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Riftkeepers: Reckoning

Page 5

by Carrie Whitethorne

  “Basically, it’s us: both Fae courts. And them. We’ll be fine.” With confidence she didn’t truly feel, she explained, “Last time we saw him he was peppered with holes, and she’s, well, she’s probably dangerous, but nothing we can’t handle. We’ll meet with the Un-Seelie lot tomorrow. Plans have to be made at their end since she’s most likely to go after their portal.”

  Ferne’s brows rose. “Looks like you have your business head on. Will she really attack them?”

  “Oh, aye. She’s bonkers,” Charlotte said with a cold laugh. “Never mind the legion of wyverns, army of the most powerful faeries either court has, the Druids, and whoever else gets involved. She has a warlock and a few shadow demons and thinks she’s getting in.”

  “And you,” Callan said confidently. “We have you.”

  Dagda nodded his agreement. “Yes, we have our own crazy shadow lady.”

  Scowling, she said, “Speaking of crazy ladies. I want Ferne training.”

  Ferne grinned, looking from Charlotte to Dagda.

  “What? Why?” Dagda asked, glaring at her.

  “Because, big brother, she’s been targeted once and I want her to be able to get away if she needs to,” Charlotte stated firmly.

  “Don’t—” he began, pleading.

  “Don’t what?” she challenged. “Don’t spout your rhetoric? It was good enough for me; it’s good enough for her.” She held him in a defiant glare, waiting for his response.

  “Fine. I’ll speak to Blair,” he huffed, clearly irritated.

  “Did Dane go home?” Alayna asked, placing her empty glass on the table.

  “Dunno. We left him at the castle. He wasn’t happy.”

  “No. I’ll try his house, and if he isn’t there—”

  “Go straight to the castle,” Callan suggested with a half-smile. “He could do with some company.”

  Alayna gave him an uneasy smile and nodded.

  “Thanks for watching the kids,” Charlotte added, just before she left.

  When Dagda and Ferne finally left, Charlotte cleared away their glasses and turned on the dishwasher. Callan watched her, leaning against the worktop.

  “Say it.”

  “I don’t want you involved.”

  Rubbing her brow, she said, “Callan, I have to be involved. I am involved. This is my fault. Again. If I’d just killed him, we wouldn’t be here now, would we?”

  He crossed the room and grasped her waist, lifting her onto the worktop. Hooking her feet around the backs of his thighs, she brushed his hair back from his face.

  “I’ll be fine,” she assured him with a small smile.

  He kissed her tenderly. When she smiled against his mouth, he nudged her lips apart. She let out a quiet moan as his tongue skimmed her lip, and parted them slightly to invite him in. He probed further, a hand in the small of her back firmly tugging her closer as the other slid up her front.

  She broke away, eyes burning as she met his hungry gaze. He kissed her cheek, her ear, his breath tickling her neck before trailing down to her collar bone. As he reached the collar of her top, he stopped, moving back just enough to remove it. Dropping it behind her, he removed his own and looked her over with a smile of appreciation.

  Her body responded as he moved closer, kissing and biting his way down her chest. Head tilted back, her blood igniting, she let out another moan, inching her hips towards him. His arms came around her, lifting her as she tangled her fingers in his hair. He carried her to their room, kissing her mouth, her neck, sucking her earlobes into his mouth to nibble them. She sighed as his breath in her ear made her skin prickle, her peaking nipples brushing against his bare chest.

  Passing the bed, he nudged open the bathroom door, moved to the shower and flicked on the water. Only then did he break away, lowering her to remove her remaining clothes. On his knees, he pressed her back against the cold tiled wall and kissed her. She gasped at the sensation, knees feeling weak as his mouth worked against her. As she let out a quiet gasp, he pulled away, kissing up her body as the warm water cascaded down.

  Eyes closed, she felt his hands in her hair, shampoo lathering as his fingers gently massaged her scalp. Tilting her head back, she allowed the water to rinse it away, washing all trace of the filthy cave away with a slick, heady oil. Kicking off his soaked jeans, he turned and lifted her, pressing her into the wall again. One hand supporting her, the other cupping her cheek, he kissed her so tenderly she closed her eyes and swallowed the lump forming in her throat.

  She felt his tip nudging her and she ached for him, squirming her hips and groaning into his mouth with frustration.

  He responded with a low, wicked chuckle and carried her from the bathroom.

  He sat on the edge of the bed, Charlotte positioned astride him and she lowered herself with a sigh. Inch after inch filling her, the ache easing, she began to move. Slow and gentle movements, her blood pulsing through her veins, wondering at the feel of him.

  With a small gasp, she shuddered, biting her lip as she came to a shuddering climax. He gripped her hips and maintained her rhythm, his eyes fixed on hers as she crested wave after wave. She whimpered and met his eyes, her own flashing violet. Callan growled at the sight and tensed, pinning her to him as he poured into her, maintaining his firm grip until his body relaxed.

  Breathing heavily, he wrapped his arms around her back and buried his face in the damp hair on her shoulder.

  “I love you,” she whispered, running her hand along the taut muscles of his back as his breathing became less ragged.

  She sighed as he twitched within her, running his tongue up her neck before flipping her onto her back.

  “Show me that again,” he said huskily, replacing his length with his fingers.

  Writhing, she felt pleasure rising and held his stare. As her eyes changed colour, his features spread into a lupine grin.

  “You’re beautiful, Charlotte MacAidh,” he murmured, shifting her up the bed and nudging her legs apart.


  The meeting was held in the study. Taran was seated in an armchair; Markus on his left, Dagda on his right. Dane sat to Markus’ right. Charlotte was surprised to see Alayna to Dane’s left. The last to arrive, they took the empty seats beside Dagda. Looking from one member to the next, she smiled to Lukas, Anton, and Konrad.

  There are so few of them.

  Why aren’t they in suits? They’re all in leather armour or jeans like it’s a social gathering.

  Taran doesn’t have a Druid on his council either.

  Markus introduced each member in turn, and said, “Klara is unable to attend. She is away investigating a disturbance in Bulgaria. There is unrest within the wyvern colony there.” He looked to Charlotte and explained, “My council is made up of our most skilled warriors, Charlotte. They have earned their positions and will always be the first line of defence against a threat to our world. I have invited Taran and his heirs to join in the sentencing, as Nyja’s actions will deeply impact both courts. We must work together.” He looked around the room and said, “As such, we are meeting today to discuss the matter of my wayward niece.” They all nodded and Markus continued, “Before we go any further, are we all agreed that her actions are to be considered treason and she should be sentenced accordingly?”

  Markus, shouldn’t Petr be here?

  Would you be more comfortable if he were?

  Yes. Sorry.

  He looked around the room and said, “Lukas, kindly escort Petr from his suite. We shall wait for you.”

  Lukas vanished and Dursek brought in an extra chair, placing it between Anton and Lukas’ seats.

  “No need to apologise,” Markus said kindly. “Lukas won’t be long.”

  She waited for the disgruntled murmurs from the council that she’d come to expect from Taran’s court and was met with nothing but respectful silence.

  Before she had the chance to think more about it, Lukas arrived with Petr. Markus didn’t acknowledge him. Nodding his thanks to Lukas, he rep
eated, “Before we move forward, are we all agreed that the actions of my niece are to be considered treason and she should be sentenced accordingly?”

  Petr’s face was ashen as he looked around the room. The Un-Seelie court members nodded, Taran followed. Dagda, Dane, and Callan all said, “Yes.” Alayna squirmed in her seat.

  “Sorry, Markus,” Charlotte mumbled. “I’m not familiar…I don’t know how this stuff works. Can she be sentenced if she isn’t here?”

  “Trial in absentia is commonly used in human courts, as well as ours, Charlotte,” he informed her. “We must all agree before a sentence can be passed and the criminal punished per our laws. In this case, treason is punishable by death.” He looked to his brother, and added frostily, “Isn’t that right, Petr?”

  Forcing herself to look, she saw him nod his head. Locking eyes with Charlotte, his throat bobbed and he said in a hoarse voice, “Yes. Nyja is guilty of treason and must be sentenced accordingly.” There was no submission in his tone, only grief for the loss of his daughter and his sad acceptance of her fate.

  Whatever she’s done, she’s still his daughter.

  “Alayna,” Markus turned to her and she lowered her eyes. Softening his tone, he said, “I understand that this is difficult for you; that this goes against every fibre of your being. You heal, repair, give and extend life; you do not take it. However, your opinion on this matter is of the highest importance.”

  Gripping Dane’s hand, she straightened and said, “Yes, Markus. Treason.”

  With a subtle nod, he turned his attention back to Charlotte.

  “The laws seem to be very clear. I agree,” she said with an apologetic glance to Petr.

  Not that the human in the room is worthy of an opinion.

  Would you guard your thoughts? Of course you are worthy of an opinion. You are a member of our royal family, Charlotte. Your self-depreciation is becoming irksome, to say the very least.

  Dane sniggered from across the room and she shot him an ice-cold glance as she listened to Markus inside her head.

  A place among my council is earned by way of skill and service, not by rank of birth. By that alone, you have every right to be in this room, impossible girl.

  Accepting Markus’ reprimand, she looked down and examined her hands.

  Markus turned his attention away from her and said irritably, “Dane, Charlotte requires further mental barrier training. See to it.” Looking back to the council, he evened his tone and continued, “As Nyja is in league with a warlock, there are several precautions we must take. Lukas?”

  Remaining seated, Lukas said, “Armour must be checked. Any not up to standard must be replaced immediately. Weapons must be ready; silver obviously, as we know the warlock is summoning Daeva. Guards are to be posted outside in groups of three; should she send any our way, they must be destroyed on sight. The wards are to be altered over the coming week. Prince Zander will be in the castle to carry this out. His safety is paramount and I shall appoint him a personal guard whilst working on the portal. The wards will require entry in groups of three and always a Druid present. Are there any questions?”

  The only sound in the room was that of creaking leather as someone adjusted their position. Taran cleared his throat and asked, “As you’re certain there will be an attack on Houska, Mark, do you require additional forces from Avalon?”

  “No, thank you,” he said with a grateful smile. “We have sufficient guards to manage rotations outside and those of us here are more than able to tackle Nyja and her warlock.”

  Alayna stiffened. “I can’t,” she whispered nervously to Dane.

  “Alayna, you are the most skilled healer either court has seen in centuries. Your talents may be required given the nature of the threat,” Taran said firmly.

  She opened her mouth as if to say something, then closed it and bowed her head.

  “And the princess?”

  She didn’t recognise the voice. It held a slight Irish lilt like Caoimhe’s and she scanned the room for the source. He smiled broadly, resting a forearm on his knee, as her eyes settled on him. His long, dark hair trailed in thick waves over his muscled shoulders. He wore full leather armour and weaponry. Meeting his friendly but curious gaze, she noted his eyes were a pale blue. “What about me?” she asked, puzzled.

  He studied her for a moment and asked, “Where do you fit into the battle plans?”

  “That is a very good question,” she said, looking to Lukas. “Where do I fit in?”

  “At the back,” Callan mumbled, drawing a snigger from Dagda.

  Lukas ignored them and answered, “Having seen you in action, Charlotte, wherever you feel most comfortable. We work as a team; we protect one another. We can arrange training sessions to familiarise ourselves with the new team dynamic.”

  “I look forward to it,” the other said cheerily. “Thank you, Lukas.”

  “You can take her on first, Tyrin,” Dane muttered with a smirk. In a much more professional tone, he said, “Should an attack on the castle occur, we need to know exactly where to gather. Since we’ll arrive from many locations, the most logical place would be the central courtyard: shielded from human eyes, sheltered, and easily defended.”

  The others nodded their agreement and Charlotte glanced back to Petr. His head was bowed as he sat in silence, listening to their plans.

  Petr, I’m sorry.

  Do not be sorry for me, Princess. I accept what she is. Daughter or no, she betrayed us all when she sided with your father. It is unforgivable.

  It doesn’t make it any easier. I’m sorry for what you’re going through.

  Thank you. I apologise for the anguish she has caused you.

  She can apologise herself when the time comes. You don’t answer for her.

  He glanced to her and the smallest of grateful smiles twitched at the corners of his mouth.

  “Very good,” Markus said, satisfied with the arrangement. “Lukas will handle strategy and training. Should I call, you gather outside. Guards will be posted in teams of three and the wards shall be altered. Taran, if you could keep a small team of Druids at the palace for teleportation purposes once the wards are altered? Is there anything else?”

  Taran gave a single nod of confirmation. When no one spoke, Markus nodded to Dursek and he opened the doors for five servants to file into the room carrying trays of drinks and food.

  The various council members rearranged the chairs and sofas to make room and took drinks from the trays. Petr was escorted out of the room by Lukas.

  She stood by the fireplace with Callan and Taran. Taran leaned over and whispered, “Now we relax. Mark is a firm believer in leaving most of the formality out of these meetings and socialising afterwards.”

  Indicating her glass, she said, “Well, now I know the real secret to your longevity. You’re all pickled. I’ve had a glass in my hand every day this week.”

  Konrad roared with laughter behind her as he heard what she said. Taran, grinning, excused himself to speak to the others.

  “Konrad,” she said, kissing his cheek. “I didn’t expect to see you here today.”

  He looked down at her fondly and said, “I am a council member, Princess. Unfortunately, I cannot linger. I must relay the decisions made here to the Druid community. Communication is paramount, especially now.”

  “Are there many of you here?” she asked, curious. She’d only seen small hubs of Druids back on Arran and hadn’t spent much time with them.

  “A few hundred. We may hear from others before this situation is resolved. I sent word to friends in Sweden and Denmark this morning. I hope to see you soon, Charlotte.”

  He left her to speak to Taran and the faeries she didn’t know as Alayna stepped to her side.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, gazing around the room.

  “Yeah, are you? I didn’t think you came here often,” Charlotte whispered.

  “I’ve been visiting now and again, for Dane. It isn’t as bad as I remembered it as a child,
” she admitted.

  “Yeah, Markus is lovely when you get past the, well, you know.” She smiled to herself, remembering the kindness he’d shown her on a few recent occasions; how jovial he could be when he relaxed. Although that was a rare event. “Everyone here has been so welcoming. I was surprised, honestly. Especially with me being—”

  “Alayna, do you have a moment?” Markus cut in.

  “Of course,” she smiled nervously, taking a step towards him.

  He offered his arm and Charlotte gave her a reassuring smile.

  “Where have they gone?” Dane murmured in her ear as they left the room.

  “No idea, but she looked nervous. He isn’t that bad, when he isn’t giving me a telling off.”

  With a glance to the door, he said, “I know it isn’t what you wanted, but are you okay with everything?”

  “I’ll have to be,” she said, sipping her wine. “I’ll just knuckle down with the training and hope I don’t get you all killed.”

  “You really do have to stop that,” he grumbled, giving her a stern look. “You’re as capable as any of us.”

  “We’ll see, won’t we? Why’s Markus so…I dunno,” she said, trying to find the words.

  He spent a lot of time with a human girl once.

  Really? He said he hadn’t…

  No, well, he was absent for months at a time. For years. I don’t know what happened to her. I assume she died.

  As a result, he’s painfully aware of human frailty and appreciates your strengths. That’s why he’s so stern, why he won’t have you questioning your ability or place among us. So please Lottie, don’t. It hurts him that you think so little of yourself. Thankfully, Callan can’t hear it.

  Her face heated.

  I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I’ve never been much good at anything, then suddenly I’m here with you all. I have Callan. Girls like me don’t meet people like Callan. We don’t—

  But you did. You’re here and this is your life now. You have a family and friends who love you. You have an extraordinary power. We all believe in you.


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