Book Read Free

Power Awakened

Page 18

by Charlene Hartnady

  Magnar followed on her heel, waiting outside. It was like he suspected she was capable of escaping out of what looked like a closed room. A small, closed room at that.

  They stood in silence for a while, but it unfortunately didn’t last as long as he would have liked. Magnar turned to him. “So, one of my males was successful last night.” He grinned. “It gives me hope that this will be a success.”

  It gave Cadon hope too. “Yeah, it was an unexpected win,” he nodded, “certainly, but it doesn’t mean much in the greater scheme of things.”

  “Why do you say that?” Magnar folded his arms.

  “Like you said, the female did not fit the profile.”

  “He was successful though, and without any help from you.”

  “Yes, you’re right…” Cadon shrugged. “Doesn’t mean he’ll get it right a second time, or that any of the others can replicate his success.”

  “You’re being a—” Magnar stopped talking when the door to the changing room cracked open just a tiny bit.

  “Please call one of the sales ladies,” Kerry asked.

  “Is everything okay?” Cadon countered.

  She made a groaning noise. “This stupid clasp is stuck, I need help getting it open.”

  “Sure thing. You sit tight.” Cadon looked around them, trying to spot someone who worked there. He only saw one female and she was already busy ringing up someone’s purchases.

  “Why don’t you help your female?” Magnar frowned.

  “I don’t know very much about female coverings. It would be better…” His heart pounded at the thought of having to go in there to…

  “You should help Kerry with this simple task. I’m not even sure why she is calling for a female when you are standing right here.” He cocked his head, narrowing his eyes.

  It made sense, of course. If they were in a relationship, this would be a nonevent. They were pretending to be in one so… Blast!

  “Unless you want me to do it.” Magnar’s smirk was back.” Fucker!

  “You’re right.” He shrugged, pretending everything was okay. That this was perfectly normal. That he wasn’t about to get an eyeful of a female he found to be delectable. “I’ll help you,” he said loudly, hoping Kerry would hear and cover herself.

  He couldn’t hesitate, or close his eyes, or react in any way. Cadon was going in and once the door was closed behind him, he’d turn away and apologize. Plan in place.

  He opened the door enough to allow him to slip through and shut it behind himself. Then he tried hard to pick his jaw up from off the floor.

  Kerry made a yelping noise. She used one hand to try to cover her breasts and the other to cover her lace-covered snatch, but not before he caught a glimpse of her fur. He swallowed thickly as his gaze drifted back up. “I’m sorry,” he said, his eyes on the flesh spilling over the tight lace of her bra. Her hand covered the rest. Cadon wanted to peel it away and feast on her, both with his eyes and his mouth.

  “If you’re so sorry, why are you still looking at me like that?”

  “Sorry…I’m trying to look away. I’m trying really hard, I swear.”

  “Try harder.” She turned around. His chest rumbled when he caught sight of her rear.

  “Oh shit! You’re looking at my ass, aren’t you?” Her voice was high-pitched. Kerry glanced back over her shoulder. She got this pissed look on her face. “You are looking at it!” she whisper shouted.

  “You have one hell of an amazing ass.” It was the truth and so he said it.

  “Stop looking!”

  With a low growl he looked up, keeping his eyes trained on the ceiling. His dick throbbed. His balls ached. His jeans felt tight, as in his zipper was digging into him something fierce. “I’m sorry. I had to come in. Magnar made a good point when he asked why I couldn’t help you with your problem. I—”

  “I suppose he’s right.”

  “Just ignore me and my reaction. I—”

  “Yeah, yeah, it’s been a long time since you saw a woman in any state of undress, aside from that day in the bathroom when you caught a glimpse of me. It doesn’t mean anything.” She paused for a while. He could sense that she wanted to say more, so he kept his mouth shut. “You really do find me attractive?” She sounded timid and unsure of herself. Like she’d seen it written all over his face, and yet still couldn’t believe it.

  So much so that Cadon turned slightly so that he could look at her from over his shoulder. He kept his eyes on hers, even though her hands still shielded the main parts. “You really don’t see it.”

  “See what?” She shook her head.

  He turned all the way around, eyes still on hers. “How sexy you are,” Cadon said, meaning it wholeheartedly. “Not just that, you’re beautiful and sweet and very kind. You’re still incredibly trusting, even though someone recently abused that trust. Did I mention sexy? I probably shouldn’t be telling you all this, but it’s the truth.” He ran a hand through his hair. “That bastard didn’t just beat you, he did a number on your confidence as well. Didn’t he?”

  “Yes, I guess he did.”

  “Magnar isn’t just full of hot air, he sees it too.” Cadon sucked in a breath. “I shouldn’t be saying all of this but yes, I think you’re incredibly attractive.”

  She smiled and nodded. “I suppose it’s my turn to come clean about a few things. I was watching you the other night. I couldn’t stop and yes, I was fascinated. I was also,” she sucked in a deep breath, “a little bit turned on. Okay…” She smiled, her checks turning pink. “I was a lot turned on. I was jealous when you were speaking to Red-lips last night as well, and,” she bit down on her lower lip, “I think I have a plan for how we can keep Magnar off our backs.” She let her hands fall to her sides and he had to strain his eye muscles to keep his focus on her instead of looking down at all her lushness.

  He had an idea what the plan might be. He prayed he was right. “Tell me about this plan of yours,” he managed to push out.

  “Well,” she licked her lips and he had to bite back a moan, “I think that maybe since we’re attracted to each other and…well…since we’re pretending to be together and need to make it look authentic, that maybe…” she was breathing heavily, her gaze had moved to his lips.

  “Maybe what?” he prompted her. Cadon wanted to hear it from her.

  “I think the logical thing to do would be to have sex, but if you think it’s a bad idea, or if you think it—” He stepped into her space and cupped her jaw. Kerry sucked in a breath.

  “I think it’s the best idea I’ve heard in the longest time.”

  “It would just be until Magnar and the guys leave. After that, we can still go our separate ways. I just got out of a bad relationship, it would stupid of me to dive right into another one.” She was talking quickly. “You understand that, right?”

  Leukos would never allow him to take this human as a mate. Cadon nodded. “I would need to return home as soon as they leave, so it works for me.” He finally let his gaze drop and groaned as he caught sight of her.

  Using his other hand, he circled her waist, his fingers splayed on her back. Her nipples pushed against the thin lace of the bra. “So soft looking,” he murmured.

  “Are you a boob man?” She giggled. “Good thing I’m pregnant then. They’re not normally this big.”

  “I think I would find you sexy any which way.” It was true. This female was gorgeous. “So ripe.” He let his gaze drift to her lightly distended belly. “I just want to touch you so badly.”

  “I want you to touch me too. I lied about my libido as well…I’ve been feeling achy and desperate for days. Probably ever since we started sharing a bed.”

  He groaned hearing her words. “It’s been torture for me too. My prick has been hard almost the entire time.”

  “It really has,” she whispered, “been torture, that is.”

  Cadon put his cheek to hers, speaking into the shell of her ear. “I can’t wait to kiss you either and not like before.
I want to fucking devour you.”

  She put her hands on his chest, she was panting. Her lips parted, her eyes filled with need. Blast! They’d completely forgotten where they were. That Magnar was just outside the door. Cadon had very little willpower right now. If he touched her, tasted her in any way, he would have to have her. Here and now. Magnar and everyone else could go to hell.

  “We should go.” There was a sense of urgency to his voice that couldn’t be helped.

  “Mmmm.” Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes hazy.

  “We need to leave. We’ll buy these.” He pointed to the garments. “And go! I need to be inside you.”

  “Oh shit!” Kerry looked around her. “Flip, I was ready to go at it. That would have been embarrassing.”

  “What do you say we get out of here?” His voice was a thick rasp.

  “Yes! That sounds like a plan.” She nodded and then nodded some more. “Great idea! Oh, one problem, I can’t get this off. It’s too small.” She fiddled with the pearl clasp between her breasts. “I can’t believe I’m a whole two cup sizes bigger,” she mumbled to herself.

  “Let me try.” Cadon tried to get his big fingers around the little pearl. Tried to…with a low growl, he gave a yank and her breasts fell free, the pearl dropped to the floor with a ping. His chest heaved. Cadon was sure he was going to come, there and then and in his pants like a whelp.

  “Are you okay?” Kerry laughed.

  “Incredible,” he whispered, unable to take his eyes off her breasts. So rounded and full. So soft. Her nipples were dark, shiny and very plump. His mouth watered for a taste, his hands itched to learn the feel of her.

  “You should go.” That same sense of urgency was in her voice. Kerry turned her back to him, removing the clothing.

  It took every shred of willpower he had to walk out of there.

  “Sorted?” Magnar asked.

  “Yes.” His voice was thick with need.

  Magnar’s eyes narrowed. Cadon turned away, pretending to search through a rack of undergarments.

  Horrified. Unsure. Excited and now terrified. All of these emotions had coursed through her one after the other in the last hour. Right now, there were two questions running through her mind. What if he changed his mind? What if he didn’t? Both terrified her in equal measure.

  She couldn’t believe she had done that. Suggested sex. It had been her suggesting it to him. She’d never been so bold before. Then again, she’d never had anyone look at her like he had done. Hungry. No, more than that. Greedy! Like he couldn’t look enough. Like he did indeed want to devour her.

  “I’m still not sure why we had to leave so quickly.” Magnar frowned. “Do you have everything you needed?” he asked her. “That can’t be all.” He looked at the single bag in her hand.

  “Yes, that’s it.” She could have done with a few maternity pants and tops but…it could wait. Everything could wait. As far as she was concerned, the planet could stop spinning for a little while. Time could stop. Everything could come to a standstill.

  The Uber pulled up at the house and they got out. Cadon gripped her hand in his. If she didn’t know better, she’d say he was angry. His whole stance was tense. His eyes were darker somehow and focused on the path ahead. His stride was quick. There were two frown lines between his eyes. Maybe he had changed his mind.

  Magnar trailed behind. He seemed sullen. It was like he could sense a shift between Cadon and her.

  “You’re back,” Andy said as they walked through the door.

  Orrick grunted something that sounded like hello. A couple of the others looked their way.

  “Let me call her?” Hagan begged as Magnar walked in, but he ignored Hagan flat.

  Cadon nodded in greeting.

  “I’m about to cook up a batch of steaks for lunch and I distinctly remember owing you one,” Worth said, eyes on her. “Rare or …”

  “Um…that sounds wonderful, but,” she yawned, “I’m bushed. It’s been a long session at the mall.”

  Worth frowned. “You didn’t leave that long ago and it’s lunch time. Did you eat there?”

  “No, we didn’t,” Magnar growled. He stalked off, slamming the door behind him.

  “Well then…surely you would want to eat before you headed up?” He frowned.

  “I’ll have something later,” Kerry said. Food was the last thing she wanted. Her stomach was twisting into knots. Back to her original questions. What if he had changed his mind? On the other hand, what if he still wanted to have sex with her? Sex with Cadon. It was hard to breathe all of a sudden. Her chest felt tight, as did her throat.

  “And you?” Worth turned to Cadon. “Rare, right? I know you like a sliver of fat on the edge.” He raised his brows.

  “Um…I’m going to rub my female’s back…she mentioned just now that it’s feeling achy.”

  She felt her cheeks heat. Several sets of eyes turned their way. Cadon squeezed her hand and headed for the stairs.

  Worth followed closely behind them, still frowning. “Why are you really going up?”

  Cadon continued to walk. “You heard me,” he said. “If Kerry is going up then so am I.”

  “I thought you said that although your hunger had reawakened,” Kerry could hardly hear what he was saying because he was speaking so low. “that you weren’t going to act on it.” His jaw was tight. His whole body seemed to bristle.

  “Things change.” Cadon smiled, it was tight.

  “You can’t be serious?” Worth said as they reached the first step. He cocked his head, narrowing his eyes. “You’re going upstairs right now to fuck?”

  Thankfully he kept his voice down or she wasn’t sure what she would have done. Cadon squeezed her hand. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  If her cheeks were hot before, they were on fire now. All she wanted to do was to let go of Cadon’s hand and to rush up the stairs. What was it with these shifters and their openness?

  “No! You don’t get to do that.” Worth shook his head. “The five of us came here for females. Not you. It was never supposed to be you.”

  “If it were up to me, you would have a female by now. It’s not! Now keep your voice down.” There was a growl to Cadon’s voice. “Not that I need to explain myself to you, but Magnar wants Kerry for himself. He doesn’t believe we’re together so…” He shrugged.

  “You’re going to play the saint and fuck her to shut him up?”

  “No, I’m definitely not playing the saint. I want to mount Kerry.”

  “I’m sure you do,” Worth threw back. “My point, you should not be doing this. You know why. What if it comes out?”

  Cadon’s jaw tensed and the two men looked each other in the eye for a few seconds. Worth looked angry. Kerry wasn’t sure why.

  “I’ve weighed up the risk and this is the best course of action.”

  “For you!” Worth growled.

  “No, for the female. Best you get out your earplugs, or your headphones, or turn up the television. This is happening, whether you like it or not.” Cadon sucked in a deep breath, seeming to calm down. “There will be females for each of you… I promise. Certain information cannot be leaked.”

  “That’s it exactly, it’s risky,” Worth tried one last time.

  “It’s done!” Cadon began to walk. Her heart beat faster as they climbed the stairs. Faster still as they walked down the hall and into their bedroom.

  “Why is he so angry?” she asked.

  “He’s just feeling frustrated. Worth, Locke, all of them came to find mates and here they sit, trapped in this house. I was only ever meant to look out for them, to guide them. This,” he gestured between them, “sex ‒ at least for me ‒ it was never part of the plan. I can’t blame him for being angry.” Cadon shucked off his jacket, tossing it over a chair.

  “What information? Is there something I should know?”

  “I’m sorry Kerry, but there are still things that are best left unsaid.” He pulled off his shirt and toed of
f his boots. Those same two lines were raised between his eyes. He smiled at her, but it looked strained. “I wish I could tell you. It’s not that I don’t trust you it’s just…”

  “I understand. In a few weeks we go our separate ways and there are things that must remain a secret.”

  “Exactly.” He unbuttoned the first clasp on his jeans.

  Kerry swallowed hard, realizing how turned on he looked. His stare was greedy and aimed at her. It felt almost disconcerting to be on the receiving end of all that intense focus. His massive chest heaved with every deep breath. “Aren’t you going to undress?” Then he got this panicked look. “Unless you’ve changed your mind.”

  “I haven’t changed my mind, I’m suddenly feeling nervous though.”

  “Why?” His frown deepened. Cadon walked over and took her hands in his. They were big and warm and calloused. “I won’t hurt you. We’ll…”

  “I know.” She nodded. “It’s just, I haven’t undressed for many people. I normally know someone really well before…” She shrugged one shoulder in a barely there movement. “I’ve never had sex with someone without a commitment before either and I guess,” she widened her eyes, “I’m a bit shy on top of all that.” The varnish on her toenails was half off. She hadn’t shaved her legs or other places. Heck, she might even have stubble under her arms.

  “I hate to break it to you but black lace leaves very little to the imagination. That lacy thong…well, it may as well not have been there, and I saw your breasts.” He groaned. “My almost wet dreams have all been about you.”

  “They have?”

  “Oh, yes. Every last one. I have to say, I underestimated your beauty ‒ and I’m not just saying that to get inside you.” He sounded strained. “I don’t know what to say about the whole commitment thing. I can’t make one…I—”

  “I don’t want a commitment, but I do want this.” She reached up and kissed him. His pillowly lips felt amazing. He cupped her ass and growled into her mouth. Then he proceeded to devour her as promised. His lips, his tongue…oooh even his teeth. She never knew that nipping and sucking had a place in French kissing. She felt her brain cells pack their bags and head out on vacation. One by one they left, rushing for the door.


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