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Deep Grip (Irish Bastards Saga Book 2)

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by S. A. Mecham

  Deep Grip

  Irish Bastards Saga 2

  By S.A. Mecham

  My love for him will consume us both and I will drown in his beautiful sea of RAGE.

  No. 1 edition

  ©2017 S. A. Mecham, All rights reserved.

  ©2017 cover art by Sam Y Cats Designs, All rights reserved.

  No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  WARNING: this book contents material which is not suitable for all audiences; graphic sex, violence and other extreme subject matter might trigger some readers please be advised. No person under the age of 18 is permitted beyond this point.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Ashes of Our Past Lives, “Luck”

  Chapter Two

  Chapter three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine


  Acknowledgements and Thanks

  About the Author

  Stalk this author

  All titles from this author

  Chapter One

  Ashes of Our Past Lives, “Luck”

  Marcel returns alone. He looks panicked which isn’t good.

  “What should he do? Should we call the fire department?” Ava asks me.

  “Already did…but they will never make it on time—come on we’ll have to do what we can on our own.” My granddad says, perking me right up with relief as I realize he is safe. “I was watching from the water tower. I stayed out of sight until they left. They showed up some time ago. They were in the barn before and I just had a feeling.”

  We all start walking briskly towards the barn. Sounds of horses yelping, echoed through the fields.

  “What the fuck? The horse are inside—no! They put the horses in the barn, before setting it on fire?” I gag.

  “Abby’s car?—she’s supposed to be at the Marshall’s not here.” Marcel spots Abby’s car which no one saw before.

  As we get closer we can see that no one is in the car. Ava and I start searching around the outside of the barn. I do not notice that my granddad has gone to get his shotgun, to do the only humane thing possible. By shooting the horses that are trapped inside the barn, burning alive. I look on mortified as he fires three shots each one ending their suffering. My heart is pounding as I wonder where Abby is and my mind starts racing through the worse scenarios. Did they hurt her? Is she in the barn still, burning alive?

  “If I’ve gotten my brother’s girl killed—I won’t be able to live with myself.”

  “Don’t say that—we’ll find her. Why would they kill her…cut her hair maybe but not kill her—why would that fucking monster want to lose his leverage over you?” Ava tries to calm me.

  “Don’t be naïve Ava—these pricks are capable of all manners of evil. I know their type—shit I was their type once.” Marcel says to Ava. “They killed those horses just to send a message.”

  “Marcel, she is naïve and for good reason; she shouldn’t know these things—she shouldn’t be here at all. Now shut up and let’s spread out and look for Abby. Don’t start jumping to conclusions until we’ve searched everywhere first.” I yell silencing them.

  We all disburse in different directions each of us calling out for Abby.

  My mind is still swimming through thoughts as I near the backside of the burning barn. “What was I thinking? I shouldn’t have come back here. I shouldn’t have brought Ava into my shit,” I think to myself. Angrily, I shout at the sky. My yelling causes an unexpected response and I spot something moving. “Shit! I see something moving,” I yell to the others, “someone moving—it might be Abby!” I jet across the long backyard lawn. Out of breath, I reach the corn field in seconds. Was there anything there? I wonder if I should have waited to call out to the others until I was sure that there was really something to see. “Abby! Hey girl you out there, Abby?” I bellow while plowing through the long green stalks. I am careful to stay on the plowed lines so I don’t break the corn stalks. “Abby, please answer me if you can,” I plea. I can definitely see the stalks moving just ahead of me. “Abby—is that you?” I start to feel the ground below my feet rumble and I notice the tops of stalks starting to sway back and forth. “Abby?” I yell.

  Suddenly a charging black horse emerges from the stalks heading straight for me. I barely manage to jump out of the way while it wildly passes me. I spot a body gripping onto the horse’s back and I know it’s her. It’s Abby. The wave of the shock of seeing her there brings out the rage that I had held back but could no longer sends me into action.

  “Abby—Abby are you alright?” I race over towards the horse. “Come on—boy—calm down it’s okay…” I near him as he slows down just as he reaches the back lawn. “Woah! Woah now boy take it easy,“ I say trying my best to calm him down as I put my hand out to pet him. He nays at me a bit but allows me to pet him as I quickly grab the reigns. I notice Abby is breathing as she moves a bit and sighs. “Hey you…don’t worry Abby; I have you, now you are safe.” I say to her not believing a single one of my own words.

  “You found her—“ Lester shouts from the porch.

  “Oh God—no no, what the fuck!” Marcel yells. He runs to us grabbing her body down off of the horse. “Baby—baby talk to me?” His pained voice strains while carrying her into the house. I follow him stopping at the door.

  “Luck?” Ava says to me as she joins us on the porch.

  “She’s breathing but,“ I try to explain to her but I am unable to finish nor look her in the face. I feel her soft touch on my chin but I close my eyes. I can’t look her in her beautiful face. I can’t see what my actions have caused. I can’t see her bald scalp where there once was a gorgeous mane of hair. All my fault. All of this is my fault.

  “Come on Luck, look at me. Let me see those baby-blue eyes of yours, please,” her soft loving voice wins out, springing my eyelids open without me trying.

  “I can’t look at you—not after what they did to you, and now with this new situation I started with my family,” I strain to speak. I feel the tears spill out of my eyes and now she can see me. She can see what I’ve held back. My shame is raining down right here in front of her and now I know that I will lose her.

  “Luck, you can always look me in the face. I love you with all my heart and soul honey, for real. I liked my hair, sure but it will grow back. Seriously, it grows fast, trust me,” she chuckles, “And as far as this situation with your family is concerned I’m pretty sure that someone else started that shit too.”

  “You barely know me, Ava. Actually, you don’t know me at all. You don’t know my past. You have no idea what kind of shit I have done. I told you that I’m a bastard, and I didn’t mean that my parents weren’t married either.” I remove her hand from my face and began pacing the porch. “I mean, well, actually, they weren’t married but that’s beside the point. I’m a piece of shit; that kind of bastard is what I am talking about. I steal shit, all kinds of shit. There’s got to be a huge load of bad karma in store for me now; a storm that I realize is hitting me today.” I stop pacing without looking at her. “I have to get you back home, where you will be safe. You need to get away from me I’m nothing but trouble and I’ll get you hurt or worse.”

  “What t
he fu—“

  “Hey you two better get in here quick, Abby is waking up,” Lester shouts from inside the house.

  I enter the back of the house heading towards my brother’s room where I assume Abby is. I can hear her voice once I’m by the door to the room. She’s talking. That’s a good sign. I feel like I’m five again and in trouble and about to face my older brother’s brutal and forceful punishment. I enter expecting Marcel’s stare on me, but instead, he’s by Abby’s side completely engrossed in her paying me no mind in the least bit. Yet my own shame and anger are only increased by the sight of Abby, correction; Dr. Abby Peters. Trusted veterinarian and my brother’s fiancé. She doesn’t seem to have any visible injuries I notice while joining them by the bed.

  Abby’s eyes stretch up to find mine as she softly says, “There you are, Luck. I wanted to say thanks to you for calming Lightning down. I’m afraid that I wasn’t able to get to the other horses in time but at least I got Lightning out and well—he saved me. Once he saw those assholes he took off with me on his back, unfortunately for me though I didn’t duck in time, (she points to the back of her head) and I hit my head on the barn door. I don’t know what happened after that.

  Chapter Two

  I am unable to forget all that has happened since the moment I met him. I follow Luck into the bedroom. Abby and Marcel are sitting on the bed. Luck is standing alongside the bed with his back to me so I’m unable to see his expression. He must be hurting, seeing Abby there, believing that he brought this upon his own family but he must know that I don’t blame him for any of this. I don’t think that his family blames him either by the way they are acting. I join Luck and look up at him but he looks forward at his brother almost like he is purposely avoiding me.

  “Well I for one am so happy that’s all that happened…I mean you can live with a small bump on the head but it could have been so much worse.” Marcel stresses. (He rubs Abby’s head while examining it a bit) “So do you know who exactly I need to fuck up, Luck? Do you know who did this to her, to us?” He growls, his eyes burning holes in his brother’s face.

  I stand there silently not knowing what to say. I am just as eager as Marcel to know the identity of those assholes that damn near scalped me. Luck moves away from me a few feet avoiding my glance at all costs.

  “I don’t know, Marcel. I have no idea who those men are and I need to get a hold of Skid’s—” Luck scrambles before Marcel snatches the words from him.

  “Are you talking about Vernon Skidnecky? That ‘Skid’?” Marcel answers his own question before Luck can say anything. “What am I talking about, of course it’s him? Who else would have such a stupid fucking nickname? What the hell do you need to talk to your old childhood friend for? Wait a minute, are you telling me that you are hanging around with that drug dealer again?” He says and without pausing Marcel stands and heads over to Luck getting right up in his face. “Answer me?”

  “I said I don’t know…I will find out and until then I’m not answering any questions.” Luck looks over at Abby. “Abby, I’m really sorry this happened and I will do—”

  “Nothing...” Abby breaks in cutting him off. We are all surprised as she sits up in bed. Then she continues, “you will do nothing, Luck.”

  Abby looks at each of us. “Oh my word, Ava!” She gasps as her full attention has made its way over to me. “What the hell did they do to you? Come here…” she waves me over and I join her on the bed. “Did they do this?” She glides her fingers over my stubbly head and something about the moment softens me and I have to force myself from crying.

  “It’s my fault!” Luck blurts out.

  “Enough…I have had enough blaming from everyone,” Lester says from the doorway before entering the room. “No one in this room caused this to happen. Period.”

  “You and me both know that’s not true,” Marcel says. “I taught him everything he knows about stealing. Hell, I was so proud of him once he got it down to a science. So let’s be truthful here, pops I’m the bastard here who caused this situation.”

  “I’m a grown ass man Marcel. And you didn’t teach me everything…I have known shit that you couldn’t have taught me since before you started.” Luck replies.

  “No…that’s bullshit. You are not the badass that you are trying to prove you are. You were a good kid. You were a smart kid. You had a future ahead of you and I know that if we had the money back then when it was time for you to go to school you would have gone to college like grandma had wanted. Don’t stand here and front. I lead you down this fucking path long ago having no idea that it would lead us all here to this point.”

  “Stop it now!” Abby shouts. “I have a headache. I’m kind of nauseous and I love everyone in this room but I need you all to shut up and get out before I barf, alright?” She adds before rolling over on her side. Marcel shakes his head before joining her by her side again, his full attention back on her.

  “Of course Abby, please rest we will leave you two alone,” I say and I feel Luck’s warm hand on my shoulder.

  Chapter three

  The last thing she needs is me asking her any more questions. I pull her by her arm leading down the hallway. My only purpose is to pleasure her. I need to bring her some kind of peace after the hell she’s been through today.

  “Why are you looking at me like that, Luck? What are you planning to do to me?” Her eyes widen, as she starts to recognize the look on my face. “I’m so dirty and I look so ugly why would you want me?” She shakes her head with a cute eye roll.

  “I don’t care about the dirt on your body, Ava. I want you.” I pull her up against me, closing the door to my room with my foot. “I want to hold you. Care for you.” I kiss her plump lips, “let me make you forget about today,” I groan into her mouth. Her soft sweet body falls limp in my arms before I’m met with a fierce kiss. I’m so surprised I open my eyes to see if I’m still kissing Ava. But it’s her; she’s passionate, ravenous and holding nothing back as she pushes us towards my bed.

  Our bodies’ crash together landing barely on the bed. We begin peeling each other’s clothes off and I’m in her before I’m fully undressed. I’m sucking her lips, my eyes closed and I’m panting and I can feel her heart pounding. She shakes underneath me as her whimpers are drowned out by my tongue. I press into her hips repeatedly, slowing for nothing. I want her to feel how she makes me just as ravenous for her as she is for me. Our bodies never part as she bears down on me, clenching on my dick so hard from the inside that I have to fight to keep from coming right then.

  “Damn…Ava, I want you to come first.” I manage to mumble into her mouth.

  “Luck! Oh…uh…” her raspy voices shakes free her pleas of pleasure.

  Hearing her sounds makes holding back impossible for me. “Uh—oh.” I stammer, at the same time holding my breath hoping to suppress my roar. I press my full weight down onto her allowing all of the love for her to flow deep into her, filling her body, mind, and soul from the inside.

  I collapse on top of her, kissing her deeply before I suck her lips.

  “I love you, Luck.” Her soft voice tickles my ears.

  “I love you too, Ava,” I say back with my eyes on her. She’s breathless and seems to be bleak; I can understand why she wouldn’t want to feel right now. “I have something for you.” I jump up grabbing my pants from the floor.

  “What could you possibly have for me right now?” She asks rolling her gorgeous body onto her left side to watch me.

  I dig out the black velvet bag that I had managed to keep concealed in the bottom of my pant pocket. I grow excited hoping that there’s enough inside this bag to get her an attorney to get her son back. “What is that? Is that from the retirement place?” She grows eager sitting up pulling her legs up to her chest while I drop the contents onto the bed in front of her.

  Coins and jewels fall landing in a pile and we both move closer hovering over our loot.

  “Wow…this will be enough, I think.” I grab at my hair
trying to pull it forgetting for the moment that those assholes at Ava's apartment shaved my head bald.

  “How much is all this worth?”

  “Well, looks like there’s gold coins (I pick one up studying it) and some other gems there,” I answer. I nod my head in shock. “These are diamonds, Ava. (I drop the gold coin to put pick up the diamonds). There are twelve, three karat diamonds, four rubies, five sapphires and half dozen other various stones and gems here. Holy shit! Sorry…I’m trying not to cuss so much.”

  “Shit is right!” she says as she jumps into my lap kissing me, “why are you trying to not cuss?”

  “I don’t want to cuss around little dude; Gabe. There’s a lot of things I’m changing from now on as well.”

  “Oh yeah…like?” She kisses my neck adding a nibble at the end.

  “Mmm…like…I’m not smoking, nor cussing especially the f-bomb and after I get this stuff fenced I’m done with this whole stealing game, period. We will have plenty here to get you the best legal team money can buy so you can get Gabe back.” With every promise, I make her I feel my hands start to sweat and my voice starts to shake.

  “You would do that all for us, for me and Gabe?” She puts her cute face in mine and her brown eyes lock me in so deep I almost forget to take a breath.

  “There isn’t anything that I wouldn’t do for you, Ava. It’s my fault that you’re in danger now and for that I’m sorry.”

  She places her palm over my mouth ending my sentence. “I love you. I don’t blame you for any of this. Not even my hair being cut off.” She moves her hand replacing it with her mouth. She straddles me and I feel her soft wetness press against my dick and I start getting hard. “I want you inside of me again, Luck. I want you to fuck me to sleep. I’m so tired.”

  “I can do that for you, baby. Whatever you want.” And instantly the combination of her heat rubbing on me and her complete trust in me sends me into full arousal. We kiss hard, deep and sloppy for several minutes. Her hands slide down my chest wrapping around my dick before she buries it deep up inside her, slowly inch by inch. I lean back letting her do the work. She glares at me with an open mouth she rolls her hips around in circles making me almost dizzy. I feel her milking my dick unlike anything she’s ever done before and I now I realize I have awakened a new person in her. She arches back pulling herself upward allowing me out of her to the tip before bearing back down on me letting out a moan that makes my heart throb to the point I must force myself to hold back. She pulls my hands up placing them on her breasts.


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