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Jason's Network

Page 16

by Aiden Vaughan

Eric came over to Jason and like Daniel gave him a bro shake. “Those bastards beat you up pretty badly, didn’t they? When I saw that, it made me so angry I guess I got possessed by the spirit of some major league pitcher. I can’t explain it. All I know was that my mind and body were totally focused on hitting that asshole with his gun pointed at you.”

  The SWAT team member then said, “Jason, you obviously have some severe bruises and maybe more internal injuries. Our medical team should be here in a few minutes to take you out of here and to a hospital. Does it hurt to move around at all?”

  “Those men handcuffed me to the wall a couple of times and worked me over quite systematically,” Jason replied. “I am hurting all over, but I think my arms and legs are okay. I still can walk and don’t feel that any major bones are broken.”

  Captain Garcia came up to Jason next. “Welcome back, Jason. I am very pleased that we were able to get you back so quickly. I know you are hurting and the medical team should be here shortly. In the meantime, can you give me any information as to who was responsible for the crimes against you and Laura Friesen, and maybe some idea as to why?”

  “Thank you for bringing in the SWAT team, Captain,” Jason replied. “When I saw you coming down the ramp, I was so relieved, although things were tense for a while. You should make Eric a sharpshooter on your team. That rock throw was unbelievable! As to the why, those two guys were doing this for Roland Thomason. Remember he was the man who ran Camp Chinquapin and that abusive prison where they were torturing Tim Wilkinson and Cody Johnson.”

  “We have ID on the man who was holding the pistol to your head,” Captain Garcia said. “His name is Brice Thomason, so obviously he is related somehow to Roland Thomason. The other man is Derrick Hurtado. I guess he was just hired muscle.”

  “Their plan was to slowly torture me to death through beatings and keeping me tied up most of the time,” Jason explained. “They wanted to break me down into a sniveling idiot, begging for mercy. Brice was videotaping the whole thing so he could show it to Roland Thomason later. After experiencing what they did to me, I am so glad that Laura was spared their torture. I’m sure that she was very freaked out about being kidnapped and exchanged for me. Can someone call her, or better yet can I talk to her?”

  “I was planning to call her and your parents as soon as we are out of this tank,” Daniel said. “I can’t get any reception down here. I talked to them earlier when we made the discovery about this underground tank and the car. Any special message for Laura?”

  “Just tell her that I love her, and am very happy that she is safe,” Jason said with some emotion.

  Two medics with a stretcher were now coming down the ramp. “You need to go with these medics to a hospital,” Captain Garcia intervened in the conversation. “Don’t worry about others on the outside. They will all be notified. Right now your main focus is to get started healing. I am very sorry for what was done to you, Jason. You certainly didn’t deserve any of it. We will need to talk some more later, when you are feeling better. Now we all need to get out of the way, so the medics can do their job.”

  Quickly and gently, Jason was placed on the stretcher and strapped down. Then the medics hurried upstairs to a waiting ambulance. Outside a large crowd had gathered on the street behind the crime scene tape that the police had placed to keep people away from their operation and vehicles. When the medics came out of the hatch carrying Jason, a huge cheer went up in the crowd. Jason was loaded into the ambulance and rushed to a nearby hospital.

  The word rapidly spread that Jason was safe and free from captivity. In the San Anselmo neighborhood, it was like an impromptu holiday for a while with people celebrating in the streets, especially the members of Jason’s Network.

  Chapter 25

  Intensive Care

  (Sunday Evening)

  When the ambulance arrived at Mercy Hospital, Jason was quickly examined in the emergency ward, then taken to intensive care for treatment. The doctors determined that he had no major broken bones, but feared that he had torn cartilage and cracked ribs in his chest area from the severe beatings he had received during his captivity. He was given a chest x-ray and injected with a low dose of morphine to ease his pain. All his bruises, black eye, and wounds were examined, cleaned up, and treated with antiseptic. Some were bandaged, especially around his lower rib cage. When the doctors learned that the only food or water he had received over the past 24 hours was a few sips of water and a power bar, they put him on a glucose IV. Later they added more painkiller to the IV to keep Jason comfortable.

  It took nearly two hours to treat Jason’s wounds, and complete his medical examination. By then, his x-rays were available, and as the doctors feared, showed damaged cartilage and a couple of cracked ribs. The prognosis was that Jason would recover from all of the bruises within a week or two, but it would take six weeks for his ribs to heal. The doctors had also given Jason some tests for other types of internal injuries, and wanted him to remain in the hospital for several days to monitor his recovery from his wounds, regain his body equilibrium, and watch for any signs of infection. This would also insure that Jason would rest, and not try to become active too soon.

  As soon as Daniel walked out of the cistern, he called Jason’s parents on his cell phone to let them know the good news that Jason was alive and safe now, although badly beaten by his captors who were now in police custody. Edith Hunter, who had answered the phone, thanked Daniel for calling with the news and for his efforts in searching for Jason. A technical specialist from the Silicon Valley police had been monitoring their telephone in case of a ransom call from the kidnappers. He was able to leave with the case resolved. Bill and Edith Hunter hurried over to Mercy Hospital to be with Jason when he came out of the intensive care ward.

  Because Jason’s case was still under investigation by the Silicon Valley Police, and also because of the large number of media people and spectators who had gathered outside the hospital, Jason was given a private room in a secure area of the hospital. After the hospital authorities decided this and the doctor in charge of his treatment gave them a report on Jason’s condition, Bill and Edith Hunter were directed to a waiting room near where Jason would be brought after the hospital staff finished treating his wounds.

  When they saw Jason being transported toward his room on a gurney, they rushed over to him. Jason looked up at his parents, and cried out, “Mom! Dad!” When Edith saw her son, she couldn’t help herself and burst into tears.

  “Mom, I didn’t think I looked that bad,” Jason said with a weak smile. “Daniel said I looked like a hamburger patty, but the doctor said I will completely heal from my injuries.”

  “Your mother and I have been on a real emotional roller coaster the past 24 hours,” Bill Hunter said. “We didn’t know whether we would ever see you again!”

  “I was determined that I would get back to you somehow,” Jason replied. “That’s one of the thoughts I used to get through all the horrible things that were done to me. That and knowing that Laura was now safe.”

  The hospital orderly interrupted their conversation. “Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, please allow me to get Jason into his room and hospital bed. Then the three of you can have all the time you need together.” The orderly then moved the gurney into Jason’s room, transferred him to the bed, put up his chart, and reset his IV. He showed Jason where the call button was in case he needed anything. “The doctor should be by shortly to check on you again, along with the ward nurse,” the orderly told the Hunters as he was leaving.

  Edith Hunter pulled up a chair and sat beside Jason’s bed. She held his hand and said, “I love you, Jason. I am so happy you are safe again and so sorry about what was done to you. Every time something happens to you it is like a part of me is ripped away.”

  “I love you too, Mom. I’m sorry for any pain I have caused you, but none of this was my doing. I tried to explain that to you in the phone message I left. At the time I was desperately trying to get to this carpool parking
lot during the fifteen minutes I was given to arrive there. Just as I love you, Mom, I love Laura too. I didn’t know what else to do except go there and get her released. Now that you see what Brice Thomason and his slaughterhouse buddy did to me, I don’t even want to think of them with their hands on Laura!”

  Jason proceeded to describe most of the events of the past day. Bill and Edith Hunter were alternately shocked and amazed at what their son endured. “The worst thing was that they were videotaping what they were doing to me, so that Roland Thomason could enjoy watching me be tortured to death. I sure hope he never sets foot out of prison again!”

  “Thank God that you are free and this latest brush with crime is now over,” Bill said. “Your mother and I want you to put all of your energy into recovering from your injuries and keeping up with your school work. The doctor told us that it will probably take six weeks for you to recover totally from your injuries. During that entire time we want you to be in our sights, safe at home or at school when you are ready to return. Right now your focus needs to be on getting your strength back.”

  “What about Laura and my friends?” Jason asked. “Are you telling me that I am grounded because some evil people tried to do me in? None of this was my fault so why do you want to penalize me for it. Are you telling me I did the wrong thing by going to save Laura?”

  “No, Son,” Bill replied, “we aren’t making judgments about what you did. We have had this conversation many times before and no matter what we say, you insist on doing things your way. And this is not the right time to have an argument about your life and how you deal with adversity with you lying here in a hospital bed, recovering from serious injuries.”

  “What your father is trying to say, Jason, is that now is a time for you to take the weight of the world off your shoulders. The most important thing you need to do is start taking real good care of yourself. You’re not even seventeen yet, and still a junior in high school. You have amazing capabilities and talents, immense courage and bravery, and a real desire to help others. You have proven that over and over again! But it’s time to let that rest for now and make your own full recovery your number priority.”

  “I do want to recover fully, Mom. How could I not? The most boring thing in the world is just sitting around doing nothing! Just like you and Dad, I’m an outgoing person and like being with other people whenever I can.”

  “It’s time for all those other people to think about your needs, Jason,” Bill Hunter said. “They can come to you on a limited basis for companionship. And what about our family needs? I really hate finding out what you are doing from a phone message or the newspaper, or from Daniel or one of your other friends. We are very concerned about you right now. We think you try to do too much, without regard for the consequences. We want you to put a hold on all of that, withdraw for the time being into a more simple family life. I think you owe us that for at least the next six weeks!”

  “In another year or so you will be going off to college somewhere and when you reach eighteen, you will have some rights as an adult,” Edith followed up. “In the meantime, we are responsible for you legally, morally, and because we love you so much as part of our family. Will you listen to us and give us something back for all that you have taken? You are the most important thing in our lives, Jason. Can you understand our concerns about you?”

  Suddenly Jason was very aware of pain — the pain he was feeling from his injuries and the pain he had caused his parents. Tears came to his eyes as he realized that there were many more consequences to his actions than he had realized. “Mom, Dad, I’m sorry for the pain I have caused you. This whole episode with the Thomasons has made me realize that there are often grave repercussions from even the most noble acts. I guess there is truth to the saying ‘No good deed goes unpunished.’ Can you forgive me? You know it wasn’t intentional.”

  “Of course we can,” Edith said squeezing Jason’s hand, “because we do love you and want to do what is best for you. We understand you have those same good intentions, even when others are hurt by your actions. Now let’s see what we can do about getting you some dinner. You must be starving!”

  Chapter 26

  The Reunion


  Bill and Edith Hunter stayed with Jason all through the evening on Sunday. Jason was able to have his first meal in a while with his parents as Bill Hunter ordered up dinners for Edith and himself to have when Jason’s dinner came. For now the doctors wanted to have Jason eat lightly so that his system could concentrate on healing rather than digesting food.

  After they ate, Jason asked his parents if they would call over to the Friesen house. Jason wanted to talk with Laura and arrange for a meeting on Monday. Bill Hunter made the call and talked to Dorothy Friesen, Laura’s mother. She told him that they were holding Laura out of school for the time being so they would be able to arrange a visit to the hospital tomorrow during the day, while their friends were in school. Eventually she put Laura on the line.

  Bill Hunter handed his cell phone to his son. “Laura, is that you, Babe?” Jason began.

  “Jason, it is so good to hear your voice again and know that you are alive and safe!” Laura exclaimed. “Are you hurt?”

  “Those men had a great time turning me into what Daniel called a great impression of a hamburger patty, but I am okay now,” Jason said. “It will take me some time to heal from what was done to me, but my parents are wrapping me up in their cocoon for the next few weeks, so I will be totally focused on recovery. How about you, Laura?”

  “They didn’t hurt me or touch me other than to hold a gun to my head, handcuff me, and tape my mouth shut. But I was really scared and fearful of what they might do the whole time. When you came to get me I was incredibly grateful. Then too late I realized what that exchange meant. As I drove away tears were streaming down my face! Who were those men?”

  “They were hired by Roland Thomason, the man who ran Camp Chinquapin, where Tim and Cody were held prisoner and tortured. He now is in jail but wanted his revenge. I’ll tell you more when we see each other. Can you come by the hospital tomorrow? I really need to see you and hold your hand, Laura.”

  “I want to do that first thing tomorrow,” Laura replied. “I won’t be going back to school right away either.” Laura looked over at her mother and asked, “Can I visit Jason tomorrow?” When Dorothy nodded her head ‘yes’, Laura resumed her conversation with Jason. “Yeah, she said it would be okay.”

  “That sounds great, Babe,” Jason answered. “I can’t wait to see you again.”

  “Jason,” Laura went on with tears forming in her eyes, “thank you for coming to rescue me, and for being willing to sacrifice yourself for me. You are the bravest person I have ever met. I still can’t get over it!”

  “I did that because I love you, Laura. There wasn’t any time to even think about the consequences. And even the thought of those men with their hands on you made me furious. In my heart I knew I had to do this or I couldn’t live with myself for the rest of my life!”

  “I love you too, Jason. Now I have to get off the phone, but will see you in person tomorrow. Bye, my love!” Tears were streaming down her face as she handed the phone back to her mother.

  Bill and Edith Hunter arranged their weekly schedules so that one of them would be with Jason all through the days and evenings until he was released from the hospital. Bill took the morning shift while Edith went into her office. In the afternoons he went to his import/export business while Edith stayed with Jason. She could also some do work with her laptop when Jason was with the doctor or visiting with friends.

  Monday morning Jason was feeling better. He had slept through most of the night, partially due to the painkillers he was receiving. The glucose IV was reenergizing his body along with regular meals. A follow-up medical exam was scheduled for 9 AM and then he would visit with Laura after that. She arrived at Mercy Hospital around ten in the morning with her mother who drove them there.

had just finished being examined by his doctor, who did a little more treatment on his wounds, and went over some of the test results with his patient. Then he had the nurses change and redo some of his bandages. Jason was still being wheeled around the hospital in a gurney as was their standard procedure, but was able to move around on his own some now that he was starting to regain his strength. When they brought him back to his room, Jason was able to get off the gurney and get back into bed on his own. Even though it was a little painful, Jason felt very good about that. The doctor had decided to keep Jason on an IV with glucose and painkiller for another day, so the orderly hooked him up to that after Jason got back in his bed.

  Bill Hunter was sitting with Jason when the Friesens arrived. He had arranged with security to be contacted before anyone was admitted to see Jason. Since this visit had been prearranged, Laura and Dorothy were ushered right in.

  When they entered Jason’s room, Bill stood up to greet them. He gave each of them a little hug in greeting. Both Laura and Dorothy were a little shocked when they saw Jason. Although his black eye had receded, there were still a lot of bruises and bandages on Jason. Jason’s appearance made tears come to Laura’s eyes. She hadn’t realized how badly hurt he was until she saw him.

  Dorothy said, “Jason, I am so happy so see that you are back with us. Donald and I are very grateful for the sacrifice you made to save our daughter.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Friesen,” Jason replied. “You know I love Laura, too. I went for the exchange because it was the only way I could prevent something else from happening to her. Now is it okay if Laura and I had a little privacy together?”

  Bill Hunter escorted Dorothy Friesen over to the waiting room across the hall. They decided to go down to the cafeteria and get a cup of coffee.

  Jason looked over at Laura and said, “Come over here and sit with me. Give me a kiss and hold my hand. I’m still sore all over, but need to feel your presence again!”


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