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Sworn to Protect

Page 26

by Susanne Matthews

  “He said you were dead.”

  “I’m too hard-headed to die from a bump on the head. It’ll take more than a kick in the ribs and a few stitches to keep me down.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “Clive…”

  “Clive’s dead. His death is being reported as a casualty in a home invasion.”

  “He did all this. He wanted the USB drive,” she said, struggling unsuccessfully to sit up.

  He eased her down again. “Did you remember anything when you saw him? You kept saying you didn’t.”

  “He was at the restaurant.” She shuddered. “He admitted as much. It’s the voice I hear in my nightmares, but I don’t remember anything else. I wish to God I did. What will happen now?”

  “Our part in this is over. We get to go away and live new lives now. By the way, you lied to old Clive.”

  “No, I didn’t,” she insisted.

  “You did. I had the flash drive in my pocket when we left the house in Florida. Anderson has it, and you can bet, now that we know what’s on it, Homeland Security will move heaven and earth to get the damn thing open without destroying the data.”

  “Maybe they should talk to this Fred he kept yelling about. If Clive was telling the truth, that man has fifty million dollars of their money and knows the password into that file.”

  “Yeah, but good old Fred gave Tony and Chuck the slip when they delivered Ewan to a secret government installation in Colorado. If Clive’s friends didn’t get the drop on him, then he’s in the wind, and I’m sure he can access those fifty million, but he’s not our problem anymore.”

  “But they want to destroy the government. They have an FBI agent helping them,” she said, her agitation clear in the flush on her cheeks and her frown.

  “I know, honey. I heard most of what Clive said to you, but by now, that group’s been disbanded, and they’ve all gone to ground. Homeland Security won’t give up on them. The FBI is watching Mahoney, and if he so much as farts sideways into the wind, they’ll pick him up. Right now, he’s a potential asset. If they used him before, they’ll use him again once the heat dies down. As soon as you get the all-clear, we’re going to our new home.”


  “British Columbia, in the mountains, like I promised—that is if you still want to go with me. Todd and Meredith will be settling there, too, as my brother and his wife.”

  He watched her face, hoping for the look she’d given him before he’d gone out to the stable.

  “They got married? How wonderful.”

  “They did. In fact, Molly and Terry are already in Nelson picking out a home for us. They’ve got Carrie and Kelsey with them.”

  “Who are Carrie and Kelsey?”

  “Paxton’s orphan daughters. They may have seen one of the people in the C.E.C. and have to be protected at all costs. Molly and Terry are a little long in the tooth to be parents, but if you say no, they’ll step up to the plate. You’ve been through enough as it is. I know you said you wanted a baby, but two girls?”

  “How old are they?” she asked, cocking her head to one side, her eyes glowing with interest and excitement.

  He reached for her hand. “Three and five. I’ve seen pictures. They look like you.”

  She smiled. “I always wanted a big family. Two daughters would be wonderful, but don’t think I’m letting you off the hook. I still want that baby, and you promised to help me with that.” She bit her lower lip.

  He laughed. “Try and stop me. We’ll get started on that as soon as you’re well.” Neil sobered. “I love you, Moira Adams. When Clive shot you, I was terrified I was too late. Life isn’t life without you.”

  “You were right on time,” she said raising her hand to caress his cheek. “You’re always on time. I love you, too.” Tears glistened in her eyes as she smiled up at him. “When can I blow this Popsicle stand?”

  He laughed. “In the morning. Now rest.” He bent his head and kissed her, pouring all the love he felt into it.

  * * *

  Seven months later, Nancy sat at her desk grading the last of the papers. Teaching was everything she hoped it would be, but as much as she loved her job and would miss it next term, she wanted to take time off before the baby came. Carrie needed time alone with her before she became the middle child. The door to her classroom opened, and she looked up, smiled, and stood.

  Two little bundles in pink tutus raced over to the desk, and she caught them in her arms.

  “Are you done your work, Mommy? Hi, baby,” Kelsey said as she always did. She wanted the baby to know she was his big sister, and she would keep him safe the way she did Carrie. The child was old beyond her years, but considering what had happened, it wasn’t much of a surprise.

  “I am,” Nancy said. “How was ballet class?”

  “Good. Carrie can’t pleat, but I can,” Kelsey said.

  “Can so pleat,” the three year old said. “Aunt Molly said so.”

  “She can certainly pleat,” Meredith said coming into the room, trying not to laugh, “but she needs to work a little harder before we can call it a plié. Are you ready to go?”

  “I am. Matt said he had a surprise for us this afternoon. That’s why I skipped ballet to finish marking those exams.”

  “Daddy,” Carrie cried throwing herself into Neil’s arms as he came into the room, dressed in his Ministry of Natural Resources uniform. “Is Smokey the bear sleeping now?”

  “Hi, Munchkin. Yes, he is. We’ll see him again in the spring, about the same time your little brother arrives. Now, are you ready for your surprise?”

  “Yes,” the girls answered as one.

  “We’re going to chop down our very first Christmas tree, and Aunt Molly and Uncle Terry are coming with us. Tomorrow, we’ll decorate it. I hope you two made lots of ornaments for it.” He turned to Meredith. “Molly, why don’t you get them dressed. I need to talk to Moira.”

  Fear gripped her. Had they been found?

  “Relax,” he said, pulling her into his arms. “It’s nothing bad. Anderson called a little while ago. The feds have won their case against Claymore Investments. All assets have been seized, and the Treasury Department is looking into ways of accessing their off-shore accounts. They’ll be laying charges of racketeering and aiding and abetting against a couple of other partners, too.”

  “Have they found Fred or opened Clive’s files?”

  “No, and the partners at Olsen, Jensen, and Merriweather have turned their systems upside down trying to help. By now I’m sure the people involved have all covered their tracks and even if the file is opened, they’ll have alibis in place to protect themselves.”

  “I wish I could remember how I got that file, but try as I might, there’s nothing there. Is Anderson still upset about Todd and Meredith moving here with us?”

  “He thinks it’s risky, but considering we have two marshals protecting four assets, and we’re a long way off the beaten path, he’s adjusting.”

  He bent his head and kissed her, the soft touch of their lips conveying all the love they shared.

  “I love you, Mrs. Adams. Now, let’s go find a Christmas tree.”

  She smiled, knowing that later tonight she had a surprise for him, too. Dr. Galen had confirmed it earlier today. There were two baby boys on their way.

  Love was always enough. You just had to believe.





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