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My Neighbor's Will

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by Lacey Silks

  My Neighbor’s Will

  by Lacey Silks

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2012 © Lacey Silks

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  Publisher’s Note

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

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  ISBN: 978-0-9917772-4-2

  When Eric, April’s summer-camp sweetheart, shows up on her doorstep she’s speechless. The geeky kid who looked like a jock moved in next door. The urges April kept locked burst make her skin tingle as she contemplates how to make her move. She’s only wanted a good neighbor to shovel the driveway and cut the grass and instead she got a hottie with whom she has more in common than expected. As a good neighbor, April welcomes him with baked muffins, but Eric is only interested in a different kind of muffin, and she’s lost to his sultry body, at his will.

  My Neighbor’s Will is an erotic romance short story, approximately 5600 words (250 words/page). Contains adult content and graphic sex scenes (M/F).





  About the Author

  More work by Lacey Silks

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  To our sexy neighbors


  “You were such a tomboy, Sarah!” I laughed, turning the album pages.

  “Look who’s talking. Ouch! I’m hurting.” She held her tummy for a third round of uncontrollable giggles, and I flipped another page.

  “Do you remember him?” I asked, pointing to the boy in the picture and curling my legs underneath me on my porch swing.

  “Eric. He was all into worms and bugs.” She stuck out her tongue.

  “He was nice,” I said, recalling spending some time with the blue-eyed scout.

  “I think he had a crush on you.”

  “He did not, we were twelve!” But my heart pounded in agreement, because secretly, I was the one who’d had a crush on him.

  Back in the summer after eighth grade, a day even warmer than today, I had opened a note he’d snuck to me at lunchtime, asking me to meet him behind the cabin. Hand in hand, we’d dashed into the woods where we shared our first kiss. The nerves inside me remained as fresh as if it were yesterday. I’d thought about that night often, especially when I saw him in high school. But our paths had rarely crossed after that. Eric had buried his head in books at the library, and I’d been was too shy to approach him.

  “April, are you there?” Sarah’s hand waved in front of my eyes, bringing me back to reality.

  “Yeah, I’m here. I wish you weren’t moving,” I said.

  “Me too, but my lease is up and work is willing to help relocate me. The timing couldn’t be more perfect.”

  “I’m going to miss you.” I leaned in for a hug.

  “You won’t be lonely for too long. The new neighbor should be here by tomorrow night.”

  “Still, it won’t be the same without you.”

  Sarah picked up her keys from the table and promised to visit soon. I watched her car disappear behind the corner, and hurried inside. The smell of oatmeal chocolate chip muffins filled the house. The baked goodies had been my welcoming gift when Sarah moved in three years ago; now I was making them for my new neighbor.

  An hour later the round-caps filled a basket, and I waited in the living room, peeking through the window at each passing car. The house next door seemed more abandoned each minute. Night neared. The black driveway at the front reflected moonlight in a puddle. I stuffed a muffin in my mouth, upset I wouldn’t get a chance to meet my neighbor today, and probably not tomorrow, given that I had a day-long photo shoot.

  No car appeared in the neighboring driveway for three days, and I finally gave up seeking him out. On Saturday, I lounged in the sun in my back yard, sporting a new bikini. The mid-day sun began scorching my exposed skin in minutes. Careful not to tan over the line where my modeling swimsuits would end, I flipped onto my back. The Cavaliers on my left side were on vacation and my new neighbor hadn’t arrived yet, so I lowered the straps from around my neck and off my front.

  I applied the sunscreen with care and lay back. The light breeze cooled my heated skin, at times teasing my nipples with pleasurable puffs. The chirping of a sparrow sounded from the feeder and I opened my eyes to have a look. My gaze flew to the movement of blinds in Sarah’s old house. Startled, I cupped my breasts and I hurried inside. Was he there? When had he arrived? And most importantly, was he a peeping Tom?

  Inside, I rushed to get dressed and bumped my hip on the corner of a dresser.

  “Ouch! Shit!”

  I buttoned up the white shirt over my naked front and then examined the side of my hip, just beyond the fabric of my bikini. The spot began swelling and turning red. A bruise would not go over well at the photo shoot on Monday. The new photographer would freak.

  The doorbell rang.

  Annoyed, I wobbled to the front door, half dressed. I expected a salesman and frowned. Rage began to boil inside me. The new neighbor was a frickin’ peeping Tom, and here I was, trying to be a Welcome Wagon with baked muffins! The only muffin he was interested in was not one I’d baked.

  Pulling on the front door, I got my frown and my “no” ready for whatever someone was trying to sell me. The tension on my forehead eased when I saw him. Just over a head taller than I was, bronzed to perfection, he stood in the doorway, sporting only Hawaiian shorts. The white mid-day light framed his silhouette; sun shining from behind him cast an aura around the god-like body. I lowered my gaze to where the top of his shorts hung below his hip bones and revealed a perfect triangular pelvis. His abs looked like they had been painted on, and I had an urge to run my hand along their center line.

  My mouth watered and felt dry at the same time. I shaded my eyes with my hand from the glowing sun, wishing I could see his face clearly.

  “Can I help you?” I mustered. His body pulled me in like a magnet, and the heat I’d felt from the scorching sun now seemed to radiate from him.

  “I’m sorry. If I’d known you were tanning, I wouldn’t have looked.”

  Was this my neighbor?

  “You’re the peeping Tom?” I fumed, hearing the anger vibrate my voice. Why would someone so hot need to ogle me? With that body, he could have anyone he wanted.

  “Please, I’m truly sorry. I just wanted to open the window...April? Is that you?” he asked.
  I stepped back, using the doorframe’s shadow to help me see. The cool blue eyes didn’t match his dark complexion. Their unmistakable bright shade sent me back in time. No one could forget the geek in high school who should have been a jock or the little boy who’d kissed me under the shining moon.


  “If I’d known, I would have never...” His gaze fell to my naked legs, and I realized I must look like a temptress, opening the door for him barely dressed.

  “I have a bikini on,” I felt the sudden need to explain, and then remembered how my nipples pushed the soft cotton of this shirt outward. I crossed my arms at my font.

  “I didn’t want my new neighbor to think I’m some sort of a pervert.” His apologetic eyes glistened with honesty as he pulled out his hand. “Nice to see you again.”

  I met him with a handshake, startled at the coincidence. The warmth of his skin soothed my anxiety. The touch said more than his words; an invitation to a truce and a new beginning.

  “I didn’t know you moved in already,” I answered, half dazed.

  “Night-time. Some of my shipments got delayed at customs.”

  “I baked you muffins,” I blurted.

  “That’s nice.” He looked confused, waiting.

  “Oh, and ate them,” I remembered. “Not all of them, I took the rest to work. You weren’t here, so I couldn’t let them go to waste.” Gosh, I must have sounded stupid. I baked you muffins? Who says that after devouring a welcoming gift?

  “Okay. Again, I’m sorry for the incident. Perhaps I can bake your muffin... I mean, bake a muffin for you to make it up to you?” Eric’s cheeks flushed vulnerably. A hint of pinkish shade on the bronzed skin made him even cuter, and the embarrassment of the boy I remembered shone on his face.

  My insides giggled with pleasure, knowing I had the same effect on Eric as he did on me. Was he interested in my muffin? Did I want him to be? My new neighbor was much hotter than the models I worked with, and I already knew him, sort of. What exactly had he said he did? He hadn’t said.

  “You know how to bake?” I asked, intrigued.

  “For you, I’ll try.” He winked, leaning against the doorframe. A braver spark flashed in his eyes, one I hadn’t expected from the shy boy I remembered. The few years I hadn’t seen him did Eric justice.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to work. I’ll see you around?” he asked.

  “Yeah, see you around.” I followed his naked back with my gaze as he left toward his house. The wide shoulders made me want to rub sunscreen on his back. In fact, I wouldn’t mind spreading any kind of cream over that body. He turned around once and waved. I mimicked the gesture, then closed the door.

  With my back pressed against the glass insert, I noticed my racing pulse and took a few extra inhalations to slow my breathing. Memories of a similar rush I’d experienced in the woods after our first kiss had my head spinning. Holy crap, he was hot!

  I ran into my bedroom and pulled on a pair of jean shorts. The hallway felt miles long as I paced between the kitchen and the front door, trying to find an excuse to see Eric again. I hadn’t looked at a man with such possessive thoughts in a long time. The low shorts he wore flashed through my mind, and I wondered how quickly I could take them off.

  Fifteen minutes later, I was brave enough to step outside, but he wasn’t there. All the blinds in his house had been shut. As much as I needed to tend to my chores, a primal need to see Eric again urged me to stay outside. I opened the garage and turned on the hose. The water sprayed on the black paint of my Jeep, washing the dirt off my car. I soaped a sponge and scrubbed away leftover scum until my Jeep looked as if it were immersed in clouds of cotton balls. The suds flowed to the asphalt in white streams as I rinsed. In less than an hour, the Jeep was spotless.


  Gripping the hose in my hands, I jumped up and turned, soaking Eric – and the plate full of muffins he held in his hands.

  “I’m so sorry!” I rushed into the garage to turn off the water.

  He stood in the middle of the driveway, still in his Hawaiian shorts, water dripping down his face and body. Soggy muffins covered my driveway as Eric held the empty plate.

  “I’m so sorry,” I repeated.

  “I baked you muffins, but sorry isn’t going to save you and that beautiful face of yours.” He warned, tossing the plastic plate aside.


  “This. Means. War,” he smirked.

  A memory of a water balloon fight and those same words flashed in my mind. I felt my mouth form a small O.

  But I apologized! I didn’t mean to. Where is he going?

  Eric strolled to my garage, and before I realized what he was doing, he turned the hose back on, pointing it right at me. I tried to run, but water streamed down my body. In seconds, no dry thread remained. I might as well have jumped in a lake with my clothes on, and I couldn’t go down without a fight.

  I grabbed the hose beneath his hands and pointed it upward. The fountain of water sprayed up, raining on us both as we struggled to gain control of the tube. My foot caught in a loop of the hose, and I lost my balance. I fell to the side, dragging Eric down with me. He slid on the slippery driveway and landed on top of me, bracing his full weight on his elbows.

  “Ahh!” he yelped in pain.

  “Are you all right?” I shot up, examining his arm. It appeared Eric had landed on my elbow with his ribcage.

  “I think so, just an awkward fall.” Water flowed down the driveway like an abandoned stream.

  “Let me see.” I took his arm into my hands.

  “My ribs,” he whispered. The sweet smell of his chocolate breath made my stomach rumble.

  I moved my hand over the reddened spot at the side of his abs, feeling his muscles tighten at my touch.

  Our gazes met and his fingers wrapped above my wrist, gently pulling me in. The warmth of his exhales curved around my face. My wet t-shirt pressed against his six-pack. The moisture made it feel as if there was no fabric between us. His lips came closer each second, slightly parted and inviting. I closed my eyes. The touch of his mouth to mine felt apprehensive at first but quickly gained courage. He lowered his back on the asphalt. My body covered his, trying to mold around the exposed flesh. Eric wrapped his arms around me, grazing his fingers along my spine. I wove my fingers into his hair.

  The momentum of our lips intensified into a harder and hungrier exchange. Each curve of his chest, abs, and hips pressed into me. His shorts began to fill, and I felt my hips circling in response to his growth.

  “Get a room,” Mrs. Finnick mumbled under her breath from the sidewalk.

  I jumped off Eric, straightening my clothes and trying to remember where I was. “Sorry, ma’am,” I replied. Her puppy began chewing on the soggy leftover muffins.

  As she walked away with her poodle, Eric tried to stand up. Pain covered his face in a series of frowns and squirms.

  “Come on,” I reached out. “Let me help you up.”

  He took my hand. The touch revived the rush I’d felt in my veins a minute earlier, speeding my pulse. When he found his balance, I didn’t expect his hands to glide directly to my waistline. Eric pulled me in for another kiss. The longing of his mouth made me respond to the need I’d neglected for a long time. I struggled to breathe and he pulled away, his heavy breath blending with mine as we tried to compose ourselves.

  “I hope you don’t welcome all your neighbors this way,” he grinned.

  “Only the peeping Tom ones,” I teased. “I’m sorry about the muffins.”

  “I’m not. But you could have told me you don’t like my baking skills instead of soaking me.”

  “From the sweet taste of your mouth, I’m sure the muffins were good. And Fluffy liked them.” I wrapped my arms innocently around his neck.

  Eric laughed. He didn’t let go of my waist, and oddly, I’d felt as if I’d know him for years. The comfort of his hold surprised me. I tried to think of something smart
to say, but nothing came to mind. The way his body connected to mine in every spot sent jolts of pleasure to my groin. I wanted to be stuck in Eric’s embrace forever. As if I were in a dream state, I couldn’t stop staring at the lines of his rugged jaw nor the dimple on his chin. And my stare didn’t feel awkward at all. Eric let me examine him to my heart’s content.

  “Why the closed blinds?” I finally asked.

  “It’s a work hazard.”

  I narrowed my eyes.

  “Come, I’ll show you.” He stepped toward his house, pulling on my hand. With his body away from mine, deprivation set in.

  “I should change first,” I said, staying in my spot.

  “I have a spare shirt if you don’t mind wearing it,” he proposed.

  Of course I didn’t mind! In the back of my mind, I was already wondering what would happen next.

  “I won’t bite, I promise,” he added.

  “What if I want to be bitten?” My free hand flew to cover my mouth. Did I just say that?

  “I can be kinky if you’d like, but I’m usually not that forward, April. Coming?” he invited again.

  “Yes. I’m sorry,” I tried to cover for myself.

  “No worries.”

  Eric led me inside the darkened hallway. I tightened my grip on his hand, avoiding tripping over dozens of boxes waiting to be unpacked. Over the front window, on top of the blinds, black drapes flowed toward the floor. With a click, the light turned on.

  “I apologize for the mess, April. I was going to finish unpacking today, but decided to bake your muffin... I mean bake muffins for you.”

  My insides vibrated with laughter.

  We stepped into the room Sarah had used as her living room. Another click on the side wall sounded and dim light filtered through an old Tiffany lamp on a side table. Portraits and photographs of varying sizes stood propped against furniture. The window here as well was covered with impermeable black fabric. The noon sun didn’t get a chance to filter through.


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