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The Baby Bet: His Secret Son (The Baby Bet #5)

Page 8

by Joan Elliott Pickart

  “Could I telephone your office?”

  “Well, yes, that would be fine. I’ll tell my receptionist, Lucy, to expect your calls. If I’m with a patient, Lucy will tell you whatever information I have at that moment.”

  “What kind of doctor are you?” Andrew asked. “A specialist? Most doctors are these days.”

  “No, I’m an old-fashioned general practitioner. A family doctor.”

  “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me,” Andrew said, “considering the family you come from. It makes sense that you’d want to be available to treat your patient’s whole family if they needed you.”

  “Yes, that’s exactly why I went into family practice. But you said ‘the family I come from.’ Remember, Andrew, I didn’t even know the MacAllisters until I was sixteen, didn’t legally become one until I was eighteen.”

  “I realize that,” he said, “but you’ve earned your place in the circle.”

  “But you don’t want to,” Kara said, frowning. “Earn your place in that circle you keep referring to.”


  “Are you so very certain that’s true, Andrew?” she said, reaching out and placing one hand on his cheek. “Or are you attempting to convince yourself it is?”

  Andrew’s jaw tightened. “I know who I am, Kara, what my needs are, what I can handle, deal with, and what I can’t. I didn’t confront Robert at that party with the idea of being welcomed into the family.

  “I couldn’t…breathe in the big crowd you people create when you’re together. I’d feel smothered, drained dry, be expected to give more than I would be able to and…This is all moot, not worth discussing, because no one is going to open the door to that circle for me, anyway.”

  “Exactly why did you come to that party?” Kara said. “What did you hope to achieve by confronting Robert? Why did you keep silent all those years, then suddenly appear?”

  “None of that is important now.”

  “I’ll wait,” Kara said, lifting her chin.


  “Tit for tat, Mr. Malone. I’ll wait until you trust me enough to share that information with me. That’s fair, isn’t it? You’re waiting to hear my life story, waiting for me to trust you enough to tell you about my past. As I said, tit for tat.”

  Andrew smiled and shook his head. “You’re a tough cookie, Dr. MacAllister.”

  “Yes, I am, when I need to be. All the MacAllisters are. And like it or not, Andrew, you’re a MacAllister, too. Now I really must go. I have a bottle to feed to a hungry baby.”

  “The baby you were feeding in the nursery last night?”

  “Yes,” Kara said. “That baby.”

  “Is he a patient of yours? Well, yes, he must be to be getting such special treatment from you.”

  “He’s…very important to me,” she said. He’s my son. Oh, please, God, let that hope and prayer come true. All the paperwork was completed; the required visits to her home by the social worker had been done. All she could do now was wait for the decision by the judge. “He’s very special.”

  “Lucky kid,” Andrew said. “Listen, are the doctors saying what Robert’s chances are of surviving the surgery tomorrow?”

  “All they’ll say is that they’re optimistic.”

  “Which says nothing.” Andrew paused. “May I see you later? Would you like to have dinner away from this place?”

  Oh, dear, Kara thought, what should she do? Say? Yes? No? To go out to dinner with Andrew away from the hospital was dangerous. And disloyal.

  But to be with Andrew in a restaurant, sharing a meal like all the other people there? It would make them simply a man and a woman. Oh, right. There was nothing simple about her reaction to Andrew, her desire for him that was like nothing she’d known before.

  She was continually drawn to him, and each time he touched her, kissed her, her passion soared. She wanted him with an intensity that was nearly frightening. Oh, yes, going out to dinner with Andrew Malone was very very dangerous.

  “Kara?” Andrew said. “Dinner? It wouldn’t be a fancy deal.” He glanced down at the jeans and sweater he was wearing. “I’m not dressed for five-star dining. We could get a hamburger or a steak at a family restaurant or whatever.” He chuckled and shook his head. “Now I’m talking about family restaurants. That word has been everywhere I’ve turned since I came to Ventura. Well? Do you want to go or not?”

  “I…um…” Kara said.

  Everyone was leaving the hospital now, she thought. They would all be safely away before she’d finished feeding the baby and wouldn’t see her with Andrew. Richard was already angry at her for even speaking with Andrew, let alone going out to dinner with the man.

  Remember where your loyalties lie, Richard had said, and he had a point, she supposed. Yes, Uncle Robert had been unknowingly suffering from heart problems before the confrontation at the party, but it had been Andrew who had pushed him over the limit of what Robert’s heart could handle.

  But Andrew hadn’t intended any harm to come to Uncle Robert. Still, that didn’t erase the fact that because of the confrontation between Andrew and Robert, her uncle had had a life-threatening heart attack. But then again…

  “My mind is a jumbled mess,” Kara said, pressing her fingertips to her temples.

  “There’s a lot of that going around,” Andrew said dryly. “I’m a charter member of that club. Back to the question. Do you want to get something to eat after you feed that baby? Actually, you don’t have to feed him, do you? I mean, that’s not part of your duties as his doctor.”

  “I want to give him his bottle.”

  Andrew shrugged. “Fine.”

  “All right. I’m making a decision about dinner. My answer is…Give me a minute here.”

  “Am I missing something? What’s the problem?” Andrew said, frowning. “It’s not as though I’m asking you to run off to the Bahamas with me. We’re talking about a meal here.”

  “Well, for one thing, Andrew, you have to understand that some members of the family are not thrilled that I am communicating with you on a regular basis. My brother Richard, for one, is very upset with me about it, feels I’m not being a loyal MacAllister.”

  “Ah,” Andrew said, nodding, “I see. That makes sense. Richard and the other guys would no doubt like to take me apart, which also makes sense.”

  “Yes, well, I told Richard that I’m all grown up now and I make my own choices.” Kara drew a steadying breath. “So, yes, I’d like to have dinner with you.”

  “Good. That’s good. Where shall I meet you?”

  “Well, why don’t you come to the maternity wing with me and we’ll leave from there. Just give me a minute to say goodbye to everyone. I’ll be right back.”

  Andrew nodded and Kara left the landing, the door once again closing behind her with a soft swish.

  So, Kara was catching flak for talking to him, Andrew thought. Was being accused of not having MacAllister loyalty. He was the bad guy in this scenario, and Kara was assumed to be sleeping with the enemy.

  Bad choice of words, he thought as a flash of heat rocketed through his body. Sleeping with the enemy. With him. Making love with him through the night. No, knock it off. His body couldn’t handle the images he was creating in his mind. He was going up in flames.

  He shouldn’t have kissed Kara again. He couldn’t stop himself from kissing her again. And Kara had welcomed his kiss, had returned it with the same heated desire that had consumed him. Kara wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  The question at hand was, what were they going to do about it?

  Kara hugged Margaret, then swept her gaze over the others who were assembled in the hallway outside the closed door to Robert’s room.

  “All of you should try to have a relaxing evening if you can,” Kara said. “You know my schedule for tomorrow. I’ll be calling in, then I’ll get back over here as soon as possible.”

  “I still don’t see why I can’t sit with Robert this evening,” Margaret said. “I’m
his wife, for mercy’s sake. I’m not going to upset him or cause him any stress or…This is ridiculous.”

  “You’re pouting, Mother,” Forrest said. “Orders are orders, and doctors are very big on giving them. Right, Kara?”

  “It’s a power trip we thrive on,” Kara said, smiling. “Tomorrow will be a long day, Aunt Margaret. You need to rest and Uncle Robert has to be kept very quiet until his surgery.”

  “Yes, yes, so they said,” Margaret said with a click of her tongue. “So be it. Well, we still have to eat dinner. Should we pick up the children and go somewhere? Or maybe take pizzas back to someone’s house?”

  “Pizza sounds good,” Jack said. “All the kids are with Jillian and Jennifer at Forrest and Jillian’s house. We can take pizzas there. Okay, Forrest?”

  “Let’s roll,” Forrest said. “Coming, Kara?”

  “Oh, I…um…have something I have to do here at the hospital before I can leave,” she said.

  “Okay,” Forrest said, nodding. “We’ll save you some pizza, then.”

  “No,” she said quickly. “What I mean is, thank you, but I believe I’ll pass.”

  Richard looked at Kara intently. “Have other plans, little sister?”

  “Don’t start anything with me, Richard,” Kara said, narrowing her eyes. “You’ve made your point, I heard it, now drop it.”

  “What point?” Jack said. “I’m obviously missing out on a sibling battle here. Shame on me. Whose side am I on? What’s the scoop?”

  “The scoop, big brother,” Richard said, glaring at Kara, “is that our little sister has become very cozy with Andrew Malone.”

  “Ho-boy,” Jack said, raising his eyebrows. “This isn’t a battle, it’s an entire war.”

  “What it is,” Kara said, planting her hands on her hips, “is none of anyone’s business if I choose to keep Andrew Malone informed of Uncle Robert’s condition.

  “Andrew feels very badly about what happened. It was never his intention to harm Uncle Robert. He…Oh, never mind. None of you are going to believe a word I say about Andrew, anyway. I’m wasting my breath trying to talk to you.”

  “I believe you, Kara,” Margaret said quietly. “I’m aware that Andrew feels badly.”

  “You’ve talked to the jerk, too?” Richard said incredulously. “I don’t believe this. Cripes, Aunt Margaret, the guy nearly killed your husband.”

  “No, Richard,” Margaret said wearily, “that’s not entirely true. Robert and I have been ignoring the signals his heart was giving him. He should have had a complete physical examination long before now. Granted, Andrew’s arrival triggered the heart attack, but while we’re on the subject of Andrew Malone,” Margaret continued, changing tack, “there’s something that all of you should know. I’m going to say this once, then I don’t wish to discuss it further until Robert is well enough to explain things to me.

  “Andrew Malone is Robert’s son. He has the MacAllister eyes, plus features I see in my own children. Yes, Andrew is Robert’s son.”

  “Oh, hell,” Michael said, shaking his head. “How old is he?”

  “I said there would be no more discussion on the matter, Michael,” Margaret said, looking at him sternly.

  “’Kay,” Michael said, nodding quickly. “You bet, Mom. Whatever you say.”

  “I’ll be damned,” Forrest said. “Malone is really my…what? Half brother?”

  “Put a cork in it, Forrest,” Jack said. “Your mom said the subject is closed for now.”

  “Oh, right,” Forrest said. “Sorry. But…whew. This is a heavy trip.”

  “Enough said,” Margaret said, lifting her chin. “Who is going to stop and get the pizzas?”

  “I will,” Forrest said. “There’s plenty of soda and stuff at our house to drink.”

  “Are you coming over later for pizza or not, Kara?” Richard said.

  “No, Richard, I’m not,” Kara said, looking directly at him.

  Richard shook his head in frustration and the group started toward the elevator. Jack let the others pass him, then kissed Kara on the forehead.

  “Be careful, sister mine,” he said, smiling at her. “That’s all I ask. Just be careful. I don’t want to see you get hurt. Not ever. I love you, kid.”

  “I love you, too, Jack,” Kara said softly, feeling the tears stinging the backs of her eyes. “Thank you.”

  As Jack walked away, Kara closed her eyes for a moment to regain control of her emotions. When she opened her eyes again, she was completely alone in the quiet empty hallway of the hospital, and a chill coursed through her.

  She didn’t want to be alone, she thought. Not right now. There were times when she sought privacy and solitude, but this wasn’t one of those times.

  She just didn’t want to be alone.

  And she didn’t have to be.

  Because Andrew was waiting.

  Chapter 7

  Kara entered the nursery and sought out the nurse on duty.

  “Hi, Peggy.” Kara said quietly. “Are you here alone? Where are the other nurses?”

  “Having dinner,” Peggy said, smiling at her. “I’m holding down the fort. So far everything is quiet.” She laughed. “I shouldn’t have said that out loud. Now all the babies will start to wail at the same time. Guaranteed.”

  “I hope not.” Kara smiled, then became serious. “I’m going to feed my baby.”

  Peggy nodded. “Sure. He’s been fussing for a few minutes, so he’s probably figuring out he’s hungry and is getting ready to cut loose with an air-raid siren. Go ahead. Enjoy.”

  “Yes, I will, but…Do you see that man standing outside the nursery window there?” Kara said. “I’m going to invite him in to sit with me while I feed my son. However, I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t say anything about my plans to adopt the baby.”

  Peggy looked across the nursery and her eyes widened. “Oh, my gosh, is that your baby’s father? What is he doing here? The birth mother signed the release forms to allow the baby to be adopted and left the day after she gave birth. Why is the father suddenly showing up?”

  Kara frowned in confusion. “He’s not the baby’s father. What made you think he was?”

  “Look at him. He and the baby have the same black hair, tawny skin, high cheekbones and…oh, yes, he could pass for your baby’s father.” Peggy paused. “Why are my lips sealed about your wanting to adopt the baby?”

  “Because I haven’t told anyone yet. Only the nursery nurses know and, of course, the social worker.”

  “Oh, I see,” Peggy said, nodding. “Got it. Well, I’ll heat a bottle for your munchkin. When are you going to name that little darling?”

  “I’ve been through this with Judy,” Kara said, laughing. “She thinks I’m nuts, so I don’t think I’ll repeat my reasoning on the subject.”

  “Okeydokey,” Peggy said. “I’ll bring you a bottle in a second.”

  “Peggy, wait,” Kara said. “That man…is Andrew Malone.”

  Peggy’s eyes widened again. “The Andrew Malone? From the newspaper stories about how your uncle’s secret son showed up at the big bash you MacAllisters were having and…That Andrew Malone?”

  “Yes,” Kara said. “So could you not react to that fact when I introduce you to him?”

  “Oh. Right. You bet.” Peggy leaned closer to Kara. “Is Andrew Malone really Robert MacAllister’s secret son from a past affair?”

  “Peggy, please,” Kara said. “I don’t want to discuss it.”

  “Well, darn, you’re no fun. I’m off to heat your kiddo’s bottle.”

  Kara left the nursery by the side door and went to the front of the window, where Andrew was looking through the glass at the babies.

  “Andrew?” she said.

  “Hmm?” he said, his gaze still riveted on the infants in the bassinets.

  “Would you like to come inside and sit with me while I feed the baby?”

  Andrew’s head snapped around. “Me?”

  “Well…yes,” Kara said, smili
ng at him. “The baby eats very slowly, and we could chat while I’m giving him his bottle. I just thought it would be nicer for you than being out here all alone or reading old magazines in the waiting room.”

  “Oh, well, sure, okay,” Andrew said. “I guess. The closest I’ve ever been to a tiny baby is standing here looking at this bunch through the window. Are you certain I should be inside the nursery? Maybe I have germs or something.”

  Kara laughed. “It’ll be fine. Come on. My—the little guy I’m going to feed is getting antsy for his dinner.”

  “You’re the doctor,” Andrew said, shrugging. “Lead on and I’ll follow, complete with germs.”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake,” Kara said, laughing again.

  Man, oh, man, Andrew thought as they walked along the side corridor by the nursery. Kara’s laughter would bring bright sunshine to the cloudiest day. And…jeez. That was one of the corniest things his beleaguered brain had ever produced. But damn it, it was true. He really did like Kara’s laughter.

  And her smile. And the way her dark eyes sparkled when she was happy. And how she felt when he was holding her close to him. And her taste, her aroma, her silky curly dark hair that framed her delicate lovely face so perfectly and—

  “Here we go,” Kara said, bringing Andrew from his rambling thoughts.

  They entered the nursery, and Peggy appeared to hand Kara a bottle. Kara made the introductions, Peggy looked at the notorious Andrew Malone a tad too long, then finally headed back across the room.

  “Would you hold this please?” Kara said, extending the bottle toward Andrew.

  He stared at the baby bottle, Kara’s face, the bottle again, then finally grasped the bottle between his thumb and index finger, holding it out in front of him.

  “It won’t bite you,” Kara said.

  “Give me a break,” Andrew said, smiling. “Put a hammer in my paw and I’m comfortable. But this?” He nodded toward the bottle. “I’m afraid I’ll smash it if I wrap my whole hand around it.”


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