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Maid to Crave (Man Maid #2)

Page 16

by Rebecca M. Avery

  “Please. Do whatever it is you have in mind. Just make sure it will work and that she will break it off with no chance of going back to him,” he said.

  “You just worry about your G-string and which song to dance to at Courtney’s party. Leave the covert operation stuff to me,” Jess said with a laugh.

  “I like her,” Ronnie said as he patted Jess approvingly on the arm.

  Seth enjoyed the rest of the afternoon spending time with the guys and Tori. Watching the way she loosened up amongst the group made him want her even more. But by the time they made it back to her house, he knew he had just enough time to get Caleb back to their apartment before Seth needed to get on the road to make it to the club on time.

  Upon entering Tori’s house, he was surprised to find two teenaged boys hanging out with Zach, Caleb and Addie. Seeing the look of confusion on Tori’s face, he questioned Addie, “What’s going on here, guys?”

  “Caleb’s room is downstairs now and I can go down and visit anytime I want to as long as I knock first,” Zach supplied.

  “Hi, Sir, I’m Chase and this is Stevie,” a tall boy said, pointing a finger at the other boy. “Sergeant Brown asked us to finish moving the rest of the stuff out of your apartment today. We just got back and unloaded the last of it right before you guys pulled in.”

  “Your old apartment still needs to be cleaned, though,” Addie chimed in with a wide smile. “But now that you’re back, we are taking off.”

  Caleb smiled at him and his brother’s thoughts were mirrored on his face. He had orchestrated the entire move with Ronnie as a way of throwing his support behind Tori. Seth already wanted Tori all for himself. He was already serious about her, so that wasn’t the problem. The issue was getting her to call off this phony engagement with her boss so he could stop worrying that she might end up actually marrying the guy.

  Tori wouldn’t meet his gaze and Seth could only hope that Caleb’s attempts to force them together wouldn’t end up tearing them apart. They weren’t even really a couple yet, but they were friends, and nothing was worth losing that…even a rent-free apartment.

  He made it to the club with just enough time to change into his costume before it was his turn, and by the time the show was over, he was more than ready to leave. For the first time ever, he’d not only not looked forward to dancing, but he’d also wanted to be with just one woman tonight…a woman he’d already slept with. A month or so ago, he might have been able to convince himself otherwise, but now, after being with Tori, his heart and body would be able to tell the difference.

  Pulling up to Tori’s house and seeing that all the lights were off, he debated going in through the basement entrance since that was now his apartment or using his key and waking her up. After Caleb’s interference, Seth didn’t want to push her any more for fear she would shut down on him again, so he headed around the back of the house to the basement. He let himself in to his new apartment, only to find Zach passed out on the couch Ronnie had pilfered from Kayla before they hooked up.

  Knocking softly on the door to Caleb’s room, Seth poked his head inside to find his brother asleep. After closing the door, he headed back to the main area they would be using as a living room. Zach was hugging a stuffed puppy and one leg was almost all the way off the couch. Deciding the kid would be more comfortable in his own bed, Seth hefted him up and headed up the stairs. Putting the kid to bed and tucking him in brought about the same warm feeling he got when Zach tried to imitate him.

  Closing the door to Zach’s room after ensuring he was comfortably situated, Seth turned to find Tori standing in the doorway of her bedroom. Her bare legs and feet peeking out from beneath the thin white fabric of her T-shirt set him on fire in an instant. Her hair was full and her eyes were sleepy, and he wanted nothing more than to lose himself in her warmth.

  “Sorry if I woke you,” he whispered.

  “He insisted on waiting up for you and he’s getting too heavy for me to cart up two flights of stairs. Caleb said Zach would be fine down there until you got home, so thank you for putting him to bed. I’m sure you’re tired,” she said quietly.

  His feet carried him to where she stood. The drive back had been full of thoughts about waiting for her to come to him, letting her make the next move, not sleeping with her while she was engaged to another man. But now…he wasn’t sure he could stick to his convictions.

  Considering his past, it was ironic that his conscience would show up now with Tori Stewart. Perhaps it was because this time he was in love with the bride-to-be. Knowing he had a minimal chance of seeing a woman again usually made him feel secure. When applied to Tori, the thought made him sick to his stomach. He had always thought he was using those women, those brides looking for one last fling before committing. In fact, he was the one who’d been used. Not this time, though, and definitely not by Tori… His heart couldn’t take that.

  As much as he wanted to pull her to him, hold her close, smell her hair and make love to her…he wanted her all for himself even more. So rather than kissing her soft lips, stripping the T-shirt off of her and making her whimper and beg for him, he simply reached out and touched her cheek. She looked at him with questions in her eyes and he nearly gave in to his craving for her, but instead dropped his hand and stepped back.

  “Night, Tori. Sleep well,” he whispered.

  Then he forced his feet to carry him down two flights of stairs and away from his desire for her. Karma no longer needed to punish him for his past indiscretions; he was doing a fine job of policing himself. The sentence might be killing him, but he was guilty and deserved it. His crime had been stealing girlfriends, wives and future brides for a single night. His punishment might be to have Tori end up with a man unworthy of her love.

  Seth had moments of sheer stupidity, but if dancing had taught him anything, it was that a woman might want something exciting for an evening, but for the long term they always went back to comfortable…no matter how dull. Making love with Tori had made him forget that fact, but seeing a woman place her hand on his chest tonight while wearing an engagement ring was a big reminder. Tori was no different, and unless he could show her that her version of a good and comfortable man was anything but, he might eventually lose her.

  Losing her would be worse than death. It would be a life sentence of heartache for him. To continue an affair with her while waiting to see if she ended up choosing another man just wasn’t something he could do.

  By Wednesday, his self-imposed punishment had him wound up too tightly. Fighting his own desires was one of the worst struggles he’d ever faced. He was trying to be patient and give Jess time to implement whatever plan she had decided on, but he had to fight against calling her daily to ask what the plan was and how long until she executed it. Keeping his hands to himself in the meantime so that Tori’s decision to dump Tim wouldn’t be based solely on passion was just as hard as waiting for Jess to report back.

  Eddie called about a couple of shows that would take Seth away for the weekend, which was just the distraction he needed. His heart was no longer into dancing now that the excitement of hooking up with different women had been replaced with a soul deep need for one specific woman. He figured these two shows would be his last—unless Tori chose him and ended up losing her job along with her fiancé. Decision made, Seth called Rusty and told him he’d decided not to enter the police academy. He’d decided to go for a degree in architectural design. He could use his creative side, and it was better money and wouldn’t entail working nights or carrying a gun on a daily basis.

  He spent Thursday enrolling and signing up for classes and then packing for his weekend trip. Staying busy still wasn’t enough to keep his mind off of Tori, especially while they were living under the same roof. By the time he was ready to head out of town on Friday morning, he needed to put some space between himself and Tori before he said to hell with it and acted out one of the fantasies on repeat in his head.

  Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he h
eaded up the stairs to let her know he was leaving and found her looking out the kitchen window.

  When she heard him, she turned away and swiped at a tear before saying, “So you’ll be back on Sunday?”

  It would probably be a mistake, but he set his bag on the floor, approached her from behind and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. He pulled her back against his chest to rest his chin on the top of her head.

  She curled her hands around his arm. “Did I do something wrong, Seth?”

  “Not at all. I just can’t be with you while you’re with him. Regardless of the fact that you see this engagement of yours as temporary, I just can’t do it. I don’t share well…temporarily or otherwise,” he said.

  “I put out a few résumés this week for other positions, but until I’m moved to a permanent assignment or land a different job…I need this one. Without it, I can’t keep this house and Zach absolutely loves you guys being here. I love you being here, too,” she finished in a whisper. “I just thought you didn’t want me anymore like that, and that’s why you’ve been so tense around me the past couple of days. You don’t have to be with me in order to stay here, but I don’t want this tension between us. I want my friend back.”

  “I told you, I will always be your friend, but right now I feel…I feel so possessive of you. I know you are doing what you think is best, but I am jealous as hell. I’m sorry I’ve been taking out my personal drama on you…and Caleb, too. When I get back on Sunday we’ll do something fun. I’ll make it up to you,” he replied.

  She turned in his arms and his eyes dipped to her mouth. He wanted to kiss her more than anything and show her she was a friend—and so much more. Instead, he only smiled and held out his hand to shake hers. “Friends?”

  “Friends,” she said with a smile and a laugh of her own as she shook his hand.

  Eddie picked him up a few minutes later and though the drive was long, it wasn’t as bad as it would have been if he hadn’t taken the time to patch things up with Tori first. He’d known things were different between them this past week. Saturday at the fight and during the party afterward, things had been great, but after dancing that night and being smacked with reality, he’d crawled back into his hole. She was right, though. He had been so busy preparing for rejection, he’d forgotten his promise to be her friend.

  As he entered his motel room, his cell phone rang. Pulling it out, he noticed Ian’s number on the display and answered.

  “Seth, it’s me, Jess. Hey, I believe your little girlfriend is in a meeting with my dad this very afternoon and I would expect that things will be different for her come next week,” she said with a smile and a song in her voice.

  “Your dad? What does he have to do with anything? You were supposed to help me set up Tim Silver so Tori would know firsthand what an ass he is and never give him a second thought,” he replied.

  “Well, actually, I didn’t need to go to all that trouble. See, my dad is your girlfriend’s boss and also Tim Silver’s boss. When you said Tim’s name at the fight, I knew that your Tori was the same Tori my dad raves about. Anyway, when I stopped by for dinner with my parents on Wednesday evening, I let slip what was going on with Tim and Tori. Not surprisingly, my dad was disgusted by the whole thing. From what I gathered between my dad’s endless stream of profanities was that it was Tim’s position they were looking to cut, but he told them that if they eliminated his position, Tori would likely follow him elsewhere,” she said. “My dad felt obligated to call Tori into the office today to tell her personally that she need not fear losing her position…regardless of what happens with Tim professionally or personally. He also intends to let her know that Tim’s position is being eliminated primarily because it isn’t needed and secondly because his recent behavior is a negative reflection on the company.”

  “That is so great, Jess! I could just kiss you! Thank you. This is huge. Without him holding her job over her head, it gives her the freedom to choose who she wants to be with,” he said.

  Would she pick him? Seth might be a stripper, but he was working on a career change. He wouldn’t be young forever and quite honestly, he didn’t like being out of town, away from Tori and Zach. He didn’t have a criminal record and he didn’t pick up prostitutes. A chance was all he’d asked for, all he’d wanted, and Jess had effectively given him that. The problem now was that he was due on stage in two hours and again tomorrow night, so all he could do was wait for Tori to call him.

  “Now don’t forget, we had a deal. I fix Tori’s issue and you dance for Courtney’s party. I’m pretty sure this will be the first and possibly only baby shower you’ll ever dance at so…I will take care of the costume and I’ll send you the musical selections. I’ll let you know when and where. All you have to do is show up,” Jess said with a laugh.

  His gut told him this would be a far cry from anything else he’d ever done—and anything he was likely to do in the future—and Jess’s laughter confirmed his hunch. If things worked out with Tori, it would be worth an evening’s entertainment. He wished he hadn’t promised Eddie he would do these two shows so he could turn around and head back to Dayton now. Not one to break his word, though, he instead called Caleb and confirmed that Tori had indeed gone to a meeting. He left his motel information and room number in case either one of them needed anything.

  By the end of the evening when Tori still hadn’t called, he began to worry that perhaps she wasn’t choosing him after all. Perhaps she wasn’t going to choose him or Tim. Maybe this was her chance to find someone truly worthy of her. She was a great mom, a hard worker, an excellent friend and a firecracker in bed. Another man, a smarter man than him, would see that much faster. A worthy man would not say something stupid and start off in last place right out of the gate.

  During the drive back to the hotel after the show, he did the math in his head for how long it would take to drive back to Dayton and then back here for the show tomorrow night. Maybe Eddie would let him borrow his car.… It would take too much time, though, and it was too late now to call her. She would be sleeping. Hopefully alone, and missing him as much as he missed her.

  When they parked in front of his motel room, he spotted Tori’s car and his heart nearly burst from his chest. She closed her door as he got out of Eddie’s car. She waited nervously as he quickly made his way over to her. Eddie made a beeline for his own room.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  “I came because I need to know that you don’t hate me for faking an engagement to another man and to let you know I have since broken things off with that man. I couldn’t sleep and I figured that we do some of our best talking when one of us is next to naked and the other is fully clothed,” she said shyly.

  Glancing down at her hand, he noticed the dreaded engagement ring was gone. When her eyes finally made it from the ground to meet his gaze, he smiled at her. “So who strips and who keeps their clothes on?”

  “I was thinking maybe we could talk first…and that we might both end up naked this time,” she said quietly.

  Chapter Thirteen

  He unlocked the door to his motel room and Tori followed him inside. She set her purse on the small table near the door and turned to where he stood. Green eyes watched her every move and she could feel them like a caress. As much as she wanted to tell him that in the space of an afternoon her world had been righted again, she wanted to touch him even more. She grabbed his hand and pulled him over to one of the large chairs near the table, then pushed on his chest until he sat down. She could do this.

  Walking over to her purse, she dug out her cell phone and scrolled through the menu settings until she found the music she had downloaded. After adjusting the volume, she set the phone on the table and turned back to where he sat, still watching her every move. Unlike him, she was not a professional, so she wasn’t nearly as good at dancing as he was. Would he still appreciate her efforts? Her gaze finally made it to his and she saw encouragement in his expression. He was daring her. M
ostly she realized he was just Seth…her Seth.

  She touched his cheek with the tips of her fingers and then stroked her hand down the side of his neck to the first button of his shirt. One by one, she undid each button, glancing at his eyes every couple of buttons until the shirt gapped open. Then she slid her hands over his chest to his shoulders and then guided the shirt down his muscular arms until he shrugged out of it. His hands found her hips. She kicked out of her shoes and began to dance for him.

  The passion in his eyes and the tension between them built with each article of clothing she removed. When she danced before him in nothing but one of the sexy pairs of panties she’d purchased on her shopping excursion, she reached down and unbuttoned his jeans. The catch in his breathing made her want to kiss him and never stop. Instead, she straddled his lap, forcing him to lean back as she moved against him the way he had taught her that day in her room. The feel of his arms as they slid up the outside of her thighs nearly made her lose focus.

  Holding onto one of his shoulders, she leaned back as far as she could and ground herself against him. Then she raised her stomach and hips using her grip on him for balance. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close so that her breasts were level with his face. He released his hold on her and she felt him kick off his shoes. He arched his hips and slid off his pants. He tried to pull her panties to the side and guide her down to him, but she stopped him with pressure on his shoulders. His head fell back against the chair and he groaned.

  “Damn, you got really good at this. You must’ve had a good teacher,” he said.

  Leaning forward, she kissed his neck and whispered, “I had a great teacher. He taught me that the secret to giving a good lap dance is to build tension, anticipation and desire. The best way to do that is not to rush it. Time equals money, is what he said, but you want to know what I think?”

  “What do you think, Tori?” he asked in a hoarse whisper.

  “I think in this case, time will equal pleasure,” she said quietly before biting his shoulder. He smelled so good and his hands on her thighs were burning her skin. “What do you think?”


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