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(Werewolves of Montana #0.5) Prequel: The Mating Heat

Page 10

by Bonnie Vanak

  Tristan gave a mysterious smile. “You are not the only one who can forge signatures, Ryder Carrington. What is the use of having power as a wizard if I cannot help my people? It was the last action I had to take to set you on your way to leading the pack.”

  The wizard waved a hand and vanished.

  Aiden snorted. “Always the showmanship. Comes and goes when the fun gets started.”

  Something inside her tight chest eased at last. “Come on. Both of you.”

  Taking their hands, she led them inside, past the dining hall. They walked down the steep steps. Kara found the hidden key and unlocked the basement door. At her father’s office, she walked inside as they silently waited. Kara remembered all the love her father once showed her, and how cherished she once had felt, before her mother died.

  “I forgive you, Dad. Be at peace,” she whispered, placing a palm on the table where he’d hurt her so much.

  They went into the cell where Ryder had been imprisoned. Ryder placed a palm on the wall where he’d marked the days with his own blood. “I forgive you, Alastair. Be at peace.”

  Then they walked upstairs. Aiden led them outside onto the porch. He turned, his expression deeply troubled.

  “I can’t do this.”

  “You must,” she said gently. “You must because you need healing. Dad is gone now, and you have to carry on.”

  His silky black hair became tousled as Aiden shoved a hand through it. “There is no place where I suffered the most, like you two did. I never shared what the old man did to me. I know what he did to you.”

  “Tell us, Aiden,” Ryder said.

  His expression turned haunted. “He didn’t beat me as he did to you, Ryder. He didn’t burn me, like he did you, Kara. He hurt me with words. Every day, telling me I was incompetent and could never rule a pack of my own because I cared too much. He said I’d be even bigger fool if I fell in love because love is a bitch that will rip your heart apart. And an alpha must never let that happen. I made a vow to him that I’d always remain strong, and never let a woman capture my heart.”

  Kara blinked and put a palm over her brother’s strong, beating heart. “Then he placed the deepest wounds of all on you, Aiden. That’s why you must forgive him.”

  Aiden sucked in a deep breath and closed his eyes. He placed a trembling hand over his chest. “I forgive you, Dad. Be at peace.”

  Tears glistened when he opened his eyes. Aiden gruffly wiped them away. “Damn, enough of this. I’m going to the barn to supervise my men. They’re probably flirting with all your available females right now, Ryder. Don’t be surprised if a few steal away in my truck.”

  “It’s the mating heat,” Ryder agreed, sliding an arm about her waist. “Turns level-headed males mindless with lust. All they think about is the mating frenzy.”

  She watched her brother leap off the porch and head for the barn. In the yard, children played and shrieked as they chased a soccer ball. The sounds of hammers in the distance assured her that this pack would soon get back on its feet and with the assistance of the sold antiques and coins, Aiden’s new pack would thrive as well. Perhaps she’d visit in the future. But she would never return there.

  For her heart belonged here with her pack. Her heart belonged to Ryder. And here, at home, she’d remain, ruling at his side.

  Author’s Note

  If you enjoyed this book, look for others in my Werewolves of Montana series.

  Prequel: The Mating Heat

  Book 1: The Mating Chase

  Book 2: The Mating Hunt

  Book 3: The Mating Seduction

  Book 4: The Mating Rite

  Book 4.5: The Mating Intent, Sienna’s story, out June 2014

  Book 5: The Mating Challenge, Aiden’s story, coming soon

  Book 6: The Mating Season, Tristan’s story, coming soon

  Excerpt from

  The Mating Intent

  Book 4.5

  by Bonnie Vanak

  Sienna, a powerful Shadow Guard Elf, must eradicate the evil inside her or she will die. But the only source available is a healing spring guarded by Gabriel, a panther shifter whose powerful sexual allure made her break her vow of celibacy 25 years ago…

  In less than an hour, she’d see him again.

  Gabriel with his handsome face and rugged body hiding the panther within. He moved like a sleek, exotic big cat.

  Especially in bed.

  She’d made one mistake 25 years ago when she’d surrendered to his erotic touch and spent three glorious nights naked in his arms. And her king’s enforcer had punished her for it.

  Never again. If she had sex this time, she’d be forever banished, never again to associate with her family or her clan. Sienna couldn’t imagine a worse fate—to be left alone, pining for the close company of her own kind.

  She was no longer Shadow, straddling the thin line between darkness and light. The Fae King’s eldest son had died, his evil essence seeping into the earth. Sienna had siphoned that evil, cleansing the earth, but she was now Dark and only the sacred Spring of Danu could save her.

  The spring was in a remote corner of the tangle of swamp and trees they called the Everglades. Unfortunately, it was guarded by a close-knit clan of Wylding shifters, led by Gabriel Sanders, a 200-year-old panther who rarely allowed outsiders access.

  The sun began dipping into horizon by the time she reached Sanders’ Nursery. Twenty-five years ago, the nursery was a single greenhouse. Now the acres of farmland had been turned into rows of cultivated palm trees, orange and lime trees. The store was a monstrous concrete building with a juice stand, picnic tables and even a gazebo.

  He’d turned his little operation into a commercial enterprise.

  Inside, she pushed her way past a crowd listening to a cooking demonstration of organic vegetarian stir fry. Onions, peppers and, green beans scented the air. Sienna’s stomach rumbled, reminding her she’d skipped several meals.

  The darkness had a way of eating at her appetite. If this continued, she’d waste away to bones.

  She made her way over to a sales clerk stocking purple orchids on a shelf next to a glass cooler holding bottled water and juice. “Can you tell me where I can find Gabriel Sanders?”

  “Do you have an appointment?” The woman did not look up.

  Appointment? Sienna tapped a nail against the cooler. “I’m a friend.”

  “Mr. Sanders is quite busy. You need to make an appointment.” The woman stepped down from the wooden ladder and faced her. Sienna caught the fragrance of wood smoke, peat moss and fresh herbs. A Fae, but not Elf like Sienna. This one was Fairy, judging from the delicate bone structure of her thin face, the huge ice blue eyes and her petite height. Her back appeared smooth, but hidden within the knobby points of her shoulder blades were delicate, translucent wings that unfolded.

  This particular Fairy had more than a nodding acquaintance with Gabriel, judging from the spicy scent mingling with the Fairy’s natural fragrance.

  Sienna locked gazes with her. “Tell him I’m here. Now.”

  “I most certainly will not.”

  Enough of this. Sienna felt her fury surface, the darkness clawing at her to show this snotty bitch who was really in charge. Removing the stiletto from the leather sheath tucked into her belt, she held it to the Fairy’s throat.

  “Here’s my appointment. Call Gabriel over or I’ll clip your wings. Permanently.”

  The Fairy’s eyes widened. “Right away!”

  The woman scurried off. Sienna’s hand trembled as she tucked the blade back into its sheath. Overreact much?

  She blamed the evil inside her, always looking to gain a stranglehold, and inflict pain. The dark magick was a hard, heavy ball, spreading its fingers throughout her body. She must use the spring, soon, before she lost her very identity and became as cruel as Terithen.

  Then the Fae King’s enforcer would have no choice but to destroy her and scatter her soul to the four winds.

  Sienna leaned against the cooler, relishing the coldness against her back, and took a minute to regain her composure.

  But when she caught Gabriel’s rich scent of cocoa butter, cool rain showers and musk, her knees buckled. He smelled like sex on the beach, the kind that got you real hot, bothered and aching for more.

  Sienna fisted her hands, trying to control a body suddenly weak with sensual longing.

  Gabriel pushed through the crowds and stood before her.

  Mouth dry, she stared at him. Hair the color of darkest gold was swept back from his forehead, lying in soft waves down to his collar. He’d cut it since she’d last seen him. A well-trimmed dark gold beard and mustache accented the curve of his red, wet upper lip. Deep set green eyes studied her with cool aplomb.

  Gabriel Sanders stood six feet, three inches, all of it muscle and sinew. He wore sturdy tan work boots, faded jeans and an untucked blue plaid shirt. The shirt was rolled up at the elbows, displaying his tanned, strong forearms dusted with dark gold hair.

  He was devastating.

  This time, she’d resist him.

  Gabriel approached and the customers parted like water to allow him through. Sienna stepped away from the cooler and threw back her shoulders. His intense gaze met hers.

  “Hello Sienna.”

  That deep, smoky voice stroked over her like the touch of his calloused hands upon her bare flesh. Sienna’s toes curled in her hiking boots as she remembered him whispering into her ear, his warm breath upon her neck as he surged deep inside her, creating such exquisite pleasure she’d screamed…

  Not. Going. There.

  “Gabriel.” Sienna jammed her hands into her pockets to keep from touching him. “I need a place to stay for a few days and use of the Spring of Danu.”

  He remained silent.

  Gabriel was a big guy, solid and muscled, with a quiet demeanor. You could make the mistake of underestimating him because he seldom talked much upon first meeting someone. Then you realized he was studying you, as a cat studies a mouse he may or may not devour. His silence masked a predatory assessment, determining if you were a threat, or a tasty treat.

  After spending three days of carnal delights in his bed, Sienna knew she’d already been labeled the latter.

  Finally, he smiled. “Same old Sienna. Always very direct in your needs.”

  A flush heated her face as she remembered the last time she’d stated a particular need to him, begging for him to touch her in one place…

  “No point in wasting words. You never do.”

  “Right.” He tilted his head, watching her. “I do have a place where you can stay. And you may use the spring.”

  It was too easy. She tensed, watching the glint in his eyes. Sienna thought fast. “Maybe before I unpack, we should go over your admission price.”

  His gaze darkened and his muscled body took on a sudden intensity. She’d seen this focused concentration before, right before he’d slid deep inside her…

  ”No. Oh no. Hell no.”

  “I didn’t tell you yet.”

  “No need. I can see it here.” Sienna pointed two fingers at her eyes. “I am not spending the night with you.”

  “Pixie, do you take me for someone that clichéd?” He spread out his hands, a wounded look on his face. “I thought you knew me better.”

  “I do, which is why I said it.”

  Gabriel sighed. “My beautiful, stubborn Elf. I would never ask you to spend the night as the price of using the sacred spring.”

  Sienna relaxed a little “What then? Jewels? Money? I can take out a loan.”

  He ignored that. “One night in my bed would never suffice.”

  Uh oh. “Gabriel…”

  Her pulse skittered a crazy beat as he began to circle her, the panther sizing up his intended prey. “I want you naked in my arms when we celebrate the Blood Moon Festival with my clan. You and I making love beneath the open sky for three entire nights, our cries of pleasure honoring the goddess.” He stepped close enough for her to see the gold flecking his jade eyes. “Making love until we’re both panting and sweaty and trembling, and then doing it again. And again. And again…”

  * * *

  Look for The Mating Intent, Sienna’s book, coming June 2014!

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  The Mating Heat

  Copyright © 2014 by Bonnie Vanak

  All rights reserved.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book is a work of fiction. The characters, events, and places portrayed in this book are products of the author’s imagination and are either fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.




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