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The Ellington Century

Page 42

by David Schiff

Symphony in Black (film)

  synesthesia, See also tone color

  Szigeti, Joseph

  The Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare)

  Taruskin, Richard

  Tatum, Art, Art Tatum Solo Masterpieces, Art Tatum Trio, and harmony, “Tiger Rag,”

  Taylor, Billy

  Taylor, Cecil

  Taylor, Eva

  Tchaikovsky, “1812 Overture,” Nutcracker

  “Tea for Two,”

  Tenney, James

  Terry, Clark

  Texier, Rosalie “Lilly,”

  The Big Show of ′51

  “Them There Eyes,”

  Theosophical Society

  The Ronettes, “Be My Baby,”

  Thesaurus of Scales and Melodic Patterns (Slonimsky)

  Thinking in Jazz (Berliner)

  Thomas, Theodore

  Thompson, Emily

  Thomson, Virgil

  Tick, Judith

  “Tiger Rag,”

  timbre. See tone color


  Timmons, Bobby, “Moanin',”

  Tin Pan Alley

  Tirro, Frank

  Titon, Jeff Todd

  Tizol, Juan, and Black, Brown and Beige, “Caravan,” “Perdido,”

  Todd, Robert

  tone color, azure, beige, black, in Black, Brown and Beige, in “Black and Tan Fantasy,”, black-to-tan spectrum, blue, blue-gray, in “Blue Light,”; brown, café au lait, and classical composers, in “Dusk,”; in “East St. Louis Toodle-Oo,”, ebony, in “Echoes of Harlem,” fauve, fin de siècle, green, in Apollon musagète, in “Blue Horizon,”; in Debussy's La Mer, in Debussy's Préludes, indigo, in Stravinsky's Apollon musagète, and klangfarbenmelodie, in “Ko-Ko,”; magenta, mauve, in “Menilek,” in “Mood Indigo,”, orange, and preludes, and recording; red, in “The Saddest Tale,” in Schoenberg's Pierrot Lunaire, sepia, and spiritualism, in “Subtle Lament,”; and symbolism, and synesthesia, tan, “tone parallel,” in “Transblucency,”, turquoise, violet, white, and xylophone, yellow

  tone parallels, and Bartók, Black, Brown and Beige, and Concerts of Sacred Music, and Debussy, Harlem, “Hat and Beard,” Such Sweet Thunder, A Tone Parallel to Harlem

  tone poems

  Toscanini, and come scritto

  Totentanz (Holbein the Younger woodcut)

  Towers, Jack

  Town Hall (New York City)

  Townsend, Irving

  Trakl, Georg

  “Tristan in the Making of Pelléas” (Abbate)

  Tristano, Lennie

  Tubman, Harriet

  Tucker, Mark, ix

  Turner, J. M. W.

  tutti style

  twelve-tone method, and harmony

  Ulanov, Barry

  “U.M.M.G.,”, Upper Manhattan Medical Group

  Uncle Tom's Cabin (Stowe)

  United States Steel Hour (television program)

  Upshaw, Dawn

  Urban League

  Valéry, Paul

  van de Leur, Walter

  van den Toorn, Pieter


  Varèse, Edgard, Density 21.5

  Vasnier, Marie-Blanche

  Vatican II

  Vaughan, Sarah

  Vegh Quartet

  Verdi, Aida, Falstaff

  Verlaine, Paul

  Veterans of the Lincoln Brigade



  Vietnam War

  Vodery, Will

  “Voyelles” (Rimbaud)

  Wagner, Richard: and Bayreuth, and Berg, and harmony, and love, and tone colors, Tristan chord

  —music: Lohengrin, Parsifal; Das Rheingold, Tristan und Isolde

  Walker, Alice

  Waller, Fats, “Ain't Misbehavin',”

  waltzes, and Black, Brown and Beige, and harmony

  “Warm Valley,”

  Washington, Booker T.

  Washington, Fredi

  Wassermann, Fred

  Waters, Ethel

  Watkins, Tony

  Watson, Joseph F.

  “We, Too, Sing America” (radio address)

  Webern, Anton, String Quartet, Symphony, Variations for Orchestra, op. 30

  Webster, Ben, and Black, Brown and Beige

  Webster, Paul

  Weill, Kurt, Eternal Road, Mahagonny, “Surabaya Johnny,” The Threepenny Opera; “Und was bekam des Soldaten Weib?” Violin Concerto op. 12

  Wein, George

  Weininger, Otto

  Werfel, Alma Schindler Mahler Gropius

  Wesendonck, Mathilde

  Westminster Abbey (London)

  Weston, Randy

  Whaley, Tom

  “When You're Smiling,”

  Whetsol, Arthur

  Whiteman, Paul, Experiment in Modern Music

  Wilde, Oscar

  Wilder, Alec

  Williams, Bert

  Williams, Cootie, and Concerts of Sacred Music

  Williams, Mary Lou, Mass for Peace

  Williams, Tony

  Wilson, Brian: “God Only Knows,” “Good Vibrations,”; and klangfarbenmelodie, “Little Deuce Coupe,” Pet Sounds

  Wilson, Teddy

  Wilson, Woodrow

  Wolpe, Stefan

  Woode, Jimmy

  Woodman, Britt

  Woodyard, Sam

  Wordsworth, William

  “The World of Jazz” (Omnibus show)

  Wright, Richard

  Wright brothers

  Xenakis, Iannis


  “Yankee Doodle,”

  Yaryan, Jon S.

  Yeats, William Butler

  Young, Lester

  Young, Victor, “Sweet Sue Just You,”

  Yuriko (Kikuchi)

  Zappa, Frank

  Zehme, Albertine


  Zemlinsky, Alexander von, Lyric Symphony

  Ziegfeld, Flo: “Show Girl,”

  Zola, Émile


  10/13 Sabon


  Sabon (Open Type)


  BookComp, Inc.


  Sharon Sweeney


  Maple-Vail Book Manufacturing Group




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