Book Read Free

Power Awakened

Page 14

by Charlene Hartnady

“I don’t want you scaring my family,” she said, looking at Magnar.

  “I won’t say a word. Forget I’m even there.” Magnar was just as tall as Cadon. So, six and a half feet of raw muscle. He had long black hair that hung about his shoulders in waves and a beard. He had that predatory vibe about him with yellow eyes, almost the same color as Cadon’s.

  Cadon was slightly more refined but only because his hair had been professionally cut into an actual style. He even looked like he had used gel. He had light stubble and dimples when he smiled, which wasn’t very often. His eyes were more golden and quite beautiful.

  “We have a problem. Although the two of you look very different, you have the same eyes. Susan is going to notice.”

  “We’re in security, here on contract,” Cadon said.

  “What’s that?” Magnar frowned.

  “You said you would keep quiet and let us do the talking,” Cadon said. “Let’s stick to that plan. We are from Switzerland and here on business. We’re cousins, that’s why we have a similar eye color.”

  “We are cousins,” Magnar smiled.

  “You are?” Kerry took a step back.

  “Twice removed, on my mother’s side but don’t remind me.” Cadon narrowed his eyes. “Let’s get a move on.”

  She watched in shock for a few seconds as the guys made their way down the path that led to the house. Kerry puffed out a breath. Cousins? Okay, twice removed but still, these two were related?

  She shook her head and walked faster to catch up. It felt like forever since she left here, not just two days. So much had happened. A part of her longed to see her family. On the other hand, the bigger part of her hoped they weren’t home. Magnar was like a loose cannon. Definitely not to be trusted. She didn’t need to know him to know it was true.

  Even though she had a key, Kerry knocked on the door first before using her key to open it. She peered around the jamb. “Sis, you here?”

  “Is that you?” Susan yelled from the kitchen. Her sister rounded the bend just as they were walking into the living room area. Susan halted abruptly, her eyes on the men behind Kerry. “Oh, I didn’t realize you were bringing company.” She pulled some loose hair behind her ear and tried to smooth her top. “I just put the baby down for his nap.” Her eyes moved from one man to the other and then back again. Her gaze locked with Kerry’s. “Good to see you.” Susan rushed over, arms wide. They hugged.

  “Good to see you too,” Kerry murmured against Susan’s hair.

  “Who are your friends?” Susan asked as they pulled away. She narrowed her eyes on Cadon. “I recognize you from that picture Kerry sent. You’re Cadon, the man who hired Kerry.” She held out her hand to Cadon, who shook it.

  “Good to meet you and yes, I hired her to come and live in a house full of men ‒ most of whom are young ‒ and well, it’s not for the faint of heart.”

  Susan laughed. “I can well imagine, Kerry told me about the porno incident and the mountains of laundry.”

  “I’ve banned them from watching that stuff.”

  “Yep, will give you hair on your palms alright.” Susan laughed some more, then she sobered. “Oh, how rude of me. I’m Susan, Kerry’s older sister.” She held out her hand to Magnar.

  Kerry’s heart leapt to her throat. Here we go!

  “I’m Magnar.” The big caveman smiled, taking Susan’s hand. “It’s good to meet you. I can see the family resemblance.”

  “That’s one heck of a firm grip you have there.” Susan extracted her hand from his grasp and flicked it a few times.

  “Oh…I’m sorry.” The Fallen general looked concerned. “I sometimes forget how soft females can be.”

  Susan frowned.

  “Magnar is my cousin.” Cadon quickly stepped in. “We’re in the US on business for a couple of months.”

  “Oh shoot!” Susan made a face. “So your job is just a temp position?” She turned back to Kerry.

  She shrugged. “I definitely have work for a few months at least.”

  Cadon cleared his throat. “There will be more crews coming through, so I’m sure…”

  “There definitely will be more crews.” Magnar grinned.

  “Not too many crews.” Cadon shook his head, his jaw tense. “The house can only accommodate so many.”

  “I feel that—” Magnar’s hands were fisted at his sides.

  “I can’t stay for very long,” Kerry blurted, noticing how Cadon and Magnar were giving each other a hard stare. Cadon looked especially pissed off. “I need to get back to work. These two came with me for support.”

  “In case Jeff was hanging around again?” Susan raised her brows.

  “Who’s Jeff?”

  “Kerry’s ex-fiancée. Piece of work that guy. I see your lip is looking much better.” Susan’s gaze drifted to Kerry’s mouth. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay for something to drink?” she asked the men.

  “That would be—” Magnar started.

  “We really can’t stay,” Kerry quickly blurted. “I need a few minutes to pack.”

  “We’ll help,” Cadon offered. “Both of us,” he added, looking pointedly at Magnar.

  Her sister’s smile morphed into a look of confusion and there was maybe some apprehension there too.

  “They’re a little over-protective,” Kerry laughed. “They run a security firm.” She was surprised to hear how relaxed she sounded. It was no wonder her sister bought it hook, line and sinker.

  Susan’s eyes widened and then she giggled, her cheeks turning a tad pink. “Now that you mention it, they look like they’re in security.” She eyed their arms with interest.

  Magnar flexed his biceps, which made Susan giggle some more. “Do you work out? Stupid question, you must work out plenty.”

  “Yes, we do. I for one would like to work out a whole lot more.” Magnar was talking about sex. Kerry could tell by the look in his eyes.

  “Um… let’s get going. My work isn’t going to do itself.”

  Susan sucked in a breath. “What’s left of your toiletries are in the bathroom together with your make-up bag. Your clothes and things are in the hall closet. I didn’t want the kids getting into your stuff.” Susan widened her eyes and sighed.

  “We’ll be back in a sec.” Kerry glanced back over her shoulder. “Thank you.” All three of them made their way to the bathroom, which was a little weird. Okay, a lot weird. She packed away a few of her loose items, handing the toiletry bag to Cadon. Her robe was hanging on the back of the door, she handed that to Magnar.

  The Fallen general frowned, looking down at the garment. “What is a fiancé?”

  Shit! Shit! For a second there she was sure they got away with that.

  “A friend,” Cadon said. “Not just any friend, a really good friend.”

  “Like the two of you.” Magnar grinned.

  “Very funny, prickwad!” Cadon countered, eyes narrowed. “Not anything like Kerry and I. You can move on from that right now.”

  “This male, this Jeff, he hit you even though he was supposed to be your friend?” Magnar was frowning heavily.

  “Can we have this discussion later?” Cadon asked, his voice had that deep growly quality.

  “No! Answer the question.”

  “Jeff was in love with me, okay? When he found out about Cadon and I, about the…clutch…he lost it and yes,” she paused, “he hit me.”

  Magnar growled, the sound low and terrifying. It caused goosebumps to rise on her arms. “What a coward. To hit a weak female.” He shook his head, looking disgusted. “I hope you killed him,” Magnar said as his eyes moved back to Cadon.

  Kerry gasped.

  Cadon shook his head. “Human females are timid as well as weak,” he whispered. “My female would never speak to me again if I killed this male.”

  “I am not timid!” Kerry had to whisper yell to bring her point across.

  “That’s crazy!” Magnar spat. “He hurt you and therefore deserves to die.”

  “No! He�
�ll go to jail. I don’t want anyone killing anyone else.” She put a hand on each of their chests, the space feeling very cramped right about then.

  “See what I mean?” Cadon said.

  Kerry let her hands drop and groaned in frustration.

  Magnar made a sound of agreement. “What is jail?” he asked.

  “A cage. He will spend time locked in a cage.”

  “Huh!” Magnar spat. “Not good enough. That male could have harmed your young.”

  “I would kill him with my bare hands if I could, but I will respect my female’s wishes. However,” Cadon looked down at her, “if he touches you again, he will die.”

  Her breath froze in her lungs. Cadon’s eyes were filled with an intensity that scared her. Magnar grunted, turning towards the exit. Hopefully that would be the end of the argument.

  Kerry grabbed her make-up bag, checking that her jewelry was still inside. It was! They made their way back to the living room. She bit back a smile when she noticed that Susan was wearing lip gloss and that her hair had been newly brushed. Was that a new top she was wearing? Her sister’s eyes brightened as she spotted the men. Although she and Barry were having a hard time right now, she knew Susan would never cheat. She could ogle though and ogle she did, clearly liking what she was seeing. Even Magnar got a good dose of eyeball attention. Although she thought he was the biggest asshole, underneath all that hair and general rude behavior was an okay looking guy…maybe. Pity about the asshole part.

  Cadon put a hand to her lower back. “We need to leave,” he whispered.

  “I’ll visit soon,” Kerry said.

  “How’s about the kids and I pop in to visit you?” Susan asked.

  “Great idea.” Not! No way! Kerry said. “I’ll text you the address.”

  “You have your doctor’s appointment in a couple of days, don’t you?” Susan asked.

  “Yup, you have a great memory.” Why had Susan brought it up?

  “Your twenty-week check-up.” Susan rubbed Kerry’s baby bump and made cooing noises.

  Actually, Kerry was contemplating canceling. She was loathe to do so, but what could she do? Everything had been fine at the last check-up and she’d been feeling movements. Surely things were okay? “I’ll let you know how it goes.” She couldn’t tell Susan, her sister would worry.

  Susan’s eyes brightened up. “Send me a scan pic.”

  “I will.” Kerry nodded, probably being a bit over the top. Guilt did that to her.

  “You sure you’re fine?” Susan took her hand and squeezed it.

  “Absolutely. How are things with Barry?”

  Susan smiled. “He has a job interview.”

  “That’s great!” She squeezed her sister’s hand. “Let me know how it goes.”

  “I’ll come for tea or something.”

  Kerry nodded, pulling Susan in for a hug. “We’ve got to go. That laundry isn’t going to do itself and Cadon and Magnar have an appointment they need to get to.”

  “Of course. Nice to meet you both.” More blushing.

  “You too.” Magnar touched the side of Susan’s arm. Kerry had to fight not to roll her eyes.

  Chapter 17

  Three days later…

  “So, you just weren’t going to go?” Cadon asked, clenching his teeth. “I still can’t believe it.”

  “Can you drop it already. I explained to you why.”

  “Money,” Cadon still sounded pissed. “Because of something stupid like money?”

  “Yes, money and the fact that I don’t have any. Money may be stupid to you but it’s not so stupid to me. I actually hate money. I wish I didn’t need it but…” she sighed. “Forget it.”

  “I’m not forgetting anything. I told you I would pay you for having to remain a prisoner in this house,” he whispered so softly that she could hardly hear him. “That includes any doctor’s appointments you need.”

  She glanced up at Magnar who was sitting on the other side of the room. Kerry still couldn’t believe it was the same man who had arrived at the house four days ago. He winked at her when he caught her looking. She narrowed her eyes back at him.

  His hair was neatly styled and gelled. His beard was trimmed. The very pregnant lady sitting one seat up from him was checking him out something fierce. It made her want to laugh. If only that lady knew what he was, she’d probably have her baby right there at that very moment. Only, she was looking at him with lust, despite being nine months pregnant.

  The receptionist was checking Cadon out. Make that, the receptionist and the other two ladies in the room. The one woman had the good grace to blush and stare back down at her magazine after being caught. For all intents and purposes Kerry and Cadon were together. He was holding her hand. “Don’t do it again. You need to tell me if you need something. Especially if it’s for the child. Are we on the same page?”

  “Yes, okay, fine…I’ll tell you.”

  “Good. Glad to hear it.” He leaned in a bit closer, pretending to nuzzle into her hair. “I’m so glad Magnar has agreed to let us go in to see the healer without him.”

  “Me too. We would have had a hard time explaining…things.”

  Cadon hummed his agreement.

  “Um …” the receptionist called, blushing when Cadon looked up. “Kerry Thomas…the doctor will see you now.” Funny how the receptionist was still looking at Cadon and not at her. Her face turning a bright red.

  “Thank you.” They both rose to their feet. She watched how Magnar was looking at them. She could see the distrust written in his narrowed eyes.

  “There is only one entrance and therefore only one exit,” Cadon remarked, obviously picking up on his animosity as well.

  “We won’t be long,” Kerry quickly added.

  Magnar smiled, it didn’t reach his eyes and looked tense, as did his shoulders. “Five lives depend on it,” he said, referring to Cadon’s team back at the house.

  It was at times like this that she was reminded of what Magnar was. She wasn’t referring to him being a shifter but rather to him being a cold-blooded killer. Make no mistake, he was. He would kill Cadon’s team given half the chance.

  “I’m still not sure why we are here.” Magnar looked around them “There is no need. Not if you are the father.” It was delivered as a statement of fact and yet, it sounded questioning.

  “We don’t know that,” Cadon said, under his breath. “I explained this to you already. I’m not going through all of it again.” As far as Magnar was concerned, Kerry was carrying the first Feral clutch and there was risk involved. Significant risk.

  “You sure it’s okay?” He widened his eyes. “To see a human,” he whispered.

  “Very sure,” Cadon said, there was a growl to his voice. “We spoke about this already as well.”

  Magnar was referring to the doctor knowing too much and giving information to the press. They had lied and had said that Doctor Jenkins already knew everything. That she was bound by her oath as a doctor not to reveal any information to anyone.

  “We’ll see you in a little while. Happy reading!” He glanced at the magazine in Magnar’s hand. The Feral couldn’t read so it was definitely a dig at him.

  “Won’t be long,” Magnar muttered. “I’ll ace it before you.” The shifters were trying to learn how to read on some app. Crazy but true. They were very fast learners but that fast…? She doubted it.

  They headed into Doctor Jenkins’ office and examination room. Her gynecologist smiled as she walked in. “So, this must be the dad. So glad you could finally come for one of Kerry’s appointments.”

  Cadon’s jaw clenched. “I won’t be missing any more from here on out.”

  For just a second, Kerry allowed herself to imagine that Cadon was this baby’s father and that what he was saying was true. The feeling of warmth, of euphoria didn’t last. He wasn’t! He was a sweet guy, who happened to be a shifter, who happened to have attracted a whole lot of trouble. Right now, they were stuck with one another. He wouldn’t b
e here if he had any kind of choice.

  “Glad to hear it.” Doctor Jenkins gestured to the bed. “Why don’t you take your shoes off and lie down? I’m sure you’re eager to see the baby.”

  “Very much so.” Cadon smiled. It looked so real, like he really meant it.

  Kerry swallowed thickly and did as the doctor said, lying down on the hospital type bed.

  “Right, let’s take a look.” Doctor Jenkins picked up a bottle. “You can lift your sweater to your rib cage and undo the first few buttons of your jeans.”

  Reaching beneath her sweater, Kerry removed the hairband before lifting the garment up.

  Cadon’s golden eyes seemed to be transfixed on her belly. She felt self-conscious for a moment.

  Then the doctor squirted some gel onto her stomach. It was warm. Kerry folded down her jeans to her hairline, feeling her cheeks heat. She was acting like a teenager. So silly!

  Next thing, she felt Cadon slip his hand into hers and squeeze. When she looked up, he smiled. Out popped those dimples of his and his eyes shone. He really was a good-looking guy. He looked excited. Doing such a good job of playing the role of doting father.

  She felt the scanning device against her belly, which drew her attention back to her gynecologist.

  “There he is,” the doctor said. “Your son.” She looked at Cadon, which made Kerry look at him.

  Cadon looked up at the screen, his mouth dropped open and his eyes widened. Then he grinned, looking excited. He squeezed her hand, his eyes filled with wonder and amazement. For just a moment she wished he was her son’s father. Every child deserved a father. One who actually cared. She of all people knew how important that was in a child’s life. She felt tears well and blinked them away.

  Your son.

  For just a second, he let the thought wash over him, allowing himself to believe it to be true. That the silhouette of what looked like an honest to god baby was his. The infant had two arms and two legs. He was sure if he counted, that the boy would have all of his fingers and toes as well. So perfect, a lump formed in his throat.


  The little guy kicked and both he and Kerry shared a laugh. Her eyes were bright, her smile wide. Her hand warm in his. It felt good. It felt real, even though it wasn’t. In a few weeks ‒ if he could help it ‒ Magnar would be gone and Kerry’s life could get back to normal.


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