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Riftkeepers: Reckoning

Page 11

by Carrie Whitethorne

  Dane stepped to the side, making room for her and Callan beside Markus, and she went on. “Robert, you can see she’s unhinged. Come to us. I can protect you. I promise, no one will hurt you. We can put this right if you come now.”

  What the fuck are you doing?

  Damage limitation, Dane. I don’t like where this is going. He needs to be moved away from her. We’ll handle him later.

  Markus continued his silent rage at her side. His entire body tense; Charlotte wondered how long he would manage to contain it and how devastating the effects of his retribution would be.

  The group was tense but unmoving, ready to attack Nyja if she so much as coughed. They seemed to be waiting for an order.

  “He’s staying with me,” Nyja spat. “Whatever you did to trick Callan, you little witch, won’t work on Robert. He hates you as much as I do.”

  Tilting her head, Charlotte studied her for a moment. “Trick? I didn’t trick him, Nyja. All I’ve ever done is love him.”

  “Love,” Nyja sneered. “Humans don’t have the emotional range. You trapped him. When you’re gone—”

  “Oh, I’m not going anywhere. I have Callan. I have our family. I have my place on the council. I’ve no reason to leave.”

  “When I sit on the Un-Seelie throne—”

  “Nyja, shut up,” Charlotte said, throwing a wall of shadow hard into her face, making her stumble back a few paces. There wasn’t time to consider why the faerie hadn’t kept a defensive shield in place. “Robert, come to us now,” she commanded, as Nyja straightened and returned to Robert’s side.

  Nyja retaliated, coming up against the combined shields of both Charlotte and Markus. The resisting force threw her off balance again and Charlotte stepped forward. Furious, she allowed her power to cover her whole body in violet flame. With her arms spread, she clenched her teeth and growled, “Try again.”

  Robert took a tentative step forward, towards Charlotte, realising he was far safer with them. Incensed, Nyja snarled as she grasped him by the sweater, jerking him back, as though shielding herself with his body.

  Not one of them could react quickly enough to stop her as she pressed her hand against the back of Robert’s head. Charlotte made to run at them, coming up against a solid, invisible wall. Pouring shadow-fire over it, she fought to get to him before Nyja could access his power.

  Her shadow-fire, Callan’s hot, furious flame, Tyrin’s water, and Izak’s lightning hit Nyja’s shield at once, the barrage of their combined powers too much for her to keep at bay. The shield gave, just a fraction, and Charlotte pushed harder.

  “Protect yourself!” she shrieked to Robert as Nyja’s shield failed. She rushed forward dropping to her knees as his limp body collapsed mere feet from Petr’s.

  Her eyes found Nyja’s, flashing violet as rage and power flooded her body. Nyja grinned; a feral, victorious gesture as her eyes turned black.

  Charlotte froze.

  Markus, do something!

  There was no response from any of them. With a frustrated scream, Charlotte jumped up and pushed all she had towards the faerie, determined to sear the grin from her face. Nyja’s brows rose as her hand sparked and then burned with shadow-fire.

  “Charlotte!” Callan roared in warning. Markus grasped her with his power and pulled her away, blanketing her in darkness as he brought her to the safety of the group.

  They all stared, captivated by the scene that had unfolded before them. As Charlotte regained her composure, she looked wildly around at her friends, silently beseeching someone to do something. Not one of them moved. No one spoke as they glared at Nyja.

  “Well, it’s been lovely,” she said with saccharine sweetness, smiling down at the new power at her fingertips, “but I really should see how my army is progressing. Goodbye, Uncle. I shall pay a visit to the castle soon.”

  They stood in stunned silence for a long time. The sky having returned to its previous bright blue, no sign of clouds or rain or storms; the grounds of the summer house were bathed in brilliant sunshine. Angry tears streamed down Charlotte’s face as she pressed into Callan’s chest.

  “I am taking my brother home,” Markus announced heavily. Izak and Tyrin fell into their places behind him, followed by Lukas and Anton as the body of the eldest Un-Seelie prince rose into the air. Konrad circled above, flying into the distance as they disappeared. Dane stayed behind.

  “Are you okay?” Dagda asked, rubbing her shoulder.

  “No. I’m furious. I was too late, again!” she mumbled into Callan’s chest. “Now look! She’s nuts and so completely overpowered she could crush any one of us with a thought!”

  “Wasn’t your fault, Lottie,” Dane said gravely. “She was going to do that all along. He knew. He was edgy for that reason.”

  “What about Petr?” she snapped. “Who fucking does that?”

  “She’ll pay for it,” Callan said, his voice low and rough. “She’ll make a mistake. We can keep each other safe.”

  “At least she’s bringing the fight to us next time,” Dane said. “Saves us a lot of work.”

  “She said army,” Charlotte sniffed, turning to face him. “Daeva?”

  “Probably. We’ll have the wyverns battle ready. They take down Daeva like flies.”

  “What are we doing with him?” Dagda asked, tipping his chin towards Robert’s body.

  “Nothing,” she said coolly. “He picked the wrong team. Fuck him.”

  Dagda passed his gaze to Callan, then to Dane, and bowed his head as Callan summoned a small flame and flicked it at the body. It went up like kindling, the flames hot and fierce as they consumed him. Dagda pushed a breeze, blowing the smell of burning flesh away from where they stood.

  “I need to go back. Father…” Dane said. “I’ll visit as soon as I can. Stay safe.”

  “Thank you, Dane,” she said quietly as he gave her a thin smile and left.

  Charlotte turned away from the burning body of the man who had once been her father, and walked back to the fountain they’d arrived at less than half an hour before.

  Gripping the discoloured edge of the structure, she leaned over and vomited into the basin. Her body shook as she fought to keep herself upright, the force of her body spilling her stomach’s contents using all her strength. Before she could buckle completely, Callan’s hands supported her until she was done. Panting, sweating, and with tears streaming down her cheeks, she sagged and he lowered her to the ground. Pulling her knees up under her chin, she sat and watched the body burn, her eyes still a dull mauve as her anger simmered.

  Dagda and Callan sat on either side, giving her time to process everything that had happened. As the light faded, Dagda said, “Charlotte, we should go home. There’s nothing to stay here for. I’ll get Ma to keep Enya and Zander. I’ll tell them you had a big fight and need some sleep.”

  She nodded, but didn’t look away from the now dying fire. There was nothing left of the body they’d consumed, only low embers, fading from orange to grey.

  “I’ll call in on my way home,” he said as he clapped Callan on the shoulder and left.

  “Let me take you home,” Callan said softly, taking her hand.

  “What are we going to do?” she whispered.

  “We’re going to go home. We’re going to get cleaned up; we’re going to have a glass of wine, and we’re going to sleep. It’ll be better in the morning.”


  “Markus is fine. There’ll be a funeral. Stop worrying about everyone else and let me take you home,” he pressed. “Please, Charlotte.”

  She nodded and gripped his hand tighter as he hauled her to her feet.

  “I love you,” he said, holding her close.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, another tear escaping.

  He kissed the top of her head and said, “Do not blame yourself for that. She broke every law our people live by. You couldn’t have stopped it. You tried to save his life, despite everything he’s done to you. Don’t apologise for tha
t, Charlotte.”

  His strong hand pressed into her back as he pulled her close and they left the summer house behind.


  She fastened the clasps of her tunic carefully and attached her pin. Frowning into the mirror, she poked at the puffy bags beneath her eyes. Callan watched her from the bed.

  “Stop staring and get dressed,” she murmured, returning his gaze through the glass.

  Sloping from the bed, he pulled on a pair of joggers and a t-shirt she’d thrown at him, then strode into the bathroom.

  Bracing her hands on the dressing table, she closed her eyes and sighed. He came up silently behind her, reaching around her waist. Straightening, she raised her hand behind her to trace along his pointed ear, watching their reflection in the mirror.

  “You need to rest; you didn’t sleep last night. You’re stressed,” he said into her neck.

  Dropping her arm, she stepped away. “I need to get my shit together, somewhere quiet, just us. Then we’ll find the kids and Blair and train with them.”

  Clipping her dagger to her belt, she pulled her hair back into a ponytail and held out her hand expectantly.

  “Define quiet. What do you want to do?”

  “Secluded. With livestock.”

  He considered her for a moment and shook his head. “Why?”

  “I need to learn to kill things, Callan. So take me somewhere secluded with animals I can…” A lump formed in her throat, cutting her off.

  Shoulders sagging, he reluctantly took her hand and pulled her closer.

  Not allowing time to find her bearings, he tugged her along as he strode towards a large manor house. The heat of the morning sun suggested they were in the Fae realm. The manor was set within a beautiful walled garden, bordered by rose bushes. Butterflies every colour of the rainbow flitted from flower to flower, the morning sun glittering on their wings.

  “Callan!” a cheery voice called from their right. “It’s been an age, my friend!”

  Altering course, he pulled her after him, his swift pace only slowing as they drew near the faerie smiling at them.

  “Euan, my wife, Charlotte,” he said briefly. “I’m sorry to drop in like this, but we’re short on time and Charlotte needs a few of your heifers.”

  Euan frowned. “Heifers?”

  Callan’s eyes flicked to her and she looked at her hands. “I assume you’ve heard of her gifts?”

  He looked uncomfortable, rubbing the back of his neck as he answered, “Yes, of course, but—”

  “Have you any old heifers you no longer have use for?” Callan pressed.

  “Of course. I have six old lasses in the rear field waiting to go up for the dragons. What good are they?” Euan asked, still frowning.

  Charlotte took a steadying breath and explained, “I’m training. Practicing using my shadow-fire, and I need a few”— she paused, looking for the words. There was only one that came to mind and she said it so quietly only Fae ears would hear—“victims.”

  Euan’s brows rose briefly as he nodded his understanding. He looked to Callan and said, “North-western field.”

  “Thank you. I’ll dispose of them before we leave. Add their worth to the account and I’ll have it settled this afternoon.” Not waiting for a response, he pulled Charlotte to his side and ported them to the field Euan had indicated. “Now what?”

  She looked at the cows quietly chewing the grass, then looked at Callan and allowed the memory of the previous day to stoke the still burning anger within her.

  Blair and the children were still training when they arrived at the cairn. He gave a cheerful wave when he saw them and ported the children directly over.

  “Uncle Dagda said you were in a fight, Mummy!” Enya exclaimed, pulling out of the tight hug Charlotte had them wrapped in.

  “I was, baby. It’s all over now and we’re fine; don’t worry.”

  “Are you poorly again, Mummy?” Zander asked with concern as he scanned her face.

  Offering him a warm smile, she said, “No, just tired. I used a lot of magic yesterday. I’m here for the training session I promised you the other day.”

  Callan crouched, cupping their faces, and said, “Everything’s okay. Go and get ready.”

  Blair gave Callan a questioning look and he said, “Charlotte spent the morning practicing using her offensive techniques. Euan is short half a dozen heifers, but Charlotte feels better prepared.”

  Blair’s eyebrows rose slightly as he glanced her way. Her cheeks flushed as he said, “Well, that’s one way to do it. What else did you feel you needed to work on today?”

  “I need to be able to get people out of harm’s way, quickly and safely, like Markus can,” she explained. “If I’d been quicker yesterday…”

  I could have stopped that.

  “Okay. We can do that.”

  They walked in uncomfortable silence to where the children were preparing.

  Enya had summoned a small water dragon that was weaving its way up and around her arm. Zander looked at her as they approached, still frowning at Charlotte’s appearance.

  “Okay, your mother needs your help,” Blair began, drawing their attention. “She’s practicing shielding and moving today. You’re going to be doing some flying.” He turned to Charlotte and added, “Callan and I will be ready to catch them should your concentration lapse.”

  With a curt nod, she took a few steps back and said to Enya, “Okay, just relax. I won’t drop you.”

  Don’t drop her…

  Enya rose gracefully into the air, her eyes wide. Charlotte wasn’t sure if it was fear or excitement, but assumed it was an even mix of both. Callan and Blair positioned themselves almost directly beneath her, ready to catch her.

  Okay, think she’s high enough. Let her go.

  Unblinking, Charlotte kept her eyes firmly on Enya as her power pulled away and Enya dropped like a stone, shrieking in fear. Her body twisted as she fell, her position altering. Should she hit the ground, her shoulder would take the impact.

  Cushion her. Lift her back up.

  As though landing on a pillow, Enya stopped falling and was righted in the air. Rising again.

  “Okay, baby?” Charlotte called, slowing her ascent. Much higher this time, Enya looked terrified.

  Enya nodded nervously. “I think so.”

  Smiling, she called, “One more, okay?”

  Enya squeezed her eyes shut and Charlotte dropped her again, her hair flying as she gained momentum.

  Support her whole body. Bring her to me.

  This time her shadow took form, wrapping the child in a cocoon of swirling cloud before swiftly pulling her to Charlotte’s waiting arms. Despite the speed she’d gathered, her landing was surprisingly gentle.

  Charlotte laughed as she cradled Enya. “See? Told you I wouldn’t drop you.”

  “I don’t like it, Mummy,” Enya whined.

  “Okay, no more. Zander’s turn,” she murmured. Looking up, she found him and called, “Zander, run!”

  Her grin set him giggling and he turned, sprinting for the stream. “How is he so fast?” she asked Callan.

  “I think he’s tapping for extra strength, but they’re fast anyway,” he laughed. “Half Fae, they’ll have more speed and strength than most kids their age.”

  “Cheating little monkey!” she muttered, marvelling at his speed.

  She followed him at a jog, preparing to send shadow to retrieve him. He slowed and glanced over his shoulder before changing direction.

  Little monster! Catch him. Bring him here.

  Chasing him down, her shadow sped across the cairn. Zander dodged to the side again, laughing and giggling as he went. Just as her power made a grab, he threw up a wall of dirt and dodged away.

  “You little cheat!” Charlotte laughed as her shadow released the dirt it had gripped instead of Zander. “What have you been teaching him, Blair?”

  “Oh, a bit of this and a bit of that.”

  Okay, hedge him in; bring him

  As her power hunted him, she looked to Enya and said, “Your turn?”

  Enya nodded enthusiastically and took off in the opposite direction as Zander drifted towards them on an invisible current, still giggling. Suddenly, she tossed him into the air, bringing shrieks of laughter from him, before she caught him and set him on the ground. “Thanks, baby, that was perfect.”

  Enya was even faster than Zander, having put a fair distance between them already, and Charlotte wondered how well her power would work over the distance.

  Bring her back.

  As Charlotte watched, Enya summoned shields over each hand.

  “This is what we practiced yesterday,” Blair said, coming to her side. “She’s fast, she’s agile, and she has a force to work with. She’s Zander’s opposite. He works in a defensive capacity, she uses an offensive approach, even to provide a defence. She’s incredibly talented, Charlotte.”

  As Charlotte made a mental grab for her, Enya leapt firing jets of water at the tendrils appearing around her, offering a force to push against. She flipped mid-air before landing in a crouch. To Charlotte’s surprise, she sprang forward and pushed herself back with water from her shields. Soaring in an arc over the shadow, she spun before landing carefully and sprinting back towards Charlotte.

  Wow…catch her.

  “Blair, how is she doing that?” she gasped.

  Blair grinned and said, “She fully understands her power. She’s worked out how to get every drop from it. Pardon the pun.”

  Callan had lifted Zander up onto his shoulders and laughed as Enya wove and dodged her way past Charlotte’s attempts to capture her.

  “Is she able to tap the earth for additional strength?” Charlotte asked, her eyes following Enya as she continued to evade capture.

  “She’s getting it, but it isn’t her strong suit.”

  “So this is all her? No help? Wow.”

  Enya was tiring. Smiling, Charlotte threw up a wall of shadow that Enya ran straight into. The wall gave with her impact and cradled her before pulling her back to Charlotte. “She needs to really practice that, Blair. Nyja’s completely out of hand,” she said quietly, reaching for Enya. “You were brilliant, thank you. You both learned a lot yesterday! I’m impressed.”


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