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The King in Love: Edward VII's Mistresses

Page 36

by Theo Aronson

  25Magnus, Edward VII, p 260

  26Jullian, Trefusis, p 11

  27Brooke-Shepherd, Uncle of Europe, p 142

  28Bennett, Margot, p 376


  1Hitchens, Yesterday, p 123

  2Youssoupoff, Lost Splendour, p 90

  3Hibbert, Edward VII, p 245

  4Ibid, p 244

  5Ponsonby, Recollections, p 231

  6Hibbert, Edward VII, p 245

  7Brooke-Shepherd, Uncle of Europe, pp 229–30

  8Ponsonby, Recollections, p 241

  9Ibid, p 217

  10Jullian, Edward, p 183

  11Ibid, p 234

  12Ibid, p 184

  13Blunt, Secret Diary, MS10, 13/5/1910

  14Hibbert, Edward VII, p 170

  15Morgan, Maugham, p 209

  16Lockhart, Diaries, p 291

  17Langtry, Days I Knew, pp 296–7

  18Warwick, Afterthoughts, p 22

  19Ibid, p 20

  20Ibid, p 22

  21Warwick, Life's Ebb, p 158

  22Battiscombe, Alexandra, p 271

  23Blunt, Secret Diary, MS 10,13/5/1910

  24Magnus, Edward VII, p 450

  25Brooke-Shepherd, Uncle of Europe, p 350

  26Magnus, Edward VII, p 450

  27Lee, Edward VII, Vol II, p 709

  28Blunt, Secret Diary, MS10, 13/5/1910

  29Lee, Edward VII, Vol II, p 717

  30Ibid, Vol II, p 717

  31Lees – Milne, Enigmatic, p 206

  32Blunt, Secret Diary, MS 11, 14/12/1910

  33Lees-Milne, Enigmatic, p 206

  34Blunt, Secret Diary, MS 11, 14/12/1910

  35Esher, Letters, Vol III, pp 1–2

  36Battiscombe, Alexandra, p 71

  37Blunt, Secret Diary, MS 10,13/5/1910

  38Lees-Milne, Enigmatic, p 206

  39Blunt, Secret Diary, MS 10, 20/5/1910

  40Keppel, Edwardian, p 54

  41Blunt, Secret Diary, MS 10, 14/12/1910

  42Brooke-Shepherd, Uncle of Europe, p 359

  43Trefusis, Don't Look, p 56


  1Lang, Darling Daisy, p 17

  2Dudley, Gilded Lily, p 52

  3Lang, Darling Daisy, p 104

  4Ibid, p 24

  5Ibid, p 113

  6Sunday Times, 5/12/1965

  7Warwick, Life's Ebb, p 274

  8Warwick, Afterthoughts, p 179

  9Flower, Just As, p 132

  10Ibid, p 131

  11Ibid, p 132

  12Colley, News Hunter, p 69

  13Ibid, p 69

  14Flower, Just As, p 133

  15Langtry, Days I Knew, p 223

  16Ibid, p 285

  17Dudley, Gilded Lily, p 219

  18Daily Express, 7/9/1928

  19Webb, Diaries, p 21

  20Ibid, p 22

  21Cole, Growing Up, p 146

  22Lockhart, Diaries, p 224

  23Warwick, Afterthoughts, p 279

  24Warwick, Life's Ebb, p 145

  25Lockhart, Diaries, p 224

  26Daily Express, 13/4/1937

  27Warwick, Afterthoughts, p XIV

  28Daily Express, 22/9/1938

  29Trefusis, Don't Look, p 212

  30Keppel, Edwardian, p 119

  31Jullian, Trefusis, p 49

  32Keppel, Edwardian, p 199

  33Acton, More Memoirs, p 65

  34Bryan, Windsor Story, p 281

  35Channon, Diaries, p 323

  36Trefusis, Don't Look, p 156

  37Acton, More Memoirs, p 182

  38Trefusis, Don't Look, p 174

  39Channon, Diaries, p 464

  40Jullian, Trefusis, p 108

  41Trefusis, Don't Look, p 183

  42Ibid, p 183

  43Brooke-Shepherd, Uncle of Europe, p 60

  44Trefusis, Don't Look, p 231

  45Ibid, p 232

  46The Times, 15/9/1947

  47Ibid, 20/9/1947


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