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Page 13

by Baylin Crow

  “Oh, God,” I breathed. The tickle of his breath against my ear caused a shiver to race down my spine. I wanted him to stay, to finish what he’d started. Hell, what had been building since the moment I’d met him at the gym. My cock demanded I do something to make him stay, but nerves kept me rooted to the spot.

  Asher breathed deep as he backed away. A grin pulled at the corners of his mouth. “I think you want that almost as much as I do.” He shot me a wink before turning and disappearing down the hall.


  “What’s up, Drew?” Pete seemed distracted, papers rustling on his end of the line.

  “Hey. Is there any way I could pick up some extra hours today?” Squatting at Asher’s had allowed me to save up some money, but not enough to buy the car I needed.

  “Everything all right?” Pete focused his attention, no longer shuffling pages. I didn’t want him worried about me.

  “Yeah. I just feel bad that I’m sponging off Asher.” I still browsed house listings, but it’d been a half-hearted attempt lately. If I got a car, I could search in a more affordable area and still work at the gym.

  “You can always move back into the guesthouse if it becomes a problem.” Office noises resumed on Pete’s end when I assured him it wasn’t. “Well, if you’re sure you want to use up one of your days off, I could use some help.”

  After telling me when to report for duty, we hung up. I had some time to kill, so I spent the morning out on the terrace, soaking up some sun before it became too hot. I scooted my chair to a shadier spot and picked up the pad of paper and pencils I’d brought out with me. Instead of drawing the skyline, today I worked on an image of my dad. I didn’t let myself think of him often, it just hurt too much. Before he’d died, life had been so different. Better.

  Sometimes, when I felt like I needed a little direction, I’d imagine talking to him, getting advice on life. I only had my imagination on what he’d say. Today I hoped he’d say do whatever makes you happy, Drew.

  In the drawing, I aged him, maybe what he’d look like if he were alive today. He looked happy. My chest tightened as I stared into his eyes, crow’s feet deepened from the smile I’d drawn onto his face. I tore the page out and went back to my room to slip it into my nightstand drawer along with the other pictures I didn’t want to lose.

  I glanced at the clock on my phone and realized I’d lost track of time. I only had about five minutes to get myself out of the door. Tossing on my work uniform, I grabbed my keys and wallet. I locked up and sprinted out to the elevator, tapped my foot as it made it descent, and threw myself in a cab.


  “Drew, my man! I didn’t think you’d be here today, especially after last night.” Brody puffed out between tired breaths as I stopped by treadmill he had slowed to a walk.

  “I may have gone a little overboard,” I admitted. Once he’d turned the machine off and stepped down, I handed over a water bottle and clean towel.

  “It happens.” He used one hand to wipe the sweat from his face with the towel before slinging it around his neck and then took a long drink of the water. “A few of us are going out tonight if you’re up for it.”

  “Don’t you ever stay in? We just went out last night.” Shouldn’t he be exhausted? Hell, these guys made me tired by watching their workouts. He gave me a blank look.

  “Anyway, my buddy’s in town. His band is playing at a club downtown tonight, and I told him I’d be there. They’re good. You should come, and my girl’s going to be down next weekend so…”

  I caught Asher watching the exchange from across the room. “Let you know soon?”

  The idea of another night out was exhausting. Chilling on the couch with Asher sounded much better.

  Brody followed my line of sight and frowned. “Yeah, sure.” He squeezed my shoulder when he passed on his way to the showers.

  When I was back in the second office, I opened the refrigerator and started grabbing bottles to pass out when I felt him behind me.

  “Let me guess, he wants you to go with them to that club?” That gravelly tone of his affected me more than it needed to here at work.

  “He said something about going.” I grabbed a few more bottles, enough to fill both arms, and faced him. “I’m guessing he asked you, too?”

  He nodded.

  “I told him I’d let him know, but I kind of feel like hanging around the apartment if you want to.”

  Asher leaned against a filing cabinet and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Jerry set up a date tonight.” He cautiously studied my face. Even though the setups weren’t real, they still bothered me. Maybe even hurt a little.

  “Oh, okay. No big deal.” I shrugged and pasted on a false smile. After last night, there was no way I was drinking, but now, there was no way I was staying at home alone either.

  “I could let Jerry know there’s a change in plans and take her there instead if you go to the club,” he offered and then cringed. The situation sucked no matter how I looked at it, and he seemed to think so too. “Unless, you’d rather I didn’t. I don’t even know why I just said that.”

  What was I supposed to say? Whether it was to torture myself or to see it with my own eyes, I said, “It’s fine. I think I’ll go, and you and your date should come.”

  “Fake date, Drew,” he corrected.

  “Whatever.” I waved him off the best I could with my arms full of bottles. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  “I’m about to leave. What time did Pete say you were working ’til?” he asked while studying the floor.

  “I’m going to go ahead and close up tonight. I need the hours.”

  He looked like he wanted to say more but stopped himself. “I’ll be back to pick you up then.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll grab a cab,” I said as I walked away.

  “Drew…” He trailed off. He couldn’t follow me and keep the conversation going without being overheard. I used that to my advantage to make an escape.

  Torture. Tonight was going to be torture. I fished my phone out of my pocket and texted Claire.

  “I need you tonight.”

  “Whose ass do I need to kick?”



  “I can’t believe that’s Asher Ramsey,” Claire squealed in my ear as Asher climbed out of his truck parked next to us. We’d driven separately since Asher was technically on a date. After climbing out of Claire’s car, we waited for Asher to return with his date after helping her down from the lifted truck.

  They rounded the vehicle with the woman’s arm woven around Asher’s as she toddled in her heels on the gravel parking lot. My eyes jerked away from where they were focused on their locked arms. Asher met my gaze first and his was darting over my face. His lips parted as if to say something, but then the woman cut in.

  “Hi. Drew and Claire, right? I’m Tinley.” Her wide smile was painted a pale pink, flashing a hint of perfect white teeth. Her tanned skin and long black hair fell in waves around her shoulders. Her body was clad in a dark purple dress that barely hit her thighs. She was hot. Together, they looked like some sort of power couple. I frowned and Claire bumped my shoulder as Tinley’s smile faltered. Shit.

  “Yeah, it’s nice to meet you.” Was I supposed to shake her hand? What was the protocol in this situation? I settled for a smile.

  Asher cleared his throat and turned toward the club with Tinley still clinging to him. “Let’s get inside. Brody texted me before we pulled in that he was already here.”

  Claire looped her arm through mine as we followed behind Asher and his date. Several people walked by us on their way inside, a few stumbling or flat-out staring when they spotted Asher.

  My jealous reaction was ridiculous. I knew that, but when he placed his hand on the curve of her hip, I had to bite my lip. I tried not to glare in her direction. It wasn’t her fault. The move just appeared more personal than I’d expected.

  A flash of light caught my eye and I glanced over to find
the source. Asher was actually being photographed. It all became real in that moment. He was putting on a damn show.

  “Oh my God, Drew! This is insane,” Claire whisper-shouted.

  “It’s definitely that,” I grumbled. I didn’t want to ruin anyone’s night, so I did my best to let go of my jealousy and make sure Claire had a good time. “And can you pretend to be cool tonight, please?” I teased Claire, earning a thump on my ear.

  “I don’t even care. I’m totally fangirling right now.” Claire fanned herself dramatically with her hand.

  I couldn’t say anything to that since I wasn’t exactly immune to him either.

  Dressed in a charcoal T-shirt and jeans that showcased an amazing ass, he was downright droolworthy. The fact that I just thought that and it didn’t bother me still made my head spin. Never in a million years…

  The club was large with outdoor stage areas as well. I counted two from my vantage point.

  “Wow, this place looks really cool.” Claire glanced at me with wide eyes. We didn’t go out often. Every penny was spoken for as soon as it was made. Tonight was my treat though. She’d gotten herself all dolled up for it—black hair twisted up on her head and a simple black dress.

  “I don’t know if I told you already, but you look really pretty tonight.” I pulled her to my side and kissed her temple before looking forward again.

  “You’re looking awfully handsome yourself, Everly.” She grinned up at me and patted my chest.

  I’d gone shopping after my first paycheck, just to have a few things, and was wearing the only decent clothing I had to go out in. Black jeans, a baby blue T-shirt that matched my eyes, and my black boots were as good as it was getting.

  Asher was the first to the door and paid for all of us, even after I protested. So I responded with an easy, “I’m buying the first round then.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Fine. Brody said to meet him on the outside patio.” He pointed to our right before grabbing Tinley’s hand and weaving his way around the crowd of people filling the space. Claire and I trailed behind.

  “Lucky bitch,” Claire pouted in my ear. The urge to laugh was strong, and I struggled to keep a straight face. If only she knew Asher had zero interest in Tinley. I hated that I couldn’t tell her the truth about everything. We’d always been honest and open with each other, and now, there were so many things I couldn’t say.

  We passed a bar in the center of the main building, taking up a large part of the room. Even with five bartenders, people still stood three deep, waiting to be served. How had I never heard of this place?

  Finally, we broke free of the throng of bodies and made our way to the patio where Brody had said to meet him. Band members scurried around the stage, and tables were quickly filling, so we grabbed a high-top with six tall chairs. Three crammed together on opposite sides.

  “Where’s Brody?” I asked.

  “I don’t know, probably somewhere inside. Thought he’d already be out here,” Asher replied, pulling a chair out for Tinley and snagging the one beside her. My stomach rolled at seeing them sit together like that.

  “Well, it looks like the band’s going to be set up soon. I’m headed for the bar. Any preferences?” I needed to step away for a few minutes to gain some perspective. It was a fake date, damn it.

  Asher reached for his wallet and looked ready to argue, but he’d agreed to let me buy the round. I could see the minute he gave in, and a smile tugged at my lips.

  “Whatever is fine.”

  The girls agreed, so I set off for the bar and prepared to wait until my turn. Once I had a bartender’s attention, I ordered the club’s signature—a large wooden bucket full of ice and chilled beers—to get us started since there was so many of us. One of the bartenders, a big beefy guy, carried it out to our table. Turned out my plans for not drinking changed the minute I saw Asher and Tinley together. Just one wouldn’t hurt. As long as I didn’t have another damn hangover.

  Brody and Zac had arrived by the time I made it back. All of the seats were taken save one, right next to Asher. I almost groaned at the absurdity of the situation as I sat on one side of him and his date on the other. Not awkward at all. At least I had Claire directly in front of me.

  “So, Claire.” Asher turned toward her, and I watched her face grow rosy. “Drew’s told me a little about you.”

  “He hasn’t said near enough about you,” she flirted back, and I groaned under my breath. Asher looked up at me, eyes sparkling with laughter. I mouthed, “I told you so,” and he shook his head, tuning back into Claire’s rambling about how awesome he was.

  Asher charmed Claire right off her feet within minutes. After a few drinks, Brody snagged Tinley’s hand, and he and Zac took her to dance. At least she’d asked Asher if he minded. Of course, he hadn’t.

  The three of us were left staring off at them. My brow lifted as Asher plugged Claire’s number into his phone and I wondered what I’d missed. I’d have to talk to him about that. I didn’t want him leading her on.

  “Looks like you lost your date,” I said.

  He shrugged. “It happens.” He gave me a secretive grin.

  “So, Claire Bear, ready to fess up about who you’re seeing?” I asked.

  “Oh my God. You’re like a dog with a bone! Give it up already. I’ll tell you when I’m ready.”

  Our dueling glares made Asher chuckle. We spent the next thirty minutes talking and laughing, trying to hear everyone over the music. I was glad Asher and my best friend seemed to hit it off.

  When the others came back up, Tinley took her place next to Asher again but was leaning across the table toward Brody who had sat in front of her. I laughed out loud when Asher looked at them with an expression of relief.

  Zac had come back with a blonde and her brunette friend. The blonde perched on his lap. The brunette’s eyes kept bouncing from me to Asher. She leaned down to whisper something in her friend’s ear who grinned back up at her, sneaking her own look at us and lingering on Asher. Good luck there, ladies.

  Pressure on my leg made me look down to my lap where Asher’s hand now rested on my thigh. I glanced at him quickly, but he gave nothing away as he continued his conversation across the table. Tinley and Brody were deep in their own conversation, so I doubted she’d notice. I couldn’t hear a word of any of the discussions because all of my attention focused on that single point of contact.

  It was one thing to talk about this stuff at home but being out in public, I couldn’t lie, made me extremely nervous but a little turned on too. And he should be careful. I tried to brush off his hand, but he dug in tighter and started massaging, his hand steadily heading higher up my thigh. My breath whooshed out the closer he got to my cock, which had grown harder for him with each passing second.

  Claire’s phone signaled a text. Her brow furrowed deeper as she read the message. “Crap. I hate to leave you like this. That was Delia. Well, you don’t know her, but anyway, she’s sick and needs me to cover her shift. I sort of owe her, so I can’t say no. Are you good now?”

  Claire turned her attention to me. My hand snapped down on top of Asher’s, trying to keep him still. Unfortunately, I’d stopped his hand in the crease of my thigh and the side of his hand now pressed against my hard-as-fuck dick.

  “I’m good.” My shaky voice made her pause and give me a funny look.

  “Okay, well, text me if you need me. Okay?”

  “I’ll be fine, Claire Bear. Thanks for coming tonight.” I leaned forward and smacked a kiss on her cheek. Suddenly, the large hand tormenting me under the table cupped my package. I held back the moan until Claire had excused herself from the table. The sound that escaped came out muffled and Asher chuckled.

  “Fucking dick,” I hissed under my breath.

  “Now, that’s what I’m talking about.” He laughed.

  “Walked right into that one, didn’t I?” I sighed when he released me.

  “Hi, I’m Holly,” said a sweet voice to my left, startling me.
It was the brunette who’d come back with Zac. He still sat across the table with the blonde in his lap and looked like he was whispering something in her ear. I glanced around the table in time to see Brody and Tinley—his hand on her lower back—sneaking off back into the crowd. I briefly wondered what they were doing since he had a girlfriend, but that wasn’t my business.

  “Uh, hi. I’m Drew. This is Asher.” I pointed next to me and immediately felt stupid when she laughed because of course she knew who he was. Instead of taking the seat next to Asher that Tinley had vacated, she dragged a chair from the opposite side and planted herself on my other side so I was sandwiched between her and Asher. Weird girl.

  Holly was cute, and there was a time when I’d have tried to get her alone. Instead, I wished she’d leave. Things had been getting interesting before she joined in.

  Over the next twenty minutes, Holly had managed to invade my space even more until she sat halfway on me and had her arm resting on my chest. She’d gone back and forth, showering me and Asher with attention. Asher was watching. I could practically feel the glares he darted at me from time to time. I had no idea what to do in this situation without making anything too obvious.

  As much as I enjoyed a woman with curves in all the right places sitting and squirming on my lap, I wasn’t feeling it. I knew what it was like to have to sit by and watch him with someone else whether we wanted it or not. Oh shit. No way would I intentionally do that to him. I pulled her off me and set her back on her own seat. She rocked back onto the stool, and I reached out to steady her. She shot me a confused look.

  “Sorry. I’ll be right back.” I stood and tried to walk as nonchalantly as I could toward the restroom. I needed a minute away from Asher to get my thoughts in order. Everything was always so damn complicated.

  I’d just splashed some water on my face when the door opened behind me. Asher’s energy rippled over me. His silent stare thickened the air and made it impossible for me to swallow. We weren’t alone. A fact that didn’t seem to concern him right then.


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