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Annihilation 08: Searching for a Hero

Page 14

by Saxon Andrew

  • • • • •

  The Advisor had the answer to his questions. He looked at his panel and stared to send another ship but decided it was a waste of time. “Turn around and rejoin us.”

  The Black Scout headed toward the planet had another Searcher moving toward it but it turned and accelerated back to the other three Black Scouts. Eric turned back to the planet and followed the three ships to two more planets before they jumped away. His new energy beams were active and he was thankful he hadn’t been forced to use them.

  • • • • •

  Ping and Sprigly watched the portal from a light year away and saw thousands of small Black Ships appear and flash through the portal. After an hour, they stopped disappearing and Sprigly looked up, “That’s all of them, including the ones that came first.”

  Ping nodded and lifted his communicator, “Order all our forces back to the Realm.” He heard the Director and Admiral Kosiev acknowledge his order. He stared at the former location of the portal and shook his head, “Next time they’ll be coming in force.” He turned to Sprigly and lowered his head, “You might want to leave before that happens.”

  “Nope, I wouldn’t miss this for anything.”

  Ping smiled, “You might regret that choice.”

  “No, I don’t think so; the safest place will be close to you.”

  Ping tilted his head to the side, “I really do hope you’re right…for both our sakes.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The Advisor sent his recordings to the Master and hoped he wouldn’t be called in for questioning. It was clear he had gone to three major planets in the place designated for conquest and the same three ships had followed him to each location. If they had more ships they would have replaced the one lost at the first planet. He suspected he would be placed in command of one of the major Lairs sent to attack. He suspected the Master didn’t want him close as well. He thought about the attack at the first planet and wondered if they were being set up. Surely they would have sent more ships if they had them? He went over all the reports in detail and decided that those civilizations had much bigger claws than normal if they were willing to place those planets in jeopardy. He thought for a moment and considered, “What if I were in their claws?” He decided that he should have attacked the planet with a thousand scouts. But that opportunity was missed and now it was too late to roar over lost prey. He decided that if he was given a Lair to command, he would not send all his ships in on the first wave. He was going to wait to see what happened at the other attack sites first. If he could have seen the five million Searchers arriving in Ross’ planetary system, he would have probably fought the Master for control. But he had also missed that opportunity as well.

  • • • • •

  Ping and Sprigly sat at a table with the Slegan Director, Admiral Kosiev, and Vremel, who was lying on the floor against the far wall. They were meeting in the landing bay on the giant transport Rose Gardner so the huge Zord would have room to attend. Lex looked at the other three, “How are we going to meet them?”

  Ping looked at Sprigly and nodded. “It appears the portals they use take at least an hour to solidify where ships can come through. It might take longer for the larger portal to activate.”

  The Director nodded, “How many portals do you think they’ll be opening?”

  Sprigly looked at Ping and he closed his eyes and thought about the question. He felt danger but the feeling was strongest at four…or five portals. It was less if he looked at higher numbers. He opened his eyes and said, “Four or five.”

  Lex stared at Ping for a long moment, “Just how do you know that?”

  Ping shrugged, “It’s what I sense.”

  Vremel raised his head, “I suspect he’s right.” Lex looked at him and Vremel said, “He is the one chosen for this.”

  The Director said, “Then how do we organize to take them on?”

  Ping looked at Sprigly, “How many ships do we have?”

  “The Realm has nine million, the Slegan have six million, and the Zord have four and a half million warriors.”

  Ping looked at Lex, “I would suggest that the Realm’s forces be divided into three fleets of three million ships each. The Slegan will do the same. That will put three million ships at each portal.”

  Vremel looked at Ping not saying anything and Ping said, “The Zord will go where they are needed most. That should be clear rather quickly after they start arriving.”

  “How many do you think they’ll be sending?”

  Ping looked at Lex, “I have no good answer for that. We’ll just have to assume that if they’re going to use the power to open five portals, they’ll be sending equal numbers through each of them.”

  “Do you think they’ll be sending more than fifteen million?”

  Ping shrugged, “If they weren’t, then I would have served my purpose after the energy ball was created. I sense the number is going to be rather…huge.”

  Lex shook his head, “Then if they overwhelm us, all is lost.”

  Ping took a deep breath and blew it out, “Not really.” The other four participants in the room jerked their attention to him. After a long moment of silence, Vremel said, “Oh?”

  “I believe I can prevent them from opening any more portals.”

  Lex’s eyes narrowed, “Can you do that before they invade?”

  Ping looked him in the eyes, “Probably.”

  “Then why aren’t you doing it!?!”

  Ping stared Lex down and said, “Because this is the first battle in the war.”

  “What war!?!”

  “The war to free the other Creation; we have to reduce their numbers significantly before we take this fight to their turf.”

  “Who said we were going to fight to free another Creation?”

  Ping continued to stare into Lex’s eyes as he said, “The other Creation sent the Three Brothers to help free us. Are you going to turn your back on that gift?”

  “If I can stop the deaths of thousands of my sailors, yes I am.”

  “Take it up with the King. I will not stop the portals until after the invasion without a direct order from the Crown.”

  Lex slammed his fist into his console and waited as he fumed. The King appeared on the main display and Lex told him what Ping had told him. He looked at Ping and said, “Is this true?”

  “It is, Your Majesty.”

  “And you are willing to see millions of our warriors die?”

  “I will either watch that happen or watch the other Creator die. Which do you want to see?”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “I am.”

  “What makes you so certain?”

  “Ask the Cats. However, I’ve come to see something that wasn’t clear before the Black Scouts arrival.”

  “What is that?”

  “I am not the one chosen to win this fight.”

  Everyone was shocked by that announcement; even Kosiev. “Then if you aren’t, who is?”

  “He’s in the other Creation and we are going to have to go there and find him. The more ships we kill here, the fewer we’ll have to face there during our search.”

  Vremel lifted his head, “Your Majesty, the Cats say he is telling the truth.”

  Scott stared at Ping and couldn’t decide what to do. Ping said, “What are the founding principles of the Realm, Your Majesty? What does every Warrior of the Realm swear to do?” Scott stared at Ping and slowly shook his head. “Do we not swear to defend those who cannot defend themselves? The civilizations in that creation are being swept away and cannot stand up to their attackers. Are you going to turn your back on them?”

  “But they are not part of our Creation.”

  “And the universes the Realm has fought in are not part of our universe. And the galaxies we’ve fought in are not part of the Milky Way. Where does the line stop?”

  Scott took a breath and blew it out, “I will not order the Slegan or Zord to take on this fight. However,
we will stand by our beliefs. Admiral, we will take on this endeavor.”

  Vremel smiled, “We are sworn allies of the Realm; we would consider it an insult to be left out of this fight.”

  The Director stared at the others and didn’t like what he was hearing. Ping looked at him and smiled, “I believe it was the Realm that stopped the Spiders from killing your planets thousands of years ago. Is this any different? You know your species is born to fight; do you really think you can stay out of this?”

  The Director shook his head from side to side and finally raised his shoulders, “Well, we’re dressed, we have a ticket, so we might as well attend the dance.”

  Vremel laughed out loud, “Now that’s what a warrior would say! I may have had some doubts about you before but you have now affirmed my faith in you.”

  The Director sighed, “I humbly ask for one request.”

  Scott raised his eyebrows, “What is that?”

  “Would you just keep the ability to prevent portals in our little group here until after they invade? It might get a little messy if you don’t.”

  Ping started laughing and the Director said, “It would take ten years for this to be decided if it became known. By then the invaders would have come and be long gone. If you’re not going to stop them, we have to fight.”

  Ping put his hand on the Director’s shoulders, “This ability to prevent portals is not going to stop them forever; they will come in the future and they’ll be much stronger. The time to do it is now.”

  Kosiev looked at Ping, “You didn’t tell me that.”

  “You didn’t ask.”

  “Well, that makes all the difference. I always take my medicine when I need it; waiting will only cause the illness to get worse.”

  Ping looked up at the King, “Perhaps, but we made the decision because of our principles; that will also make all the difference. Thank you, Your Majesty.”

  “Just win this one!”

  The King disappeared from the display and Ping stared at the dark screen, “It is my intention to do just that.”

  Kosiev looked around the room, “I’ll go and organize the fleets. I’ll need the coordinates of where to send the three of them.”

  The Director nodded, “I’ll get my ships organized as well.”

  Ping looked at Vremel, “You will send your warriors where they’re needed. You’ll be watching what’s happening, I assume.”

  “You assume correctly.” The giant Zord teleported out of the huge hanger.

  Kosiev looked at Ping, “What are you going to be doing?”

  “I’m going to wait until the last possible moment to close the portals.”

  “Don’t wait too long.”

  “I know.”

  • • • • •

  Sprigly sat on board Ping’s ship and, after an hour of silence had passed, he looked up from his console, “Ping.”


  “What did you mean you are not the one chosen to lead this fight?”

  Ping sighed, “Sprigly, there have been numerous examples of humans throughout our history, going back to times before we were a technological planet, who have said they were preparing the way for another. History shows that many of them were right.”

  “Are you saying you’re preparing the way for someone else?”

  Ping looked up at the ceiling, “He’s out there. He feels his calling but he’s not where he can answer it. We have to find him.”

  “That’s what they said about you.”

  “I’m a piece of the puzzle that had to be found to move forward; but he is what will complete the picture.” Ping paused and looked off in the distance, “I think I understand what those people felt those thousands of centuries ago. I have to find him.”

  Sprigly stared at Ping and wondered if meeting this one might be more important than meeting Tag. The thought really surprised him.

  • • • • •

  Scott sat on the Realm’s throne and ran his hand through his hair. Nicole walked in as he did it and knew it was a nervous gesture he always did when he was bothered. “What’s wrong, Dad?”

  Scott was startled for a moment and then held out his arms to Nicole. She went over and sat down in his lap and he hugged her, “I just agreed to the Realm going to war to fight in another Creation. I’m just worried I didn’t do the right thing.”

  “Then why did you do it?”

  Scott blew a breath out without taking one, “One of our founding principles is to defend those that cannot defend themselves. I just couldn’t force myself to turn my back on that concept. That Searcher named Ping made sure I saw it.” Nicole flinched and Scott felt her do it, “Is there something I should know about that Searcher?” Nicole looked into her father’s eyes and then looked away. “You need to tell me what’s going on.”

  “I’m the one that is going to release him.”

  “From what?”

  “Not like that; I’m going to release his psychic abilities.”

  Scott stared at Nicole and after a long moment of silence he turned her face to his and looked into her eyes, “Are you saying the two of you are…are…”

  “Going to be bonded together for the rest of our lives.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “We nearly killed each other at the Academy when we almost shook hands. Oh we’ve been chosen by destiny to play a role in what’s happening.”

  “How do you feel about that?”

  “I hated it at first.”


  “He rejected bonding with me, Dad. I hated him for that. It’s taken some time for me to understand that he was overwhelmed at what was being demanded from him. The deaths of his closest two friends made him realize that sometimes destiny protects people.” Nicole looked up at the ceiling, “I can see him now.”


  “My limited psychic abilities have grown much stronger over the last six months. I can now see any place in our universe and I can always see where he’s located. We are destined to be together.”

  “And you just accept that?”

  Nicole chuckled, “Now you sound like he did. If he had accepted his role in this, his friends probably wouldn’t have died. I have been taught since birth that accepting my station in life is my duty. This is no different.”

  “But you should be able to choose who you love.”

  Nicole stared in Scott’s eyes and smiled, “Love is a gift that’s given to us. How many struggle through life and never really find the one that will complete them and bring them happiness? Knowing the one for me has been chosen makes me very thankful for it. I’m starting to get impatient to go to him.”

  “But how do you know he’s…”

  “Worthy?” Scott nodded. “Who reminded you about our principles?”

  Scott stared at Nicole and started to slowly nod his head, “He was adamant about that; although, he did say that he was not the one chosen to lead the fight.”


  “He says that there is someone in the other Creation that is the one for that role and it’s critical we find him.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Absolutely, positive.”

  “Poor Ping.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “He ran from his destiny and the two people he loved the most in life died. Now he sees that his role isn’t what he thought it would be. I need to go to him.”

  “From what I know of the Realm’s history, you should not do that until the chosen moment.”

  “I know…I know.” Scott hugged Nicole tightly and had conflicting thoughts about the Searcher with the striking colored eyes. His successor had not been determined. It was going to be either Victoria or Nicole. It was absolutely critical that whoever they chose to be their mate was worthy of the Crown as well. He decided he was going to keep a close eye on Ping.

  • • • • •

  Vremel looked at Rider as he stared up at the night sky. The giant
Cat had his eyes closed and it was clear he was listening. Vremel shook his head, “You still can’t hear her?”

  Rider issued a small growl and lowered his head, “No, it appears the creative force has gone back out into Creation and is no longer a single being who can direct us.”

  “Why do you think it happened?”

  Rider looked at the sky again, “There was so much evil in the past that the Creator was forced into a smaller and smaller area. That made it easier to hear her. Now, our Creation is at peace and we’ve lost contact with her.”

  “What does that mean about your destiny?”

  “We are free to go wherever we choose. I guess we’ve been rewarded for our former efforts.”

  “How does that make you feel?”

  Rider looked at Vremel and smiled a huge row of pointed teeth, “We’ve been predators our entire existence. If we can’t direct traffic, then we’re going to merge into it and join the fight.”

  “All of you?”

  “Most of the adults, and cubs with enough experience; it will be nearly impossible to keep them out of the fight.”

  Vremel nodded, “I’ll send you recordings of what’s going on.”

  “No need, my friend; we can still look around. Just tell me where the portals are located. We’ll watch it from here.”

  Vremel nodded and teleported away.

  • • • • •


  He watched the two pilots six more times, screaming at them, before they finally got it right. They made one mistake in the next eight attempts and he knew that was the best they could do. They just didn’t feel the sensation of leaving subspace into normal space so they had to try and time it. Their fate looked bad but you just never knew what the universe would throw at you.

  • • • • •

  Eric Pederson was having the same issue with his fleet. He had thousands of ships to train and finally made a decision, “That’s enough. Those of you who have perfected the fake into normal space will play the role of bait in all of your encounters. The ones that can’t do it will be the hammer. Squadron Commanders, get your groups organized around their talents and let me know when the organization is complete.” Eric looked at his display and saw Jenny appear, “No, you don’t have to be the bait every time. I can perform either function.”


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