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The Ellington Century

Page 39

by David Schiff

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  Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia (Rome)

  Adams, Diana

  Adderley, Cannonball

  Adorno, T. W.

  African American culture/music; “black is beautiful,” and Christianity; and civil rights movement, and Great Migration, and harmony, and history, and melody, and Middle Passage, and religious music, and rhythm, and social distinctions, and tone colors, and Underground Railroad, See also race relations; names of individual African Americans

  African/West African music: African diaspora, and clave, Ewe music, and handbell, Husago dance, and melody, and rhythm, in Such Sweet Thunder, and tone colors, and xylophone

  Afro-Cuban music


  Ajemian, Anahid

  “Alexander's Ragtime Band,”

  Allen, Frederick Lewis

  “All Things Considered” (NPR program)

  American Popular Song (Wilder)

  American Shakespeare Festival (Stratford, Conn.)

  Amsterdam Star-News

  Andersen, Hans Christian

  Anderson, Cat

  Anderson, Eddie “Rochester,”

  Anderson, Elaine

  Anderson, Ivie

  Anderson, Marian

  Andrews Sisters

  Ansermet, Ernest

  Antheil, George, Ballet mécanique, Jazz Symphony


  Antony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare)

  Appel, Alfred Jr.

  Applebaum, Louis

  “Aquashow” (Flushing Meadow Park)

  Aragon, Louis

  A Rebours (Huysmans)

  Arlen, Harold, “I Got a Right to Sing the Blues,” “The Man That Got Away,” The Wizard of Oz

  Armstrong, Louis, and melody, and rhythm

  —music: “Copenhagen,” “Go ‘Long Mule,”– “Heebie Jeebies,” “Hello Dolly,” “Hotter than That,” “I Can't Give You Anything But Love,” “I Got a Right to Sing the Blues,” “I'm Confessin' That I Love You,” “Tiger Rag,”

  Arranging for the Modern Dance Orchestra (Lange)

  “Art poétique” (Verlaine)


  Ashby, Harold

  “Ash Wednesday” (Eliot)

  Asian American Orchestra

  Astaire, Fred


  Attucks, Crispus

  Auden, W. H.


  Autobiography (Stravinsky)

  Avakian, George

  Babbitt, Milton, Composition for Four Instruments

  Babs, Alice

  Bach, Johann Sebastian, and harmony, and history, and melody, and religious music, and rhythm, and tone colors

  —music: Goldberg Variations, Prelude in B Minor, The Well-Tempered Clavier

  Bacharach, Burt

  Bacon, Louis

  Bacon, Roger

  Baker, Chet

  Baker, Harold

  Balanchine, George, Apollon musagète

  Baldwin, James

  ballads: jazz ballad, and love, and melody, and religious music

  Ballard, Kay: “Rock and Roll Waltz,”

  Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo


  Bardac, Emma Moyse

  Baron, Art

  Barthes, Roland

  Bartlett, C. Julian

  Bartlett's Quotations

  Bartók, Béla, “developing variation,” and harmony, and melody, and rhythm

  —music: “Alla bulgarese,”; Bagatelle op. 6 no. 13, Bagatelle op. 6 no. 6, For Children, Concerto for Orchestra, Contrasts, Divertimento, Elegies, Four Dirges, Funeral Song, Improvisations on Hungarian Peasant Songs, Kossuth, Mikrokosmos; Mourning Song, Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta; “night music,”, Out of Doors, Quartet no. 2, Quartet no. 4, Quartet no. 6, Romanian Dances; Second Quartet, Seven Sketches, Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm, Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion, String Quartet no. 2, String Quartet no. 5, Suite for Piano, “Syncopation” study no. 133

  Basie, Count, Count Basie Orchestra, and history, and rhythm, and tone colors

  —music: “April in Paris,”, “Blues in the Dark,”; “Jumpin' at the Woodside,” “Lester Leaps In,”, “Lunceford Special,” “Shiny Stockings,”

  Basilica de Santa Maria del Mar (Barcelona)

  “Basin Street Blues,”

  Baudelaire, Charles

  BBC Symphony Orchestra

  Beach Boys,. See also Wilson, Brian

  Beatles, “Eleanor Rigby,” “I Will,” “Norwegian Wood,” Sgt. Pepper, “Strawberry Fields,”; “When I'm Sixty-Four,” “Yesterday,”

  bebop, hard bop, and history, and melody, post-bop, and rhythm

  Bechet, Sidney, “Blue Horizon,”

  Beethoven, Ludwig van, and harmony, and history, and rhythm, and tone colors

  —music, Eroica, Fifth Symphony, Ninth Symphony, “Ode to Joy,” Piano Sonata op. 31, no. 3, Seventh Symphony, Third Symphony

  The Beggars' Opera

  Beiderbecke, Bix, “In a Mist,”

  Bellson, Louis

  Belyi, Andrei

  Bennie Moten Orchestra: “Moten Swing,”, “Toby,”

  Benny Carter Orchestra

  Benton, Thomas Hart

  Berg, Alban, cryptogram for, death of, and harmony, and Höhepunkte, and love; secret programs in music

  —music: Altenberg Lieder, op. 4, Kammerkonzert, Lulu, Lyric Suite, “Monoritmica,” Piano Sonata op. 1, Seven Early Songs, Three Fragments from Wozzeck, Violin Concerto, Wind Quintet, op. 26; Wozzeck

  Berg, Helene Nahowski

  Berger, David

  Berlin, Irving, “Play a Simple Melody,”; “Putting on the Ritz,”, “That Mysterious Rag,” “What'll I Do?”, “You're Just in Love,”

  Berliner, Paul

  Bernstein, Leonard, Chichester Psalms, Jeremiah Symphony, “Lamentation,” Mass, “A Simple Song,” “Somewhere,” West Side Story

  Bigard, Barney, and His Orchestra, and history, and melody, and rhythm, and tone colors

  Big Band de Lausanne

  big bands, See also names of individual big band composers

  Bill Haley and the Comets


  Birth of a Nation (film)

  Birth of Race (film)

  Bishop, A. J.

  Bizet: Carmen, “Habanera,”

  Black, Brown and Beige; Beige, Black, Brown, poetic script of, reading of, and religious music; and Second World War

  Black and Tan (film)

  Black and Tan Fantasy (film)

  Black Nativity (musical)

  Blake, Eubie, “I'm Just Wild about Harry,”; Shuffle Along

  Blakey, Art

  Blanton, Jimmy

  Blanton-Webster Band

  Blavatsky, Madame Helena

  Blazing Saddles (film)

  Blitzstein, Mark, Symphony: The Airborne

  Blok, Aleksandr

  The Blue Rider

  blues: and Black, Brown and Beige, and “Black Beauty,”; “blue note,”, “blues as process,” “blues men/women,”, blues scale, “blues sound ideal,” coloratura, defined, as dialogue, and harmony, and history, individual player's sound in, and jazz, klangfarbenmelodie, and melody, and “Mood Indigo,”, “as music,”; and religious music, and “Reminiscing in Tempo,”; and rhythm, rhythm and blues, and Such Sweet Thunder, theme and variations, and tone colors

  Blues and Roots

  “Blues in the Dark,”

  “Blue Skies,”

  Blues People (Jones)

  Bolden, Buddy

  Book-of-the-Month Club

  Botstein, Leon

  Boulez, Structures I

  Bowles, Paul

  Bradford, Perry, “Crazy Blues,”

  Brahms, Johannes, Fourth Symphony, and “schwebend
e Tonalität,” Second Piano Concerto

  Brando, Marlon

  Braud, Wellman

  Brecht, Bertolt: Mahagonny, “Surabaya Johnny,” “Und was bekam des Soldaten Weib?”

  Briggs, Bunny

  Britten, Benjamin, War Requiem

  Britton, Peter

  Broadway musicals, and melody; and religious music, See also names of individual Broadway composers; titles of Broadway shows/songs

  Brooks, Mel

  Brooks, Shelton, “Darktown Strutters' Ball,” “Some of These Days,”

  Brown, Anthony

  Brown, James

  Brown, John

  Brown, Lawrence

  Browne, Roscoe Lee

  Brubeck, Dave, “Blue Rondo à la Turk,” “The Duke,” “It's a Raggy Waltz,” “Take Five,” “Unsquare Dance,”

  Burns, Ralph, “Early Autumn,”

  Burns, Robert

  Burris, Dick

  Busoni, Ferruccio

  Cabin in the Sky (film)

  Cage, John; Williams Mix


  California Eagle

  Calloway, Cab

  Cambridge University

  Carmichael, Hoagy, “Rockin' Chair,”

  Carnegie Hall; and Black, Brown and Beige

  Carney, Harry, and Black, Brown and Beige, and Concerts of Sacred Music, as Ellington's driver, and Such Sweet Thunder

  “Carolina Shout,”

  Carter, Benny, Benny Carter Orchestra

  Carter, Elliott, Piano Concerto

  Century of Negro Progress exhibition (Chicago)

  C'est l'extase langoureuse (Verlaine)

  Chambers, Paul

  Chaplin, Charlie, “Smile,”

  Charles, Ray


  Chat Noir

  Chavez, Carlos

  Chernoff, John Miller

  Cherry, Don

  Chicago Symphony

  Chicago Tribune

  Child, Julia

  Chocolate Kiddies

  Chopin, Frédéric, Ballades, Funeral March, mazurkas

  Christenson, Lew


  City Center (New York City)

  Civic Auditorium (Portland, Ore.)

  civil rights movement

  Civil War, antebellum period

  Clara Ward Singers

  Clark, Buddy

  classical composers/music, and harmony, and history, and jazz, and love, and melody, and religious music, and rhythm, “rocket” figure, and tone colors, and xylophone,. See also European culture/music; opera; names of individual classical composers


  Clayton, Buck

  Cleveland, James

  Clinkscales, Marietta

  Cobb, Jimmy

  Cocteau, Jean

  Cohen, Harvey

  Cole, Bob, “Under the Bamboo Tree,”

  Cole, Nat King

  Coleman, Alexander

  Coleman, Ornette

  Collier, James Lincoln

  color. See tone color

  Coltrane, Alice

  Coltrane, John, A Love Supreme, “My Favorite Things,” “Psalm,”

  Columbia University, Kellett Fellowship

  come scritto

  Communist Party/communism

  Concerning the Spiritual in Art (Kandinsky)

  Concerts of Sacred Music; First Sacred Concert, Second Sacred Concert, Third Sacred Concert

  Confrey, Zez, “Stumbling,”

  “Congo” (Lindsay)

  Congress for Racial Equality

  Connor, Eugene “Bull,”


  Conversation (Stravinsky)

  Cook, Will Marion, Southern Syncopated Orchestra

  Cooke, Sam

  Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague

  Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum

  Copland, Aaron, archives of, and history, and Pulitzer Prize

  —music: Appalachian Spring; Billy the Kid, “Day of Wrath,” “Fear in the Night,” “Hoe-Down,” Lincoln Portrait, “Lord's Day,” “Moment of Crisis,” Music for the Theatre, Piano Concerto, Piano Variations, Rodeo, El Salón México, Short Symphony, “Simple Gifts,”, Statements, Variations on a Shaker Theme

  copyright law


  Cotton Club, in Black and Tan (film), and history, and love, “plantation” atmosphere of, and religious music, segregation of

  Coventry Cathedral

  Cowell, Henry

  Cox, Baby

  Craft, Robert

  Crane, Hart

  Crawford, Ruth; “heterophony of dynamics,” String Quartet

  Creamer, Henry, “Way Down Yonder in New Orleans,”

  Cripps, Thomas

  The Crisis

  Crosby, Bing

  Crosby, Bob, “Tiger Rag,”

  cubist rhythms

  Cunningham, Merce

  Daily Worker

  Dameron, Tadd

  Damrosch, Walter

  A Damsel in Distress (film)

  Dance, Stanley

  Darrell, R. D.

  Davis, Almena

  Davis, Kay

  Davis, Miles; “All Blues,” On the Corner, “Freddie Freeloader,”; Kind of Blue, Miles Ahead; Porgy and Bess, Sketches of Spain, “So What,” “Surrey with the Fringe on Top,”

  Davis, Richard

  Dean, James

  Debussy, Claude, and harmony, and klangfarbenmelodie, and love, and melody, and rhythm, snowscapes of; and “symphonic sketches,” and tone colors

  —music: Ariettes oubliées, Children's Corner; “De Soir…,”; En Blanc et Noir; “En Sourdine,” “Et la lune Descend sur le temple qui fut,”; “Etude in Chromatic Steps,” Fêtes galantes, “Golliwog,”; Ibéria, Images, “Je suis affreuse ansi,” “Jeux de vagues,”, La Mer; Pelléas et Mélisande; “Pour invoquer Pan, dieu du vent d'été”, Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune, Préludes, “La Puerta del Vino,” “Rêverie,” Six épigraphes antiques, “Le Tombeau des naiads,” Trois chansons de Bilitis


  de Falla, Manuel

  De Kooning, Willem, “Ruth's Zowie,”

  De Koven, Reginald

  de Mille, Agnes

  Democratic Party

  Denby, Edwin

  Denning, Michael

  de Paris, Wilbur

  “De Profundis clamavi” (Baudelaire)

  Desmond, Paul

  Dewhurst, Colleen

  Dickenson, Vic

  Diddley, Bo

  Dietschy, Marcel

  “Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue” (Avakian)




  Dodds, Johnny

  Dolphy, Eric, “Hat and Beard,”; Out to Lunch

  Domino, Fats, “Ain't That a Shame,”

  Donaldson, Walter, “You, You're Driving Me Crazy,”

  Donne, John

  Dorsey, Tommy

  Dos Passos, John

  Douglass, Frederick

  Dowland, John


  Dowson, Ernest

  A Drum Is a Woman (television musical)

  DuBois, W. E. B.

  Dupont, Gabrielle

  Dust Belt

  Dvoák, “New World” Symphony

  Eckstine, Billy

  Edison, Thomas

  Eisenhower, Dwight

  Eisler, Hanns

  Eldridge, Roy

  Eliot, T. S.

  Ellington, Daisy Kennedy

  Ellington, Duke, archives of; birth/birthdays of, in Black and Tan (film), childhood in Washington, D.C., composing for individual styles of players, death of; denied Pulitzer Prize, “Ellington effect,”, and harmony, and history, and jungle music, Kentucky Club Orchestra of, and love/sexuality, and lyricists; and melody, nickname of, as painter, parents of; poetic script of Black, Brown and Beige, portraits of ladies, “preludes” of, and race relations, and radio, and religious music, and rhythm; and Shakespeare, “standards” of, and Strayhorn; and tone colors, tone parallel
s of

  —music, “Across the Track Blues,”, “Afro Bossa,” “Ain't But the One,”, “Ain't Nobody Nowhere Nothin' Without God,” “The Air-Conditioned Jungle,” “All Too Soon,”, “Almighty God,”, “Amad,” “Anatomy of a Murder,” “Are You Sticking?” “On a Turquoise Cloud,”, “Awful Sad,”, “Azure,”, “Balcony Serenade,”, “Battle of Swing,” Beggars Holiday; “The Biggest and Busiest Intersection,” “Birmingham Breakdown,” “Bitch's Ball,”, Black, Brown and Beige, “Black and Tan Fantasy,”, “Black Beauty,”; “Black Butterfly,”, “Bli-Blip,” “Blood Count,”, “The Blue Belles of Harlem,”, “Blue Bubbles,” “Blue Cellophane,”, “Blue Goose,” “Blue Harlem,” “Blue Light,”; “Blue Pepper,” “Blue Ramble,” “The Blues,”, “Blue Serge,”, “The Blues I Love to Sing,”, “The Blues with a Feeling,” Blutopia, “Bojangles,”, “Bonga,” Boola, “Boy Meets Horn,” “Braggin' in Brass,”, “Brown Betty,” “Brown Skin Gal,” “Café au lait,” “Caravan,” “Carnegie Blues,” “Chelsea Bridge,”, “Chocolate Shake,” “Circle of Fourths,”, “C Jam Blues,”, “Clarinet Lament,”, “Clothed Woman,”, “Coloratura,” “Come Sunday,”, “Concerto for Cootie,”, Concerts of Sacred Music; Controversial Suite, “Cop Out,” “Cotton Tail,”, “Creamy Brown,” “Creole Love Call,”; “Creole Rhapsody,”, “Crescendo in Blue,”, “Dancers in Love,”, “David Danced,”, “Daybreak Express,”, “Day Dream,”, Deep South Suite, “Delta Serenade,”, “Depk,” “Diminuendo in Blue,”, “Do Nothing Till You Hear from Me,” “Don't Get around Much Anymore,” “Don't Get Down on Your Knees to Pray until You Have Forgiven Everyone,”, “Drop Me Off in Harlem,” Duke Ellington Indigos; Duke Ellington's Jazz Violin Session; Duke Ellington Songbook, “Duke's Place,” “Dusk,”, “East St. Louis Toodle-Oo,”, “Ebony Rhapsody,” “Echoes of Harlem,”, “Echoes of the Jungle,”, “Eerie Moan,” “Emancipation Celebration,”, “Every Man Prays in His Own Language,” “Everything But You,” Far East Suite, “Father Forgive,” First Sacred Concert, The Gal from Joe's,” “Giddybug Gallop,” “The Gold Broom and the Green Apple,” “Golden Cress,” “Golden Feather,” “Hallelujah,”; “Happy-Go-Lucky Local,”, Harlem, “Harlem Airshaft,”, “Heaven,”, “Heritage,”, And His Mother Called Him Bill, “Hot and Bothered,”, “Hot Harlem,” “Hymn of Sorrow,” “I Ain't Got Nothin' But the Blues,” “I Didn't Know About You,” “I Got It Bad and That Ain't Good,”, “I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart,” “I'm Beginning to See the Light,”, “I'm Just a Lucky So-and-so,” “Immigration Blues,”, “In a Jam,” “In a Mellotone,”, “In a Sentimental Mood,”, “In the Beginning God,”, “Is God a Three-Letter Word for Love?” “It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing),”, “It's Freedom,” “It's Glory,” “It Shouldn't Happen to a Dream,” “Jack the Bear,”, “Jail Blues,” “Jeeps Blues,” “Jig Walk,” “Jubilee Stomp,”, Jump for Joy, “Jump for Joy”, Just A-Sittin' and A-Rockin',” “Just Squeeze Me (But Please Don't Tease Me),” “Killin' Myself,” “King Fit the Battle of Alabam',”; “Ko-Ko,”; “Lady in Blue,” “Lady Mac,”, “Lady of the Lavender Mist,” “Later,” Latin American Suite, Liberian Suite, “Light,”, Lord's Prayer, “Lost in Meditation,” “Lotus Blossom,”, “Love You Madly,” “Lovin' Lover,” “Lush Life,”, “Madness in Great Ones,”, “Magenta Haze,” “Magnolias Dripping with Molasses,” “Main Stem,” “The Majesty of God,” “Menelik,”, “Merry Go Round,” “Midnight Indigo,” “Misty Morning,”, “Moanin',” “Montage,”, “The Mooche,”, “Mood Indigo,”, “Moon Mist,”, “Morning Glory,” “Multicolored Blue,” Music Is My Mistress, “My Love,” “My Man Sends Me,” “My Mother, My Father,” My People, “Mystery Song,”, New Orleans Suite, New World A-Comin,', Night Creature, “99%,”, “Non-Violent Integration,” “Old Man Blues,”, “Perdido,” Perfume Suite, “La Plus Belle Africaine,” “A Portrait of Bert Williams,”, “Portrait of Florence Mills,” “Portrait of Wellman Braud,” Pousse-café; “Praise God and Dance,”, “Prelude to a Kiss,”; “Purple Gazelle,” Queenie Pie; Queen's Suite, “Rain Check,”, “Reminiscing in Tempo,”, “Riding on a Blue Note,”, “Ring Dem Bells,” The River, “Rockin' in Rhythm,”, “Rocks in My Bed,”, “Rocky Mountain Blues,” “Rude Interlude,”; Sacred Concerts, “The Saddest Tale,” “Satin Doll,”, “Saturday Night Function,” “The Second Line,”, Second Sacred Concert, “Sepia Panorama,”, “The Shepherd (Who Watches over the Night Flock),”, “Showboat Shuffle,” “Single Petal of a Rose,” “The Sleeping Lady and the Giant Who Watches over Her,” “Sloppy Joe,”, “Solitude,”, “Something about Believing,”, “Sonata,” “Sonnet for Caesar,”, “Sonnet for Sister Kate,”, “Sonnet in Search of a Moor,”, “Sonnet to Hank Cinq,”, “Sophisticated Lady,”, “Squatty Roo,” “St. James Infirmary,” “Strange Feeling,”; “String Session,” “Subtle Lament,”, Such Sweet Thunder, “Such Sweet Thunder”, “Sugar Hill Penthouse,”, “Suite Thursday,” “Supreme Being,” “Swampy River,” “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,”, Symphony in Black, “Take It Easy,” “Take the A Train,”, “Tattooed Bride,” “The Telecasters,”, “Tell Me It's the Truth,”, “T.G.T.T.” (Too Good to Title), “There Was Nobody Looking,” Third Sacred Concert, Three Black Kings, “Tiger Rag” (arr.); A Tone Parallel to Harlem, “Transblucency,”, “Truckin',” “The Twenty-Third Psalm,”, “Ultra-violet,” “U.M.M.G.,”, “Violet Blue,” “Warm Valley,”, “Washington Wabble,” “West Indian Dance,”, “What Color Is Virtue?” “When Nobody Was Looking,” “Where's the Music,” “Will You Be There?”, “Workin' Blues,” “Work Song,”; “Zonky Blues,” “Zweet Zurzday,”


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