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Forgotten Fates

Page 23

by S J Doran

  Both men stood up instantly.

  “Cassius, I am not sure that is the best idea.”

  “With all due respect Demon King, I answer to my Priestess only.”

  The heat of his fingers against her skin worked as a spell on her mind, her body instantly easing into that simple caress. “Oberith, Levistus, please leave us.”

  With a nod, they both made to exit the room, but not before Amara caught sight of Levistus expression, aggravation etching deep lines on his otherwise beguiling appearance.


  She felt the clasp give beneath his skilled fingers, followed by the flow of silk against skin as the fabric of her robes slid down her body, pooling at her feet, leaving her exposed with her back turned to him.


  He held her close as his fingers began a slow, maddening descent along the curve of her spine before spreading over her hip, digging in and pulling her back flush against him, making sure she felt his own response to her.

  “Sin... stop.”

  “Many times, I have imagined you standing before me naked like this.”

  He rocked against the swell of her ass, forcing a moan from her lips as his fingers dug into her hips, keeping her in place before sliding his free hand down to her inner thigh.


  “I can hear your heartbeat Mara. I can scent your arousal, I can feel your heat beckoning my touch. I could make you cum against my fingers so easily, giving us both what we need.” His voice lowered to a sexy rasp, “just say yes.”


  “Highness, Dominus Oberith asked me to bring some shoes to complete your ensemble. It took me a little while to find something fitting, I couldn’t find Er-Agate so I borrowed them from…. oh, dark gods forgive me, I did not mean intrude!”

  The young acolyte dropped the shoes in her rush to vacate the room, clearly mortified at having barged in. She fled, and sense returned, urging Amara to squirm out of his hold, and reach for the gods- awful pink dress at the very same time he did.

  “Stop messing around, Sin...”

  She reached for it, only for him to snag her wrists in a quick move and pull them above her head.

  “I heard you Mara, as clearly as I can sense your desire…” the feel of soft chiffon brushed along her arm, her seizing in her lungs when his lips pressed a kiss against her nape. Then surprising her as his fingers began to ease the fabric of the ridiculous dress down her body. “waiting until after this is done with won’t kill me.”

  She turned on him with a sweet smile, holding the vile potion in one hand, the flower embroidered suit in the other.

  He grimaced at her, “those however, just might…”


  who you calling fodder

  “Just a little kiss?” Cass pulled Amara closer, grinning like a mad fool. He was getting to her. “Enough to wash the taste out of my mouth?”

  “Grow a set, Sin. I have the same taste in my own mouth.” She said, scraping her teeth over her tongue.

  “Mmm.” He leaned over and smelled her neck, “you don’t look like you, but you still smell like you. Is that going to be a problem, with the vampire and all?”

  Amara stilled. “The potion hasn’t fully taken hold. Give it a few moments.”

  “You look charming in pink frills. The fact that I can still scent your arousal is making my senses go haywire. A good little girl wrapped in ribbons and silk,” he dropped to his knees and pressed his face into the dress. “And smells like sin itself.”

  Amara pulled at his hair, letting out a devious chuckle, “behave, demon.”

  “Stop treating this like a game.” Levistus snarled. “You're about to enter the domain of a vampire who’s as old as some of the eldest demons in the Nessus and the two of you are fucking about.”

  Cass stood, brushing the wrinkles out of the stiff corduroy pants. “You forget, Levistus, that two of us have both had dealings with the Blood Lord before.”

  “Then you know you are about to enter the lion’s den.” Levistus said, shaking his head. “This is foolish. Be certain that the Vampire has been plotting your father’s release from his imprisonment— and you could be serving yourself up to Jareth as the device to set Asmodeus free.” He made a move toward Cass, his expression cold and dark.

  Amara stepped between them. “Do not downplay the Power Cassius and myself are capable of. The Blood Lord may be old as grave dirt and cunning as a wraith, but in full confrontation, I’m laying my bets with myself and the demon king.”

  Levistus stepped back, shaking his head. “Your arrogance— does he feed off your pride, Priestess?” He said, nodding toward Cass.

  Cass wrapped an arm around Amara’s shoulder from behind her, pulling her back to his chest. “We’re not being stupid about this.” His tone was a warning, plain and simple.

  Levistus’ eyes were pure black. “I will stop Asmodeus from being freed, no matter who is fodder. Keep that in mind, son.”

  Cass growled. Was the demon insinuating that he was on his own if he fucked up here? “I won’t let myself get taken, Levistus. I’m neither fodder, nor a pawn.”

  Amara eased out of his grasp, fixing Levistus with a murderous glare before turning to face him. “We have around six hours with the potion, depending how fast we metabolize it. Time’s ticking.”

  “We’ve got this, right?” Cass swallowed hard, the weight of the situation hitting. “I can suck it up. He doesn’t usually get physical...”

  “Every time he summons you, he siphons off more of your power, finds more weakness to exploit. This isn’t just for your sake demon, we’re in this one together.” She said, patting his cheek.

  “A kiss for luck?” Cass said, trying to keep a straight face.

  “You’re pushing your luck.” Amara grumbled under her breath as they walked through the portal hand-in-hand.

  They came through to an empty landscape enveloped by shadows and silvery mist, fairy lights beckoning with ghostly radiance, lining a path that led towards a glowing mansion in the distance, music from the manor spilling out over the grounds. People were piling in through the doors, happy chatter carried back on the breeze to where Cass and Amara stood, both shocked.

  Cass leaned in close and whispered right in Amara’s ear, “What were you saying about luck, priestess?”

  She blinked up at him, smile spreading slowly over her face. She tugged on his hand and they made their way forward.

  They walked through the large double-doors freely, the faces they wore expected. Thousands of glittering crystals hung from chandeliers, casting prisms of light against light marble walls. Orchestral music vibrated off the walls, creating a magical ambience. Crowds of people milled about, clumped together in smaller groups, some talking, some dancing.

  Servers carrying trays of metal goblets walked the room, Cass snagged two and handed one to Amara before taking a careful sip. Blood wine. It tingled on his tongue.

  “Huh.” Cass licked his lips and took a bigger mouthful. “He’s serving wine laced with Faery blood. We’re going to be surrounded by magic-drunk vamps.”

  And they were surrounded by vampires. Every being in this room seemed to be of the blood-drinking persuasion. Except one.

  Up at the front of the room, sitting at a table with the Blood Lord himself was Basileus. A young man sat propped on his lap, Bas’s fingers playing with his hair while idly sipping wine.

  Cass’s entire body seized, his stomach churning. Of all the places in all the realms- his mind lapsed, memory floating over reality.

  “I won’t be able to see you for a while.” He stood in front of the bars, looking down at his hands, trying to act the grown up they told him he now was. “My power has become apparent.”

  “What does that mean? Why would that keep you away?” She was so sweet. All things innocent, he shouldn’t be the one to explain this to her.

  “It means they will be training me.”

  It meant Bas would be inst
ructing him on his proper duties, no longer would Az’s tutelage be at the forefront of his training.

  “And I can’t. You should hear what they speak Actually, you shouldn’t.” She was still so young. She didn’t need to hear this.

  “Is it all that bad? Can’t you refuse?” Her hand reached through the bars and gripped his, holding on as though he were her lifeline.

  “No. I’m a sin-eater and if I don’t learn to feed, I’ll eventually wither away.” He pulled his hand back. Once they’d been the center of each other’s worlds, but he wouldn’t taint her with this.

  “I don’t want to do this. I would rather just stay down here with you. You’re my only friend.” He hoped she would remain so. He had no one else.

  “They won’t… hurt you?” She was always concerned for him. As though they hadn’t hurt her as well.

  “No. this is entirely different, and I shouldn’t even speak of it to you.” They were both too young, but he would shelter her for as long as he could.

  “You just said we were friends, and friends tell each other things.”

  “It’s about” He whispered the word, as though his lowered voice would shield her innocent ears. “Bas tells me that’s why the women won’t stay away. I have to learn to control my power or it will just get worse.”

  “I’ve never felt that kind of power from you.” She giggled. “Will you practice with me, like Aza has me do with my spells?”

  His stomach churned. She was too young. Hadn’t even started her monthly courses. Still- there was no one he’d rather explore his power with, no one else he could trust. A few more years and he’d be strong enough to free her, and together they’d run.

  “Not until you’re older. Then you will be mine, and I will be all yours.”

  “I know about kissing. It was in that book you brought me. And besides, you aren’t much older than I am.”

  His stomach flipped, his thoughts racing. Everything Bas had ‘taught’ him. He hadn’t remembered confessing that to another.

  “Amara?” His stomach was queasy, the underside of his tongue going numb.

  “I see him too.” She said, her eyes wandering over the room, before going back to that main table.

  “Mara— I’m going to…” Cass ran off to the side of the room, fell to his knees beside a large potted tree and emptied his stomach, heaving until there was nothing left inside, his throat raw from retching.

  “Sin.” Amara hissed, tugging on his arm. She moved to block him from view as footsteps approached, “he’s fine. Just a little blood drunk.” She tittered away to some unknown concerned bystander.

  He took the tissue Amara was discreetly handing him and ran it across his mouth, grabbing up his goblet of blood wine and drinking it down.

  “I’m okay.” He ran a hand down his face and stood on shaky feet. “Let’s just get out of here as soon as possible.” He grabbed another goblet as a server walked by and downed it. The Faery blood wasn’t going to sit well with his own magic, but the need for the alcohol overrode that.

  He grabbed another as they walked through the room and downed that too, allowing Amara to steer him through the crowd. He made the mistake of looking over at Bas again, the demon’s lips locked with the male on his lap, his hand busy under the table.

  Cold sweat beaded across his forehead, down the back of his neck, his stomach rioting once more.

  “You puke again and I’m walking away.” Amara hissed and continued pulling him.

  “I’m fine.” Heartless wench. “Let’s just find the damned vault.”


  'eye' see your stakes, and raise them

  Just as En-Rasputin promised, the potion had ensured that they met no challenge while fumbling their way through the crowd. The demon’s sudden ailment was worrisome, but served as the perfect excuse to abandon the merriment and search the upstairs rooms.

  To most, they would simply look like Dimitri and Teresa DiSilvestro, your average blood drunk vampire couple looking for some privacy. As long as she and the demon stayed out of view of the Blood Lord and his bride, who would surely pick up on any anomalies, their ruse would hold.

  The few rooms they opened had revealed guests partaking of more intimate celebrations, and despite the fact it took a great deal of effort to cause Amara to blush, some of the scenes they encountered accomplished that feat. Leaving ‘Teresa’ to flush bright red while whispering to ‘Dimitri’ at her side.

  “How? that last position breaks laws in both gravity and physics…”

  The sin-eater’s voice was weak from nausea, but filled with amusement at her bafflement. “Those tend not to apply with vampires in heat.”

  They stumbled their way across four occupied bedrooms, a game room which had the makings of a high limit gambling den, and a magnificent library, before finally discovering the Blood Lord’s private study in which they were currently standing.

  Well, she was standing. The demon was huddled over a vase as he spewed the last of his stomach’s contents into what she guessed to be a priceless heirloom from some long-lost dynasty. Every object within the mansion looked as if it belonged inside a museum. The sin-eater’s sickness had not lessened, an adverse reaction to the potion perhaps, but Amara doubted that was the case.

  She had recognized that deeply haunted gaze within the sin-eater’s coal colored eyes as he laid eyes upon the Prince of Pleasures amidst the vampires. She had seen that expression before within amber eyes.

  With a long-suffering sigh, she lowered to kneel beside the demon, brushing his longer than usual hair away from his forehead, and noticed that the golden mane of ‘Dimitri DiSilvestro’ had already begun to darken.

  “Demon, I realize you are processing a lot, but you need to stop puking. You’ve heaved up most of the potion already, and I can’t tell for sure how much longer the illusion will hold.”

  “You knew of what he did to me?”

  She couldn’t tell him the truth. To survive his father’s punishment, the demon needed to remain ignorant of his past, of what had been taken from him and what he had been made. Yet she refused to lie to him. So she deflected.

  “You forget I am no stranger to your father’s cruelty, nor am I ignorant to the depravities Basileus favors. I can imagine well enough what you were made to suffer, sin-eater. But now is not the time to dwell. We have a ring to find.”

  The sin-eater had never spoke of his past, he didn’t remember it. But after many hours spent comforting Cassius, he had eventually confided to her the twisted and depraved teaching of Basileus. She remembered how the taste of her demon’s misery and pain had become laced with shame, the taste like acid upon her tongue. They had been children still when she had decided to one day end the life of the Prince of Pleasures.

  What troubled her most was the fact that he seemed to remember. Asmodeus had destroyed Cassius and wiped his mind to a blank slate, there was no way the demon should have been able to remember trauma from his childhood. Perhaps Basileus was triggering his memories? Perhaps she accidentally had?

  “Is that an eye scanner? How in the Hells did Jareth get mortal technology to work outside of Gaia?”

  The demon’s voice pulled her from her thoughts and back into the opulent surroundings of the Blood Lord’s private office, and the massive steel door which barred them entry from the vault.

  “Not electric, I can sense the imprint of elemental magic trapped within the steel, that’s what must be powering the system. Hurry, I need your eyes.”

  Moving as one they rushed for the scanner, the demon already moving in for the lens. But something about his appearance looked off. Dark coal eyes.

  “Wait!” Her hand slammed on his chest, stopping him at the last instant.

  “You just said to hurry.”

  Her fingers closed over his cheeks, pulling Dimitri’s face to hers.

  “If you’re finally going to kiss me, I’d have to say your timing stinks,” he smirked.

o does your breath.” She patted his cheek with a soft slap, his humor overriding the frustration she had felt. “Your eyes have turned back to normal, if you scan them we will likely set off an alarm.”

  He had already reached for his goblet, taking a large swill, swishing the wine and faerie blood through his mouth before audibly swallowing. “So, what's our next move?”

  She grimaced, “you’re going to take it easy on the wine, lightweight.”

  He grinned and took another deep draw before handing her the goblet “Sure, so what’s the real plan?”

  Pressing the goblet to her lips she drained its contents, hiccupped, then looked down and grimaced at the pink ruffles, suddenly reminded of her evening’s attire.

  “I somehow doubt Teresa was given access to the vault, so I guess we need to go get ourselves an eye.”

  Cass grinned. “Just an eye?”

  She smiled back, feeling the heat of the wine and magic of faery blood spread through her as she studied the steel door.

  “Won’t have much use for the rest of the body I think,” her head tilting in thought, “we could probably take a thumb, just in case there is another scanner inside?”

  He pulled the goblet out of her grasp, tossing it carelessly to the side while getting onto his feet, pulling Mara up along with him. “Alright wife, time for us to go mingle.”

  Upon re-entering the stately hallway, which held a striking collection of renaissance art from Gaia, they were met by the sound of orchestra music and the laughter rising up from downstairs. The cacophony of festivities underscored by the echoes of muffled cries and the rhythmic sound of thrusting flesh which could be heard from behind the closed doors around them.

  As if instinctually able to track Fae wine, the demon quickly zoned in on a conveniently placed a service tray and proceeded to pick up two new goblets. His mischievous grin widening as he handed her one, before taking a long draw from his own.

  “How many of the light Fae do you think they drained for this party?”


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