nodded, a small smile on her lips.

  “Come on. Let’s try it and see.” Grace patted Cara on the back.

  Cara stood up, blinking rapidly. But she wasn’t able to stem the tide, and tears cascaded down her cheeks. Grant walked into the room and stopped in his tracks. “What the…? What happened?”

  “Pookie’s leaving,” Cara wailed.

  “Leaving?” Grant turned to look at Gracie.

  “I’m moving in with Jake. Tonight.” She looked at her watch. “He’ll be back any minute.”

  “Moving in with Jake?” Grant smiled. “I know a woman in love when I see one.” After taking the handkerchief Grant offered, Cara nodded.

  “What’s that about?” Grace asked him.

  “Nothing, just a discussion with your sister. She said you weren’t in love, and I said you were.”

  “Was I that obvious?”

  “Only to the trained male eye,” he chuckled. The buzzer sounded, and Cara jumped. Grace told Stokes to admit Jake and waited for him by the door.

  Cara wiped her eyes and when Jake appeared she smiled. “Well, Jake, taking my girl away, huh?”

  Jake shot a wary look at Grace. “Is that a problem?”

  “It’s fine. I have to get used to her having her own life.” Cara ran her hand through Grace’s locks.

  Jake blew out a breath. “Good. Scared me for a minute there. Are you ready, Gracie?”

  Grace hugged her sister, who wouldn’t let go right away, then Grant. Jake shook hands with Grant and pecked Cara on the cheek. He picked up Grace’s two suitcases and headed for the door. Grace opened it for him and turned to look one last time at her sister, who stood sniffling in the hallway. Grant wound his arm around her shoulders, and she leaned back into him. She has Grant. She’ll be all right.

  Grace gave a quick wave before she closed the door behind her. A tingle of excitement mixed with fear ran up her spine. Jake stopped and put the luggage down. He peered at her. “You all right?”

  She nodded, the lump in her throat preventing her from speaking.

  “That’s my girl.” He cupped her chin and kissed her before the elevator arrived.

  Grace moved up against him, snaking her arms around his waist. I hope I’m doing the right thing.

  “I love you, Gracie,” he whispered. She grinned as she leaned into his chest.

  Jake hauled the bags up the three flights to his place. Grace put on the kettle for tea while he cleared out some drawers. She looked around her new home. This is mine now, too, right? Can I redecorate, move a few things around? She rearranged the silverware in the drawer in the kitchen. Then she moved throw pillows from chair to sofa and from sofa to chair.

  “Looks much better that way,” he said, eyeing the small table now pushed against the wall. “Gives us more room.”

  She was surprised Jake noticed the shuffling she’d done. “You don’t mind if I move a few things around?”

  “This is your home now, too.” He smiled and pulled her into his arms.

  Grace’s eyes watered. My home, too. She sighed and snuggled into him, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

  Life got crazy busy for Grace. Cara seemed to be more needy now that Gracie was living with Jake. She did everything she could to make her big sister’s days easier. Then there was dancing. She and Jake practiced at home, at the dance studio, and even backstage before the play started. She barely had time to breathe.

  During one performance, she stole into Cara’s dressing room and set up her laptop. There she wrote a review of Driving Force, Jake’s new movie. She raved about the plot, the direction, but most of all about his performance. This should make up for the first Movie Maven review.

  Jake Matthews has come into his own as an actor. His performance in Driving Force is a tour de force. He captures the character perfectly, making us feel both fear of him and sympathy for him at the same time. His charisma onscreen draws you right in and keeps you there. You can’t take your eyes off him. Well done, Mr. Matthews. You’re the new hot actor to watch.

  She hit send, and the glowing review was on its way to Tiffany Cowles. Grace heaved a sigh of relief and closed the computer. Need to keep this private. She took a bottle of water from the fridge and returned to her favorite chair in the wings to watch the show. The three of them are so good. Wish I could act.

  After the last curtain call, Jake rushed backstage. “Did you see what happened with that damn chair? I told them about that.” Grace put her finger on his lips. “Let me take care of Cara, and then I want to hear all about it.”

  “Weren’t you there? Didn’t you see it?”

  Grace’s heart stopped.
/>   “Where were you?”

  “I…uh…I had to catch up on some email.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “Oh? Carrying on with another man on the Internet while I was on stage?” His tone was light, but the look in his eyes was serious.

  “Of course not!”

  “Sorry…I’m just a bit…never mind.” He waved at her. “Take care of Cara.”

  When she finished with her sister, she joined Jake for the short walk a few blocks home. “What was that jealousy about? A man on the Internet?”

  Jake blushed and dropped his gaze to the sidewalk.

  “Come on. Give. We’re living together, tell me!” She shook his shoulder.

  “Remember I said you weren’t the first for me?”

  She nodded.

  “The first girl I loved cheated on me. Traci.”

  “Oh my God! She broke your heart?” Gracie asked, clutching her jacket over the left side of her chest.

  “Yeah. She was seeing another guy on the side. Dumped me for him because I was an unemployed actor, and he was headed for Wall Street. Bitch.”

  “Terrible. Awful. I’m so sorry. I’d never do that.” She slipped her hand into his.

  “I couldn’t hack it if you did.”

  “Never.” She shook her head for emphasis. Who cheats on a guy like this? Doesn’t get better than Jake. They walked on in silence for a few moments until Grace stopped. It’s now or never. Tell him how you feel.

  “I love you. I’ve never said that to another guy. You mean…everything to me.” Being emotionally naked in front of him caused her to shiver. Jake wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly.

  They stopped at their favorite pizza place and picked up a pie to go. In Jake’s tiny studio, they ate, made love and showered together. Jake was exhausted as always after a show, so he fell asleep right away, but Grace lay awake. She stared out the window at the full moon and smiled. I am the luckiest girl in the world.

  He rolled over, tossing his arm carelessly over her waist and murmured a few unintelligible words. Grace wiggled back into him, sighing at the feel of his warmth against her. With a full heart, she closed her eyes and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Grace rolled over and snuggled up to Jake. The alarm went off, and the couple groaned as he reached for the clock. “Damn clock. Hell, it’s only nine.” He rolled over.

  Grace threw the covers off. “Time to get up. We have to practice. Dorrie’s expecting us.”

  “Do we have to?” Jake shoved the pillow over his head.

  “We have to.” Grace tugged the bedclothes down. Jake covered his face with his hands before grabbing the sheet. The two naked lovers tussled in a game of tug of war, laughing and giggling. Jake won as he yanked all the coverings completely off the bed and rolled over on top of Grace.

  He placed a hard kiss on her mouth. “I win! Winner gets to choose next activity.”

  “Like I don’t know what you’ll pick?” She cocked an eyebrow at him.

  “If you guessed making love, you’d be right.” By ten thirty, they were entering the empty dance studio. Dorrie greeted them with a frown. “Hey, I expected you guys an hour ago.” She rested her hand on her hip. Grace lowered her gaze as she sensed heat in her cheeks.

  “Oh. I get it. Something else was more…pressing?” She giggled. Grace glanced at Jake, whose face was red as a beet.

  “Start the music!” She raced over to the player and put in their Strauss CD.

  “Waltz? I thought you’d mastered that. How’s the samba coming?” Dorrie turned her attention back to the dance.

  Jake pulled Grace into position before he answered, “We’ve nailed samba. Now, waltz.” He twirled Gracie around the room in perfect sync to the music. After an hour, they took a break.

  “You two are naturals. You’re such perfect partners, I’d swear you’re sleeping together,” she chuckled. Grace checked her phone and found seven messages from Tiffany Cowles. Excusing herself, Grace fled to the ladies room to view the texts. Leaning against the cool white tile wall, she cringed as each one got angrier and more hostile than the one before.

  A nice review? What are you thinking?

  This stinks. It’s so sweet it’s attracting ants.

  I’m not publishing this crap. You can do better.

  If you don’t stop sending this garbage, there will be consequences.

  My eyes hurt from all the sweet crap in your review.

  This is unprofessional. I’m not publishing it.

  Lauding your boyfriend’s performance isn’t very professional. Stop this nonsense and send me what I want. How would your BF feel if he found out who Movie Maven really is?

  At the last message, Grace gave out a little gasp. She wouldn’t, would she?

  “What’s the matter?” Dorrie stood in the doorway, looking concerned.

  “Nothing, nothing.” Grace quickly closed her phone.

  “Then finish up. I’ve got a class coming in fifteen minutes.” Gracie nodded and returned to Jake. But her pulse was beating wildly, and her palms were sweating. She wiped her hands on her leotard before clasping Jake’s.

  “Are you okay? You look pale.”

  “I’m fine. Let’s go. Only fifteen minutes then we have to leave.” Dorrie flipped on the music, and the pair whirled around the dance floor, executing the perfect Viennese Waltz. Grace found it hard to focus at first as fear coursed through her veins. Tiffany would never do that. She’s bluffing. Certain in her belief that Tiffany Cowles had a heart, Grace relaxed, focusing her attention on Jake, their dance steps, and the beat.

  The day passed quickly. Again that evening during the performance, Grace slipped into Cara’s dressing room and posted her glowing review of Driving Force on Movie Maven’s blog. Though she only managed a post a week there, she had a big following.

  A grin stole across her face as she exercised her own power to post this rave in spite of Tiffany. She doesn’t own me. Fine. Don’t publish it. I’ll publish it myself. Not as many people will see it, but enough. Checking her watch, she scurried back to her place in the wings. Must get back before Jake misses me.

  She slid into her seat a few seconds before Jake’s exit. His warm smile was her reward for being quick. “Good house tonight. Real good,” he muttered to her as he squeezed her shoulder and turned, waiting for his cue to return to the stage.

  On their way home from the theater, they decided to stop at Grant’s favorite Italian restaurant, Trieste, for pasta. After a glass of wine, Jake took Grace’s hand. “I passed your script on to Quinn. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “You did? Why?”

  “Because I thought it was great. Really good. His wife is a close friend of Max Webster. Anyway, wanted to get his opinion.”

  “The show’s producer? Quinn’s too busy to read it…”

  “He said he’d start it on Monday.”

  “Oh. God. Hope he likes it.” She put her head in her hands.

  “He will. You’re good.” The waiter brought a platter of rigatoni with a tomato sauce and big chunks of sausage and placed it between them. They dug into the food like they hadn’t eaten in years. Grace concentrated on Jake’s new stories about Willow Falls and pushed the nagging fear that Tiffany would act on her threat out of her mind. I deserve to enjoy my time with Jake. Not to worry all the time.

  Jake’s phone rang. “It’s Quinn. Better take it.” He put down his fork. After a brief conversation he hung up, smiling.

  “What?” She asked, taking another forkful from the platter.

  “Seems as if I finally did something right.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “Driving Force. The Movie Maven gave it a rave review. Quinn read her comments about me. Maybe you’d better look out. I could love a woman who said those things.” He chuckled.

  You already do. Grace leaned over and kissed him. “I’m glad you got a good review.”

  “My ego could use a little stroki
ng after the beating I took from her.”

  “I’d love to read it. Like to know my competition,” she joked.

  “No competition for you, baby,” he whispered and returned her kiss.

  * * * *

  Grace loved Monday the most because it was Jake’s day off. They lingered in bed—no rehearsal, no show. The day was spent being together, shopping, exploring the museum, and trying out new restaurants. Jake was generous, taking her to expensive shops and tony eateries, always picking up the tab.

  She was embarrassed when he spent money on her, but he seemed to enjoy it. Life resembled her version of a fairytale. While she expected Cara to end up with the perfect marriage and an adoring husband, she never thought she’d have a relationship that could compare.

  Their couple-dom did not go unnoticed. Once Tiffany Cowles was on their trail, so was every other paparazzi in town. They were photographed dining out, shopping, strolling down Central Park West to Cara’s and almost every place else, including leaving Dorrie’s dance studio.

  While Jake was accustomed to photographers and understood how important publicity was for his career, shy Gracie had yet to adjust. Red spots appeared in front of her eyes for hours after flashes went off in her face. She didn’t know how to anticipate the photos and was often caught in an unflattering pose or expression.

  Jake laughed about her naiveté and tried to smooth her ruffled feathers, so she determined to become as adept at he was at handling unexpected photo-ops. They bought the newspapers and had a contest to see who could find their pictures first in each one.

  On this Saturday evening after the show, as they were leaving their building to grab a Sunday Times newspaper, they were surprised by four photographers all from different papers. Jake took Grace’s hand and smiled at the cameras.

  “Smile, Gracie,” he hissed between clenched teeth. Before she could change her expression, Mark from Celebs ’R Us stepped forward, turned to her and, in a loud voice, said, “Hey, look. It’s the Movie Maven!”

  “Where?” Jake asked, turning his head to the left then back again.


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