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Protecting His Mate

Page 11

by M. L. Briers

  “I won’t make you stay with me Vicky- I would never make you do anything against your will- if you want or need to leave me I will let you go- but know this my love- I will be waiting right here for you to come back to me.”

  Vicky reached out to run the pad of her fingertip down his cheek “I don’t want to leave you Cade- but I’m scared to stay.”

  As admissions went he didn’t think it so bad- he would show her that she had nothing to fear from what he offered her- from what their bonding would accomplish.

  “Why don’t we take it a day at a time- you don’t know anything of this life and if you’ll let me show you-“ He left the offer open, wanting to see how she reacted to the idea of staying- even if only for a short time.

  When she nodded he felt the tension ease within him, she was here now and she wasn’t going anywhere- he needed to show her that they belonged together- that she was a part of his life and his pack and then if she chose to reject him as a mate- then he would have the memories of their time together- he was going to make memories to last a lifetime.

  He watched the crimson blush rise in her cheeks and wondered at it.

  “Cade-“ She bit down on her lower lip and he felt the desire wash through him, the semi hardness still within her filled with blood and when she bit down harder on that lip he wanted to growl with the need that flooded through him.

  “What’s wrong sweetheart?”

  “You’re still-“ She let her eyes flick down his body- moved her hips slightly against him and he balked.

  “Sorry. I’ll just-“ He went to pull out of her and her hands clamped down on his back- her hips moving upwards to his to keep him inside as her eyes flew wide.

  “No!” She spat out and he slowly grinned down at her- settling himself back within her thighs- moving his hips against her- grinding himself as deep as he could into her and she bit off a little moan.

  “Did you want something honey?” He teased and she couldn’t help the sinful smile that touched her lips.

  “I want you to move-“ He raised his dark brows at her and he gave her an innocent look as she sighed.

  “In and out-“ She used her inner muscles to squeeze around his shaft and he growled down at her playfully.

  “Oh you want this-“ He slowly pulled his hips back until he was in danger of leaving her completely and then pushed back with one long, slow slide into her that had her hips pushing up, her back arching and her legs locking around his hips.

  “More- don’t stop Cade-“

  He ran his hand up her arm until his fingers locked with hers- the amusement mixed with pure desire in his dark eyes as he stared down at her.

  “Be careful what you ask for sweetheart- I’m Lycan- I can do this all night.” As if to emphasise his point he stroked deep into her and she curled her fingers over his.

  “Prove it.”

  Cade strolled into the office with a little less bounce in his step and dropped down into the comfort of his chair behind the desk- it didn’t go unnoticed that his brothers were shooting looks of amusement at each other, while staying quiet about the source.

  Cade pushed his upper body back into the chair and got comfortable- his fingers rested against the desk top and he strummed them for a long moment.

  “Ok- spit it out.” Cade sighed knowing his brother’s only too well- he was in for a round of ‘let’s amuse ourselves at Cade’s expense.’ Might as well get it over with.

  Marcus dropped his gaze to the floor, a small chuckle on his lips as his shoulders bounced, “Looking a little worn out there brother-“ He offered and Cade lifted a brow as he turned his attention towards Whit.

  “Perhaps the human has worn you out a little-“

  “Maybe we should have gotten him a blow up doll to practice on-“ Marcus offered straight to Whit who nodded emphatically in agreement.

  “Yeah he could have built up his stamina-“

  “Who knew human’s could be- so demanding?” Marcus offered with a mock look of surprise as Whit shook his head in mock disbelief.

  “Who knew the Alpha could look this worn out after just one night with his mate.” Whit teased as Marcus shook his head on a grimace.

  “You boys had your fun?-“ Cade offered knowing it had to come- they had all ragged on Marcus enough when he found his mate- now it was his turn- Karma.

  Marcus turned his eyes to Whit giving him a puzzled look, “Dunno- Whit- you got anymore?”

  Whit’s eyes sparkled with mischief as he grinned wildly at Cade, “Oh I could go all night.” Marcus spat out a chuckle as Whit grinned like an idiot at Cade.

  The deep throated growl rolled out of Cade and floated around the room as Marcus pushed himself back in his chair and chuckled some more at Cade’s expense.

  “Are you done?” Cade asked in a manner that said they were done. “Down to business-“

  Marcus’s focus transformed immediately, his brows drew down to shield his eyes as he stared back at Cade for beneath the darkness.

  “Got rid of those boys from last night-“

  “Do you think Devanaux is stupid enough to come looking for his men?” Whit half hoped he would, he would love to wipe out every last one of those blood thirsty Were’s. Past grievances aside- it would make the area safer for everyone- human’s and Lycan’s alike.

  “I think he might just be arrogant enough.” Cade offered and Marcus seemed to spread his huge bulk out in his chair- his eyes darkening at the memory of his mate.

  “Let them come- we’ll finish it once and for all.” He growled echoing the sentiment of all three brothers as Cade nodded thoughtfully.

  “New moons coming- we need to prepare the pack- I don’t want any fatalities.” His gaze travelled to Whit who nodded emphatically.

  “We’ll need all paws on the ground if they do come in force- I don’t know the head count for how many Were’s are with Devanaux right now.” Whit looked to Marcus who shrugged his broad shoulders.

  “Last I knew there were about fifteen of the damned things-“

  “Minus two from last night-“ Whit offered and Marcus huffed.

  “Can’t say they haven’t infected anyone else- could be more of them.” Marcus’s growl rumbled through him at the thought.

  “Spread the word that all the pups should stay here for the new moon- it’ll be easier to guard just the one cabin- the rest of the pack can concentrate on taking down the Were’s without worrying about their offspring.” Marcus and Whit nodded in agreement. Made sense- no female would leave her pups unprotected- if they were all under one roof they would be free to join the hunt.

  “How’s Blue?” Cade had been connected through his link with Blue through most of the night- checking in sporadically whenever he wasn’t loving his mate to see how the wound was healing.

  “You know Blue- was grumbling this morning about not being out on patrol-“ Marcus huffed and Cade grinned- Blue certainly had a mind to do something like that.

  “We’ll get Blue to guard the pups- we all know she’ll be eager to be in the thick of things- someone will have to tell her, make it sound like that’s where the front line is- otherwise she’s going to bitch and whine-“ Cade’s focus fell on Marcus- he knew Marcus had a thing for Blue and the feeling was mutual- they had both lost their mates and rumour had it they were close to an understanding knowing they would never find another true mate.

  Whit grinned as Marcus shuffled in his seat uncomfortably, “What you both looking at me for?- She’s not gonna like it no matter who it comes from.” He growled gruffly and Whit nodded his head in amusement.

  “Yes but you can be so damned charming when you want to be Marcus.” He offered as Marcus growled back at him. Cade was finally enjoying it now that Marcus was in the spotlight.

  “And you do seem to have a way with that female brother.” Cade offered and Marcus shifted again.

  “I’ll knock the pairs of your heads together if one of you utters just one more damned word on the subject.”

Cade and Whit grinned at each other as Marcus huffed- mumbling dark curses under his breath.

  “What about Vicky?” Whit turned his attention back towards Cade, knowing only too well they had taken their brother as far as they could without him exploding and starting to swing at one or both of them.

  “What about her?”

  “I take it she gets it?” Whit enquired motioning around them. “Or was there no conversation going on at all last night?” He grinned again and Cade sighed inwardly- great back to ragging on him- he thought as he shrugged his shoulders.

  “She knows what we are- she knows what they are.” He left it there.

  “She’s going to bond-?” Whit started and Cade cleared his throat, uncomfortable with the conversation.

  “She’s marked- we’re going to see what happens next.” Cade shifted his weight, uncomfortable with the conversation and waiting for the next ragging.

  Whit and Marcus looked at each other, both shrugged their broad shoulders.

  “Understandable- her being human and all- she’ll need a little time.” Marcus said quietly as Cade felt the tension ease within himself- he waited for Whit to come out with something sarcastic.

  “Can’t rush her into it until she knows what she’s letting herself in for. Pack life isn’t easy to explain- she’ll need to experience it.” Whit offered as much to Cade as to Marcus who nodded thoughtfully.

  “Once we take care of the Were’s we should have a pack dinner- introduce her around.” Cade watched his two brother’s with amazement- this wasn’t how he’d expected the conversation to go.

  “Well she’ll get to meet the pups when they gather here- that should give her a taste for pack life.” Marcus nodded as both brothers turned their gazes back to Cade, who seemed a little perplexed by their conversation.

  “What?- You thought we would leave something as important as this up to you brother?” Marcus teased as Cade eyed him wearily.

  “That wouldn’t end with the desired outcome.” Whit shot back to Marcus and Cade felt the atmosphere change again- back to ragging.

  “Get the hell out there and prepare the pack.” Cade growled cutting the conversation of his mate dead in the water as Marcus and Whit stood together- their eyes filling with mischief as they grinned down at him where he sat.

  “Don’t worry brother with us on your side- you’ll have your mate at your side.” Whit offered as Marcus slapped him on the back in camaraderie.

  “Poor woman- a lifetime waking up to that ugly face every morning.” Marcus huffed as the pair of them walked out of the door and Cade shook his head in disbelief.

  As they sat around the table in the kitchen Cade watched the easy interaction between his mate and the rest of his family. Things were looking better by the minute and he felt an ease to the tension that had plagued him on and off since he first encountered his mate by tackling her to the ground in the field.

  Plans to gather the pack for any assault that Devanaux might decide to launch in retaliation for the death of his men was ticking along smoothly and his mate had accepted that she needed to stay in the cabin, unless she had someone with her from now on- smooth.

  He was distracted by the sound of the front door opening and closing with a little more gusto than was needed- the sound of footsteps coming through the hallway towards the kitchen gave him his first clue as to the trouble that was coming, when he heard the uneven step of someone who carried an injury and his easy mood sank within him.

  He didn’t need to pick up her scent on the air- he’d been expecting resistance and it had only been a matter of time before she appeared- his eyes flicked to Marcus, who physically sank within his chair under his Alpha’s knowing look, as the door to the kitchen was pushed open, none to gently, with the sound of the creaking wood under pressure and she stepped inside with a face like the thunder clouds that hung over the forest during the rainy season.

  “Cade- we need to talk.” It wasn’t a request it was a demand and Cade didn’t much like those- his wolf’s interest picked up within him- a challenge to his authority was never a smart move.

  “How are you healing?” Cade kept his back to her, his voice even. She was still injured- that injury sustained in defence of his mate- both good reasons why he wasn’t on his feet glaring her down into a more appropriate attitude.

  The wince that twisted Marcus’s face didn’t go unnoticed as Cade waited for her response.

  “Fast enough not to be sidelined to pup sitting duties-“ She started with the level of venom that was both unnecessary and unwise and Cade was on his feet in an instant- rounding on her with a dark glare that could have melted the snow outside and she flinched.

  “You think defending our young is any less important than being in the thick of it?” Cade’s voice was like nothing Vicky had ever heard before- the goosebumps that ran over her body caused her to shiver in place as Anna’s eyes flicked to her new sister- concern washing through her at her response to Cade’s dominance.

  “I didn’t-“ Blue started, her eyes dropping to the kitchen floor as she swallowed down her pride- the same pride that had sent her here as mad as hell- the same pride that had her stewing on what Marcus had told her of her duties a few hours earlier.

  The deep growl that came from Cade’s chest caused Blue to take a step backwards away from him, at the same time Vicky got to her feet and quickly excused herself- Cade’s hand reaching for her as she brushed past him, but she shook off his light touch as she made it past them and out of the door.


  “I’ll go.” Anna got to her feet and followed her sister as Cade’s attention swivelled back to Blue, who had an even guiltier look on her face now than before as he glared down at her.

  “Why must everything be a fight with you Blue?” Cade growled out- his wolf uneasy within him as Blue took a breath and closed her eyes for a long moment- the remorse washing through her.

  “I don’t know Cade- I’m- sorry.” The remorse in her voice- the submissive stance of her body had Cade’s beast satisfied with the outcome.

  “Have you eaten?” Cade softened his tone as Blue shook her head, her eyes flicking up for the barest of moments towards Marcus as Cade eyed her.

  “Sit. Eat. Behave yourself.” He growled again, this time a soft warning as Blue nodded in agreement, her eyes caught Marcus’s and he shook his head at her, one brow raised questioning her sanity and she gave a low growl towards him as she slipped down onto one of the chairs. Whit grinning wildly as he held out a bowl towards her and she thumbed her nose at him as she took the offering.

  Anna followed Vicky up the stairs- letting her work her tension out taking the stairs two at a time, until she was in the quiet of the bedroom that Cade had given her when she first arrived- not where she had spent the night with Cade last night- she wanted to be detached from the mental image of them together in bed.

  Anna tapped on the door, but didn’t wait for an invitation as she wasn’t prepared to take no for an answer. Poking her head around the door, she saw Vicky turn towards her from the window- the way she physically relaxed slightly when she saw it was Anna and not Cade- had the younger woman assuming, she didn’t much want to see him right at that moment.

  “Hey-“ Anna kept it casual as she walked into the room and closed the door too behind her. It didn’t afford them much privacy- not with Lycan hearing, but it did give the impression of it.

  “Hi.” Vicky seemed a lot more subdued than she had before Blue’s unwanted intrusion into their lunch. Anna had always known an Alpha’s nature- she guessed to an outsider Cade had seemed pretty damned scary- to his human mate- that might just prove to be an obstacle between them.

  Anna walked over to the bed and perched on the edge as Vicky leaned her backside against the windowsill and folded her arms across her chest as Anna watched the emotions flow across her face.

  “Scary?” Anna asked, finally done with the waiting game and Vicky gave a shrug off her shoulders, eyeing the floor betwe
en them.

  “What just happened was Blue’s stupidity- she could have come in with less gusto and not been so challenging to her Alpha- Cade had to react the way he did-“

  Vicky’s eyes flicked up to Anna, “Did he? Because what I just witnessed downstairs-“

  Anna held up her palms to placate her, she didn’t want this getting out of hand- one thought would lead to another until Vicky doubted even the things she had already come to accept.

  “Cade is the Alpha of the pack- he’s firm but fair- he would never have hurt Blue, not when she was injured and not when she had saved your skinny butt twice in one day-“ Anna grinned at her new sister as Vicky took in the knowledge that the woman she had just seen being berated by her mate was the same wolf that had helped her.

  “The blue wolf-“ Vicky’s lips tipped upwards in a half smile at the recognition and then her smile faded- a hardness coming over her.

  “And yet he treated her like-“

  “Like an Alpha should. Cade is pack leader- he has to be able to give an order and have it followed- reasonable requests will be heard, but his wolf within him won’t allow for a challenge to go unpunished in one form or another.”

  Anna saw the other woman’s shoulders drop as she turned away from her, her eyes fixed on nothing outside the window, she was too caught up in her own musings to give a damn what was going on outside.

  “So- I can expect that kind of response from Cade if he doesn’t like what I have to say-“ The words tumbled out of her thoughts, she was more talking to herself than to Anna now and she didn’t hear the bedroom door being pushed open as Cade strolled inside, straight past his sister with an acknowledging nod and up behind his mate, his hands sliding over her arms as she tensed at his touch.

  “It’s not like that sweetheart-“ He brushed his lips against her cheek as he leaned into her- his arms wrapped around her body as he noted his sister slip from the room and close the door behind her.


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